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CE Vendor? A bad joke...


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When are those who purchased the CE going to get what they paid for? The store was the sole reason why I spent £139, the PR made it sound filled with magical wonders that would make my SWTOR experience complete – but it’s TERRIBLE.


You got what you paid for, that you expected something else than what was stated to be included in the CE editions isn't and will never be anyone elses fault than your own.


You get free access to an exclusive "club", non CE/DDE users have to shell out 1 million credits per character to access the area.

You get access to a special CE vendor which was stated would not give an advantage to CE users over normal users, additional items (mostly cosmetic) would come to the shop over time.

You get a physical statue (Limited edition, which was most of the cost for the CE).

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The quality of the physical content isn't in question. That box was really cool. Yet all that counts for nothing when the game is so linear at level one if you look close enough you can see the level 50 content at the end of the tunnel...


...and the CE unique digital stuff is pathetic.


Ah, so there it is. You just don't like the game.


That's a risk you take any time you buy a game. Don't buy the expensive versions if you're hard to please. Your odds aren't good.

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This is one of the reasons I don't spend the extra money (unless it's within $10 sometimes) for CE versions of games. If a company really wants to add stuff to the game or purchase, whether it be for the sake of immersion or otherwise, they'd just add it in by default.


Take for example Skyward Sword, which by default gave those who purchase the game the soundtrack regardless of which version you bought. Another example would be Ni-No-Kuni for the DS (Japanese import), which by default gives the consumer a highly detailed encyclopedia modeled and designed after what you would expect to see in the game universe. That one was clearly for the immersion point, as it's necessary for game progression.


In some aspect for this game, you can consider the free addition of the artifact tier low level crystal that's available for any version, an act along the lines of what I previously mentioned. It seems a bit too "meh" though IMO, given how it really doesn't do much for you by the time you'd use it.

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When are those who purchased the CE going to get what they paid for? The store was the sole reason why I spent £139, the PR made it sound filled with magical wonders that would make my SWTOR experience complete – but it’s TERRIBLE.


If I’m stupid enough to spend £139 on your moderately multiplayer online railroaded persona game (MMORPG) then at least give me the option of buying a clown’s mask and huge shoes from the CE vendor. That way I can role play my stupidity rather than continue being forced into the narrative controlled characters YOU made. I can’t even pick a different type of weapon... ***! This is a question to the role players – how can you role play when everything is already pre-defined for you?


But let’s get back to being constructive – I know how much you forum moderators like to close threads that aren’t.




Bioware, please make the store worthwhile or scrap it and refund the people who were gullible enough to believe sales descriptions were legally binding agreements... Oh wait...



Right now I'd take more orange outfits covering the three armour types. I’m guessing it would be a three hour task for an intern to fill up the vendor but if he’s busy giving people seizures via the UI or randomly putting together new content from your Asian and Indian contractors I guess it can wait... After all you already have my money...



/slopey head with two thumbs up



And all this is coming from someone who dragged friends from WoW and subscribed for 6 months...


I wholeheartedly agree.


The CE vendor was a joke -- you could get better items from any social vendor.


I love this game, I'm subbed for the forseeable future, and really enjoyed the rest of the CE content but this feature was terrible.


An overpriced orange uniform (usable only at level 27+ and much more expensive than better looking equipment available at any social vendor) and a couple of companion customizations was IMHO an absolute waste.


I've purchased collector's editions of every BioWare game since Mass Effect and quite frankly the CE store was not up to BioWare standard of quality.


Heck, the whole VIP lounge is a ghosttown -- at least they could have made the juke box free.


In the grand scheme it's no big deal, but I expected more thought and effort from BioWare.



Alodar :)

Edited by Alodar
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This is silly. You guys getting cheated...


I felt cheated when I got the standard box and all it got inside is 3 dvds. Dudes, even wow had a *********** manual with hundreds of pages inside. 8 years ago.. for the standard edition.



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You got what you paid for, that you expected something else than what was stated to be included in the CE editions isn't and will never be anyone elses fault than your own.


You get free access to an exclusive "club", non CE/DDE users have to shell out 1 million credits per character to access the area.

You get access to a special CE vendor which was stated would not give an advantage to CE users over normal users, additional items (mostly cosmetic) would come to the shop over time.

You get a physical statue (Limited edition, which was most of the cost for the CE).



It's like a self defense system protecting the software. I might be ranting but I'm not crazy (well maybe), I know what I should have gotten and this isn't worthy... (both game wise and CE vendor wise).


So lets get this straight, the CE vendor has only a handful of items that are of interest to a limited number of classes. I dont want the CE vendor to contain Helmet of Jebus or Gloves of Get of my garden. Yet I would expect the CE vendor to have multiple items that cater to multiple classes - cosmetically.


And yes it's my fault that I trusted Bioware. 100% agree. Now how do I trust them to improve the game?

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It absolutely was duplicitous of them. And their subterfuge was plainly visible. The fact that some people may have recognized that and then handed over their money anyway was poor decision-making.


As I said. Learning experience. Perhaps in the future some people will not be so naive and trusting and quick to throw money away.


Truth. I normally get the CE version of the software i buy, but something about SWTOR didn't quite sit right with me for the price they wanted. Glad I've already learned my CE lesson before and just got the Standard Digital edition so i could play early.

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Ah, so there it is. You just don't like the game.


That's a risk you take any time you buy a game. Don't buy the expensive versions if you're hard to please. Your odds aren't good.



Yep I dislike the game, I liked the beta weekends a lot and chose to keep the CE pre-order on the fact I have always like Bioware games...


I enjoyed the game from 1-50. End game is wrecked and levelling up my second character just highlighted how linear and on rails the game is. I felt trapped by the walls around me and that's made me dislike the game. The CE vendor is just something that is funny to me because if they can't fix that what hope does the rest of the game have. Oh that and the marketing tease around it.

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