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CE Vendor? A bad joke...


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Now to each their own but when I looked up the benefits of the CE and the list of swag I thought the special vendor kinda fell into the "Thats nice" category rather than the "**** I must have this" category.


Granted I passed on the whole thing all together I would just expect the people that got the CE would be more interested in the cool statue and the other physical items. Again to each their own.

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Okay, seriously, just WHAT did you expect to be sold by the CE exclusive vendor? Really? They've hinted very strongly in a couple of interviews that the stuff sold there would be mostly cosmetic, and one time they mentioned customization. That's what it sells, and that's what we got.


Now, I haven't visited the store too regularly, so I don't know if they updated its stock yet, since THAT is something they DID advertise with. It could be selling Corso Riggs Customization 14 by now without me noticing, lol.

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So to recap, in the future if you encounter the following situation:


Marketing goon: Buy our CE! It has a vendor that sells awesome exclusive items!

Prospective buyer: Oh yeah? What's he sell?

Marketing goon: Give me your money to find out!


This smells foul, and wise people walk away if they have zero interest in any of the other CE items like the statue or authenticator etc.



Wisdom has nothing to do with it, I trusted a company I have purchased products from before and enjoyed. I feel as though that trust was used against me and rather than simply acknowledging or fixing this (filling a vendor is a fast fix) they have chosen to ignore it.


Plus everyone who subscribes puts trust into the company. You trust they aren't going to ruin things whether intentionally or accidentally over the next month or so. So when a company appears to use that trust negatively how should I react when I'm asked to trust them a month in advance afterwards?


This being an MMORPG shouldn't be an excuse... If I was to buy some jeans from a shop and they weren't satisfactory I could take them back... If I was given moldy bread at a restaurant they'd apologise and replace... But because this is an MMORPG I should just take it? It's my own fault? Perhap this game is the one that broke the camels back for me - but I'm not going to simply accept it. No one should...



Oh and I'm not after anything, just the devs to admit they made a number of mistakes... A bit of transparency goes a long way.... Oh and perhaps MMORPG's to be held in the same field as other trade - so in future if its broken and unsatisfactory people can be refunded. Wouldn't it be nice if devs couldn't rely on hype and spin for initial box sales that couldn't be returned?

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If players leave bigtime, generally they dont bother coming back , thats why these first 3 or 4 months getting major stuff sorted is paramount.




"maybe revisit in 6 months and see what's going on"


The above doesnt generally happen as new games come along.



That's why I said maybe, it's about enjoying a game not staying here to prop up one that doesn't work for you. If he finds a game he likes instead that's the desired outcome surely? You shouldn't have to push yourself to like a game, if you do there is something wrong.


Seriously if you don't want to log in, then don't ... I know a lot of people find a big gap in their schedule without an MMORPG after they play them for a long time, but that no reason to keep playing ;)

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Okay, seriously, just WHAT did you expect to be sold by the CE exclusive vendor? Really? They've hinted very strongly in a couple of interviews that the stuff sold there would be mostly cosmetic, and one time they mentioned customization. That's what it sells, and that's what we got.


Now, I haven't visited the store too regularly, so I don't know if they updated its stock yet, since THAT is something they DID advertise with. It could be selling Corso Riggs Customization 14 by now without me noticing, lol.


An Ewok pet - everyone wants an Ewok pet. I want one to follow me around uttering 'jub jub' at random intervals until I get annoyed and turn him into a stylish coat.

Edited by Loendar
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Okay, seriously, just WHAT did you expect to be sold by the CE exclusive vendor? Really? They've hinted very strongly in a couple of interviews that the stuff sold there would be mostly cosmetic, and one time they mentioned customization. That's what it sells, and that's what we got.


Now, I haven't visited the store too regularly, so I don't know if they updated its stock yet, since THAT is something they DID advertise with. It could be selling Corso Riggs Customization 14 by now without me noticing, lol.


I visit the store once in a while and I knew exactly what I got into with the cosmetic stuff. but thats it, they don't sell anything worth stuff since it is all available out on the other planets. Whats the point of having a CE only vendor when it does not sell anything unique?


That 1 little mount? Yeah its cool, but so far the store is not really satisfactory. They havent even updated it in weeks. I doubt they ever will.

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Okay, seriously, just WHAT did you expect to be sold by the CE exclusive vendor? Really? They've hinted very strongly in a couple of interviews that the stuff sold there would be mostly cosmetic, and one time they mentioned customization. That's what it sells, and that's what we got.


Now, I haven't visited the store too regularly, so I don't know if they updated its stock yet, since THAT is something they DID advertise with. It could be selling Corso Riggs Customization 14 by now without me noticing, lol.



The stuff in the CE vendor doesn't cover all armour types, companions or even provide unique cosmetic pets.


They hinted it would be cosmetic and customization items but was never precise and I feel that was on purpose because this CE store fuelled a lot of intrigue.


If they had been precise then I wouldn't have purchased the CE - I wanted access to everything this game had because I trusted Bioware, love Star Wars and have been an avid MMORPG player for 15 years...


I trusted Bioware to create a CE vendor filled with cosmetic and customisation items at least covering all potential classes...

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That's why I said maybe, it's about enjoying a game not staying here to prop up one that doesn't work for you. If he finds a game he likes instead that's the desired outcome surely? You shouldn't have to push yourself to like a game, if you do there is something wrong.


Seriously if you don't want to log in, then don't ... I know a lot of people find a big gap in their schedule without an MMORPG after they play them for a long time, but that no reason to keep playing ;)



What you say makes perfect sense. The element that grinds is that I convinced several people to leave WoW to try SWTOR. Some have failed to get past level 30 but those that have got to 50 are having such a bad time that I feel angered by what this game is.


And then I look at the game and see everything that they are saying and more because I've done the end game content...


My rose tinted glasses have broken and the sewer I've dragged them into is up to our necks... I want to lash out and make Bioware understand how pathetic this game is - I want my rights to count but I know they don't actually follow me into MMORPG's so developers can do what they want and as a consumer I either take it or leave it...

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You only get access to the security vendor if you use the security key.


Which came with the Collector's Edition. Of course, it doesn't require that you use it unless you want - but I think they are trying to imply that since you got it with the CE that you should use it and therefore have the SK vendor.

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Which came with the Collector's Edition. Of course, it doesn't require that you use it unless you want - but I think they are trying to imply that since you got it with the CE that you should use it and therefore have the SK vendor.


Everyone can get an authenticator (physical or smartphone app). I also feel that the CE store and the mount felt rather pointless in the long run.

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Welcome to EA bro. The company that feeds on your money and good will.


Anyways, not the first time or last time you'll see them pull a fast one on consumers, and the consumers will like it too.


Last time a bought an EA game I was sorely disappointed. Same with this time. Honestly only we can get them to change but everyone seems to be happy with the current situation, which is sad really.


Personally? I don't buy games with dlc as a "with new copies only". In fact, i dont buy dlc at all. I research every game to make sure theres no drm. I will not buy a game with drm anymore, i wont even give it the dignity of illegally downloading it to try it, its instant garbage to me. Blizzard was pushing it, but theyre not too bad. And EA is the first thing i search for now when it comes to purchasing games. Because if their name is on it, itll likely have some garbage aspect to it, or even if it didn't i'd be supporting them which is just immoral

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Everyone can get an authenticator (physical or smartphone app). I also feel that the CE store and the mount felt rather pointless in the long run.


I'm aware of that. The person was commenting on the fact that another player mentioned that you get three stores with the CE by saying that you need a Security Key for that store.


I was simply pointing out that the GET the security key with the CE - so their initial statement was 100 percent valid.

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I bought the CE because I had been waiting for this game for YEARS.


Am I satisfied with my purchase? Yes. I feel special enough, I won't demand über items that is otherwise restricted to everyone else simply because I paid more for the game. If anything, they could add more cosmetic vendors that are not only open to us but to anyone who's got the VIP pass.

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When you saw that the box cost triple what the regular game did, that should've been a red flag that the bulk of your payment would be going to physical items rather than digital ones. That statue would've been sold on its own for easily 100$ (which is what I paid for the other TOR statue from the same company,) the journal is really good quality, and they actually gave you a physical copy of the soundtrack (which I wasn't expecting.) Free authenticator. Cool box. All of that more than pays for the cost of the CE without the digital swag that comes with it. I personally don't care for the orange gear it sells, but I think it's cool that my T7 looks significantly different from every other T7 out there thanks to a customization kit exclusive to the CE vendor. It's a bummer that you thought it was a good idea to drop 100$ just to get an in-game vendor, but really - 100$ just for that? Instead of complaining that you feel cheated, maybe you should be thanking whatever higher power you may or may not believe in that you have a steady enough income to drop that kind of dough on pixels. I'm a proud CE owner, and I don't feel cheated at all.
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What you say makes perfect sense. The element that grinds is that I convinced several people to leave WoW to try SWTOR. Some have failed to get past level 30 but those that have got to 50 are having such a bad time that I feel angered by what this game is.


And then I look at the game and see everything that they are saying and more because I've done the end game content...


My rose tinted glasses have broken and the sewer I've dragged them into is up to our necks... I want to lash out and make Bioware understand how pathetic this game is - I want my rights to count but I know they don't actually follow me into MMORPG's so developers can do what they want and as a consumer I either take it or leave it...


This game is a good start but in many respects unfinished. I'm giving it a while and not making it my sole focus. Maybe you, like me want to get that feel back from a previous MMORPG and are pissed off that this one hasn't done it for you yet. It'd be less annoying if each promising new MMORPG didnt take an age to arrive. Dont burn out here though :)


Also a they must have wanted to leave WoW ... a lot of people are sc****** the barrel trying to keep interest there ... can't blame you for suggesting the most promising solution.

Edited by spoonguy
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I bought the CE because I had been waiting for this game for YEARS.


Am I satisfied with my purchase? Yes. I feel special enough, I won't demand über items that is otherwise restricted to everyone else simply because I paid more for the game. If anything, they could add more cosmetic vendors that are not only open to us but to anyone who's got the VIP pass.



I'm not after any uber items. Just something to go with my Juggernaut or Operative would be nice. Perhaps a differently skinned probe droid... You know something unique to the CE that fits my class?

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