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Please don't let this game become WoW.


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I've been loving this game so far. Huge SW's fan all my life. I understand there isn't a whole lot of end-game content right now, so after I've gotten my main in mostly Rakata gear now...so I'm playing alts and enjoying it whole-heartily, for the most part.


The number one reason why I quit WoW after so many months. Is, because they made it completely about gear. Gear, gear, gear. You get your full suit of Rakata, then what? You wait forever for the next patch for the next tier of set items? Same with PVP, after you get your full set of Battlemaster, then what do you do? It loses its value when there is nothing left to accomplish. It seems so pointless.


I know this has been discussed before, but if they don't add "sand-box" type content, it will be just like WoW... never-ending conquest for gear. I think the best thing they can do is open up space. It makes sense, it is *Star* Wars after-all. Half the movies take place in open space. But I don't see these big-type changes coming anytime soon.


Maybe this "gear grind" is just the formula big-time MMO developers use anymore. I guess it keeps me occupied and entertained longer than most single player games. 3-6 months. But after those 3-6 months, instead of feeling happy I beat the game, I'm angry with the developers and angry at myself for wasting so much time and money. I personally, don't understand how people are still playing WoW after 8+ years. Honestly, I can't see myself playing beyond the 3 months I've payed for.

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I've been loving this game so far. Huge SW's fan all my life. I understand there isn't a whole lot of end-game content right now, so after I've gotten my main in mostly Rakata gear now...so I'm playing alts and enjoying it whole-heartily, for the most part.


The number one reason why I quit WoW after so many months. Is, because they made it completely about gear. Gear, gear, gear. You get your full suit of Rakata, then what? You wait forever for the next patch for the next tier of set items? Same with PVP, after you get your full set of Battlemaster, then what do you do? It loses its value when there is nothing left to accomplish. It seems so pointless.


I know this has been discussed before, but if they don't add "sand-box" type content, it will be just like WoW... never-ending conquest for gear. I think the best thing they can do is open up space. It makes sense, it is *Star* Wars after-all. Half the movies take place in open space. But I don't see these big-type changes coming anytime soon.


Maybe this "gear grind" is just the formula big-time MMO developers use anymore. I guess it keeps me occupied and entertained longer than most single player games. 3-6 months. But after those 3-6 months, instead of feeling happy I beat the game, I'm angry with the developers and angry at myself for wasting so much time and money. I personally, don't understand how people are still playing WoW after 8+ years. Honestly, I can't see myself playing beyond the 3 months I've payed for.


Nice post Spaze.


I'm sick of the WoW-model myself, and I'm really tired of how every game is copy-pasting it these days. I'd like to see some "sand-box" (why they call it than i'll never know) type content added myself. The repetitive gear-grind hamster wheel at the end gets old fast.


I would have perfered SWTOR hadn't copied WoW so closely. The so-called "endgame" on this game may as well be called World of Warcraft2 - minus the effective LFG tool....

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Games like Ultima Online and EVE are "sand-box" type MMOs. Which are the only MMOs I played for 2 years or more. Even when I lost interest in those games, I can still look back and smile and say that I thoroughly enjoyed them and never ran out of stuff to do. Other MMOs I've played : Ragnarok Online, World of Warcraft, AION, Allods Online, Rift. Only ones that come to mind right now. Except for WoW, I quit all others after a month or two. The only ones that didn't leave a bad taste in my mouth were the ones that were free. I keep hearing great things about Star Wars Galaxies, wishing I had played it, then hearing how they ultimately ruined the game to attract more customers.


Looks like I'll have to be more selective of what games I pick up in the future. For the amount of subscriptions x $15/month. The amount of content these developers release per patch is pathetic, a rip off. Highway robbery.


The "copying and pasting" will be never-ending as long as there is a market for it, people buying into it.

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Already is wow. Only not as good.


WoW is every game that came before it.


Just like Castle Wolfenstien,then DOOM, then every 1st person shooter from then on.

Its a genre:

A class or category of artistic endeavor having a particular form, content, technique, or the like.

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Games like Ultima Online and EVE are "sand-box" type MMOs. Which are the only MMOs I played for 2 years or more. Even when I lost interest in those games, I can still look back and smile and say that I thoroughly enjoyed them and never ran out of stuff to do. Other MMOs I've played : Ragnarok Online, World of Warcraft, AION, Allods Online, Rift. Only ones that come to mind right now. Except for WoW, I quit all others after a month or two. The only ones that didn't leave a bad taste in my mouth were the ones that were free. I keep hearing great things about Star Wars Galaxies, wishing I had played it, then hearing how they ultimately ruined the game to attract more customers.


Looks like I'll have to be more selective of what games I pick up in the future. For the amount of subscriptions x $15/month. The amount of content these developers release per patch is pathetic, a rip off. Highway robbery.


The "copying and pasting" will be never-ending as long as there is a market for it, people buying into it.


Well put!


And SWG was an awesome game at one time we even had player "mayors" managing player citys the sprawled for miles!

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Has everyone else played a different WoW than I did? Played about two months of it a year or so back, and it was hard to love. Now that I have SWTOR, I don't even view WoW as a competitor anymore


People like different things? Imagine that.

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So you're happy with having the only goal of collecting new gear every few months and that's it? Playing alts and doing the same exact quests over and over again? And then running the same flashpoints and operations to get the same exact gear on those alts? Over and over again?


Some people like this sort of thing, I posted because I'm not one of those people. Why I thought SWTOR would be different? I have no idea. But, its true, just becuase its "Star Wars" doesn't make it unique. Just because you use a different cookie-cutter doesn't make it taste like a different cookie.


Its just not appealing anymore. I can't say I'm surprised this game is looking more and more that way. But the first time I got my ship and saw the space missions, couldn't tell you how disappointed I was.

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So you're happy with having the only goal of collecting new gear every few months and that's it? Playing alts and doing the same exact quests over and over again? And then running the same flashpoints and operations to get the same exact gear on those alts? Over and over again?


Some people like this sort of thing, I posted because I'm not one of those people. Why I thought SWTOR would be different? I have no idea. But, its true, just becuase its "Star Wars" doesn't make it unique. Just because you use a different cookie-cutter doesn't make it taste like a different cookie.


Its just not appealing anymore. I can't say I'm surprised this game is looking more and more that way. But the first time I got my ship and saw the space missions, couldn't tell you how disappointed I was.


Sounds like you should have done some research before you invested your money.

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Everything you've stated, I've already admitted to. I understand you're trying to defend the game. Reviews for one can be very misleading, and for two, if I had more than a weekend in beta to play the game, I might have never bought it.


Simply, I'm stating my disappointment, like I said I wasn't expecting a revolutionary game. I was expecting something better than this though. My whole post was to try and see if other people feel the way I do. Turns out there is.

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I've been loving this game so far. Huge SW's fan all my life. I understand there isn't a whole lot of end-game content right now, so after I've gotten my main in mostly Rakata gear now...so I'm playing alts and enjoying it whole-heartily, for the most part.


The number one reason why I quit WoW after so many months. Is, because they made it completely about gear. Gear, gear, gear. You get your full suit of Rakata, then what? You wait forever for the next patch for the next tier of set items? Same with PVP, after you get your full set of Battlemaster, then what do you do? It loses its value when there is nothing left to accomplish. It seems so pointless.


I know this has been discussed before, but if they don't add "sand-box" type content, it will be just like WoW... never-ending conquest for gear. I think the best thing they can do is open up space. It makes sense, it is *Star* Wars after-all. Half the movies take place in open space. But I don't see these big-type changes coming anytime soon.


Maybe this "gear grind" is just the formula big-time MMO developers use anymore. I guess it keeps me occupied and entertained longer than most single player games. 3-6 months. But after those 3-6 months, instead of feeling happy I beat the game, I'm angry with the developers and angry at myself for wasting so much time and money. I personally, don't understand how people are still playing WoW after 8+ years. Honestly, I can't see myself playing beyond the 3 months I've payed for.


What exactly would you like added?

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Dear BioWare,


please take a look at lord of the rings online. best game ever in terms of sandbox-timespending.


in lotro you can spend killing orcs for days and cause of the perks you get it feels rewarding everytime.


I like City of Heroes myself. Gear is nearly (but not quite) meaningless. The play is everything. Lots of alts and too much content to experience with just one. And totally goofy customization, like the equivalent of being able to make an all-melee sniper and still have it be not just viable but powerful. Unlike crybaby (all warcry) barbarians from Diablo II.


So far I think SWTOR has similar potential in the form of playing for story rather than gear grind, and playing for the different playstyles of the classes. We'll see how it matures. But I'm definitely hopeful.

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The fundamental, overarching difference between WoW and SWTOR is that The Old Republic has a series of mechanics that relates directly to group questing and leveling. It reaches back to the group effort days of EQ, while combining it with the questing mechanics of Wow. The absolute best way to have a memorable experience out of SWTOR is to play it with a friend from real life, or a family member. You can compete over conversation decisions, experience content together, and receive a double taste of the storyline quests so that when yours is getting stale you can take a look at another class' series.


The end-game is not the point of SWTOR, and that's a flaw for an MMO that wants to attract the solo gamer. The leveling experience is the most engaging of content, especially when done with a partner or partners. It can become a water cooler experience with those you know who also play.


The fully voiced, interactive elements to both receiving and turning in quests makes them far more engaging than wow's questlines for some parts, but the lack of diversity from generic fetch/kill quests undermines this. Ironically, if they borrowed some of the more innovative quest designs from some of wow's crazier quests I think that the leveling experience in SWTOR would be among the best ever devised.

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When I think about what they could add to make this game an unbelievable deal breaker... Here's what I come up with...


Open up space, add planets, galaxies, asteroid fields, comets, stars, space stations, fleets.


Planets that are uncharted and aren't quest driven (not these small planets that are the size of Rhode Island). Add more area to current planets. A place where players can grind and find unexpected items, materials, and enemies. A place where guilds can make their own outposts with individual housing, defense shields, defense turrents, hangars, hired guards and npcs, ect. Some way give guilds and their members their own corner in the market.


Allow you to customize your gear, ship, companions. Anything that is customizable. Different variations of colors and functionality to items. Add more ships, different ships with different functions. Allow people to make ships not just ship parts. Guild capital ships, where you can fly to operations and planets as a guild (every flashpoint and operation start at fleet? c'mon boring)


Allow you to control your ship in space, to be able to pvp and pve in open space. To be able to loot or salvage enemy ships. Mine asteroids for metals, ect. Allow you to board enemy ships.


More classes, more races, more professions, more ways to make your character look and feel unique. (every class in tionese, columi, rakata gear look exactly the same.) Right now they don't have enough content to even justify more than 8 color crystals for god sake. Make the game a little more complex and challenging. The biggest challenge is the operations, in which all you have to do is look up the youtube video for fight mechanics and the best strategy. Leveling in this game is a walk in the park and a joke compared to any of its competitors.


And basically the more I think about it, it sounds like a crack-pipe dream. Even a fraction of what I just said would open up so many possibilities and "end-game content". Bioware themselves stated when asked in an interview, what do you think makes the best MMO, which they replied a mixture of sand-box content and theme-park content. All I've seen is WoW if the humans and orcs were several thousand years advanced. They should have taken elements from different games, but yet again another copy and paste. Oh wait they added voice acting, big woop.

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every mmo maker is using the wow model. why? simple. 8 million suscribers speak for itself.


cos thats what most ppl wants. look at the features (both already in and requested) mainly. eg. barbershop, linking items in chat, model room to look how that armour looks on you, rogue like stealth and sap feature, need or greed roll, raid aka operations at end game, even the color coding ie. grey for junk, green for magical and blue for rares/protype etc are all from WOW. admit it whether u like it or not.


as someone in prior market research background, let me boldly say this-


if any mmo maker does not follow the world of warrcraft route, it will fail.


flame on.

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every mmo maker is using the wow model. why? simple. 8 million suscribers speak for itself.


cos thats what most ppl wants. look at the features (both already in and requested) mainly. eg. barbershop, linking items in chat, model room to look how that armour looks on you, rogue like stealth and sap feature, need or greed roll, raid aka operations at end game, even the color coding ie. grey for junk, green for magical and blue for rares/protype etc are all from WOW. admit it whether u like it or not.


as someone in prior market research background, let me boldly say this-


if any mmo maker does not follow the world of warrcraft route, it will fail.


flame on.


Reixxer, there is millions of people in prison also, but I doubt they all wanna be there and that's what they really want.


Sometimes people just end up in places they don't wanna be. Doesn't nessassarily mean it's such a great place :)

Edited by JeremyDale
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