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What is so great about open world pvp?


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Really I don't understand why you people hold open world pvp as the epitome of pvp and that instanced pvp is crud. Someone explain it to me...


I mean the problem I find with it is that its just mindless zerg vs zerg.

Edited by Moriam
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Na, I prefer grinding some shoebox sized minigame (did someone say massively multiplayer?) for gear (competitive PVP, what?), where I am rewarded whether I win or lose (it's like high school, mummy was always proud of my A for effort E for achievement), and where the outcome is of zero consequence bar the widdle rewards that get me closer to my precious gear carrot.


Minigame gear grinds. PVP just got REAL BRO.

Edited by Jebi
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Na, I prefer grinding some shoebox sized minigame (did someone say massively multiplayer?) for gear, where I am rewarded whether I win or lose, and where outcome is of zero consequence in the large scheme of things.


Minigame gear grinds is where the real pvp'ers go.


Ok fine, so you do not like the "feeling" of instanced pvp being separate from the regular world? So the downside is that we have lop sided fights with one side being outmatched.

I mean who would want unbalanced pvp to begin with? That is the entire reason world pvp in WoW went away.


I mean are you guys that rp nerdy that you have to have the pvp "feel" meaningful? Its one person playing against another person. That is pvp in my book...

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Ok fine, so you do not like the "feeling" of instanced pvp being separate from the regular world? So the downside is that we have lop sided fights with one side being outmatched.


Welcome to world PVP games with two factions or with PVP tacked on as an afterthought (see WOW, see SWTOR). Games which were designed with world PVP in mind have multiple factions, or FFA. Something you obviously have zero experience with.


And it's nothing to do with the feeling of being instanced, it's more to do with the fact that grinding minigames is as about as boring and lame as PVP gets, and is no comparison to meaningful open world pvp in a dynamic world.


I mean who would want unbalanced pvp to begin with?


You're playing SWTOR right? The game where pre-mades get put against pugs? Where fully gear BM players get put against new 50's?


Balanced, lol.


That is the entire reason world pvp in WoW went away.


Sourcing WOW as world PVP game shows how clueless you are.


I mean are you guys that rp nerdy that you have to have the pvp "feel" meaningful? Its one person playing against another person. That is pvp in my book...


Stick with your PVP-lite MMO's brah. Getting rewarded for participating is as good as it's going to get for you.

Edited by Jebi
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Na, I prefer grinding some shoebox sized minigame (did someone say massively multiplayer?) for gear (competitive PVP, what?), where I am rewarded whether I win or lose (it's like high school, mummy was always proud of my A for effort E for achievement), and where the outcome is of zero consequence bar the widdle rewards that get me closer to my precious gear carrot.


Minigame gear grinds. PVP just got REAL BRO.


Ok you edited your post so I will reply again.


The whole game is a gear grind bro....

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No I don't. Explain it to me.


Real pvp is like warm apple pie, it's hard to explain, you just have to experience it for yourself.


If you played Ac1, UO, daoc you'd know what i was talking about.


WoW ruined pvp in all post-WoW mmo's that copied it's "give the children pretty stuff for pvp'ing" type crap.


WoW pvp'ers aren't pvp'ers, they're pve carebears in disguise who expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter.

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Welcome to world PVP games with two factions. Games which were designed with world PVP in mind have multiple factions, or FFA.


And it's nothing to do with the feeling of being instanced, it's more to do with the fact that grinding minigames is as about as boring and lame as PVP gets, and is no comparison to meaningful open world pvp in a dynamic world.




You're playing SWTOR right? The game where pre-made get put against pugs? Where fully gear BM players get put against new 50's?


Balanced, lol.




Sourcing WOW as world PVP game shows how clueless you are.




The carebear is strong with this one.

Maddies will be baddies.



It's okay bro, you're just the guy I single out and kill in 2-3 seconds in Warzones when you don't have the 5x numbers there to help you.

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The way I see it I use real life sports.


You don't give 1 of the teams 2x the number of people on the field and call them better when they beat the other team just due to the fact they had more numbers. That's not fair or anything gloat-worthy.



But if you get 2 teams who have equal number of players and they got to choose who was on those teams then whoever wins gets the gloat-worthy rights.

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Travel back in time to the Emerald Dream server (WoW). World PvP used to be what that server was all about. So....get to work on that time machine so you can experience good times and acquire understanding of how it could be really fun in a game like this.


Just because the open world PvP in this game is horrible crappy garbage doesn't mean that it is always crap. Small group vs small group open world PvP is fun. Standing around spamming AoEs and yanking stragglers out of the group to kill is lame.

Edited by belialle
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Maddies will be baddies.


It's okay bro, you're just the guy I single out and kill in 2-3 seconds in Warzones when you don't have the 5x numbers there to help you.


I remember you now, your the guy I pummeled in UO, threw a hissy fit, and then ran back to your moms teet.


You still mad bro?


Still haven't taken your PVP training wheels off I see?



Edited by Jebi
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Really I don't understand why you people hold open world pvp as the epitome of pvp and that instanced pvp is crud. Someone explain it to me...


I mean the problem I find with it is that its just mindless zerg vs zerg.


it can't be explained really. You would have to play a game that got it right (DAOC) or old school UO to know the fun and thrill of it vs the caned warzones.


Even Connan has decent open world pvp as far as I could tell (just couldn't deal with all the bugs).


SWTOR has it all screwed up. DAOC old school of open world pvp with keeps, sieges, and huge open areas where you never know when or where you were going to get hit. Flying around with group speed buff, everyone spinning the camera around then engaging in what may or may not be an even fight. The most fun is when you get jumped by a bigger group and manage to pull off the win.


Here they have a small narrow zones with a ton of choke points to force you to zerg... They are bascially forcing you to play the worse kind of open world PVP by design.


Open world should be just that, a big open area where groups are looking for a fight. Have some important objectives but no huge choke points where you turn it into caster vs caster. Keep the area actually OPEN so melee can rush in and do thier job while casters are out. Make the area big enough where everyone is not humping eachother in the zone so a group vs group fight takes a while and has a chance of not getting interrupted because the zone is just that big.


bleh... one can hope. Right now in swtor, I pretty much play the instances because the open world pvp is so bad that instances are good in comparison. I totally understand where you are comming from, someone who has not been in a game that got it right wouldn't know. Its like trying to tell a starving guy in africa how great it is to drive a benz.... yeah he might understand the words comming out of your mouth but there is no way he knows *** you are talking about.

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there is no greater thrill then open world pvp.... If your not upset when you die your not playing a good pvp game IMO.....


Take darkfall for example, having just spent the last 2hrs grinding a dungeon along comes a random enemy you see him before he sees you,... YOUR HEART IS POUNDING!!!!


OMG i got a ton of loot on me I need to hide or get out of here, if you get in battle with this guy the feeling will be intense, drug like...... If you win you can't imagine the joy and feeling if you lose you will be ready to kill a kitten...




open world open loot, the thrills of ganking someone and racking in uber loot is just so much fun.

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Welcome to world PVP games with two factions. Games which were designed with world PVP in mind have multiple factions, or FFA.


And it's nothing to do with the feeling of being instanced, it's more to do with the fact that grinding minigames is as about as boring and lame as PVP gets, and is no comparison to meaningful open world pvp in a dynamic world.

Meaningful open world pvp in a dynamic world? What would it be?


You're playing SWTOR right? The game where pre-made get put against pugs? Where fully gear BM players get put against new 50's?


Balanced, lol.

Point taken. I think gear should be less of a barrier to pvp, but with that said if people have equal gear then instanced pvp (because there is a forced 1-1 ratio of people) is a much fairer way to pvp...


Even if everyone has the SAME GEAR in world pvp, then you still have balance issues.


Also your complaint about premades vs pugs is stupid. If you don't like it then make a premade.


Sourcing WOW as world PVP game shows how clueless you are.

Are you retarded? WoW open world pvp (I know right, but there really was some in the beginning) died out because of instanced pvp. Instanced pvp came about because population balance was getting out of control. That is a fact. And I think it is the main reason for SWTOR to move away from open world pvp.

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I remember you now, your the guy I pummeled in UO, threw a hissy fit, and then ran back to your moms teet.


You still mad bro?


Still haven't taken your PVP training wheels off I see?




Never played UO.


Props to keeping your dreams alive of your "self-proclaimed glory days" of playing an MMO that barely anyone touched.

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Travel back in time to the Emerald Dream server (WoW). World PvP used to be what that server was all about. So....get to work on that time machine so you can experience good times and acquire understanding of how it could be really fun in a game like this.


Just because the open world PvP in this game is horrible crappy garbage doesn't mean that it is always crap. Small group vs small group open world PvP is fun. Standing around spamming AoEs and yanking stragglers out of the group to kill is lame.


I agree, open world pvp should still be an option, but the emphasis should not be on it in the future.

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there is no greater thrill then open world pvp.... If your not upset when you die your not playing a good pvp game IMO.....


Take darkfall for example, having just spent the last 2hrs grinding a dungeon along comes a random enemy you see him before he sees you,... YOUR HEART IS POUNDING!!!!


OMG i got a ton of loot on me I need to hide or get out of here, if you get in battle with this guy the feeling will be intense, drug like...... If you win you can't imagine the joy and feeling if you lose you will be ready to kill a kitten...




open world open loot, the thrills of ganking someone and racking in uber loot is just so much fun.


Minecraft sounds like your type of game.

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Are you retarded? WoW open world pvp (I know right, but there really was some in the beginning) died out because of instanced pvp. Instanced pvp came about because population balance was getting out of control. That is a fact. And I think it is the main reason for SWTOR to move away from open world pvp.


And thats why any game with two sides is destined to fail in open world pvp. You need 3 sides to deal with population imbalance.

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