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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

People are exaggerating the few problems SWTOR has.


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here is just some of what you are paying for in a short generlized list


in 6 weeks they have


major and minor bug fixes toall aspects of the game [major = game breaking / minor = annoying but still playable]


patchs to the game every week [and promptly fix issues that a new patch might cause, never once have seen a patch "break the game" as some posts have suggested]


tiered level 50 players in warzones


added new content


addressed and included some fixes to ability lag and performance issues


have implemented nerfs or balancing of classes / crew skills


addressed exploits for pve and pvp


fixed illum - added for troll bait [in my opinon its fixed but not perfect i know everyone loves to hate but hey there are more than 3 people cap trading now and people are actually fighting, hell it can be out right dangerous to go there sometimes to me that is great]


please see patch notes for a more complete list


Yea, it's a good thing full auto is fixed... oh, well i guess it's ok, they fixed mortar, errr, but sages mirror sorcs... hmmm, BH class works grea... and the sith lord at the end of act 1 for imp agent isn't bugged at all... and wins always count for wz's, well, At least voidstar doesn't have any exploits... well, it's ok b/c poor design doesn't spawn defenders instantly on top of defense nodes, oh ****, well, Ilum is lots of fun, but when it's not you can just into a group to play endgame, there's no bugs in that, well if you can find a group. Hope you don't play Republic, and if you do I hope you like "looking for... pst"


Do you want me to keep going? Don't even get me started on crewskills, or how everytime there's a balance problem BW overnerfs so hard they have clobbered Slicing, Cybertech, Biochem, and scoundral/ops.

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Just one example. Try browsing the customer service forums to see just how many "broken" problems there are. Then look at the responses they get. It's pathetic.


Uhm...so the game doesn't work perfectly for 7 or so people who are posting multiple times within the same thread? Out of 2 million +? Sorry buddy.

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Ask yourself this:

If this was any other service would you pay to continue to use it or would you want a refund? If you buy direct tv and you liked the programming, but the service dropped out constantly, channels were always fuzzy and it never really worked properly; and on top of that you could never get customer service to help you only received automated responses. Would you stand for it? Would you not want your money back?


Seriously ask yourself if this was any other product would you tolerate what happens?


Hmmm, I am loving the game, been having a blast since beta. I have not had any game breaking issues personally, and it plays perfect on my machine. So yeah the service has been great for me.

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Just one example. Try browsing the customer service forums to see just how many "broken" problems there are. Then look at the responses they get. It's pathetic.


Go browse any customer service forum for any popular MMO or any game in general. Certain people have issues with the game.


I don't, none of the people I play with have this problem. Game isn't broken.

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People are idiots. They invalidate everyone else problems just because they are not experiencing the issue themselves.


Sorry snowflakes, the world does not revolve around you. If you are not having fun because of the issues then vote the only way that counts and cancel. On the flip side, there are MAJOR problems with this game from design to implementation. Denying that is just as stupid.

Edited by FolookVokun
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They tried to make a cheap ghetto copy of a game that people are sick to death of. Welcome to fail wars. This game is a flop and epic failure. its a shame I can't convince my friend to quit she never played a skill based game and doesn't know what trash this game is.


Funcom's age of failure is better than this **** and its free. When this game stands up against its competition its a turd.

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Hmmm, I am loving the game, been having a blast since beta. I have not had any game breaking issues personally, and it plays perfect on my machine. So yeah the service has been great for me.



People are idiots. They invalidate everyone else problems just because they are not experiencing the issue themselves.


Sorry snowflakes, the world does not revolve around you. If you are not having fun because of the issues then vote the only way that counts and cancel. On the flip side, there are MAJOR problems with this game from design to implementation. Denying that is just as stupid.

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Do you want me to keep going? Don't even get me started on crewskills, or how everytime there's a balance problem BW overnerfs so hard they have clobbered Slicing, Cybertech, Biochem, and scoundral/ops.


thank you for adding to the list of examples of over exaggeration which is what this thread is about


to the rest of your post whats your point. there are things wrong with the game, never said there wasnt. but when someone asked why they are paying a sub, my answer stays the same. so that problems and balance issues will be addressed and not just ignored. and I think bioware is doing pretty good with that, not perfect of course there is allways room for improvement but they are not ignoring issues and are fixing things. you get no appologies because its not fast enough for the i want it now crowd

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Does SWTOR have problems and the occassional bug? Of course. Every game does. WoW had way more bugs than SWTOR at launch but did any of you complain about that? Prolly not


My point is that most of the problems being mentioned are likely greatly exaggerated and in some cases have been made up entirely by trolls (fake ban posts for example). Most performance issues are on the users end because of low end computers as Bioware has already stated.


Please stop complaining about problems which are not Biowares fault or will soon be fixed. They are working hard and gave us one of the greatest MMO's ever made (with the best story by far btw :jawa_biggrin: )


I agree some of the bugs are exagerated, and there is some knitpicking going on.


That doesn't take away from the fact this game does have serious problems though, and most of the complaints are very valid. In any case, if you enjoy the game so much I'm sure you rather go play it instead of fuss about the so called "trolls" on these forums...


In fact, you know I"ve been seeing a healthy increase in the amount of posts lately who are fussing about negatives postings... I guess even you guys who claim to love the game are getting bored now too :)

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A lot of the bugs are super annoying when they affect one's gameplay. I'd also add that the "complainers" must care enough about the game to put the energy into writing a list of their grievances rather than just disappearing back into the internets. = p
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I was actually a gamer during the 90's and know what a broken game looks like. It's borderline unplayable and not fun. A broken car does not run, a broken TV does not turn on, etc. That's broken.


This game is neither. But since people don't understand the difference between non-functionality and optimization, the word broken is used.


Non functionality would apply to Swtor if the games issues were say Melee tanks having no AoE threat support for AoE abilities. Kind of like when you have engine trouble because you have to replace a fuel line or piston in a car. Almost makes it "broken" but not really. You can still use the vehicle and Melee tank but generally there might be some issues. When a games core mechanics and systems fail, bug, break or others wise faulter it's broken, just as a T.V. does when you can't turn it on, seeing animation delay, fps drops, stuttering etc also means those mechanics and systems are broken.


But hey semantic anecdotes are always the best way to prove you have a point. I mean playing since the 90s, wheew, I would hate to see all those Atari/Concord gamers say hi.


Hello btw.

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The bugs in this game may not be broken for YOU, but they are for ME, and for many others.


I primarily play so I can raid. I also pvp some, both on my 50 and on a lowbie... typically with a pre-made group. But the bugs have stripped my enjoyment of the game.




End Game Raiding Bugs


It's a gamebreaking bug when you're resetting an instance multiple times just so you can CLICK on a pylon that for some reason isn't clickable.


It's a gamebreaking bug when something that's supposed to be a DoT one-shots members of your raids.


It's a gamebreaking bug when reticules that are supposed to show up, don't.


It's a gamebreaking bug when you're getting a boss down to less than 3% and he randomly disappears.


It's a gamebreaking bug when you typically like to min/max gear and you go to loot a boss and he either a) doesn't have loot or b) has way less loot than he should have or c) has all inquisitor gear for some reason. (And in all honesty, there's no reason to min/max your gear in this game, because the fights are easy... EXCEPT for the bugs.)




PVP Bugs


You sit in queue for 10 minutes, get in a game, win, and then it doesn't count. Sure, I can keep playing, but it sucks when it was going to be "one last win" before you log off, and now you can't finish your daily.


They patched this... and now they're patching the same bug... AGAIN!




I'm not sure what else you guys are doing at 50 that you get so much enjoyment out of. Maybe you're still leveling or leveling an alt. I'm not a big alt person, so maybe this just isn't the game for me. But saying that these are minor bugs is just ridiculous. People are achievement driven and Bioware seems to be doing everything in their power to prevent that.


Oh, it's even better when you submit a ticket about your bug and you get a "customer service droid" replying to you with an answer that has absolutely nothing to do with your bug. (aka, they have zero reading comprehension)


Even at this point, I would have been ok with some of these bugs if they would actually communicate that they recognize that people are having these problems. But it's like they're brushing them under a rug. Rift had issues on certain boss encounters - and yes, it would be frustrating. But they also addressed these bugs quickly, and openly communicated what they were working on.


Anyway, if you guys are enjoying the game, good for you. Just understand that some of these issues are gamebreaking for others.

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You are just fooling yourself if you don't agree that the PvP bug isn't a big deal. You win but you get NO win, I mean really that's not a problem??? Numerous operation and flashpoint bugs need to be fixed as well. It's not something that can't be fixed but you are beside yourself if you see no problems with these issues. Either that or you do not PvP for your daily or do FP and operations.

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Is swtor missing almost every decent feature modern mmo's have and that people take for granted? (server transfers/forums/cross server bg's, instances/in game, out of game re-customization) Sure, does it have more bugs then my ant farm? sure. Isn't it missing more graphical configuration then it has? sure.


But guys come on...can't we all just accept what we're given without complaint?


Wont sticking our heads in the sand be far better then trying to get problems addressed?


I see what you did there! Bravo!

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With the budget avaliable this game should have been amazing, truly amazing, and it's just a decent MMO with excellent voice acting and a story.


Do I like it?, Sure, but if it wasn't for Bioware, story and it being Star Wars I would have quit after a week. Not because it is a bad game, but simply because without those three things it is just plain average in everything.


The issue is that people doesn't want to play average....they want great, and are disappointed with silly mistakes that shouldn't happen from a developer of this quality.


Thank you.

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People complained at WoW Launch for a plethera of reasons.. but keep in mind standards were lower back then. Much, much lower.
Too bad the code for game features doesn't write itself or come in DD plug & play modules. But then again, I hear the tools are so good nowadays that scratch programming and debugging aren't even necessary anymore. Programmers are getting replaced with bionic sims that come with organic function libraries. Plug 'em in, push a button and bang - there ya go. Haptic conversions included. Plus they're macro'd so they never screw up. Bugs? Thing of the past. Ask Microsoft. Why use live voice actors, orchestras and an entire recording enterprise when simple synth sound design is so much cheaper? Would have saved 5 minutes in the scrolling credits alone. No need for animated cut scenes either. I mean, what's the sense of interacting with cinema when I could be robotically gear grinding for ilevel supremacy in a game where ilevel supremacy doesn't matter?


Man, can't wait for that Android port of Rift.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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Too bad the code for game features doesn't write itself or come in DD plug & play modules. But then again, I hear the tools are so good nowadays that scratch programming and debugging aren't even necessary anymore. Programmers are getting replaced with bionic sims that come with organic function libraries. Plug 'em in, push a button and bang - there ya go. Haptic conversions included. Plus they're macro'd so they never screw up. Bugs? Thing of the past. Ask Microsoft. Why use live voice actors, orchestras and an entire recording enterprise when simple synth sound design is so much cheaper? Would have saved 5 minutes in the scrolling credits alone. No need for animated cut scenes either. I mean, what's the sense of interacting with cinema when I could be robotically gear grinding for ilevel supremacy in a game where ilevel supremacy doesn't matter?


Man, can't wait for that Android port of Rift.


Whats the sense in dumping more time and money into the music and voice acting then into the actual game? Because that's what the game feels like. As far as Android grinding, once you get past lvl 30 thats all you do. As to the rest of it they had 6 years and $200million, this is not even close to what you would expect from that kind of money.

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Does SWTOR have problems and the occassional bug? Of course. Every game does. WoW had way more bugs than SWTOR at launch but did any of you complain about that? Prolly not


My point is that most of the problems being mentioned are likely greatly exaggerated and in some cases have been made up entirely by trolls (fake ban posts for example). Most performance issues are on the users end because of low end computers as Bioware has already stated.


Please stop complaining about problems which are not Biowares fault or will soon be fixed. They are working hard and gave us one of the greatest MMO's ever made (with the best story by far btw :jawa_biggrin: )


if swtor is kotor3 or another console game,

i will give it high score after they fix bugs,

but it is a MMO, and charge u $15 per month,

so ppl didnt exaggerate it.

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