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UI probably out on 21 , what to do until then ?


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Because they added flashing effects on the UI in the last patch.


I hope they let me keep the UI changes because I actually like them, but I want everyone who is having a hard time to be helped. Just thought I should mention that so you don't think I am completely heartless.

Edited by Thaltom
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I highlighted the important parts. They got skimmed over.


Those flashes don't happen at the same time, every 1.5 seconds on the border of the screen.

those usually happen in the center of the screen, right where most people are looking at.


They don't cause the brain to tell the eyes to look left, right and bottom at the very same moment every 1.5 seconds.

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I actually like the new UI, reminds me a little more of WoW when you'd get a blink to show that a CD finished.

This game has had flashing lights since day 1, it seems far fetched that the UI is the source of the issue when there's being flashing lights the whole time.

I hope they have an option to get UI animation for those of us that aren't complaining.


Lastly, I knew StrikeOfLight would post in here, every time I see a thread on the UI he comes in complaining

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They ARE fixing it so again how does this justify a refund?
Because the changes were pointless and unnecessary?


I'd love to see a statement as to why they've gone through four GCD UI animations since release.


Especially when most agree the original GCD UI animation was fine. Was it somehow the source of ability delay? What's with the hardline approach to sc****** any previous mechanic or feature, even if it was working/successful?


It just seems really strange, almost reflective of some internal issues within the development team; I've been through that before with WAR, and I know developers are every bit as much human beings as the players, and are just as prone to becoming petty.


Anyway, there's no need to be appreciative when they're fixing something they needlessly broke. I wouldn't put it past them, or any developer at this point, to intentionally break something just so they can "fix" it and say, "hey, look, we care, we fixed it."

Edited by Ansultares
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Same for my wife. Highly prone to migraines. She isn't having any issues with migraines.


I actually have liked the change. I barely pay attention directly to the bar and the flash is a nice thing that is easily caught in the peripheral to know I can do something else...


Now, if BW would only put in some other kind of flashy thing so let me know when procs happen...


Like I said earlier...I wonder if people who click are more affected. I too have liked the change, but I barely look at my bars. The change helps me see when a key ability is off CD but not because I have to actually LOOK at it. I can just see it better from the corner of my eye.


Here again, all those who have been overly defensive, I certainly have not suggested there ISN'T a problem. There clearly is, to have so many people reporting problems. Just because I myself don't have a problem doesn't in any way mean there ISN'T a problem. I am VERY glad BW is addressing this and taking a step toward PLAYER CHOICE.


May this be a herald of MANY MORE PLAYER CHOICES to come! xD

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This leaves me so confused, people are claiming to be actually sick from this UI, I don't get sick from it, it just annoys me and well I don't game to get annoyed.


So BioWare decides to provide everyone with multiple options, that's a good start, but it's going to take TWO WEEKS to launch it. Why not roll back to the last update RIGHT NOW, and then release your new **** in two weeks.


This decision to keep something implemented in your game for two weeks, when the majority of players think it's terrible, goes beyond the capabilities of my mind. I just don't understand, does BioWare not know how a MMO works? This isn't a one time purchase where people who didn't like Dragon Age 2 just put it down and never played it again(though they still whine on the forums, go figure), you need people to continue to pay for this game, and decisions like this, leave even the hardcore BioWare nuthuggers wondering if they should stick with playing this game or not.


I've already told multiple people who were planning on buying this game because just last week I was riding this hardcore to not waste their money because BioWare is showing they don't know what to do in a MMO. Taking the worst aspects of WoW and putting it in SWTOR but yet leaving the things Blizzard actually did right and not using it. Baffling. And then the cherry on top is taking the thing that killed Warhammer and putting it in SWTOR. Beyond baffling.

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Because the changes were pointless and unnecessary?


I'd love to see a statement as to why they've gone through four GCD UI animations since release.


Especially when most agree the original GCD UI animation was fine. Was it somehow the source of ability delay? What's with the hardline approach to sc****** any previous mechanic or feature, even if it was working/successful?


It just seems really strange, almost reflective of some internal issues within the development team; I've been through that before with WAR, and I know developers are every bit as much human beings as the players, and are just as prone to becoming petty.


pointless and unessesary is debatable and and that opinion can change dependeing on who you ask but thats not what this thread is about. the OP wants a refund because the flashing lights make him sick so he cant play. so i will ask more directly

How can Bioware be held responsible for another persons medical condition?

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This leaves me so confused, people are claiming to be actually sick from this UI, I don't get sick from it, it just annoys me and well I don't game to get annoyed.


So BioWare decides to provide everyone with multiple options, that's a good start, but it's going to take TWO WEEKS to launch it. Why not roll back to the last update RIGHT NOW, and then release your new **** in two weeks.




If they do a rollback, It will cause a downtime which will make people cry, that the game is unplayable. it's an endless cycle.

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This leaves me so confused, people are claiming to be actually sick from this UI, I don't get sick from it, it just annoys me and well I don't game to get annoyed.


So BioWare decides to provide everyone with multiple options, that's a good start, but it's going to take TWO WEEKS to launch it. Why not roll back to the last update RIGHT NOW, and then release your new **** in two weeks.


This decision to keep something implemented in your game for two weeks, when the majority of players think it's terrible, goes beyond the capabilities of my mind. I just don't understand, does BioWare not know how a MMO works? This isn't a one time purchase where people who didn't like Dragon Age 2 just put it down and never played it again(though they still whine on the forums, go figure), you need people to continue to pay for this game, and decisions like this, leave even the hardcore BioWare nuthuggers wondering if they should stick with playing this game or not.


I've already told multiple people who were planning on buying this game because just last week I was riding this hardcore to not waste their money because BioWare is showing they don't know what to do in a MMO. Taking the worst aspects of WoW and putting it in SWTOR but yet leaving the things Blizzard actually did right and not using it. Baffling. And then the cherry on top is taking the thing that killed Warhammer and putting it in SWTOR. Beyond baffling.



this is the issue!! nicely written mate.

Its not about how is it doing , why is it doing , its great , its horrible , issue is here , if u guys wonder why pls go check other threads and read over 3000 answers on them :D ok skip most read only interesting ones.

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You ditched the fun-o-meter?


Was it fanboys getting you down, or BW asking politely/maybe not so politely?


Usually the combat's in the center of your screen, not neatly distributed around the peripheral like the UI is.


It's a terrible UI; I don't see how anyone even bothers to defend it, unless they're diehard fanboy or flat out paid employee.


I'm not even playing the game anymore. I CAN'T play the game. Fun-o-meter is useless now.


Ungh. Bioware has three days left on my sub when I can start playing again. If it isn't better, I'm out and never coming back and never buying anything from Bioware again.

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pointless and unessesary is debatable and and that opinion can change dependeing on who you ask but thats not what this thread is about. the OP wants a refund because the flashing lights make him sick so he cant play. so i will ask more directly

How can Bioware be held responsible for another persons medical condition?


Imagine your preferred bakery changes the recipie of your preferred bread and adds something that makes you sick.

You can test and repeat the test and reach the result of being sick after eating that bread 100%.

Not a problem of the bakery when a percentage of their customers show those symptoms.

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pointless and unessesary is debatable and and that opinion can change dependeing on who you ask but thats not what this thread is about. the OP wants a refund because the flashing lights make him sick so he cant play. so i will ask more directly

How can Bioware be held responsible for another persons medical condition?


pls reread my first post again , i wrote we are hardly getting refound ! my question is what are we suppose to do until the new ui is released ?

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Meh, doesn't bother me none. If you have a sensitivity to bright and flashing lights... playing video games probably isn't a smart idea to begin with. God help you if you ever go to a WZ. Lightning and flash bang grenades galore. Maybe you should try mine sweeper.
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How can Bioware be held responsible for another persons medical condition?
Maybe they can't legally be held responsible, though warnings alone don't provide complete legal immunity, but they sure can be held accountable in the court of public opinion.


Still no answer on why they've gone through four different GCD UI animations.


Or why they seem to change the GCD UI animation with every single patch, when there are bigger issues that need to be addressed.


I think it's Operation "Let Them Quit," personally. They're trying to shake off as many non-committed subscribers as possible.


Like the OP, who by all rights should just cancel because BW clearly doesn't give a **** about him.

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Meh, doesn't bother me none. If you have a sensitivity to bright and flashing lights... playing video games probably isn't a smart idea to begin with. God help you if you ever go to a WZ. Lightning and flash bang grenades galore. Maybe you should try mine sweeper.


If u don´t know what problems is , and u dont bother to read , why do u bother to write ? :D

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You ditched the fun-o-meter?


Was it fanboys getting you down, or BW asking politely/maybe not so politely?


Usually the combat's in the center of your screen, not neatly distributed around the peripheral like the UI is.


It's a terrible UI; I don't see how anyone even bothers to defend it, unless they're diehard fanboy or flat out paid employee.


Ok so because I have a different opinion to you and I like the UI changes, that makes me a fan boy? I really hate the term "fan boy" used too much by people who hate when people don't agree with them.


There are lots of things I don't like that other people like, it dose not make them fan boys, it makes them different. Seriously you people are just as closed minded as the people you call fan boys, both unwilling to accept that opinion is subjective and that people don't have to agree with you.

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No, I'm level 31. I assume that makes me not qualified to opine on this subject. My apologies for treading where I do not belong.
As I said before, I feel like I've been spared only because I'm re-leveling a jugg, now only level 16, and have 1/4th the abilities of a 50.


It gets alot worse when you have full hotbars, and it's functionally worse when you have alot of reactive or condition-dependent abilities, such as with a high level sith warrior or jedi knight.

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Played the game for ~1 hour after patch was released. Started to get a headache. Has never happened to me before (except on rare occasions were I would game like 8 hours straight). I guess I could force myself to play more, test lighting conditions etc. but I'd rather not make myself a guinee pig especially when so many others have posted similar experiences.


Come on, this is really ridiculous, there are all sorts of flashing lights all over the screen... blaster fire, and lightsabers going off all over the place dont give you a headache... but the UI does?


I don't buy this, the new UI is absolute crap, and annoying, but saying it is unplayable and giving people headaches seems like a pretty big stretch.

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Ok so because I have a different opinion to you and I like the UI changes, that makes me a fan boy? I really hate the term "fan boy" used too much by people who hate when people don't agree with them.


There are lots of things I don't like that other people like, it dose not make them fan boys, it makes them different. Seriously you people are just as closed minded as the people you call fan boys, both unwilling to accept that opinion is subjective and that people don't have to agree with you.


I get the feeling someone's been called a fan boy before and is a little bitter about it....

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No he said it might be out then. Whatever. I think ill go play another game. Thanks for all the fish.



So bw announced that ui change will be out on 21 ( they said 20 , since patching day is tuesday my guess is 21 )

I dare to say that is unacceptable , what are we suppose to do until then ? Are we going to be refound somehow ( hardly ) for not beeing able to play at all or class which we want ( jedi knight , sith warrior etc..)

Today i got an answer on ticker , where was written that devs are reading forums ,and sometimes respond I would like them to write respond to this , as many other players probably would also.

You can fix PvP bug in matter of days but UI problem which makes ppl sick , their characters unplayable etc.. no ?? In matter of 2 days there were about 350 pages in about 4 or 3 thread about this problem.For 2 days almost no respond from bw ... and now two more weeks ?


Pls no trolls on this post , I do understad many of players like it , and I have no problem with it , I don´t as many others. So if you come here to insult us , don´t bother.

Lets make this thread really meanigfull and let show bw that players care !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! even though bw obviously don´t.

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