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What Effect Did Star Wars: The Old Republic’s Launch Have on World of Warcraft?


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True as things now stand.


Although this is a matter of opinion, to many swtor is fun and immersive (it is to me despite it's flaws). There is much that is just great and to love about the game which could keep people playing for a long time.


Whether swtor can be good long term, forgetting about the issues it faces, is no different than any other mmo. It depends on content and feature additions.


So we will see. I know that wife and I will be around for about six months and hope that BW can get it's act together so we can be here longer. I am confident that there will indeed be new content and features, but not so much that BW can "fix" the game.


Not going to argue. It defiantly has potential. I think it's just disappointing that they rushed it because they wanted to beat everything else out the door. That was their biggest issue. Everything else is going to be subjective from person to person. TOR was immerseive the first time through for me as well. Then I made an ALT and that got shot out the window because everything was the exact same the second/third time through. Tie in the WZ wins not counting and it just becomes frustrating. Also with the Illum no roll back was completely unfair to those that were on the short end of the stick.

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Most the bug fixes they put in place either don't fix things or break something else. Yes they do fix bugs but half the time something else pops up. It's something around a 1:1 ratio of break:fix or 2:1 break:fix...


The Dev tracker is actually fairly empty. Yesterday was probably one of their biggest post days with about 6 posts. Some of which was patch notes and commenting in their own threads. On a day to day basis you'll see more Dev post that have to do with "don't troll" or "we're locking this tread" than you will commenting about issues.


Just because we go a day or two without much info doesn't mean they aren't commenting...They are giving us info as soon as they have something they can share with us and things are getting fixed in a timely manner...I also know of another game that fixes one thing and breaks a ton more....Ret Pallies after the last bug fix patch would like to say hi.



Not going to argue. It defiantly has potential. I think it's just disappointing that they rushed it because they wanted to beat everything else out the door. That was their biggest issue. Everything else is going to be subjective from person to person. TOR was immerseive the first time through for me as well. Then I made an ALT and that got shot out the window because everything was the exact same the second/third time through. Tie in the WZ wins not counting and it just becomes frustrating. Also with the Illum no roll back was completely unfair to those that were on the short end of the stick.


Gonna have to disagree...I've gone through Dromund Kaas multiple times and it never gets old...seeing how my different characters respond and how the dark side and light side choices effect my outcomes, its entertaining every time. WZ ties will be fixed in time...probably not a huge priority and it shouldn't be at this point and the ilum thing is slightly disappointed but PvP is just a minigame to me.

Edited by Mormack
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1)To repeat myself again, Asians are Human beings, and there are very hardcore guilds in Taiwan and Korea. An Asian sub does count as a sub.


2)I can't help but chuckle each time someone lambast Blizzard creativity on the forum of a licensed game. I mean, let's repeat this slowly. You laugh about Blizzard ripping off of asian movies in a game titled Star Wars ?


Lets repeat this slowly...


WoW is nothing but a cheap Fisher Price rip off of the Warhammer Fantasy Battle realm which was then dumbed down for kids and tweaked just enough to avoid a law suit.


Creativity indeed.



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I really hope this isn't the game that kills WoW. It's so unimaginative that, if this is the way that the popular MMO industry's going, I might as well just pack it in.


Also please don't hold up Star Wars as a comparably better IP than Warcaft, neither are worthy of any excessive praise. The former a George Lucas production which was comparably good for cinema and the latter a recycled mess of Tolkien, Lovecraft and other creative sources.

Edited by Laranth
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That's an opinion. I personally am finding the lack of some of those "features" (PvP in a box, flying mounts, and Cross Server PvE I'm looking at you) to be why I love this game so much. I don't have to worry about idiots from other servers acting like fools because they didn't get their way or ninjaing. I don't have to sit there and watch as PvP becomes these little 2v2 and 3v3 fights that lead to sweeping changes every single patch. I don't have to worry about a lot of that stuff in this game and that's why I love it.


As long as they make it so you can't roll need on stuff you can't use there is nothing to worry about with ninjaing anyway. That is not a valid complaint against a robust LFD system.

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Just because we go a day or two without much info doesn't mean they aren't commenting...They are giving us info as soon as they have something they can share with us and things are getting fixed in a timely manner...I also know of another game that fixes one thing and breaks a ton more....Ret Pallies after the last bug fix patch would like to say hi.


I'm not saying that it doesn't happen. But it seems to happen every patch. And it's not that we don't get much info, it just seems we get none. They don't ever comment on any of the larger topics. I doubt it's because they're not paying attention. I just think they need a better community manager. I think if people see them reaching out and say "we're aware of x issue" it helps. But then again, if they claim to fix something more than twice and it's still broken then people start to flip their lid. Look at what happened with the last Ilum patch. It took a while for them to respond the first time. Then about 8 hours for them to respond again.

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Who cares.


Why care.


That website is amongst the worst on the web.


I'm playing and enjoying TOR and don't really care what's going on in other successful MMORPGs.


Been done with WoW for a while and I personally consider Rift the better game at this point (very similar gameplay, more content and variety of content at endgame and throughout, ungodly faster delivery of new FREE content, far better character development system (rich instead of ever reduced to childish levels). Raiding in Rift is as good or better. Who cares about PvP since PvP is crap in all PvE MMORPGs (especially TOR where it's an uber loot giveaway for the enfeebled). Anyways.


Loved WoW while I played it til bliz started flushing it. Got tired of Bliz greed and lack of giving anything for the sub dollar. Will forever respect WoW for what it is and what it has done for the genre. Will forever consider WoW haters/bashers to be clueless nublets.

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Electronic Arts Inc. EA -4.62% *shares fell 4.4% after Macquarie Securities downgraded the video game publisher to neutral from outperform.




This still doesn't mean SWTOR was the cause of this. Stock is constantly changing. To further prove this point, EA has been on a decline since November 3, 2011 before SWTOR was released so.

Edited by Zyanzor
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Just look on Google Finance. Electronic Arts is on the Nasdaq as EA. They have a nice graph that shows the decline since the beginning of the month. They even have links to news stories about EA.



Funny how people will only see the bad, rather than the good of a 6.1% climb as of February 2.


Stocks fluctuate. Has no bearing on the game. Go figure.

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Tera Online and GW2 will be TOR' main competitor. I think TOR will struggle in the latter stages of the year. Not only will it be competing with Tera and GW2, but also the WoW Xpac. TOR will still have it's supporters that love SW, but it will lose the MMO fans. I hope it still does enough to keep it's head afloat, because any competition is healthy. As consumers we are the real winners by competition.
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ha ha ha....


Tell that to the people who were playing WoW at launch (that includes me)....


"a good game that is close to bug free as possible"


I almost fell off my chair...:)



Right because any MMO with out problems is impossible. Wow launched in 2004 and the bugs it had were bearable annoying yes and frustrating but bearable. TOR is a 2011/12 MMO and has combat lag, bad perforamnce and such and each patch has it's own patch constantly. Kids these days and their wow hate is that the cool thing now?

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Tera Online and GW2 will be TOR' main competitor. I think TOR will struggle in the latter stages of the year. Not only will it be competing with Tera and GW2, but also the WoW Xpac. TOR will still have it's supporters that love SW, but it will lose the MMO fans. I hope it still does enough to keep it's head afloat, because any competition is healthy. As consumers we are the real winners by competition.


Tried beta of Tera and Im gonna have to say the way you can customize your UI without any addons is amazing. Not being able to move around the bars in SWTOR has alienated the players who has multiple screens and giving them a sub par experience compared to someone with lower graphics.

Edited by Marmerus
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WoW has some massive flaws to be sure but it would have to slide a long way down the hill to be worse then this game. Story lines in SW are incredible, but when there finished you left with a grind that is the worst ever seen.




Obviously you never did the WoW honor rank grind.


EDIT: Or any serious MMO grind for that matter.

Edited by DecimaPoiuytr
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Tera Online and GW2 will be TOR' main competitor. I think TOR will struggle in the latter stages of the year. Not only will it be competing with Tera and GW2, but also the WoW Xpac. TOR will still have it's supporters that love SW, but it will lose the MMO fans. I hope it still does enough to keep it's head afloat, because any competition is healthy. As consumers we are the real winners by competition.


If TOR struggles later in the year I suspect it will be from lack of content, not because of TERA or GW2.


Asian games like TERA (or as I call them, "Swords-and-Panties" games) tend to have limited appeal in the West, and GW2 being non-subscription has a completely different psychology and I don't think will pull that many subs away from TOR. What non-sub games tend to do is just help fill up time while people remain subbed to an MMO where they don't have enough to do anymore.

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Around 20 upon release down to about 17 range now. Not a huge drop. It's big drop was at the beginning of November.


What's scary is not EA, but Zynga...investors really think that company is worth the paper its printed on, then I don't know who's more foolish, they or Zynga's customers. Talk about a company with no redeeming product at all, that has open hostility to its own customers...not to mention customer support and buggy games that are *really* worth crying about.



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btw, I will repeat myself guys. I wanted to switch


But my ''dead'' server, US-Eredar, have double the amount of people in SW than the amount of people in the fleet.


Also, throw rocks at me, but even if I like playing a Jedi Consular with princesse Leia infamous outfit, it take me up to 40 minutes on peak time to find a flashpoint....


Well, my WoW server, Windrunner, has about 5-600 people online at primetime on Alliance, on a 5-1 alliance to horde server, while my Swtor server has 1000+ empire online at the same time...so there?

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There is no source, just an investor group getting a hair up their *** because EA hasn't talked about SW:ToR financials in 7 days. Meanwhile, these guys gush about Zynga, proving once again they couldn't find their ******e with a map, flashlight and funnel...

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Obviously you never did the WoW honor rank grind.


EDIT: Or any serious MMO grind for that matter.


I work with a former High Warlord level 60 hunter... people think SW has a PvP grind? LOL.. imagine not being able to leave your computer because if you miss one BG queue you might not get HWL... that's a grind my friends. lol

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