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What Effect Did Star Wars: The Old Republic’s Launch Have on World of Warcraft?


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The WoW freebies were strategically placed to show no change in their subscription.


In all fairness, the two games, while similar in gameplay, play to a totally different player base.


The min/max end game raid junkies won’t be happy with TOR for another couple months.


I won’t discredit WoW, as I played it for many years and is a pretty solid game, but certain grouping tools have degraded the community into something I would never be willing to return too.

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To answer the title...none. SWTOR had zero impact on WoW. Now it remains to be seen how MoP, SC2's expansion, DOTA, GW2 and Tera have an impact on SWTOR. More than likely SWTOR won't be able to hold up for very long.


Old Republic has done made me more interested in GW2 then any trailer for GW2 has.

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To answer the title...none. SWTOR had zero impact on WoW. Now it remains to be seen how MoP, SC2's expansion, DOTA, GW2 and Tera have an impact on SWTOR. More than likely SWTOR won't be able to hold up for very long.



The only one on that list that will have any effect on this game is MoP.


SC2 and DOTA are different Genres

GW2 is F2P once you buy the game. It comes with a different psychology.

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I work with a former High Warlord level 60 hunter... people think SW has a PvP grind? LOL.. imagine not being able to leave your computer because if you miss one BG queue you might not get HWL... that's a grind my friends. lol


Most people who went for HWL/GM just shared accounts anyways, or botted in BGs. I know the ones on my servers did.


Anyways, the amount of hate in this thread is hilarious. Play the game you like and let others play the game they like.

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The only one on that list that will have any effect on this game is MoP.


SC2 and DOTA are different Genres

GW2 is F2P once you buy the game. It comes with a different psychology.


How will they not have a effect, genre,p2p or f2p have no bearing. If some one is spending their time on a diffrent game then they are spending their time on a diffrent game.

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This game is not WoW killer. In fact, it's hardly on the radar of big names in the market.


Blizzard had to be doing back flips 2+ years ago when Biofail announced this was going to be another trinity clone with a story slapped on. They were toasting their predictions come the first beta weekend when this proved to be a bug-ridden, uninspiring monstrosity with no legs.


Every time a game releases that fails to live up to expectations, it can only help WoW. It's the best marketing available -- the kind you could never buy. Oh, sure, they lose subscription numbers for a month, but in the end the collective heads tilt in a sorrowful nod, the masses sadly acknowledge that it really IS a one-game market, and they come crawling back on their hands and knees. Half my guild in TOR has already done so.


Launch a real MMO, or don't launch at all. I'm tired of you feeding Blizzard these cheap one-trick-ponies. The more they gobble up, the stronger they get.

Edited by AJediKnight
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the fact that SWIFTY and his WoW friends barely play swtor speaks volumes about what wow players think of this game.


SWIFTY even made an SWIFTYswtor youtube channel and was being paid by sponsors to play the game and put out videos, and he has all but abandoned that.


SWIFTY is a youtube star from WoW. if him and his WoW friends barely play this game, it means they don't really like it


you can watch his channels SWIFTY and SWIFTYirl and you'll see he went back to wow

Edited by Gilbara
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Wow was dying long before TOR was launched. They have been loosing members for over a year now, the kung-fu panda expansion will only scare more people away. If you take away the Asian market (which most competitors dont have) they probably only have as many people in EU/US as Rift or TOR does.


Also the free D3 for a year sub was just a desperate attempt to keep people. They wouldn't have done it if the wow population wasn't declining so fast.

Edited by NasherUK
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The simple fact is, WoW saw a much more immediate impact from Rift than it has from TOR.




Some people just don't like sci-fi. I think the big one will be GW2. Same fantasy genre and no sub fees. If its any where as fun as WoW or Rift then I and many others probably won't justify paying a monthly sub to TOR/WoW/Rift.

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1)To repeat myself again, Asians are Human beings, and there are very hardcore guilds in Taiwan and Korea. An Asian sub does count as a sub.


2)I can't help but chuckle each time someone lambast Blizzard creativity on the forum of a licensed game. I mean, let's repeat this slowly. You laugh about Blizzard ripping off of asian movies in a game titled Star Wars ?

Are you serious right now? I don't even...

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I still don't understand these comparisons.


I don't know about the rest of you, but I am NOT an orcs and goblins and horse people kind of guy. I haven't seen a lick of anything on WOW that ever interested me, period.


No sci-fi. No spacecraft. No technological elements.


I suspect that at least some of the player base of WOW feels the same way in reverse. They enjoy the Tolkienesque / Dungeons & Dragons type fantasy world setting, with swords and bows and magic potions and rings and wands and so forth.


To suspect that they'd just transfer over to a science fiction type game world (even if it IS Star Wars) is somewhat faulty reasoning IMHO.


Similarly, you could release the most fantastically successful game with novel new types of play and amazing graphics and truly innovative design, and if it had orcs and goblins and classical Arthurian knights and so forth, I wouldn't care an ounce. I wouldn't be spending my money on it.


I'd be surprised if there was even 10-20% of the WOW fan base that was even prone to coming to SWTOR in the first place.


I would imagine that SWTOR has a much better chance of acquiring a MUCH larger player infusion from the release of the 3D movies in theaters. Assuming they've slotted SWTOR ads in front of the viewings.


And if they haven't slotted ads in front of those 3D viewings... what a colossal failure of an opportunity that would be.

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the fact that SWIFTY and his WoW friends barely play swtor speaks volumes about what wow players think of this game.


SWIFTY even made an SWIFTYswtor youtube channel and was being paid by sponsors to play the game and put out videos, and he has all but abandoned that.


SWIFTY is a youtube star from WoW. if him and his WoW friends barely play this game, it means they don't really like it


you can watch his channels SWIFTY and SWIFTYirl and you'll see he went back to wow


who the **** is that? never heard of whoever the **** this is. are they supposed to be famous or something?

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Wow has lost about 1.8.


Tor has gained about 1.7.


I'm sure both parties can live with that.


TOR has 1.7 million subscribers, "most of whom are paid subscribers." So how many have actually paid for a sub? 851K?


It's definitely less than 1.7 million.

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People who post stuff about WoW in the forums should be banned.


This is not a WoW forum. Keep your WoW propaganda out of our forums. This thread should be locked, because if does not have any constructive criticism other than people showing "proof" that WoW is superior.


If you want to cancel your sub, and play WoW go and do it.. But I am so sick of seeing WoW propaganda and misleading information about how WoW is better and how Swtor sucks.


To have constructive criticism:


They need to workout the ability delay/fix the graphics/add content/and remove the stats in sabre crystals.


None of these issues are gamebreaking.. at all.


Ever heard of http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/DDR ?

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I will never understand why people think the MMO subscriptions are mutually exclusive. Depending on how much time, money, and interest I have, I've been known to keep up to 5 active subscriptions. Currently down to 2 (TOR and XIV), and I have no immediate or future plans on abandoning one for the other.
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who the **** is that? never heard of whoever the **** this is. are they supposed to be famous or something?


here is his SWTOR channel




but he hasn't made any videos really in weeks.



here is his main channel








video views


He began making his own WoW vids for fun, now he gets paid big money to play games and review them and stuff


I dont play WoW but i enjoy watching his real life channel about him and his gamer friends



Edited by Gilbara
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I still don't understand these comparisons.


I don't know about the rest of you, but I am NOT an orcs and goblins and horse people kind of guy. I haven't seen a lick of anything on WOW that ever interested me, period.


No sci-fi. No spacecraft. No technological elements.


I suspect that at least some of the player base of WOW feels the same way in reverse. They enjoy the Tolkienesque / Dungeons & Dragons type fantasy world setting, with swords and bows and magic potions and rings and wands and so forth.


To suspect that they'd just transfer over to a science fiction type game world (even if it IS Star Wars) is somewhat faulty reasoning IMHO.


Star Wars is fantasy.


That my sword is made of plasma doesn't change this.

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