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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Fanboys and gals killed this game!


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Yeah the title says it all.


Ever time even in beta you tried to explain something was wrong with the game you have all the fanboys and gals bash the person who wanted to inform bioware of the problems.



So in reality I don't blame EA or BIOware I blame the fans for not being honest.


I guess you guys ended up with what you wanted. The game makers never made the changes that needed to be made.


I think this will continue to happen and for every good suggestion posted there will be 10 fan boys/gals quick to knock it and say the game is perfect.


So thank yourself if you are a fanboy or girl and practice this type of behavior!

Edited by jaytrust
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Yeah the title says it all.


Ever time even in beta you tried to explain something was wrong with the game you have all the fanboys and gals bash the person who wanted to inform bioware of the problems.



So in reality I don't blame EA or BIOware I blame the fans for not being honest.


I guess you guys ended up with what you wanted. The game makers never made the changes that needed to be made.


I think this will continue to happen and for every good suggestion posted there will be 10 fan boys/gals quick to knock it and say the game is perfect.


So thank yourself if you are a fanboy or girl and practice this type of behavior!



I'll +1 that.

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If you were telling Bioware then how did the fanboys find out?


Seems like you were not doing it right.


If you want to tell Bioware you open a ticket. If you want to tell the forum users you post on the forums.


Knowledge is power!


The way beta was setup, a lot of the feedback went through the forums. They even specifically started threads for feedback. If you read through those threads and any thread really, the fanboy nonsense had me constantly rolling my eyes.


There really was a lot of "This game is absolutely perfect, Bioware! Thank you so much! I knew you could do it!"


I don't dislike the game. And I don't like to give feedback that isn't constructive or without offering a solution myself. But the blatant fanboy nonsense is just as bad as someone spewing pure hate and QQ.

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To the OP... i dont get it. realy! if you truly wish to inform Bioware. sugestion box is that way. Bug report is that way.

i dont see the issue. off course the game as problems but doomsaying isnt solve anything.

Edited by Spartanik
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Can't agree with you more OP.


In closed beta on the old forums i raised so many valid concerns, yet i was flamed to death by all the emotionally invested 2008/2009/2010 fanboi's.

Edited by Evuke
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Every game I've ever taken interest in has fallen to this problem.


Luckily this game isn't dead yet and is continuing to grow. I still have content I'm interested in completing so as long as I'm enjoying myself I'll stick around. Still I wish some of this crap would just get fixed already.


Guys, I know you think you're helping by defending the game but if something in this game isn't perfect then it deserves to be written about on the forums.


Do you really believe this game is perfect?

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So, the QQers are in stage 4 of being a (you fill in obscenity) in a new mmorpg.


stage 1: (pre release) bash former new mmo and claim the next one will be it.

stage 2: (release) test the game and get hit with reality

stage 3: Proclaim unrealistic death of said mmorg

stage 5: pay monthly subscription to continue to complain about said mmorg

stage 6: claim guild wars is the NEXT big thing

stage 5: revert back to stage 1 and continue the never ending cycle of hypocrisy

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if your not a fanboy yourself... then you dont like the game as the devs gave it to you "Release date or GTFOut" beggars... which in turn means this game isnt ment for you? because they shouldnt cater to EVERYONE. Thats when games fail, when they try to please you AND the fans.
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its all your fault, not my fault topic. nice


what still affecting this game its all this nonconstructive criticism cluttering the forums, while good ideas drift away, but you remain in the past, thinking what could had been..instead of fixing it.

Edited by Peacemakerx
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It's been like that in every community I've been in. The biggest fanboys and perhaps foremost the casuals will whipe everything under the carpet, this despite that complaints once every blue moon turn out to be valid ones.


I guess that the fanboys are doing it to protect the devs, It's the same beahviour you see when someone gives the chick online a comment and suddenly has to deal with her 20 angry nerd friends. The casuals are doing it because they're afraid of change and how it will affect the game they already find challenging, I guess they want games where they can just look at the screen and win.

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