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Second time through, I wish Taris was more city-like, and less swamp like


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Part of what made Taris in KotOR so memorable was that you had this sprawling upper city with apartments, shops, etc...


But SWTOR completely skipped the high rise sections and gave us lower city swamp.




Taris would be far more enjoyable if you are scavenging through the destroyed upper city and giving us a post apocalyptic type feel.

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Of COURSE SWTOR skipped the high rise scene.


It got BLOWN UP. Most buildings knocked over, floors at high, odd angles with an incredible amount of damage. On top of that, 300 years of decay, no maintenance, and settling. The Sith did a thorough job, not much to walk on. ;3

Edited by Kirazy
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The city "planets" feel so enclosed and artificial. It's annoying knowing there is no "out there" where other people are doing stuff.


Alderaan should have been the only planet they did. With Republic and Empire cities and a giant world to, you know, explore.

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Of COURSE SWTOR skipped the high rise scene.


It got BLOWN UP. Most buildings knocked over, floors at high, odd angles with an incredible amount of damage. On top of that, 300 years of decay, no maintenance, and settling. The Sith did a thorough job, not much to walk on. ;3

dude, spoiler tags plox



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Part of what made Taris in KotOR so memorable was that you had this sprawling upper city with apartments, shops, etc...


But SWTOR completely skipped the high rise sections and gave us lower city swamp.




Taris would be far more enjoyable if you are scavenging through the destroyed upper city and giving us a post apocalyptic type feel.


I said this allot in beta but was shouted down


I expected more levels from Taris!


I mean you have levels as in you walk on ground and it climbs and drops altittude.


What im talking about is going up a destryed tower and exploring the ruins

Going deeper under ground and exploreing sewage systems that stayed intact!


One of the republic quests is you drop explosives into air vents leading down to those sewers that the rakghouls use for movement. I want to do into those and kill the (uggg more rakghouls) mobs down there.


I was disappointed with Taris that while the ground goes up and down, you still mostly stay on the one level through out!


Bioware should look at RIFT for their amazing developement and design of vertical levels through out their game for future concepsts like that.


I know Taris was destroyed but we even see some of the half standing towers as we move around, we just cant enter and explore them is all.


The city "planets" feel so enclosed and artificial. It's annoying knowing there is no "out there" where other people are doing stuff.


Alderaan should have been the only planet they did. With Republic and Empire cities and a giant world to, you know, explore.


yup, I? was really disappointed in Coruscant.

Nar Shaddaa was better but never seems to grab that awe struck feeling you had in KotOR2. Least not for me.


Coruscant could have been better if it used a KotOR design where you take elevetor down and up rather then speeders.


The speeders gave you the more spred out feeling so you not convined to a small scetions like in KotOR was but on a flip side in KotOR on Taris you truely felt the seperation of classes and privilige as you rose higher or lower via the elevators.


The thing that appealed to me about Coruscant in books was how the lower levels were so grimmy and dirty and lawless while the upper levels were more social and dignified!


I never get that feeling in TOR from Coruscant and its like 4 seperate areas not really tied to one planet.


Even the Works doesnt do it because you clear out this part above ground and then take a elevator down and clear out that part below. But you never actually see whats above or below the two areas. You simply do this half the map, then go down a level and do that half a map!


In time via expansion I hope this is corrected and Coruscaunt and Nar Shaddaa start to feel more vibrant and layered.


But for now, Bioware completely missed the atmosphere for both places IMO!


Lifeless and soul less planets.


I much prefer Taris, Tattoine (which feels so huge compares to how confined Corruscant and Nar Shaddaa feel), and Hoth. I hated Hoth before but love it in this game for some reason.

Edited by Kalfear
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Part of what made Taris in KotOR so memorable was that you had this sprawling upper city with apartments, shops, etc...


But SWTOR completely skipped the high rise sections and gave us lower city swamp.




Taris would be far more enjoyable if you are scavenging through the destroyed upper city and giving us a post apocalyptic type feel.



Then it would be City (Coruscant), City (Taris), City (Nar Shadaa).... that's too much to endure.

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Then it would be City (Coruscant), City (Taris), City (Nar Shadaa).... that's too much to endure.


Empire only gets Nar Shadaa as the only city environment.


And I am not saying they should remove the swamp. What I am saying is that having a whole other level which is a busted destroyed city would have been amazing.

Edited by GeoLager
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Actually, I agree with the OP. Running down dim hallways, with cracks in the walls and moonlight showing through; breaking down doors only to be swarmed by the Rhakghouls lurking side -- sounds pretty damned fun to me.


This would be fun to see.

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I play both factions and am an altoholic. That said.


/rant on


Regarding Taris vs. Balmorra for for late teen to mid 20's republic content:



I HATE Taris.


This is the one planet that I wish I just had an I WIN button for to move me to the next planet after I have completed this living H E L L of a time sink and boaring stories.


MAZE .... quests always across zone from where you get them (unlike balmora tightly grouped).


Get quest. Cross zone kill eleventymillion rakghouls on way to quest. Do quest. kill eleventy million rakghouls back to turn in quest (I hate zombie movies).


I loathe playing republic because of Taris (not to mention boaring stories and clown suits). It's work plain and simple and not fun.


Balmorra is a chore but, bearable.


Yet one more reason to play IMP (besides better stories, and cooler looking toons).


TL;DR I HATE Taris ... its just a maze and a time sink without out worthwhile stories or rewards and a road block to better content.


/rant off

Edited by Urael
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Of COURSE SWTOR skipped the high rise scene.


It got BLOWN UP. Most buildings knocked over, floors at high, odd angles with an incredible amount of damage. On top of that, 300 years of decay, no maintenance, and settling. The Sith did a thorough job, not much to walk on. ;3



About 314 years before SWTOR, Darth Malgus bombarded the planet while trying to catch Bastila Shan. The planet was devastated in a very short time.




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No offense OP but ...that would be sort of backwards to erase what the Empire did to Taris. THey didn't just throw a few bombs he destroyed the entire surface killing everyone. The only planet they bombed worse was Alderaan in the future with the Death Star.


I dislike Taris and adding some buildings etc wouldn't make it better. Its storyline is atleast good on the Empire Side...thanks to a reaccuring *edits self* that gets in your way alot.

Edited by Kindara
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No offense OP but ...that would be sort of backwards to erase what the Empire did to Taris. THey didn't just throw a few bombs he destroyed the entire surface killing everyone. The only planet they bombed worse was Alderaan in the future with the Death Star.


I dislike Taris and adding some buildings etc wouldn't make it better. Its storyline is atleast good on the Empire Side...thanks to a reaccuring *edits self* that gets in your way alot.


You see destroyed cityscape in the background, but never get to explore it.

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I think I also understand what the OP is talking about. It doesn't have to be the same sense you got from Coruscant or Nar Shaddaa. I like the idea of it being a crumbling and decaying city. When I saw Taris in KotOR I never once pictured a swamp. I would love to explore buildings that were damaged, perhaps knocked over. It wouldn't have to be linear and corridor-like at all. I didn't hate Taris, in fact some parts I enjoyed, but I feel this would have been a better way to go. Edited by Aethyon
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