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When does PVE get an emergency patch?


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We have issues too you know.


Hardmode flashpoints still don't award social points or dark/light points. Some of the operations and flashpoints have bugs, especially Directive 7 with it's never-ending clone replication.


PVE has progression-halting bugs, but we never get emergency patches to fix it, why do PVP'ers always get emergency patches if their progression is halted for even a day?

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because the whiny trolls spam tickets and the forums with bogus reports and personal bugs claiming they are world wide.



and also there isnt the issues you seem to be having on a large basis i can say i have had not a single one of the issues you mentioned.


i can also say i havent had any of the game breaking bugs the trolls go on nd on and on about.


also havent had any of these common happens to everyone suposedly pvp bugs either....go figure.

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We have issues too you know.


Hardmode flashpoints still don't award social points or dark/light points. Some of the operations and flashpoints have bugs, especially Directive 7 with it's never-ending clone replication.


PVE has progression-halting bugs, but we never get emergency patches to fix it, why do PVP'ers always get emergency patches if their progression is halted for even a day?


Good question, considering SWTOR is primarily a PvE focused game. BioWare just doesn't have a clear sense of direction, unfortunately.

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and also there isnt the issues you seem to be having on a large basis i can say i have had not a single one of the issues you mentioned.


No, they're not worldwide, but I've experienced every one of the ones that OP mentioned. I would very much like to get these fixed, especially because I was enjoying Directive 7 a lot until getting raged on by clones.

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probably because the PvE fixes are more intensive and cant be fixed in a single emergency patch, and require more testing. i dont think bioware is out to screw PvE players.


Of course not. But those of us that have be around the block in regards to playing MMO's know that the squeakiest wheel gets the oil and boy do those PvP'ers squeak. Most of the class nerfs so far have been driven by PvP'ers and will continue to be driven by PvP nerf calls. All you have to do is look at the dev tracker to see which segment gets the most dev attention, the PvP'ers. Despite certain PvE related issues hitting the thousands.


Bioware is doing what every MMO developer has done before, ignoring the majority in favour of the vocal minority who will up and leave in a couple of months anyway.


I have toons that never touch PvE once they hit level 10. So I am a PvP'er myself and it is out of order how much Bioware is catering to the PvP crowd at the exclusion of everyone else (RP, PvE).

Edited by spacemonkey
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Just get rid of pvp. Reallocate the resources to better things.


This. I assumed the servers were being brought down to fix the dupe bug. Pretty darn pissed to find out my playtime was being cut short because of some worthless PvP thing in a game that shouldn't really have any PvP to begin with. (PvP in an RPG = makes no sense. PvP is all about user skill. RPG is all about the characters ability. RPG + PvP = fubar)

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Sitting patiently waiting for small annoyances to be fixed only to see all of the pvp stuff getting immediate attention is frustrating.


Just a few very minor issues like these would go a long ways.


Camera needs to retain it's distance when you zone.


Combat Log needs to be enabled


Ability to create macro's


Guild list sorting needs to be fixed.


Adding someone to your friends list when they are not online.


Simple search of the GTN without the dropdowns (maybe something simple like linking an item in your inventory to the search box)




There are others but some of these items seem like fairly simple fixes and owuld really go a long way.

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Personally I think Bioware needs to adjust loot drops. Hard Mode loot is crazy stupid, with some bosses dropping only crystals, which you need a bunch of in order to purchase a singal item. And when bosses do drop loot it is so random it seems to not be random at all, lol.


Items for classes that are actually in the group rarely seem to drop, we get heavy armor when there are only light and med. armor wearers in the grp. When an item of the right type does drop it tends to be for the opposite spec: gunslinger drop for the scoundrel, jedi tank gear when you have a trooper tank. I can go on and on, but it seems I must spend an obscene amount of time running FP's / Dailies to get gear, but on the other hand I can spend an hour PVPing and walk away with at least 2 champ bags every day and that's just casual PVPing.


/end rant

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We have issues too you know.


Hardmode flashpoints still don't award social points or dark/light points. Some of the operations and flashpoints have bugs, especially Directive 7 with it's never-ending clone replication.


PVE has progression-halting bugs, but we never get emergency patches to fix it, why do PVP'ers always get emergency patches if their progression is halted for even a day?


PvP players are the only ones with the cojones to cancel their accounts?

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Just get rid of pvp. Reallocate the resources to better things.


LOL, agreed. Hate to say it, but it's just about impossible to have a really good PVE system AND really good PVP system in the same MMO. More people PVE and the PVP part of the game seems to be causing the vast majority of the substantial problems with bugs, etc. If they said RIP to PVP, I wouldn't shed a tear.

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Just get rid of pvp. Reallocate the resources to better things.


Amen and again Amen...


Would be nice wouldn't it... At least LOTRO and COH were straight up with people and PVP. They were like we have PVP but aren't going to do much with it. Much less start balancing PVE around PVP.

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Because PvP gamers are generally whiny children under age 21 and grew up in a world where 9th place earns you a ribbon at the bicycle rodeo!!! Most don't have the maturity of a PvE gamer who is generally above 25 years of age and actually feels a connection to a game and enjoys it for what it is, rather than defeating someone in PvP, standing over the corpse, and /jump until the defeated decides to respawn.
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