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"INC LEFT" That is not a good way to call INCs


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except that you never know when THAT GUY that said left meant left out of spawn. so hey... you move left and it turns out he meant left on the map because (like idiots in this thread) left could be places on the map or directions out of the spawn. turns out you ran into a place that was fine and you lost that place because children are too dumb to use proper directions



you always know which way is east or west, at least if you have elementary school education


Whenever this problem does arise, it happens just as much as when people say INC WEST but the INC is actually east. I lost two matches just yesterday because people didn't know which way east or west was. Does it happen with left and right too? Sure, but the problem there doesn't lie with how you called it out, it lies with the idiot who called it out incorrectly.

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IMHO the map should flip in voidstar to be relative to your position in the respawn area just like it does in Aldaran.


This is the BW fail if you ask me.


Huttball, left = left on the map.

Alrdaran, left = left on the map.

Voidstar, left = right on the map.


FLIP the map BW.

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- 'Left' can mean facing out of the spawn.

- 'Left' can mean facing towards the spawn.

- 'Left' can mean left on the map, if you are especially handicapped.


I have seen people use all three.


- 'West' can mean only one thing.


Common sense is your compass rose.


Actually it isn't, because none of the maps have a compass rose in SWTOR. You all just assume that the map is orientated to have the top portion be North.

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IMHO the map should flip in voidstar to be relative to your position in the respawn area just like it does in Aldaran.


This is the BW fail if you ask me.


Huttball, left = left on the map.

Alrdaran, left = left on the map.

Voidstar, left = right on the map.


FLIP the map BW.





this is not a problem with east or west




the fact that people argue that east and west are the same as left and right and equally clear makes me want to post the meme of professor farnsworth not wanting to live on this planet anymore

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I love this thread. The fact that we have to argue this goes to show how casual the PvP population is in TOR. Real PvPers are competitive, and miscalling a direction will lose you the fight. When rated WZ's come out there will be absolutely no room for error if you want to do well. That is, of course, assuming there will be any PvP guilds still around for that patch.


If you can't understand cardinal directions you need to DELETE.


Thank you to the OP for posting this, b/c I often have to educate people in game, including guildies in our 'elitist pvp' guild.


If you cant understand how to label objectives for easy communication you should DELETE....


Ive never been in a serious PVP community (either MMOs or FPS') that didn't have labels and terms for any important feature in a map. If you cant learn them, you aren't cut out for it. Yeah cardinal directions are an essential skill, but its MUCH more efficient to have labels and landmarks, color coordination are even easier. That's why any military planning has color codes and numerical/alphabetical labels for objectives. ("OMAHA")

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Actually it isn't, because none of the maps have a compass rose in SWTOR. You all just assume that the map is orientated to have the top portion be North.


It is a fairly logical assumption. I think you are just saying this to be difficult though.

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Left means the turret thats closer when u land with the speeder

theres wall which splits the platform to way leading middle and way leadig left (east for imp)

and the other one is right simple as that (west for imp)


is it so hard to understand it ?

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this is not a problem with east or west




the fact that people argue that east and west are the same as left and right and equally clear makes me want to post the meme of professor farnsworth not wanting to live on this planet anymore


The only issue I even care about for this left right/east west debate, is that IDIOTs say 'NO IZ LEFT ON MAP!'. Like I said, my server primarily uses left and right but will also use east and west. The only problem is when people say left referring to the map's left, which there is actually no left on a map. It's common knowledge on my server that left is always your relative orientation to when you spawn.

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Calling East/West is one less letter to type half of the time than Left/Right.







You know whats easier, "INC L" "INC MID", and "INC R"...very elementary IMHO. To be honest I believe majority of people get turned around at cardinal directions and have to look at their map and go "NEVER, EAT, SHREDDED, WHEAT" to figure out which is which.

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You know whats easier, "INC L" "INC MID", and "INC R"...very elementary IMHO. To be honest I believe majority of people get turned around at cardinal directions and have to look at their map and go "NEVER, EAT, SHREDDED, WHEAT" to figure out which is which.


Do you still count on your fingers? Also, turn in your registration card. You are no longer allowed to breed.

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Do you still count on your fingers? Also, turn in your registration card. You are no longer allowed to breed.


Very good child. People want to talk about how easy **** is, I figured I'd break it down to Barney level for you mouth-breathers. Find a new topic to figure out why you keep loosing. Objective labeling shouldn't be one of them.

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If you cant understand how to label objectives for easy communication you should DELETE....


Ive never been in a serious PVP community (either MMOs or FPS') that didn't have labels and terms for any important feature in a map. If you cant learn them, you aren't cut out for it. Yeah cardinal directions are an essential skill, but its MUCH more efficient to have labels and landmarks, color coordination are even easier. That's why any military planning has color codes and numerical/alphabetical labels for objectives. ("OMAHA")





Things like Omaha are codenames done for secrecy, simplicity and ease of communication.


You wouldn't say the beach right of Ghettofountaineblueville Village. Fast clear comms by saying Red, Omaha etc.


Step 1 of land nav....orient the map. Right and left, what a joke.

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C'mon people. Left and right are subjective. Sometimes people mean left out of the rez point and sometimes they mean left on the map.



How about we grow up and use cardinal directions like intelligent adults. Use "INC WEST" so we don't have to decipher your subjective meaning


left is always relative to how you face when you spawn, always

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Very good child. People want to talk about how easy **** is, I figured I'd break it down to Barney level for you mouth-breathers. Find a new topic to figure out why you keep loosing. Objective labeling shouldn't be one of them.


hey! i breath through my mouth!

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Things like Omaha are codenames done for secrecy, simplicity and ease of communication.


You wouldn't say the beach right of Ghettofountaineblueville Village. Fast clear comms by saying Red, Omaha etc.


Step 1 of land nav....orient the map. Right and left, what a joke.


Thats exactly my point, this whole thread proves how people suck at objective labeling. When they call for Omaha, you look at the map, you know where Omaha is, and you execute. Land nav is not even the issue here, its understanding what the objective is, which comes way before land nav.


Also, the problem Ive seen is people calling west, and people going east....the confusion seems to happen more as to people not knowing their cardinal directions. Good thing we dont have NE, SE, NW, etc, man would that throw people off. Labeling things on a map gives a concise objective, you cant argue a label. It is what it is. Forget it being called left, it could be called anything, the problem is knowing what to call the objective, and for the most part, there is an understanding as to what obj "left" is and what "right" is. Replace "left" and"right" with any other word and its still the same objective. The problem is people not knowing East from West. So thats the problem. Im pretty sure the community sets labels. MW has labels, Battlefield has call-outs. MMOs are no different. Learning the call-outs is a must. Using east and west is fine, but understand most players aren't going to use that, they are more likely to use the labels.

Edited by Shumney
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Left and right are subjective to the direction a person is facing. I know in BG's when somebody calles Lft or Right, my first thought is WHOS left or right, and then find out which direction they are facing.


When looking at a map, its East West North South.


Even easier if you have no idea what east and west are for civil war, Snow, Middle, Grass. I think everybody has seen snow and can easially identify it unless you need Advanced Snow color Classifications


For void star its best for east west, as map doesnt rotate.

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