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Other players "helping" you ....


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A lot of people are doing this because we're all doing the same quest. What do we have to leave all the enemies alone because someone else is in our area. If Bioware wanted it that way, they should have waiting periods before people can enter the same area. If you're questing in the same area, others will kill. They have the same quests. I don't mind people helping me. I don't mind them jumping in, you adapt. It's a group game.
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Is it considered rude in the MMO community for someone to run up and "help" you by attacking the same group of mobs you are fighting? If they attack one of the mobs you have not hit yet, doesn't it turn red for them, and they get the credit?


I know there are times when I want to fight elites. Most of the time im not doing it for the loot, but for the practice of fighting a harder target. Then some yahoo runs up and starts helping me. It really gets on my nerves. I know they are just trying to help, or show how awesome they are, but I don't appreciate it.


Im not trying to be a jerk here or anything. I would just appreciate a little MMO etiquette.



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Is it considered rude in the MMO community for someone to run up and "help" you by attacking the same group of mobs you are fighting? If they attack one of the mobs you have not hit yet, doesn't it turn red for them, and they get the credit?


I know there are times when I want to fight elites. Most of the time im not doing it for the loot, but for the practice of fighting a harder target. Then some yahoo runs up and starts helping me. It really gets on my nerves. I know they are just trying to help, or show how awesome they are, but I don't appreciate it.


Im not trying to be a jerk here or anything. I would just appreciate a little MMO etiquette.


I agree with you, I find it rude. It's the whole "unwelcome hero" thing. For me, I think part of the reason it bothers me is because for so many mmo's, when someone attacked your target, you didn't get the full xp (which I've heard isn't the case for TOR) so it bothers me regardless of the outcome because I'm so used it it being disruptive. But it I'm also a bit of an odd duck, I have OCD, so for solo missions, I really need to kill the enemy myself. Aside from those two things, if I'm fighting a group and someone comes by and tags one of the mobs I haven't tagged yet, well clearly I'm engaging the group of enemies and that's just inconsiderate.


So even if people mean well (and I'm an optimist, so I like to think most of them do), I think for the sake of common curtesy they should refrain from unsolicited help unless it is clearly required. For example if I see someone fighting enemies and that person is almost dead and will die if I don't help, I will taunt the enemy off of them (I'm a Guardian) and either help them kill it or finish it off for them so they don't die. And if I see someone fighting something particularly tough (like a Champion ranked enemy) and they aren't about to die, but might be in trouble soon, I will do a /say or a /whisper and ask something along the line of "Do you need help?" If they say yes, I will immediatly engage and help them, however sometimes people have their chat windows closed. In those cases, I usually stand off to the side and watch the fight, ready to either come to their aid if things take a turn for the worse, or offer a /cheer if they down it before I move on. Sure, it takes a minute or two of my time to stand around and wait, but it's the neighborly thing to do and I don't mind..besides, 2 minutes isn't exactly a lifetime lol.

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<respectfully snipped>

Oh and if you want to crack a joke about your Hoveround speeder


God I hate that stupid STAP, it could have been such an amazing vehicle, the engines look amazing, the finish is sleek, but the rest of it? So rediculous. And who wants to stand, leaning back while hanging onto handlebars? Not exactly the most comfortable setup for a vehicle...who would design something like that? It's just not practical. I can't wait until I can use the Aratech Scythe.

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I'm sorry I will not stop helping people because of a couple people have issues with it. If someone helps in game and it bothers you /whisper them to please stop, if they don't then consider it griefing and report them.


A majority of players will say thanks and then part ways.

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If you want to help, do so by buffing and healing, and let them do the fighting. Buffs and heals are obvious helps, can't be construed as anything else. Besides, dropping an hour long class buff is going to help them far more than 1sk-ing the mob they were fighting.


If they wanted help, they will appreciate it. If they didn't want help, you were still able to help without offense.


And here is why unsolicited mob killing is so annoying to some of us: I spent a great deal of time systematically clearing out a room to get to an elite. I was about half done when a group of 3 players, on their way to somewhere else, slaughtered everything else, including the set of mobs I was fighting, and was gone as quickly as they came.


Gee thanks.


The point wasn't to kill the mobs per se, but it was to do it in the most tactically proficient way possible. That experience was ruined by folks who were honestly trying to help me, or who were trying to grief me, or who just didn't care about me. Which was it?


A buff and a wave in passing would have been neat. What they did was not.

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And risk getting *****ed out for the trouble by people like OP and those who agree with him/her?


Surely you can see why people would just not bother.


I see why some wouldn't bother. But I will always help. Helping people is in my nature. Hell even my Imps are good guys half the time. My friends joke and call me a RL paladin. I don't like being called names, and if i am asked to not help, I don't. If someone is adick about it, I make a note on my friends list, and never help them again.

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This has long been an issue for me and yes, it's rude. Most people who do it are doing what we used to call a "drive by", just killing something for the sake of killing it.


It has also been a hotly debated issue on every single MMO I've ever played. Since kill stealing is no longer an issue, the people who do it say that the rest of us shouldn't be concerned about it.


My take is simple, every fight I engage in is a personal challenge. If you help, you literally ruin the game I'm playing. The best analogy is solitaire. How annoying is it to be playing solitaire and someone comes up and starts telling you what moves to make.


I know it's a multi-player game but that is no excuse for rude behavior. Even if you don't consider it rude, have a little respect for those of us who would rather fight our own battles without interference.

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