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Fresh 50, tale of sad..


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Got 50 on my second character yesterday. Right off the bat I had enough for a Centurion Chest and ear peice. (Assault Specialist Commando)


In the span of 3 deaths on Void Star I got 3 shot by an IA, (hidden strike, back stab, shiv death) crit'd a High Impact Bolt on a burning sorc for 900, and attacked a low health IA (less than 20%) and watched him get crit healed for 9833.



Edited by Figmentus
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Centurion gear isn't getting your foot in the door. It is more like getting in just your big toe.


There is a huge gap between Champion gear and Centurion and the difference between Battlemaster and Centurion is like fighting a level 50 when you are wearing nothing but level 40 pvp gear without bolster.


The point is, you need to expect a very unenjoyable PVP experience for the next couple of weeks. The good news is that it won't take you long to farm your champion gear now with the changes.


Do your dailies and weeklies and suffer through warzones so you can buy additional bags and you should have a full set of champion gear within two weeks.

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Yeah, I wasn't saying that the gear was to blame, or that with the gear I should be able to do better. I was just trying to give some background. I understand the disparity between myself and battlemasters. I was just sharing in the hopes of getting a few laughs... I know I am laughing about it, and laughed when it happened. I mean, what else can you do...
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Centurion gear isn't getting your foot in the door. It is more like getting in just your big toe.


There is a huge gap between Champion gear and Centurion and the difference between Battlemaster and Centurion is like fighting a level 50 when you are wearing nothing but level 40 pvp gear without bolster.


The point is, you need to expect a very unenjoyable PVP experience for the next couple of weeks. The good news is that it won't take you long to farm your champion gear now with the changes.


Do your dailies and weeklies and suffer through warzones so you can buy additional bags and you should have a full set of champion gear within two weeks.


eh. you could get a full set within 2 weeks before, but champion is much harder(longer) to get now. but don't worry, he can get full cent in a week....

Edited by zeroburrito
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Yeah, Operatives didn't seem to get hit as bad with the "balance" patch.


Plus gear is a must. I have 5 Champion pieces right now and one cent (my shotgun). I did notice an improvement over time as I got my gear. I do not ever see me killing someone just after they get up like I did post patch in the lower brackets.


And I have never hit anyone for 9k FYI :p

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So you have had your fun with a level advantage agaiust low levels in the 10-49 bracket with your level 40 pvp gear, and you zone into a 50's and expect the same? Some welfare perhaps?


just competitive pvp.


really though swtor is a pve game. gw2 will have pvp on even ground.

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eh. you could get a full set within 2 weeks before, but champion is much harder(longer) to get now. but don't worry, he can get full cent in a week....


Wait, what?


1 week of doing dailies you get 14 Bags for the dailies. The weekly you get a total of 6 bags.


That is 20 bags for the week.


14 Centurion Commendations each bag


7 Champion Commendations each bag


Plus a random chance at getting a Champion piece.



1 week = 140 Champion Commendations

280 Centurion Commendations



The prices of Champion Gear is like 40% less than Centurion gear. For Example it is around 70 Commendations for a smuggler pistol Centurion weapon.


The Champion version is around 40 Commendations. Other Champion pieces are like 20 something each if I remember correctly. So you could get guaranteed (if you dont get a weapon) around 5-6 Champion pieces a week.


How is that worse?

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I have a question...


Did you do anything besides pick up the few pieces you could afford?


Did you find a cybertech to make epic level 49-50 mods and put them in all of your slots (as you should be in all moddable gear when you first hit 50--or at least have moddable available to you.)


Did you get blue/epic enhancements and put it in all that moddble gear?


Did you upgrade your moddable weapon with level 49-50 barrels/mods?


Did you do anything else?




In short: Did you make any and every effort to put yourself in a better situation to succeed in PvP at level 50 besides grabbing the few pieces of cent gear?



I'm not being a jerk. I'm genuinely asking.



I leveled a toon through mostly WZs when the braackets were 10-50. At every step, I put in the effort to make sure I had upgraded mods/barrels/etc so that I could be competitive with the geared level 50s.


I also adjusted my playstyle to suit the gear discrepancy. And when I hit 50 I had a FULL SET of mods/enhancements ready to go. The brackets hit when I was level 48 and I found myself VERY competitive at 50 with just the EFFORT I made in gearing.



If you walked into a warzone in quest greens/blues and a couple pieces of centurion without making any effort, then you got what was coming to you.



Again, not being a jerk. But there are TONS of opportunities to improve your toon before you ever step foot into a level 50 Warzone. If you choose to ignore them or are too lazy to pursue them (not saying you are) then you get blown up.

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So you have had your fun with a level advantage agaiust low levels in the 10-49 bracket with your level 40 pvp gear, and you zone into a 50's and expect the same? Some welfare perhaps?


Well then, since you seemed to have missed my second post in the this thread I will recreate it here for you in its entirety. So you can better understand, instead of assuming...


Yeah, I wasn't saying that the gear was to blame, or that with the gear I should be able to do better. I was just trying to give some background. I understand the disparity between myself and battlemasters. I was just sharing in the hopes of getting a few laughs... I know I am laughing about it, and laughed when it happened. I mean, what else can you do...

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Wait, what?


1 week of doing dailies you get 14 Bags for the dailies. The weekly you get a total of 6 bags.


That is 20 bags for the week.


14 Centurion Commendations each bag


7 Champion Commendations each bag


Plus a random chance at getting a Champion piece.



1 week = 140 Champion Commendations

280 Centurion Commendations



The prices of Champion Gear is like 40% less than Centurion gear. For Example it is around 70 Commendations for a smuggler pistol Centurion weapon.


The Champion version is around 40 Commendations. Other Champion pieces are like 20 something each if I remember correctly. So you could get guaranteed (if you dont get a weapon) around 5-6 Champion pieces a week.


How is that worse?


i have yet to meet anyone that has gotten a champion token from the new bags.


champion gear costs more comms than centurion gear. champion gear is 67 for the set pieces and 123 for the weapon.

Edited by zeroburrito
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Try rolling as healer if you find yourself wailing on someone for low damage, would help your team win and make some friends :p


( I had an adorable little lvl 13 OP healer follow me around and heal spam me, <3 them, good friends now)


I rolled a BH Merc for DPS...once I hit 50 and realized I sucked at DPS :p I respeced to healing. Now, I have friends, and do very well in the WZ. Ussually upper tier for metals always upper for heals, and middle upper for DPS.


Plus if you roll with a good DPS buddy, and a 50/50 split dps healer you can roll thru some stuff :) Anyway...all done now...carry on :D

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Wait, what?


1 week of doing dailies you get 14 Bags for the dailies. The weekly you get a total of 6 bags.


That is 20 bags for the week.


14 Centurion Commendations each bag


7 Champion Commendations each bag


Plus a random chance at getting a Champion piece.



1 week = 140 Champion Commendations

280 Centurion Commendations


The prices of Champion Gear is like 40% less than Centurion gear. For Example it is around 70 Commendations for a smuggler pistol Centurion weapon.


The Champion version is around 40 Commendations. Other Champion pieces are like 20 something each if I remember correctly. So you could get guaranteed (if you dont get a weapon) around 5-6 Champion pieces a week.


How is that worse?


The champ weapon is 123 comms and the gear is between 40-60+ depending on what u need.

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This is why Expertise should be removed from the game and PvP damage nerfed by 20%.


Normalize PvP and PvE gear in terms of stats, balance the time it takes to get each type of gear and your game is golden.


Expertise was unnecessary because the game launched with PvP and with the above steps we won't have Raiders coming in and owning everyone.

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respecing to healer actually sounds like a good idea. One of the reasons I rolled commando was a heavy armor healer seemed preferable. I will try that, though the centurion chest i got was not the combat medic one, but that is less of a deal with the tier 1 stuff anyway. Good suggestion :-)
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i have yet to meet anyone that has gotten a champion token from the new bags.


champion gear costs more comms than centurion gear. champion gear is 67 for the set pieces and 123 for the weapon.


I got the champ gloves in my 3rd bag I opened after the patch. Granted prior to the patch I was 4 for 39 with a dupe belt.


To the op I opened 6 bags when I hit 50 got my belt and main hand then upgraded all my orange gear to lvl 49 mods and bought 122-126 pieces as a mar I did alright. I took the enh mod out of the level 42 wep as well. You have to pick targets and escape and generally not be rambo. Overall it has been pretty enjoyable although my numbers weren't as high till I got 3 champ pieces plus the cent chest/legs. Stick with it my friend and hopefully rng smiles on you.

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I hope thats an arrow symbol and not greater than... otherwise your way off imo


Not at all. I do noticeably higher damage in my Columi/Rakata gear (same mods/enhancements used for both, different armorings) and have about the same survivability. Same with all the people I play with. The only PvP gear worth using is BM because the stats gained from Columi/Rakata more than make up for Expertise.


For tanks/healers though, go with Champ. (Centurion is like Tionese, useless for everything and everyone)

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Got 50 on my second character yesterday. Right off the bat I had enough for a Centurion Chest and ear peice. (Assault Specialist Commando)


In the span of 3 deaths on Void Star I got 3 shot by an IA, (hidden strike, back stab, shiv death) crit'd a High Impact Bolt on a burning sorc for 900, and attacked a low health IA (less than 20%) and watched him get crit healed for 9833.




I am pretty sure that as the new guy in a football team the opponent will kindly let you go through making the goals and all of your team mates treat you like a messiah or king only because you're the new guy.


Too bad the paradise of reality didn't get it into that fantasy game... :rolleyes:

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