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Flashpoints way to long !

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In todays world, people are always in hurry.

Dont have a lot of time. Sure they have fun, they watch movies, play with kids, play games etc. But, every time phone will ring, your lady ask you to do something, some emergency situation happen, you can easily stop watching the movie, stop play with kid, pause the game etc.. Why because you dont interact with other people. When you do FP you need to be "free" for some amount of time. As more time you need to finish FP, as the rish you will be interrupted by something and force you to stop playing increase geometrically.

From my point of view I can not jump do FP in 30 min and log off (at least worth doing FP). Nice easy and fun. Lets take False Emperor normal. Nothing special, quite easy, no wipes, you go you kill you move, one area, second area, third, area. You are in normal gear, not damn good gear, but good gear. You checking the timer 1.30min and last boss still standing..

Come on. You know how may times i was interrupted by something from real world during run? at least 3 times, that i had to tell my mates 5/10 min afk...

Im not asking to make 10 min run, but for god sake, can you make FP 30 min, max 1h run.

Taking something from the past, you know which dungeons and raids were the most popular? The shortest ones! at least for casual players. Did you play world of tanks? You can jump do do 2/3 battles. (10 min one battles) and log off. Now i can log in and do some dayilies or find some datacrones. FP are way to long.

Edited by Feliksiak
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You expect instant gratification which is the bane of modern MMO gamers.


What happened to actually investing into the fruits of your labor?



While I agree that the amounts of trash mobs are a little excessive and that trash is too mindless and easy I don't think Flashpoints need to be shorter or faster.


It should be a somewhat fulfilling and social experience, rather than a rapid grind for gear.



I think ~1 hour per Flashpoint is a good benchmark. Less if you're fast and don't wipe, more if you're slow and wipe a lot.


As said, I wouldn't mind seeing less trash while making it more challenging.

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I disagree that they're too long. I think for that first time you run them, yes they do take a while, but it gives you a good feeling of immersion and sense of story. Later, when you skip story and are just running for the gear really, you can easily slash the time they take. HM BT and Foundry can be done in around the 30 minute mark without too much trouble, and others don't need to take over any hour really unless theres problems - disconnects/wipes/etc.


Personally, I think the length is good

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your doing it wrong...


FP's are too short, i want longer, more story driven, more bosses, more oh **** moments, MOAR MOAR MOAR..



stop whinning about getting too much and asking for less.. FP's aren't for you, stick to heroic 4.

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Taral V, Esseles and Kaon can all be done on hard mode in 30 to 40 minutes. Keep moving and don't stop killing mobs. There are a lot of places in many of the flashpoints where you can bypass huge areas of trash. Battle of Ilum is like this as well, but even so I am not sure you can get it to under 40 minutes.
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Many FPs are too long. People do the ones where it is possible to skip trash and bosses.

Taral V HM is doable in 30 mins. Some maybe manage even in less time.

But some, like False Emperor, have endless trash.

I don't bother doing them anymore. Just run Ops.

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Early runs of any content are always longer. Some people like to go looking for all the butterflies in the area. As content gets run more and more it will go faster as they learn it and/or have seen it. My first run in the Foundry was a grind of almost 2 hours. Though we were under level and none of us had run it before. Runs since then have been much much quicker.


Also often in games - time (grind) = reward.


Quests, goals, etc often have their reward based on the time that they require to do. Players are like water they find the path of least resistence. If FP x takes 5 mins and FP y take 30 mins and the reward is the same, which one gets run? The short one.



So while asking for a shorter mission to be able to run, you have to temper your expectation on what you are going to recieve will be.


My 2Cents



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Most of the flashpoints seem to take 30 minutes to an hour, on normal or hard.


It's already far too easy to get decent gear in this game. The last thing we need is shorter flashpoints.




If flashpoints take you too long, you need better gear or you need to get better. Go do dailies to get the mods/armorings/enhancements and go back. All HM flashpoint...and I mean ALL...of them are pathetically easy and take less than an hour - most in 30 minutes.

Edited by Qilz
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I don't think FPs are "too long"... Some are really quick (Kaon, Talon), some take more time (False Emperor, Foundery). I don't want shorter FPs, i like to have choices.


In the end, you have to choose what is the best for you and how much you can/want to spend time on the game.


btw, in many FPs, you have the possibility to skip trash mobs if you want to.

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I don't think OP said ALL flashpoints should be long.. But rather a nice mix.


You could do a storyline over 3 small flashpoints fx. So the ones with little time could do one of them, and the ones with more time could do all 3. Could be something like the 2 first parts gave a key for the last one..


Another option could be a social flashpoint, where you could go and just down as many bosses as you wanted in an area that allowed more than one group at a time. Clearing it completely would take 4-5 hours, but you could easily get 2-3 bosses within 30 minutes. Could even be made to support operations sized groups for fast clears (but still only 1 drop pr. boss)..

If anyone knows Age of Conan then think Onyx and House of Crom..


I would also personally much rather have 10 trashpulls with 3-4 hard pulls, than 40 pulls of facemelting clickfest..

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