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The "I'm an adult, so I can handle waiting without resorting to a toddler" thread


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all this thread tells me is that you are not as excited as you should be and should be moved to the back o the line.


Oh I'm excited alright, difference of bring patient with anxiousness, and flyingb tables and chewing in chairs legs cuz you're not in the first wave lol


Bonus pointed for non adults being calm about it, didn't mean to disclude you.

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I is an adult, I R 30 years old i can wait!


Ok seriously, i am 30, waiting patiently, since i pre ordered on dec 1st, not in yet, would be nice to be like some others and get it today, but I expect not.


I just hope the server I plan on rolling on is ok.

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Sign in if you're an adult being calm and waiting.


Or flame if you're a whining toddler.


Having never been promised anything specific I don't see why there its so much hate and tantrums.


I can't, I'm a powderkeg of crybaby peepants waiting to explode if I don't get an email in the next 60 milliseconds!~

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Remember if you are light side, you need to calm your emotions. "There is no passion, there is serenity." Take this time to meditate.


If you are dark side then don't vent your anger here, let it build up inside you until you fume with rage. Let your anger make you strong. Then when you finally do get in you can channel your rage and destroy the starting zone.

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Agree completely. I preordered, and fully understand that meant I MAY get to play early, and was not guaranteed any specific date I could begin early.


Anything earlier than the 20th is fine by me. Plenty to do at work, and to get ready for christmas to keep me busy.


Plus there are still so many yoda quotes out there before I get into the game.


"No! No different. Only different in your mind. You must unlearn what you have learned." >> Yoda

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Remember if you are light side, you need to calm your emotions. "There is no passion, there is serenity." Take this time to meditate.


If you are dark side then don't vent your anger here, let it build up inside you until you fume with rage. Let your anger make you strong. Then when you finally do get in you can channel your rage and destroy the starting zone.


yes so let all the Empire in NAOW!! :jawa_biggrin:

Edited by illgot
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I can handle waiting.


It would be nice to get the name I really want, and, honestly, had I been part of the first wave I would have logged, register name, and gone back to bed.


hehe.. me too. I bet you will get the name you want (or you will get a similar one or think of another cool name).


I can wait too... I am looking forward to getting in the game, but I don't think the world will end if I am not in soon. After all, this is only Dec 2011... not Dec 2012 :D

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Today I'm getting whining from two fandoms with people who think they know everything and it is giving me a headache so I'm patiently waiting until I can kill some enemies lol I would like today but if I don't get in today it isn't the end of the world or is it? :eek:
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Hey folks,


While we do understand that people can certainly become frustrated with the community at times, threads such as this, while made with good intentions, tend to draw out people who wish to be overly negative and create non-constructive posts. As such, we'll be closing the thread at this time.


We ask that folks be more patient with each other and with the forum, and better assist with creating a good community through productive discussion. Thanks for your understanding. :)

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