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10 Good
  1. This is a very awesome idea - fully supported
  2. Did you miss the part, about a minute into the fight, where Karraga throws the band into the pit and they die in front of you?
  3. On Round Robin, rolling is automatic. However, on Master Looter, it isn't. So during Hard Mode Operations, when multiple people are interested in the same schematic or crafting material, there is no way in-game to determine a winner
  4. I still cannot fathom why this command isn't in-game. No real explanation needed - In raids, /roll is crucial for determining who (out of a number of people) should get an item). I'm sure others can add to this, but I cannot think of a reason to leave this command out.
  5. ... well, i've heard worse reasons for why our server isn't online yet. Little did all of you know, BioWare is silently turning off our server for a day. THAT WILL SHOW ALL OF YOU NON-BELIEVERS!
  6. The issue is that Biochem / Cybertech are now the ONLY professions where the main draw of getting to 400 (IE: Those Stims/Adrenals/Medpac) have been restricted to force you to KEEP those professions. Artifice, Armortech, etc - Your main draw is being able to craft your own Rakata gear and crit on it, to allow you to place Augments in your gear that makes it superior to all other gear and creates the BiS for that slot. ------ The issue with this is that, once you have goten the level 400 BiS, you can now safely drop these skills and pick up something else with absolutely no concequence to your newly-made gear. In comparison, if you picked up Biochem and did exactly the same thing, your now having your level 400 items revoked. If anything, this isn't a beef against the biochem nerf - They need to nerf every other profession as well
  7. I don't think anything is bugged, as your still able to GET them, they're just rarer. That being said, I actually found Tier 1 and 2 purple Medical supplies really common - i've got almost 25 of each in my ship storage. Working as intended, i'd say
  8. 8/28 and I am NOT in yet, so next wave is my hero
  9. These shoulda been the first forums to come up.
  10. "Good. Use your feelings, boy. Let the hate flow through you!"
  11. Our time has come... For 300 years we prepared.... we grew stronger... while you rested, in your servers of power... believing your characters were safe, and protected... You were trusted to lead the Early Access... but you were deceived.
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