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When will the people who don't like the game be gone?


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For players who enjoy leveling up different characters I must admit bioware did a good job.

Every class story is unique etc but you have to admit that the rest of the world quests are the same for every class.


How many times can you bare to do the same quests in the same order, since the process is linear and you get no choice of different leveling areas?


Even worse how many times can you do the same things at lvl 50 with different characters? Don't you get the feeling that you done this before? You must admit that there is not much to do at endgame..


If you can't see that bioware focused only on the 1-50 experience then maybe singleplayer games is your thing, but all these people complaining (including me) expected something richer and more complicated than this poor excuse of an MMO.


Exactly. yes each class story is great, thats the pull of the game. But like you stated, there simply isnt enough varied content to lvl up all 8. i can barely scratch my second alt at 25, simply because I seen everything twice now. pvp is the same either side, flashpoint vary only a tiny bit.


Give me the ability to be this iconic hero/villain that actually affects the worlds and npcs reactions to me. Add the kind of puzzles that were in the kotor games, This game played it waaay too safe. Even as a Kotor 3 this would have failed. shallow

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Even worse how many times can you do the same things at lvl 50 with different characters? Don't you get the feeling that you done this before?


I did, in WoW... I played it for 5+ years and I got bored of it. I got to level 50 in TOR and what did I see - daily quests and FP farming... I like how people enjoying SWTOR point out that WoW is a bad game - meanwhile, TOR is nothing but WoW with lightsabers. Yeah, voice-acting is kinda fun once, then it gets the same leveling course over and over again. It's worse than WoW actually, since in WoW you can level in 4 different areas at any given level...


why did you expect something richer?


Well, I didn't expect another WoW-clone. That was my only expectation (ok, I'm lying here, I DID expect a WoW-clone, but I hoped I was wrong). Many of us are bored of WoW and looking for something different - SWTOR is clearly not for us I guess.


Btw, about the topic's title, I hope you are aware that this game has a monthly subscription, so just because someone cancels sub, he has some days left over to play or post. Just sayin'.

Edited by Slopback
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I waited a month after launch, yeah I should have waited longer, but I was eager to play SW. In part I jumped aboard because I was worried this thing would fail miserably and go f2p, based on nothing other than the poor product I saw at beta and all the crap I read post launch that was ignored. See If I waited longer I'd have waited 6months to a year, the time it would take for something 'good' ie stuff I want to be put into the game and hopefully they'd finally take care of all those issues in beta they launched with.


So I'm just under a month into my playtime and debating whether I should let a month be subbed again. Knowing that I won't be coming back for at least 1 year or likely longer seeing as how slow they make content and the direction this game is 'destined' inset 'wow clone/themepark generic cash cow'. For that reason I feel I might as well toss $15 to them to finish off my story get to 50 then get my alts as far as I can stand running the same missions on different classes from the same faction hitting the same planets.


On average I think when you get to the 2-3 month mark you'll see the vast majority unsatisfied with the game leave assuming they didn't slap a longer sub on. Plenty will delude themselves into thinking that they are just a few patches (weeks) from something awesome being added/updated to the game.


The short of it is recast your bubble and play the game you enjoy so much over time the voices of dissent will slowly trickle down until all that is left is those who love the game too much. Well them and those who loved/liked it and woke up to find they no longer feel so.

Edited by JumperPenn
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I waited a month after launch, yeah I should have waited longer, but I was eager to play SW. In part I jumped aboard because I was worried this thing would fail miserably and go f2p, based on nothing other than the poor product I saw at beta and all the crap I read post launch that was ignored. See If I waited longer I'd have waited 6months to a year, the time it would take for something 'good' ie stuff I want to be put into the game and hopefully they'd finally take care of all those issues in beta they launched with.


So I'm just under a month into my playtime and debating whether I should let a month be subbed again. Knowing that I won't be coming back for at least 1 year or likely longer seeing as how slow they make content and the direction this game is 'destined' inset 'wow clone/themepark generic cash cow'. For that reason I feel I might as well toss $15 to them to finish off my story get to 50 then get my alts as far as I can stand running the same missions on different classes from the same faction hitting the same planets.


On average I think when you get to the 2-3 month mark you'll see the vast majority unsatisfied with the game leave assuming they didn't slap a longer sub on. Plenty will delude themselves into thinking that they are just a few patches (weeks) from something awesome being added/updated to the game.


The short of it is recast your bubble and play the game you enjoy so much over time the voices of dissent will slowly trickle down until all that is left is those who love the game too much. Well them and those who loved/liked it and woke up to find they no longer feel so.


I was in the exact same situation. Only, I did not re-sub and will let it run out in 8 days. The thing that struck me most, even though I thoroughly enjoy leveling alts, is: I don't miss it. I abandoned SWTOR during my exams in January, and never once did I feel an urge to log in.


I still believe that 1-49 is great, it's engrossing, immersive and all in all an absolutely great story. But ever since hitting 50 I found my urge to play slowly seeping away.


I want to love it, but not in its current state, and I'm not one for paying for a service I hope will be at a level I consider to be sufficient in 6+ months.

I had high hopes for the game, but they only got fulfilled in part, and not the part I was expecting to be up to snuff.


Perhaps I'll come back in some months, I know I'll do. To me, SWTOR has just been like Lotro, AoC, Rift, and all other MMO's since Everquest: I play them for a month, maybe 2, but then end up quitting. There are just too many aspects of both the game and the service that irritate me, and I'm not buying into the carrot-on-a-stick patching philosophy.

Edited by Dekadez
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People will stop complaining when they won't have reasons to complain.


never gonna happen, because these kinds of people will find something else to complain about the second you fix " their reason to complain"



also, its like my friend ...hes been playing wow so long that he cant even begin to give some other form of entertainment a second chance...


i cannot possibly fathom how he can find running old instances with one friend more fun than a new game , whatever bugs it may have


i mean he has done those things HUNDREDS of times, yet he says to me " man swtor bores me i cant get into it " yet somehow seeing the same instance for the 11hundreth time or clearing karazhan solo again doesnt bore him?


yeah , nother wow zombie thats just robotized by wow...if you dont like this game , then go back to wow, fat lot of "different" that is lol

Edited by LaVolpex
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Because we've just passed the one month free sub point if you bought within 3 weeks of launch. :D


Just wondering how much longer people who are dissatisfied plan on being here. If you are in that category, how much longer do you plan on renewing?


I don't ask to be argumentative, but I would rather have a forum of people who want to continue playing the game rather than those who continually remind everyone that they'd rather not be here and aren't renewing. It would be nice to have a community full of people who are in it for the long haul rather than constant negativity in every 3rd thread.


It hasn't bothered me until now. There were times during the day where I just avoided the forums due to the fact that I was enjoying the game and didn't want to be brought down by negative vibes.


Nice question. Personally I bought a 60 day prepaid game card the first day it was possible.

So I mean, when prepaid days are gone I'll be out. At the same time, I will gladly comeback when and if something will change. Beginning from community, because we can't change anything since we're full of fanboys and haters.

This game isn't **** and isn't perfect. Is at the beginning , and this is the risky part.

If we want to let theme work for us, since theyre payed, we have to speak.

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I don't hate this game. In fact i like it a lot, but if they don't change that ten minute wait period for re-spawning I'm gone.. That's the most ridicules thing I've ever experienced ( and at 60 years old, I've experienced a lot of ridicules things ),. I mean Come on EA.. 30 second, a minute even that's cool, but ten minutes?? that's stupid as hell..
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