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Don't compare TOR to WoW at launch, compare it to Rift.


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Disclaimer: I love TOR. I want it to do well. We criticize the game because we care, at least some of us. I'm also a long time MMO player and have been there for countless launch days. I speak from experience.


If you compare Rift launch and TOR's, you'll notice how unpolished parts of TOR are. In particular:


- The antiquated and rigid UI, to me the #1 problem that affects everyone's quality of life

- Lack of combat log

- No LFG/LFD system

- Ability delay (mostly fixed)

- Animation inconsistencies for abilities (Trooper mortar volley), that cause severe gameplay issues

- Poor and otherwise missing guild features

- Barebones auction house

- Empty planets on high pop servers

- and so on...


All things that Rift had working in MUCH better state than TOR. Not saying Rift was perfect, but compared to TOR, it felt like a much more polished game at launch. Both TOR and Rift are trying to grab some market share from Blizzard. It's a better comparison.


Also, comparing TOR to WoW at launch is like comparing Windows 7 to Windows 95 or something. That's not how technology or software works. When a new piece of software comes out, it's expected to have features and polish of the CURRENT competition, not what was in the market 7 years ago.


Here's hoping Bioware gets their act together soon, or I see some server consolidation in the very near future.

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OK, here's my comparison:


I like this game a lot more than I like Rift.


It bores me to tears, and Rift's "let's throw in everything the players ask for without considering if it's a good idea first" policy annoys the living hell out of me, and has resulted in what feels to me like a really mediocre game.


The macro system alone is enough for me to never want to log in there again. They have the opposite disease from Bioware: While Bioware probably overconsiders what to add and not add, Trion just comes up with badly-implemented features like that abortion of a macro system and says "Here, look what we gave you this week!"

Edited by Pink_Saber
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- The antiquated and rigid UI, to me the #1 problem that affects everyone's quality of life

- Lack of combat log

- No LFG/LFD system

- Ability delay (mostly fixed)

- Animation inconsistencies for abilities (Trooper mortar volley), that cause severe gameplay issues

- Poor and otherwise missing guild features

- Barebones auction house

- Empty planets on high pop servers

- and so on...


1: combat log is a nice addition, it's not mandatory. Just because a few popular mmo's out of the dozens of mmo's out there used it doesn't mean swtor should to by default.


2: RIFT didn't have that at start either. It came after like 2 months.


3: Ability delay is a bit bothersome yes, but like you're saying they mostly fixed it already.


4: Every mmo's has it's problems. swtor's most prominent problem is the abilities. Rift lacked in another department.


5: Guilds don't HAVE to be more than just an organized group of people that do stuff together. That's what a guild is even. All the other things are just extra's, not mandatory features.


6: Auction house does kind of suck. But not the end of the world, just mostly mild annoyances at having to select all the search options time and time again.


7: This is mostly a sharding problem imo. And on top of that people are spread out a lot, so no real surprise there. Also, maybe your server is high pop, but only on the other side, not on your side.

Edited by Sanquind
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For the resources Trion had compared to Bioware I cannot help but wonder what Bioware did with all the money.


I've read some reports from people that worked in the development of this game that it was a huge mess. I am actively looking for the article and will post in these forums when I find it, but I do remember thinking at the time "Hmmm, I'm going to hold on to my money."


But alas, I love Star Wars, I wanted to give it a go, and I'm glad I did. I am starting to get worried about the game as time passes though, hence the OP.

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How is Rift nowadays? I played it at launch and quit not too long after that.


It improved. I'd say it's only a bit below SWTOR in leveling fun right now, and endgame is more polished. But also, it's still just basically a wow clone with a different class system and better graphics.

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I've read some reports from people that worked in the development of this game that it was a huge mess. I am actively looking for the article and will post in these forums when I find it, but I do remember thinking at the time "Hmmm, I'm going to hold on to my money."


But alas, I love Star Wars, I wanted to give it a go, and I'm glad I did. I am starting to get worried about the game as time passes though, hence the OP.


You're probably referring to EA Louse...who was not a credible source to say the least.

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For the resources Trion had compared to Bioware I cannot help but wonder what Bioware did with all the money.


$50 million and 3.5 years is what Rift took to make.


In comparison to over 6 years and $200 million for SWTOR.


How Rift could release with full UI customizeability, a much more polished graphics experience, a full achievements system, a dozen fully functional dungeons, three fully-functional raids within 3 months of launch, a very practical and functional combat log, a more viable and relevant crafting system, as well as fully functional dynamic content, while TOR features none of these thing-- it just boggles the mind.


It is so obvious that the vast majority of the capital to make TOR went into voice acting and music, it's almost nauseating to think of what the game could have been if they'd put that money into dynamic worlds, a better game engine, and testing of end game content instead.

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It improved. I'd say it's only a bit below SWTOR in leveling fun right now, and endgame is more polished. But also, it's still just basically a wow clone with a different class system and better graphics.


And TOR is just a WoW clone with voice-over. Why do people continue to act like TOR is somehow functionally different from Rift? It's virtually no different other than the story.

Edited by Mannic
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We criticize the game because we care


yeah right, and i assume you also compare it to basically every other game because you care?


All these ppl that make posts about what rift had and what wow had and wow this and rift this is driving me up the damn wall! Stop being snot nosed little brats and give them time to get the game where it is supposed to be, lfg tool, the UI ect, give it time they will get to it. If you miss those features that much then by all means go back to the games that have them, i am sure no one will even miss you in game. This game is this bad and this game is that bad, no one is forcing you to play, unless there is someone next to you with a gun to your head forcing you to log in its still your choice, if you hate it this much then LEAVE!

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The better question you should ask yourself, is why even with all that QOL crap Rift hasn't taken off and become a massive success. When you realize that QOL crap is fairly meaningless, you'll understand why it's not worth comparing.


What's QOL? dont know the acronym >.>


That said. Rift was definitely a massive success given the expectations it had in development. New IP from a new company with no name talent...even now as it's converting trial servers *cough*closingdownservers*cough* It's still preforming above initial projections.

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Turn it around instead and look what SWTOR had at launch that RIFT did not:


- Complete VO

- Great leveling experience

- Great stories

- Space combat

- More end-game content (at launch)

- Great and a lot more balanced PvP

- Datacrons

- Light/Dark side choices (coupled with great stories making it the first REAL mmoRPG)


and more...

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You're probably referring to EA Louse...who was not a credible source to say the least.


The EA louse was mostly talking in his/her blog about why and how badly Warhammer failed. And he/she was right.

He/she also mentioned why SWTOR will most probably fail too for much of the same reasons and the ludicrous VO budget, while most of important things are not done or done wrong. So far all he/she posted seems to be truth.

EA saying he/she is not credible, makes me believe even more that he/she was very credible, besides the fact, that as i said, most of the things he/she wrote about look to be truth, especially now, when we already see what SWTOR is about.

So yeah, WoW was not as polished at launch, but do you compare a 2012 car with a model of 1990 (granted innovations in cars happen much slower than in software) and say...oh well...my car doesn't have audio system and no GPS but oh well...my 20 years old car i just threw away didn't have them when i bought it either...

Also, do you compare a Veyron with Audi A8 (talking about budgets) and have any doubts which is/should be more advanced and better in everything?

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I've read some reports from people that worked in the development of this game that it was a huge mess. I am actively looking for the article and will post in these forums when I find it, but I do remember thinking at the time "Hmmm, I'm going to hold on to my money."


But alas, I love Star Wars, I wanted to give it a go, and I'm glad I did. I am starting to get worried about the game as time passes though, hence the OP.




Zeschuck highlights the fact that artwork was outsourced to China, Estonia, and Russia, while motion capture was filmed in LA and Vancouver, and voice acting was recorded in London, New York, and Paris. Additionally quality assurance testing was done in Argentina, India, and Romania.


sounds efficient :D

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I will not compare it to Rift.


Rift had a good launch.


This game has the worse launch in MMO history.


Only people who hail it as a good launch either got in on the first day (people that preorder instantly), never logged off or are just Biodrones.

Edited by Tiaa
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I will not compare it to Rift.


Rift had a good launch.


This game has the worse launch in MMO history.


Only people who hail it as a good launch either got in on the first day, never logged off or are just Biodrones.


The launch was by far bad, but personaly I dont feel like it was ready.

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Rift = Poorly executed WoW clone.

SWTOR = Nicely executed EverQuest 2 clone.




Tried Rift several times. From beta till already patched version. It just feels rough and cheap.

Bad animations. Ugly design. Weak sounds and generic music.

I could not care less about gameplay innovations(There are none in Rift) if game PRESENTS itself poorly.


SWTOR felt and played like AAA game from day one. Yes, there are bugs, but they are to be expected. Still, the general feel of the game is good. First time since WoW I feel something like that in a MMO.

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What's QOL? dont know the acronym >.>


That said. Rift was definitely a massive success given the expectations it had in development. New IP from a new company with no name talent...even now as it's converting trial servers *cough*closingdownservers*cough* It's still preforming above initial projections.


Quality of Life.


Really? Cause that game was literally advertised as the wow killer. You guys don't remember the "this isn't azeroth anymore" advertisements? SWTOR as far as I'm aware never advertised anything so blatant. TRION worlds is also hardly a new company.

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