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How to stop ppl from leaving warzones


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I only leave when the other team for some reason has 10 people. As in most WZs that becomes pretty pointless fast.


I guess the question we need to ask ourselves is why force people to stay in an obviously losing game? If gear disparity was not so high we could at least have some fun while losing. Right now you get into games where you just get roflstomped no matter what you do.


Punishing people for leaving is not the answer. We need to create some sort of incentive to stay.

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I only leave when the other team for some reason has 10 people. As in most WZs that becomes pretty pointless fast.


I guess the question we need to ask ourselves is why force people to stay in an obviously losing game? If gear disparity was not so high we could at least have some fun while losing. Right now you get into games where you just get roflstomped no matter what you do.


Punishing people for leaving is not the answer. We need to create some sort of incentive to stay.



a chance of better gear isn't incentive ?

you need 200WC + 200MC for one champion bag = 800WC per bag.

A good game with victory gives me approx 90-100 WC , champion bag every 8th game

A good game with lost (means we are not rolled over within first two minutes) gives me 60-70 WC

any game joined in the middle (which is 70% of games on my server) gives me more than 40 very rarelly, just in case a coward left within first two minutes, almost no chance go over 35 in case there is 5 minutes till end.


See the point? how many commendations you got from leaving a wz? Do I understand this correctly you don't want to play against players with better gear but you are expecting players with better gear will push you through victory and you will grab your gear from quest reward bags??

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Ya and the debuff needs to last like 2hrs. Not 1/2hr. It really needs to make a person think twice about leaving a Warzone.


I also like the idea of playing 10 or winning 3 for the weekly. Which ever happend first kind of thing. Otherwise thhe system will always favor the better geared and maybe not the better player.


I often find I am more interrested in leaving a game I am brought into that a person just left. I don't feel I should recieve a penalty for that. If I stick it out I should infact recieve a bonus. Just my 2 cents.

Edited by Gryphandor
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You can prevent people from leaving via many positive angles instead of just punishing them. The positive angles then would be rewarding to everyone as well, even those troopers that already stand their ground and deal with pre-mades farming pugs, etc.


The first answer is the following;


The daily should consist of the goal of 3 wins, or 5 loses count as one win. So the worst case scenario, you are stuck playing a max of 15 matches to complete your daily.


This time frame is significant enough to both motivate players to still want to succeed because it is markedly shorter to win then lose, but also motivates a player to stick it out. Also the time is long enough to weaken the effectiveness of just AFKing thru matches to gain completion.


The second answer is to use features along the lines of this example;


Huttball, when a team scores, it removes 2min off the clock. If the losing team scores, it either doesn't change the clock or adds 2min back on the clock. This prevents blow outs from being a farm-fest, while not damaging the time for a close match. Sure, a good team could just score once or twice and start farming, but at that point, there is always a risk that the losing team could get its collective heads in the game and score, bringing the possibility of victory to even the underdog team.


These two concepts create a better over all environment for game play for everyone, as well as removes the benefit of bailing the match at the drop of a hat. This then removes the flawed system of punishment that hurts many innocent players as well as those who are abusing the ability to leave.


Reality is, that with the currently bugged/flawed system present, there are to many ways to end up in a match you didn't intend to, and want to leave right away. Particularly the fact that your group is broken up each match, but your queue is not turned off, so you forget to turn off your own queue and get pulled into a match without your team. Or I personally run into this one a lot, I queue up for a match, hit enter, get the huttball splash screen.....finally load and start running down the hall toward the force wall to get into a game that's already underway, but now I have to wait for the 'way to long' field, to drop...Game decides I have been AFK to long and boots me before I can get thru the horrible force wall system...Now I'm to be punished because I left a match against my will?



All in all, positive, more well constructed answers to resolving these issues will improve the game and motivate more people to play, instead of just punishing people which will motivate players to not play. You can all complain about the 'bads' in matches, but if those 'bads' stop queuing, then queue times slow way down and the source of most of your Valor and Warzone Commendations dries up. Don't urinate in the well you drink from.

Edited by Malice_Nihilim
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a chance of better gear isn't incentive ?

you need 200WC + 200MC for one champion bag = 800WC per bag.

A good game with victory gives me approx 90-100 WC , champion bag every 8th game

A good game with lost (means we are not rolled over within first two minutes) gives me 60-70 WC

any game joined in the middle (which is 70% of games on my server) gives me more than 40 very rarelly, just in case a coward left within first two minutes, almost no chance go over 35 in case there is 5 minutes till end.


See the point? how many commendations you got from leaving a wz? Do I understand this correctly you don't want to play against players with better gear but you are expecting players with better gear will push you through victory and you will grab your gear from quest reward bags??


Nice PvE mentality about PvP

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a chance of better gear isn't incentive ?

you need 200WC + 200MC for one champion bag = 800WC per bag.

A good game with victory gives me approx 90-100 WC , champion bag every 8th game

A good game with lost (means we are not rolled over within first two minutes) gives me 60-70 WC

any game joined in the middle (which is 70% of games on my server) gives me more than 40 very rarelly, just in case a coward left within first two minutes, almost no chance go over 35 in case there is 5 minutes till end.


See the point? how many commendations you got from leaving a wz? Do I understand this correctly you don't want to play against players with better gear but you are expecting players with better gear will push you through victory and you will grab your gear from quest reward bags?


That's how you think about "PvP".

This is how I think about PvP: I want to shoot people in the face.


I am not saying that my way is right or all that constructive for that matter, but if you say it isn't...well, then I am going to shoot you in the face.

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Simple. If you want to stop people from leaving, BW needs to get more aggressive at fixing whats broke in the WZs to start with. Starting with the ridiculous imbalanced ques. This alone would go a long way to fixing things.
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Or put an instance lockout of sorts. In LOTRO you cannot, for example, enter more then five instances within an hour (I think that is the amount). It usually does not effect you if you play even one or two instances right to the end, but it stops people from say farming a certain item or from dropping group and trying again right away. It isn't even a long lockout. I think it is 10 minutes or something. They could do something similar here.
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Like I said, just because your bad, doesnt mean everyone else is.


I have no problem completing my daily and weekly WZ quests. Forcing people to play 5 matches even though they couldve won their first 3 is simply retarded.


I'll see your derp and raise you a herp derp.


You had posed a question as to why you shouldn't leave IF* you had already won your 3. My response makes complete sense and is spot on. There's far less reason to leave if you've already won your 3.


I'll call your herp derp and raise you a derpina.

Edited by Abiza
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Or give them a debuff for leaving preventing you them from joining a new one / ilum for 30 mins. And if they do more then 3 of these in a row give them a temp ban of up to 3 days..

i don't like this idea ): there are many bugs in the game at the moment that actually force you to leave :|


for instance, last night i was killed and re spawned stuck in our spawn point on Voidstar :p i couldn't move, i typed /stuck and nothing was done ;D i even got a sage friend to pull me, hoping it would free me but i was still stuck. eventually i was returned to the Fleet for being in the protected spawn zone for to long.. or something along those lines :x until major things are fixed, leave these "penalties" out of warzones (;

Edited by Jesseii
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At first, I thought a debuff or timeout was appropriate to make desertion less appealing. After reading dozens of these threads and logging more PvP time, I think that BW needs to address the issues. I have never left a WZ, but I can certainly understand why people do.
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a chance of better gear isn't incentive ?

you need 200WC + 200MC for one champion bag = 800WC per bag.

A good game with victory gives me approx 90-100 WC , champion bag every 8th game

A good game with lost (means we are not rolled over within first two minutes) gives me 60-70 WC

any game joined in the middle (which is 70% of games on my server) gives me more than 40 very rarelly, just in case a coward left within first two minutes, almost no chance go over 35 in case there is 5 minutes till end.


See the point? how many commendations you got from leaving a wz? Do I understand this correctly you don't want to play against players with better gear but you are expecting players with better gear will push you through victory and you will grab your gear from quest reward bags??


They are talking about a better PVP matching system. If we are matched with people with the same level of gear then that will solve what I am talking about.


Calling people cowards is not really logical. The problem is not "fear" it's the obvious understanding of the math in question. If you happen to be in a PUG with ungeared players skill flys out the window. And it just becomes a farm fest. This is not entertaining. And for the low amount of coms you generally get it just does not feel worth it.


Another major issue is that people are just trying to get their daily done. If they get rid of the win condition on WZs this will entice people to stay to the end.


Again, I rarely leave WZs. But we play games to have fun.

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Yesterday I joined a lot of wz and half of them were already started, so I had to stick there not to be ported back at fleet.


Nice. Thanks Bioware.


A deserter debuff is mandatory together with the inability to join a wz when already started.

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1. its just silly to even think they would put a buff on you that penalizes a member that pays to play. if your cheating they should just ban you if you are leaving due to someone cheating or a premade team or a wz you just dont care for too damn bad they leave on you middle or sart of the game.


2. they need to add in not just one extra non faction wz but several next patch 1.2


3. the need to add in cross sever PVP wz que and this alone will allow for


4. a player to que to what ever wz they wish to play in


5. they need to make it a flat 1500 valor for a completed wz to give people incentive to actually keep players from leaving a losing game. Yeah it sucks but each time i just ****** up and stay so i get the valor. you say 1500 and thats to much it would be to easy to level and i say that is BS cause its so easy to lvl your character to cap level as is for just pve levels why is it such a change for valor pvp level?


6. they need to take a lession from other bf3 or cod and have a ranking system that is offline and web based so peoplel can flex ther epeens but most importantly it will allow them to design a system that uses that ranking system to correctly match players in a wz for a balanced stat based game not the junk we have now. this alone would also allow for them toquick identify cheats and perma ban them from the game.


7. stop wasting a players time spending weeks earning champion gear or battlemaster gear and acutally implement a rich pvp gear system maybe incorporating their mod system into . its sd that the pvp gear is linked to a silly daily system. yep just stupid it is. dailies i general just stink of i have no idae how to make this exciting fun and enriching experience.


pvp in ths game is sure fun but very very very lacking


if you think ilum is good your just well ignorant .

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if you think ilum is good your just well ignorant .


This. My definition of Ilum's PvP is the farthest from "good" I can think of.


I want to add once more that on a PvP server you should get valor and mercenary comms when killing other faction's char in the open world everywhere.

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Or give them a debuff for leaving preventing you them from joining a new one / ilum for 30 mins. And if they do more then 3 of these in a row give them a temp ban of up to 3 days..

This, though I'd put the temp ban up to 1 hr, I think 3 days is a bit too much xD



Or allow them to queue for what they want!


And this!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm tired of hutball.


This. My definition of Ilum's PvP is the farthest from "good" I can think of.


I want to add once more that on a PvP server you should get valor and mercenary comms when killing other faction's char in the open world everywhere.

Heh... Open World? PvP server? I think those 4 words mean nothing for BW and their carebear dev's team.

Edited by Streptococo
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Rarely people actually listen to what a random says. Even if it is explained in a manarred way. What people that complain in this post is not to prevent warzone leaving, but more likely to get matched with players on their level, which is imposible for any game. In random warzones there will always be better and worse players, and yes talking sweet can help at a certain level, but some times its just imposible to prevent the loss. Even when i join with 4 men all rank 58+ there is still the chanse to be matchmade with 4 fresh 50s. And I still think that the best solution is 15 minutes deserter debuff. Enough time to make a sandwich and cool off, but not to much to get forced to play a game where you would want to tear every hair of your head :D .


Ah, I never said it was instantaneous, did I. But in my experience, it DOES work, especially if the people who do the explaining are the ones who are recognized as 'game makers', the ones whose presence makes a difference.

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9 out of 10 times quitters weren't pulling their weight anyway, and their spot gets filled with someone committed and competent and we turn around the game and win.



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9 out of 10 times quitters weren't pulling their weight anyway, and their spot gets filled with someone committed and competent and we turn around the game and win.





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