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No Movement Enchantments in Huttball


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I don't think you quite understand the conversation.


Enemy 1 and enemy 2 are fighting, approximately 20 meters away from Enemy 2's goal line. Enemy 2 is panicking but keeping a cool head DPSing Enemy 1 down.


Enemy 1 has sprint. Enemy 2 Does not.


Enemy 1 sprints to the goal line and wins.


Now reverse the situation.


Enemy 2 Dies.


It's better to be enemy 1.


Do you get it now?


Actually I DO understand it. One (1) of my toons is an assassin, yes, however I get shutdown in that exact circumstance you just layed out all the time. I can count on one hand the number of 1 vs 1 fights i have had in Huttball. It may start out that way sure, but it never, never ends that way. One team or both with have people jump in.


I have cleared my CC, force run, CC'd again instantly. Maybe 1/10 of my scores I got with force run and of those most just happened to be a clear shot to the goal anyhow and no defenders in sight.


Now, the really important thing people keep mentioning here is, ITS A TEAM SPORT. That means there is offense, defense, support... not everyone on the team is a ball carrier, what you are asking is the same as sidelinning a running back becuase he is faster then the 400lbs linemen.


Huttball is like any other sport. Some members of the "team" are fast:D, some slow:mad:, some hit you so hard your grandchildren will feel it years from now:eek:. If "those people" without these so called game breaking skills are in a team they need to shoot the ball carrier, stun the ball carrier, oh my god maybe even KILL the ball carrier. Being able to sprint for 2 woppin seconds is not that big a deal. However, I can understand that might seem like a long time for the basement dwealers that takes a whole minute to get out of their chair and walk to the fridge for another donut but watch the run... its basically the distance from one acid pit to the next IF you are not CC'd which lets face it, you see it all the time.


Play as a team, utilize the poeple that have these skills, win and have fun OR sit onf the forums complaining while WE are doing just that.

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Actually I DO understand it. One (1) of my toons is an assassin, yes, however I get shutdown in that exact circumstance you just layed out all the time. I can count on one hand the number of 1 vs 1 fights i have had in Huttball. It may start out that way sure, but it never, never ends that way. One team or both with have people jump in.


I have cleared my CC, force run, CC'd again instantly. Maybe 1/10 of my scores I got with force run and of those most just happened to be a clear shot to the goal anyhow and no defenders in sight.


Now, the really important thing people keep mentioning here is, ITS A TEAM SPORT. That means there is offense, defense, support... not everyone on the team is a ball carrier, what you are asking is the same as sidelinning a running back becuase he is faster then the 400lbs linemen.


Huttball is like any other sport. Some members of the "team" are fast:D, some slow:mad:, some hit you so hard your grandchildren will feel it years from now:eek:. If "those people" without these so called game breaking skills are in a team they need to shoot the ball carrier, stun the ball carrier, oh my god maybe even KILL the ball carrier. Being able to sprint for 2 woppin seconds is not that big a deal. However, I can understand that might seem like a long time for the basement dwealers that takes a whole minute to get out of their chair and walk to the fridge for another donut but watch the run... its basically the distance from one acid pit to the next IF you are not CC'd which lets face it, you see it all the time.


Play as a team, utilize the poeple that have these skills, win and have fun OR sit onf the forums complaining while WE are doing just that.


Your analogy sucks. In a real sport those slow lumbering people you are describing would take that fast guys head off their body when they caught them. This isn't the case in this game. Healing and bubble put them on even terms at the very LEAST. You wouldn't see a fast, skinny wide receiver go toe to toe with a linebacker and win.


Your class is unbalanced in huttball, stop fooling yourself.

Edited by Typheran
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It is pretty annoying watching the same Jug walk down into the pit and leap up to the goal line after someone peaks over the edge at them, steps forward and scores.


Part of the game though I reckon.


If they can use their abilites to bypass chokepoints and hazards... why did they code it so a OP drops the ball when he cloaks? It's the same thing, except I can watch the Jug score. My DPS and knockbacks are useless to his CD.

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I'm pretty sure the point of those hazards was so that people had a reason to pass.


That reason is kinda null when you can force speed over the flame pit and score it solo without any real drawback.


EXACTLY! It stops being a team game when 1 class can bypass the whole enemy team with little to no support.

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Hello, hows your sorc/sage doing?


Try playing another class and get back on this forum about huttball.


Don't play a sorc/sage. Assassin tank. You are really stupid if you think that just by having sorc/sage on your team in huttball you autowin.


For all those crying about movement enhancement, take a second to think. There is a small window to use these abilities effectively. Good teamwork and coordination are required to position and execute a score using these abilities in those small windows of opportunity. If another team is doing it well and yours is not, you are doing it wrong.


ALL of these abilities can be countered whether during like force sprint or before/after they are triggered. You fail if you let the other team position themselves to score. "but I'm just a sucky op that got nerfed to the ground and don't have any of those abilities." Guess what your good at? Locking players down BEFORE they get in position. Seriously...learn to play your class and learn your role. Every class has something to bring to the table.

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Going to agree with the OP on this one, Huttball is basically Forceball... Cause if you're a non force user, you're pretty much **** during Huttball.


Take for example... My Powertech BH, because it's honestly the most useful non force user in Huttball, I get a Pull, that any Juggernaut can basically ignore, and a Charge... That any Juggernaut does better at... Assassin tanks get the pull, the ability to go bloody immune for 5 seconds (so they can't be pulled or CCed) and Force speed.


Right now, whenever I join Huttball, i look at the opposing team, and it it has a bunch of Assassins/Sorcs for example, I'm pretty sure it's going to be a loss, and 9/10 it usually is.


One Sorc/One Assassin alone can easily win the Match for ya.. Have multiple ones and you're pretty much screwed if you're fighting against it.


So I vote they remove all movement options from it, Let the match be decided by good passing.. Not Force users..

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EXACTLY! It stops being a team game when 1 class can bypass the whole enemy team with little to no support.


Too bad that is not the case. Comments like yours make you appear to be one who does not play huttball or plays it very poorly with no awareness.


No one class is dominating huttball if the opposing team is breathing and semi coherent.


If it is so easy play that class and video you scoring over and over and over again with nobody stopping you.


This thread is about huttball but most of the complaining is qq about sorcerors. It is silly.

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Don't play a sorc/sage. Assassin tank. You are really stupid if you think that just by having sorc/sage on your team in huttball you autowin.


For all those crying about movement enhancement, take a second to think. There is a small window to use these abilities effectively. Good teamwork and coordination are required to position and execute a score using these abilities in those small windows of opportunity. If another team is doing it well and yours is not, you are doing it wrong.


ALL of these abilities can be countered whether during like force sprint or before/after they are triggered. You fail if you let the other team position themselves to score. "but I'm just a sucky op that got nerfed to the ground and don't have any of those abilities." Guess what your good at? Locking players down BEFORE they get in position. Seriously...learn to play your class and learn your role. Every class has something to bring to the table.


How the hell does that require good teamwork and coordination? Are you kidding me?



It takes good coordination to pass it 3 times across the hazards and into the goal, it takes one assassin to get the ball on a catwalk and force speed over the flames and into the goal so that nobody can follow you.

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EXACTLY! It stops being a team game when 1 class can bypass the whole enemy team with little to no support.


This is the stupidest thing ever. Seriously troll moar. There is no 1 class that can bypass 8 other players and skip to the goal. If your team lets this happen they suck. If you let enemies set up to score like this, your team sucks. I have yet to see one person solo grab the ball from neutral, pwn 8 players fly over all obstacles and lulz his/her way to a score. IT REQUIRES A TEAM to heal, position, defend the ball carrier etc. Sorry but this is a L2P issue.


You guys that complain have been playing on bad teams, are bad players or have witnessed something amazing that I have yet to see. If you ever spot the mystery sorc/sage/assassin/jugg/superunicorn, please fraps and post. I would love to see someone own 8 other players solo.

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Ah yes, let's remove anything that people that aren't your class can use, but leave you able to pull the carrier wherever you want to.




For the record, the only time a Sorc or a Sage gets a guaranteed Huttball score is when the other side is filled with idiots. Otherwise they're chain CCed, snared, locked down, pulled around, rooted and any one of the hundreds of different things that happen to squishies in Huttball. The number of times I as a Guardian have abused Force Leap to score because someone was stupid to try and attack me from their goal line is quite funny.


We punish stupidity.

Edited by Bakarn
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How the hell does that require good teamwork and coordination? Are you kidding me?



It takes good coordination to pass it 3 times across the hazards and into the goal, it takes one assassin to get the ball on a catwalk and force speed over the flames and into the goal so that nobody can follow you.


Hmm...who's fault is it letting the two others get in position to accept the two passes that get the score? Let me guess, that's also a sorc/sage/assassin ability. Damn it's good to forcespeed for 2 seconds. It makes my team play smarter and makes the enemy moar dumb.

Edited by AncientForce
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Too bad that is not the case. Comments like yours make you appear to be one who does not play huttball or plays it very poorly with no awareness.


No one class is dominating huttball if the opposing team is breathing and semi coherent.


If it is so easy play that class and video you scoring over and over and over again with nobody stopping you.


This thread is about huttball but most of the complaining is qq about sorcerors. It is silly.


I'm an Imp valor rank 50 on a imp dominated server... you are right Nostradamus. I never play huttball. O_o


While A sorc is not an instant win, they have a very high probability to score over most other classes. People complain about them due to the inherent abilities that make them one of the best classes to play in huttball.


Jugs, PT and Sorcs DO Dominate huttball, with Sorc leading that pack.


Maybe you don't play huttball?

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Honestly the people defending these abilities sound like the same fools in Rift who thought it was perfectly ok for Riftstalker/Bard Combo to exist in Whitefall... Ya know... Because having one class that completely clear the entire Zone in 30 seconds with the flag was completely balanced.


Any Objective Based map like this always breeds moronic speed type classes that think it's perfectly ok that the match is completely reliant on their class.


Riftstalker/Bard combo was perfectly ok for example.. because you could purge his speed... Even though he could just get it right back by porting again....


Whitefalls in Rift ended up being exactly like this game to, If you had one on your team, You won. If ya the other team did, You lost.

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This is the stupidest thing ever. Seriously troll moar. There is no 1 class that can bypass 8 other players and skip to the goal. If your team lets this happen they suck. If you let enemies set up to score like this, your team sucks. I have yet to see one person solo grab the ball from neutral, pwn 8 players fly over all obstacles and lulz his/her way to a score. IT REQUIRES A TEAM to heal, position, defend the ball carrier etc. Sorry but this is a L2P issue.


You guys that complain have been playing on bad teams, are bad players or have witnessed something amazing that I have yet to see. If you ever spot the mystery sorc/sage/assassin/jugg/superunicorn, please fraps and post. I would love to see someone own 8 other players solo.


Lol.. speaking of troll.


A good Sorc will bubble, take enough CC to fill the resolve bar, break CC and force run away from those 8 guys hitting them, who are still stuck in combat and slowly slog away. While this isn't always a score, it has a HUGE possibility to., especially compares to other classes.


If you don't know that.. you are a horrible sorc.

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This is the stupidest thing ever. Seriously troll moar. There is no 1 class that can bypass 8 other players and skip to the goal. If your team lets this happen they suck. If you let enemies set up to score like this, your team sucks. I have yet to see one person solo grab the ball from neutral, pwn 8 players fly over all obstacles and lulz his/her way to a score. IT REQUIRES A TEAM to heal, position, defend the ball carrier etc. Sorry but this is a L2P issue.


You guys that complain have been playing on bad teams, are bad players or have witnessed something amazing that I have yet to see. If you ever spot the mystery sorc/sage/assassin/jugg/superunicorn, please fraps and post. I would love to see someone own 8 other players solo.


I believe no one said it was one person doing this, But teams of people doing it with the specific Force Classes.


Here is all it takes to win Huttball.


Sorc/Sage Runs past first fire pit, Assassin Waits for you on Either Side Ledge or Enemy Teams Ledge overlooking the ball.


If your teammate grabs the ball and throws it to the assassin, That assassin will score, and there isn't squat you can do about it.. Because He's going to get pulled by the Sorc, and He's going to Immune and Forcespeed over that last pit...


There is other strategies like this, But they all contain Force users, Non Force Users be damned.


a Juggy is 10x the ball carrier a BH is.


an Assassin is 10x the Ball Carrier a BH is.


Sorc, the same...


Hell, even a Marauder is good for the bloody group speed buff they get and the stupid amount of Damage they can take.

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Honestly the people defending these abilities sound like the same fools in Rift who thought it was perfectly ok for Riftstalker/Bard Combo to exist in Whitefall... Ya know... Because having one class that completely clear the entire Zone in 30 seconds with the flag was completely balanced.


Any Objective Based map like this always breeds moronic speed type classes that think it's perfectly ok that the match is completely reliant on their class.


Riftstalker/Bard combo was perfectly ok for example.. because you could purge his speed... Even though he could just get it right back by porting again....


Whitefalls in Rift ended up being exactly like this game to, If you had one on your team, You won. If ya the other team did, You lost.


1. Who cares about Rift.

2. No single class clears anything in any wz unless you show up to the party naked.

3. Previous poster listed jugg/PT/sorc as dominating huttball...sorry but seen many of those three AC as well as every other get dominated carrying the ball.


This discussion is obviously centered around making all ball carriers equal in Huttball. Guess what? Carrying the ball is only part of the game. I play an assassin tank and my damage is crap. But if I am not carrying the ball, why can't I get a buff that let's me do 600k damage or healing if I want to contribute that way? I gear and play to fill a certain role on my team and I set myslef up over and over again to hopefully get the ball once or twice out the numerous times I set up to hopefully score and contribute to my team to win the game. Some games I get on a team that plays smart and this works. Most of the time I am on teams with you crybabies and I get rolled when I set up by teams that know how to play defense. L2P

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I believe no one said it was one person doing this, But teams of people doing it with the specific Force Classes.


Here is all it takes to win Huttball.


Sorc/Sage Runs past first fire pit, Assassin Waits for you on Either Side Ledge or Enemy Teams Ledge overlooking the ball.


If your teammate grabs the ball and throws it to the assassin, That assassin will score, and there isn't squat you can do about it.. Because He's going to get pulled by the Sorc, and He's going to Immune and Forcespeed over that last pit...


There is other strategies like this, But they all contain Force users, Non Force Users be damned.


a Juggy is 10x the ball carrier a BH is.


an Assassin is 10x the Ball Carrier a BH is.


Sorc, the same...


Hell, even a Marauder is good for the bloody group speed buff they get and the stupid amount of Damage they can take.


Again I ask, who let the assassin sit there and set up. Yup, that's your bad team. I think once people learn how to play defense, most of this QQ will stop.

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1. Who cares about Rift.

2. No single class clears anything in any wz unless you show up to the party naked.

3. Previous poster listed jugg/PT/sorc as dominating huttball...sorry but seen many of those three AC as well as every other get dominated carrying the ball.


This discussion is obviously centered around making all ball carriers equal in Huttball. Guess what? Carrying the ball is only part of the game. I play an assassin tank and my damage is crap. But if I am not carrying the ball, why can't I get a buff that let's me do 600k damage or healing if I want to contribute that way? I gear and play to fill a certain role on my team and I set myslef up over and over again to hopefully get the ball once or twice out the numerous times I set up to hopefully score and contribute to my team to win the game. Some games I get on a team that plays smart and this works. Most of the time I am on teams with you crybabies and I get rolled when I set up by teams that know how to play defense. L2P


1. It was a comparison of the ineptitude that most of the defenders display, You are an example of this.

2. You clearly haven't played anything but an Assassin. Try playing a Powertech BH in Huttball once and see how well it works only having 1 Charge on a 15 second cooldown, No immunity or Speed.

3. Juggies/Sorcs dominate Huttball, Powertech is the worst tank for it.


Now, Lets continue onto the rest of your post.. You seem to think because you spec tank, you should be the absolute best ball carrier because you can go immune and speed over obstacles. You also seem to think, That if you're not doing this, You're useless in Huttball, Which tells me you dont' properly know how to play your class in the first place. Not only can you guard the ball carrier, You would still make an excellent ball carrier even if speed/immunity didn't work, Because you have an AOE knockback. Powertechs/Juggies would also be similar to you in that they wouldn't have their movement abilities either.


Fact is, You're a bad tank, because you've not found the strength of your class, Instead you're relying on blatant overpowered mechanics in huttball to be successful.


When they finally do gut movement abilities in huttball, You're going to be screwed as you have zero clue how Huttball is meant to be played.

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Again I ask, who let the assassin sit there and set up. Yup, that's your bad team. I think once people learn how to play defense, most of this QQ will stop.


You mean who let the stealthed assassin go up stealth onto a ramp stealthed...?


That's kind of like "Who let the Riftstalker/Bard get by them without purging him"


Same argument, Different level of stupid.

Edited by Xsorus
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Lol.. speaking of troll.


A good Sorc will bubble, take enough CC to fill the resolve bar, break CC and force run away from those 8 guys hitting them, who are still stuck in combat and slowly slog away. While this isn't always a score, it has a HUGE possibility to., especially compares to other classes.


If you don't know that.. you are a horrible sorc.


Oh right sorry. I forgot that sorc bubble soaks up unlimited damage.


If your 8 players filled a sorc resolve bar and didnt kill him or pull him away from getting set up to pass then let him run away in his ultimatebubble while laughing at all of you...then yeah you guys suck. Really dumb team for not having anyone play defense in front of the incoming sorcerer...

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Oh right sorry. I forgot that sorc bubble soaks up unlimited damage.


If your 8 players filled a sorc resolve bar and didnt kill him or pull him away from getting set up to pass then let him run away in his ultimatebubble while laughing at all of you...then yeah you guys suck. Really dumb team for not having anyone play defense in front of the incoming sorcerer...


I like how every one of your arguments starts with "You have 8 players, and they didn't stop this 1 sorc from doing something" Completely ignoring the 7 players on the Sorcs team *grin*


I'm sure 8v1 the Sorc won't do well, That's not how huttball works though.

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1. It was a comparison of the ineptitude that most of the defenders display, You are an example of this.

2. You clearly haven't played anything but an Assassin. Try playing a Powertech BH in Huttball once and see how well it works only having 1 Charge on a 15 second cooldown, No immunity or Speed.

3. Juggies/Sorcs dominate Huttball, Powertech is the worst tank for it.


Now, Lets continue onto the rest of your post.. You seem to think because you spec tank, you should be the absolute best ball carrier because you can go immune and speed over obstacles. You also seem to think, That if you're not doing this, You're useless in Huttball, Which tells me you dont' properly know how to play your class in the first place. Not only can you guard the ball carrier, You would still make an excellent ball carrier even if speed/immunity didn't work, Because you have an AOE knockback. Powertechs/Juggies would also be similar to you in that they wouldn't have their movement abilities either.


Fact is, You're a bad tank, because you've not found the strength of your class, Instead you're relying on blatant overpowered mechanics in huttball to be successful.


When they finally do gut movement abilities in huttball, You're going to be screwed as you have zero clue how Huttball is meant to be played.



Haha umadbro? Just because you don't know how to play defense and are butthurt that you can't play your PT well, you start spewing nonsense about not knowing how to play class? FYI, your qq tears are delicious.


I've seen great PT ball carriers. You are obviously not one of them because here you are crying about them. If you would learn to play defense in game and not on forums, we wouldn't be having this exchange.


Stay on topic ace. We were talking about ball carrying, hence why I wrote about ball carrying...not guard or taunt etc. I understand. You're really reaching and that's okay. I get it...you want to sound pro on the forums. Okay you are pro and totally figured me out. I have no idea what all those other abailities are for on my bar. All i see is that force speed button because it makes me unstoppable. Seriously, focus your keen powers of perception in game and learn how to play defense. Ops get an ability for better stealth detection btw. Unfortunately, they don't get one that prevents them from running off into a corner to kill some random player low on health to fluff their medal count that really has no immediate threat of assissting scoring a goal. Oh whoops did I just offend the dps community?

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