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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

No Movement Enchantments in Huttball


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I play a Guardian main, and I completely agree with the OP.


It's ridiculous how easy it is to score on certain classes in Huttball. Combined with a sage, I've performed chains of 4 leaps in the space of 5 GCDs. I've run straight into pits and leapt up to respawners (who have NO realistic way to avoid a leap if they want to get back into the game). It's very rare that I find myself in a tactical situation where it is more prudent to throw the ball than simply leap it around, and that's not right.


The game is designed around limited mobility (hence the perma snare) for a running or throwing game. Abilities which increase mobility with the Huttball dumb down the teamwork required and simply turn the game into an arms race where the team with more ball moving abilities (force leap, storm, force speed, etc.) wins.


Not allowing the CARRIER to leap or speed boost with the ball doesn't remove the skills from Huttball. Non-carriers would be free to use them, so they would still be useful for defense, support and/or positioning for an offensive play.


The best games of Huttball I've played always involved teams who had little to no ability to break the ball moving mechanics with class abilities.

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You should not be able to use ANY movement enchantments while carrying the ball in Huttball. This includes: Intercede, Force Charge, Force Speed, Force Pull. Any of these kind of abilities should return the ball to the neutral position.


However, enemies should still be able to pull the ball carrier into hazard, pit etc.


Allowing all these movement enchantments makes throwing the ball moot. Also having 8 sorcs will not win you the game anymore.


lol so your vanguard can still get use out its pull, but my guardian leap does nothing special in huttball, got it.


I really hope they dont listen to the people that cant handle a dynamic game. It would be tragic to make huttball one dimensional.


There are counters to everything if you need the game changed because you cant compete then YOUBAD.

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I play a Guardian main, and I completely agree with the OP.


It's ridiculous how easy it is to score on certain classes in Huttball. Combined with a sage, I've performed chains of 4 leaps in the space of 5 GCDs. I've run straight into pits and leapt up to respawners (who have NO realistic way to avoid a leap if they want to get back into the game). It's very rare that I find myself in a tactical situation where it is more prudent to throw the ball than simply leap it around, and that's not right.


The game is designed around limited mobility (hence the perma snare) for a running or throwing game. Abilities which increase mobility with the Huttball dumb down the teamwork required and simply turn the game into an arms race where the team with more ball moving abilities (force leap, storm, force speed, etc.) wins.


Not allowing the CARRIER to leap or speed boost with the ball doesn't remove the skills from Huttball. Non-carriers would be free to use them, so they would still be useful for defense, support and/or positioning for an offensive play.


The best games of Huttball I've played always involved teams who had little to no ability to break the ball moving mechanics with class abilities.


Dont think you are special you were just playing a bad team with no defense. If they removed any movement abilities from huttball they would should do it to all of them or it wouldnt really be fair and if they do that the game would be boring.

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I hate to bring this up but it happened to me last night and is highly exploitable. Same team pulls with the pullers being a jerk. Got in a game and we rolled them 5-0 within the first 3 minutes then it started in chat.


"It's farm time!" by a couple of people. My reply was if they wanted to farm most app stores have a app for that. Anyone that grabbed the ball got pulled back, down to the floor or in the fire.


Just imagine if someone just felt like being a jerk and causing a team to lose a match instead of extending it slightly.

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Let's play huttball naked already...


Big NO. Those skills make huttball more fun and if I lose because someone is more skilled and have better teamwork.... bad luck. Gonna try to be better next time.


This is the truth. Huttball becomes interesting when you can pass to the sorc sitting pre fire traps in the hope that he might know to make a breakaway and score the go-ahead point. If we didn't have things like this, every huttball would literally be team deathmatch in the middle for the entire game.


And that would make huttball suck even more.

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I'm a jedi why cant i use the force to move the ball and score? But yea lets look at the ops statement:


he wants the ball handler to be able to be knocked off the pillars.

the ball carrier to walk at what 70% movement speed in combat across fire gaps where you get stunned etc

the ability to insta gib the carrier still by pulling into a trap.


yep that will be balanced.

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I play a Guardian main, and I completely agree with the OP.


It's ridiculous how easy it is to score on certain classes in Huttball. Combined with a sage, I've performed chains of 4 leaps in the space of 5 GCDs. I've run straight into pits and leapt up to respawners (who have NO realistic way to avoid a leap if they want to get back into the game). It's very rare that I find myself in a tactical situation where it is more prudent to throw the ball than simply leap it around, and that's not right.


The game is designed around limited mobility (hence the perma snare) for a running or throwing game. Abilities which increase mobility with the Huttball dumb down the teamwork required and simply turn the game into an arms race where the team with more ball moving abilities (force leap, storm, force speed, etc.) wins.


Not allowing the CARRIER to leap or speed boost with the ball doesn't remove the skills from Huttball. Non-carriers would be free to use them, so they would still be useful for defense, support and/or positioning for an offensive play.


The best games of Huttball I've played always involved teams who had little to no ability to break the ball moving mechanics with class abilities.


Everything this guy said. Also I will repeat for the 50th time. I would only like to see the movement effects not usable while holding the ball. Not the entire warzone like soo many of you window lickers who cannot read seem to think. Again, only the ball carrier. Its not game breaking, it just promoted throwing the ball.


Furthermore, for people who asked what class I play. I play a Merc and a Sorc.

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I feel like you missed the whole point. You should have to "THROW THE BALL". These skills allow you to disregard the WZ mechanic. I don't see where you get the whole "might as well remove everything" idea. A change like this would make Huttball much more bearable since it is played 4 out of 5 times.


Actually it would make huttball suck. Passing is still very important in huttball

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Everything this guy said. Also I will repeat for the 50th time. I would only like to see the movement effects not usable while holding the ball. Not the entire warzone like soo many of you window lickers who cannot read seem to think. Again, only the ball carrier. Its not game breaking, it just promoted throwing the ball.


Furthermore, for people who asked what class I play. I play a Merc and a Sorc.


People understand, but a pull only usable without the ball loses much less effectivness than an ally leap only usable without the ball.


If they did get rid of this type of thing they should really just get rid of them across the board in Huttball. Otherwise you arent really doing anything to create balance, you are just creating a different looking imbalance.

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It isn't more skill or better teamwork. It is 1 button that allows game breaking mechanics. Real skill and teamwork would be setting up for passes while simultaneously keeping your ball carrier alive.


Learn to play defense. If you are losing to a single skill you are not playing effectively.


The game is complex and nuanced now. You want to destroy all that instead of learning how to play the game that exists now.

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Mercs and Agents get sooo boned in huttball.


As a 50 Merc I am regulated to DPSing from the ramps and avoiding anything to do with the ball. I can't Survive being chain CC'd while being focused when I'm waiting for a fire hazard. I can't force run and my bubble only negates 25% of the damage I take.


Why is my class and Agents left out? If you were to make a pro Huttball team Neither of us would be in it. Sorc's are really broken. Out DPSing merc AND outhealing them in the same match. OH.. they can also touch the ball without being curbstomped.





Balance Bioware... try it.




Learn to pass.

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Learn to play defense. If you are losing to a single skill you are not playing effectively.


The game is complex and nuanced now. You want to destroy all that instead of learning how to play the game that exists now.


Yes they want to destroy that so they continue to play the way they play now, but be just as effective as everyone else.

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Why does everyone blow this out of proportion? I want people to throw the ball more. The reason so many games are 6-0 is because you don't have to throw the ball and can just jump out of the pit to the end zone and score over and over again. Or while the ball carrier is getting CC'ed and knock backed by the defending team, a sorc force runs by and pulls the ball carrier into the goal line. Its a lame mechanic.




We should not dumb down huttball because some people have no idea how to play defense.


Your examples make you and your teammates seem totally incompetent. 6-0 matches are rare on my server but I play on a pvp server.

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The Agent has to have SOMEONE ELSE bring him the ball past all the hazards. Not a valid argument.


Tracer missile does not win games. Capping the ball does. Touching the ball makes a merc fall dramatically in DPS and die a horrible CC filled death.


Bubble + Force run + Trinket if you get stunned = leaving EVERYONE in the dust as they are still in combat AND stuck behind fire hazards which you bubbled past.


Still waiting for a valid argument.


I realize I'm way late to the party, but here's my opinion on this - agents can stealth to the goal and someone else can bring them the ball. What's wrong with that? You expect to just do everything by yourself? It's a TEAM GAME! You need a team. Shocker.


Touching the ball makes ANYONE'S dps drop and they die a horrible CC filled death without the support of their teammates. I never touch the ball regardless - I'm a healer, so I should be healing the ball carrier and shielding him, or pulling him back when he gets force pushed off ledges. Know your role and fill it, or reroll something else. Either way, you can't expect the game to change to your wishes, you have to change to what the game requires or just keep on losing.


When people bubble and run, you stun them. If they trinket, you stun them again. Or use one of the 4000 different snares that all ignore resolve. Most melee characters seem to have ways to close the distance, and your own sorc/assassin types can just sprint right after them. I don't see the issue. You certainly don't leave "everyone" in the dust by sprinting past one fire trap.


Regardless of all this - someone already gave the best and truest arguement against this kind of crap - what do melee ball carriers do to defend themselves if they can't use movement enhancing abilities? You're already snared by carrying the ball and can't get away from anyone. Now you can't leap to enemies? Assassins can't try to sprint away? People already complain that PvP in this game is range-dominated - this would make melee characters completely useless in PvP. A class like Juggernauts are only good in Huttball because of their ability to carry the ball so well due to the combination of good armor, health, and movement abilities (leap and interceed both). Eliminating their ability to move with the ball would make them esentially worthless.

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Before I throw my two cents in, I'd like to point out that rated/ranked warzones are incoming this month (according to George), and so, I make my case based upon having a fun, fair, and balanced Warzone experience for ALL classes.


That said, currently sorcerors and assassins are all you need to win a warzone match. A-tank grabs the ball, tosses to B-tank across the acid, who is then pulled by A-sorc to the top, uses force speed to cross OVER the second fire pit with his 3 second immunity to stun, and is then pulled by B-sorc to the goal line. It's a tactic that is impossible to stop. There are several other combinations that are impossible to stop as well, most of them involving sorcs, sins, and juggs.


Considering what I have said, I feel that huttball is strongly imbalanced towards creating sorc/sin or sorc/jugg premades. If they allow full 8 man premades (they better for ranked warzone, noone wants PUGS ruining their rating) for ranked warzones, you're going to see huttball premades who run 3 sorcs, 3 tanks, and maybe two dps...whom will be ranged.


It is my personal opinion that all leaps, pulls, and speed buffs should result in an immediate reset of the ball, if the ball handler is the target of one.


This means abilities such as


Force Charge




Force Speed


etc etc etc


All movement effects should result in the ball being dropped. Scoring should be limited to running the ball, passing the ball, and having your team actually protect the ball carrier.



Impossible to stop? Say what.


I kill the sorcerer right away it is stopped. These lapses in logics are all based on people not playing defense.


I don't know if some of you have no experience playing sports but giving a scenario which is clearly possible to stop it and saying it is unstoppable is just bad game play.

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BH Ball Carrier= instant movement decrease

Jug Ball Carrier= instant movement decrease

Agent Ball Carrier=instant movement decrease

Mara Ball Carrier= instant movement decrease

Jedi Knight Ball Carrier= instant movement decrease

Smuggler Ball Carrier= instant movement decrease

Trooper Ball Carrier=instant movement decrease

Sentinel Ball Carrier= instant movement decrease


Sorcerer Ball Carrier=Force Speed

Sage Ball Carrier=Force Speed


Carriers that can avoid hazards or run through them taking no damage:












If you cant see the problem there then your probably a Sorcerer or Consular.


Keep your force speed and bubbles just remove the movement decrease for ball carriers of other classes. FIXED!



Why do you only list half the classes in the game? Your ignorance is telling.

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I don't understand why removing movement abilities would supposedly "add" to the strategy. The ONLY viable strategy then would be to just group up together and protect the ball carrier. Then the other team would be forced to group up and try to attack the entire ball-moving unit. It would basically be mobile voidstar. Removing options doesn't create MORE strategy - it just removes more strategies from the game and give us less creative options.


Basically, you're saying Huttball should only be playable one way (a way which is currently possible, btw, so you're not adding anything new to the game). People can already group up and team-move the ball. Or, if you think this would force more passing, people can already spread out and try to pass ahead. These strategies are already in the game. But you're also denying a ton of creative and interesting possibilities, like force push/force leap combos, intercede/leap/pull combos, etc.


Why do people think that hitting the pass button somehow requires more teamwork than using abilities from different characters as a team? Why is passing the ball to a sorcerer on a ledge somehow more "deserving" of being in the game than having the sorcerer pull the carrier to that same ledge? Both require teamwork, but my way both are still options and give people MORE choices while playing. Your way is to restrict choice and force everyone to play the way you feel they should.

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