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No Movement Enchantments in Huttball


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You should not be able to use ANY movement enchantments while carrying the ball in Huttball. This includes: Intercede, Force Charge, Force Speed, Force Pull. Any of these kind of abilities should return the ball to the neutral position.


However, enemies should still be able to pull the ball carrier into hazard, pit etc.


Allowing all these movement enchantments makes throwing the ball moot. Also having 8 sorcs will not win you the game anymore.


Let's take away all abilities, instead, you will slap each other. With fish.


Makes about as much sense.

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I want to play the sorc that the forums describe- y'know, the one that becomes immune to knockbacks, has infinite sprints, 20k damage shields and shrugs off blows like superman.


It sounds pretty awesome- it's kind of amusing listening to 50 sorcs being disappointed when they realize the people on the forums have zero clue what they're talking about when it comes to what sorcs can do.

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When you play your trooper, you can awesomely blow stuff in pieces from the higher ledges and use the much dreaded knockback to toss stuff off ledges.


Or dont forget the "Take bounty hunters out with grav round and laugh" part. Again, preferably from higher ledges.


All in all, quite a usefull fellah in huttball.


useful for farming medals, not useful for winning the game

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Those skills make complete sense. I completely disagree with the OP



Huttball would be stupid without his stuff. It makes it so much more dynamic trying to figure out how to counter all of it.


We have a ton of good huttball matches that will end 1 to 2 or 4 to 5 because we know how to play and know how to counter these things.


Edit: Also most people even in a PuG can figure out what roll u play in a wz, some just need to kill others clear a path, some need to setup for rescue, some need to setup for a pass, some need to protect the ball carrier, and some need to clear out the rescuers and potential pass recivers from the other team.

Edited by Ruuprect
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only real skill needs looked at is juggs/gaurdians leaping to upper levels, i dont think they should be able to do this. It bypasses massive areas of running and fact can do this leap 3 times in a very short duration



intercede to ally

force push+leap


allows them to cover massive areas faster then any other class...any sorc running ball over a jugg should be smacked! your far better as run support...

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It isn't more skill or better teamwork. It is 1 button that allows game breaking mechanics. Real skill and teamwork would be setting up for passes while simultaneously keeping your ball carrier alive.



Baron Deathmark says cheating is encouraged. Take it up with him.

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Every class, let me be clear, EVERY class has advantages and disadvantages in Huttball and in the other two warzones.


The trick to being a successful player and a victorious team is KNOWING your advantages and disadvantages and taking steps to maximize the former and minimize the latter.


Don't like the classes with run buffs? CONTROL your side by axing them if they get near.


Proactively pulling them down from those easy to run to the goal locations is one thing...if you're a puller. Getting on top of them and intercepting passes is another tactic for other mobile classes.


There are things you can do. Other tactics CAN and DO win too...if they're left unchecked. The trick is taking care of this particular tactic, and that requires teamwork and communication.

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You should not be able to use ANY movement enchantments while carrying the ball in Huttball. This includes: Intercede, Force Charge, Force Speed, Force Pull. Any of these kind of abilities should return the ball to the neutral position.


However, enemies should still be able to pull the ball carrier into hazard, pit etc.


Allowing all these movement enchantments makes throwing the ball moot. Also having 8 sorcs will not win you the game anymore.


This is one of the worst ideas I have heard.

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First off a merc saying they are left out in huttball. Well at least i got my laugh for the day.


Anyways, Taking away any of those skills would more or less mean that no one will ever score. You should litterly sit in your goal and do nothing for 15 min. If your team isnt completely retarded then they will not have a problem scoring or keeping a score from happening. the entire point is to work as a team which so many cant do. If you see a sorc sprint you yank them root them ect. Jump yea stop standing on the ledge so they can just leap up to you.


This is one of the worst threads i have read so far.

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You should not be able to use ANY movement enchantments while carrying the ball in Huttball. This includes: Intercede, Force Charge, Force Speed, Force Pull. Any of these kind of abilities should return the ball to the neutral position.


However, enemies should still be able to pull the ball carrier into hazard, pit etc.


Allowing all these movement enchantments makes throwing the ball moot. Also having 8 sorcs will not win you the game anymore.


Wat. :confused:



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If we remove the use of these abilities while carrying the ball, then we need to restrict the range of ranged classes as well while carrying ball to equal the melee classes. So ranged would have a 5m range on all their abilities. If not we should just remove melee classes from the game.
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give everyone a force run. solved


I am down for that... HOWEVER, Then you need to give my Assassin a rifle and uber dmg. Yes we have force run for TWO seconds but you can kill me long before i get to you. Take something from me give me something in return... give it to all GIVE EVERYTHING to all. That IS what you are asking for.


YOU want to have an I WIN button and thats just to damn bad. Force run is stoppable, trust me it is and if you are unable to do so change your tactics.


I want to be able to jump out of the pit and score as well but its not a mechanic of MY Class so if i want it, I need to reroll to a class that has it.


If YOU want force run so bad start a new toon.


Yes, the start of this sounds rediculous but so does every whine about "why dont I have what they have" threads.


I would love for them to "nerf" ranged classes while you are asking for this since they can kill me from a distance... its just not fair to us melee classes <----- see i can do it too.


Stealthing with the ball is obviously bad... its ALMOST a guarenteed score... force run, jumps and pulls are not, so please for the love of all that is holy get over it.

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They removed the operatives/sorcs stealth skill while holding the ball. Obviously a lot more OP than movement effects but the point is simple. Sometimes you HAVE to restrict certain abilities on on certain classes in specific situation, such as being the ball carrier, for BALANCE.


Oh come on, whats wrong with force leap, push, force leap in 3 gds and youre in the endzone tada!?

Edited by Bluetickone
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It isn't more skill or better teamwork. It is 1 button that allows game breaking mechanics. Real skill and teamwork would be setting up for passes while simultaneously keeping your ball carrier alive.


Thats 1 way, or you could setup for pulls/leaps. Btw, 2 classes have hard counters to rescue/guardian leap. they're a non factor.

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