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Marauders = weaksauce


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Pretty much. Rather than hitting 3 or 4 buttons they have to hit 7 or 8....so damn hard. I haz to move a finger more than u I haz skillz!


Actually, it's not 7 or 8 or 10.

Depending on the class I fight sometimes I have to use at least 15 different abilities in a single fight. :p

So yeah, I can imagine why an average player might have difficulties with maras/sents.

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Actually, it's not 7 or 8 or 10.

Depending on the class I fight sometimes I have to use at least 15 different abilities in a single fight. :p

So yeah, I can imagine why an average player might have difficulties with maras/sents.


I have a sentinel. But really..I have a merc and assassin too. I dont spam one button. I use everything just like any smart player would. This Im more skilled cause I use more buttons is dumb. Some fights I dont need more than a few skills...others I gotta drag the whole table out. Its the same for at least all 3 of those.


As a merc Ill go through what I do...Tracer, tracer, tracer...I get charged then choked. Break out of it..Rail shot, knockback, tracer, heatseeker, Shield, Vent heat, kolto, Unload...think I dont use up to 15 skills in a fight?

Edited by Jahannam
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I have a sentinel. But really..I have a merc and assassin too. I dont spam one button. I use everything just like any smart player would. This Im more skilled cause I use more buttons is dumb. Some fights I dont need more than a few skills...others I gotta drag the whole table out. Its the same for at least all 3 of those.


If I see Mercs use more than Tracer Dart/Knockback/Heal then I'm pretty shocked.

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Does Force Camo clear aggro? I can understand why people feel Marauders are godlike since Force Camo is on 45s cooldown (much faster than equivalent abilities) and if it clears aggro that's pretty much instant win with Pure Shockfrozen Water.


yes it clears aggro as long as there are others in the party also in combat. It doesn't drop aggro when Marauder is solo (in pve) and it never puts you out of combat. So no, it is not instant win with Pure Shockfrozen Water.

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I'm a newcomer to the pvp game technically and it has taken a while to get used to it but I am just now realizing the sent/mara's potential. The hardest part for me is remembering all the different rotations for different classes and i still forget about certain abilities to use on certain classes, but I am getting much better and I am starting to take out pretty much everyone 1v1.

(still working on sorc's and assy's) I have been reading a lot about it lately and once u have learned to utilize all ur different attacks, the most important thing u can do in pvp(especially against skilled players) is KNOW ur enemy. Read other class guides and watch youtube videos and see what these attacks look like and what they sound like. It may come easier to verteran pvper's but whatever or however u do it is irrelevant. All that matters is results.


Thanx for coming and don't forget to tip your waiters

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Sorry, I simply cannot take anyone seriously who uses the word "weaksauce" in any context outside of describing the condiments they had on their steak.


Just because -you- have trouble with a class, does not make said class in need of modifications. Do a bit of reading. Partake in a bit of learning. Practice, practice, practice, and more practice. Then make a bold claim that there is something amiss with your class of preference.

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The image above is how my Marauder feels.


Maybe it's my gear level or experience level but when compared to my Mercenary, my Marauder is just bad. It takes so little to kill it and it has such a hard time killing anything else. One way to get within range of players, no hard stun, one slow, low damage output and low damage resistance.


It's the only class in the game that no one calls OP.


Marauders are currently the strongest melee in the game.


Unmatched burst damage and strongest defensive CD of all classes.


If they need anything, it's definitely a nerf.

Edited by zqsd
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Only class my PT fears is a good sentinel/rauder. But if you jump one after they blow their cooldowns on someone else, they melt.


This is very true. If as a mara you receive any serious attention when cloak of pain, sabre ward, undying rage and stealth are all on CD you are dead in seconds.


Obviously you try to ensure this doesn't happen, but all of these skills have substantial CDs, some very long indeed, so it's inevitable.

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Actually, it's not 7 or 8 or 10.

Depending on the class I fight sometimes I have to use at least 15 different abilities in a single fight. :p

So yeah, I can imagine why an average player might have difficulties with maras/sents.


OH NO not 15 abilites....even the aledged overpowered classes have to use this many. Sorc easily has to use 15 if not more for evert 1 on 1 fight. Hell even merc that arent just tracer spammers have to use that many.

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Why do people think marauder is difficult?


Some of it is the amount of abilities you have to use constantly, for sure, but a lot more of it has to do with the ability stuttering problem. When it takes you 3-4-6 or more button presses before your character finally stops having a seizure and actually makes the swing you have been trying to make them do for 3+ seconds, everything is difficult. Some of the abilities have an almost 100% chance to stutter, bladestorm and force sweep being the biggest offenders. Even a single stutter adds CONSIDERABLE time from activation to effect, time that can often ruin your plan, positioning, or just plain make your damage a lot lower than it would have been if your abilities had simply worked properly.


Once the stuttering is eventually fixed, the class will be a lot less frustrating to play.

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Marauders are a very strange class since they're heavily melee dependent but not Force dependent. This means Force Shroud which is normally game over against classes people consider strong is actually pretty weak against them, but Saber Ward and a Shield is actually useful against them.


The first matchup issue is that since they basically require the exact opposite defensive strategy it's possible you just go with your standard routine without realizing you're supposed to do exactly the opposite. The second, more serious issue, is that if you gear yourself to fight them (actually have a shield, for example), then you would not be very good against the traditional classes considered as powerhouses (Sorc/Merc/Op).


Given the prevalence of the three classes that gets shut down by Force Shroud, I don't mind losing a bit more often against Marauders. Yes technically you could just become so good that you win them all, but that's easier said than done.


I'm geared to fight them and them alone (full tank pvp gear apart from Saber and Esseles Robe since I refuse to look like a Jedi Hobo on principle, it's bad enough having bare feet), since I tend to run in premades, where I'll have healer normally, and decent DD's in the mix often.


Taunts/Guard keep the healer safe(ish) - but the big threat to the healer - being Marauder, I can counter directly. While 5 seconds of immunity to Sorc/Tracer Missile spam is nice - normally I'll be guarding a door/turret/healer/ball carrier, so I don't have the option always to LoS them.


I'm actually geared in such a way, that I almost cannot beat anyone else without support, but with a team - I become a lot stronger myself (it's very much a setup with teamplay rather than 1v1 strength in mind). I avoid 1v1 fights like the plague if possible, with the exception of the odd Sith Warrior who charges me - I definately think Marauders are very strong, and wonderful to have in a good team - they are rediculously strong with support, and only have one counter - which isn't that commonplace from at least from my experience.

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To the people replying that other classes can use a lot of abilities as well.

Yes, I'm sure you can, but you don't have to.

A merc can only spam TMs + CC and have relative success in WZs. Marauders can't. They don't have any spammable skills.


Anyways that's what I think is the problem. I'm not one of those having issues. I wreck **** in WZ np. But still, 90% of marauders I encounter are free kills.

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idk why people complain that marauders are bad or need to be buffed..... marauders are easily 1 of the best classes for pvp and can usually take out any1 1v1 unless your just really bad as a marauder and if its that then reroll
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Well, you guys have almost convinced me that leveling a marauder may be worth my time; except it isn't PvP where I feel pain as a marauder it is in PvE where I have heal between every pull or depend on my companion to tank... that just doesn't "feel" good
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Well, you guys have almost convinced me that leveling a marauder may be worth my time; except it isn't PvP where I feel pain as a marauder it is in PvE where I have heal between every pull or depend on my companion to tank... that just doesn't "feel" good


All dps classes have this "problem" while leveling.


But, believe me, once you get 50 and stuffed if you know how to play, you will be godlike.

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My opinion to as why people have difficulty with the marauder is a combination of the following:


- Melee class, so you have to stay on your target, and make sure he is in front of you. This would seem easy for most, but when you have to do the following at the same time it can become tricky.

- Keep an eye on your CDs, yeah sure every class has to keep an eye on there CDs and procs, but man, I literrally use only one skill that isn't on a CD: assault.

- Use your rage wisely. This is where the most have trouble IMO, most peeps pop on their target and just empty their DPS bag as quickly as possible where in actual fact, most of the time you're better off starting the fight slowly by spamming assault to build rage and go for the seriously strong Burst once the target reaches 50%-60% hp.


I'm not saying I have difficulty with these things, but these are the things that have stirred most of my guildies away from the marauder dispite them envying my stupidly high DPS scores. And regretting the day Random WZ poping place me in their opposing team :D


And also just to make things clearer to an earlier poster, it's not the 3-4k crits that make the Marauder have the biggest potential burst, it's the spike potentiel that is just staggeringly rediculous: Ravage is channel, so you can exit into a skill without using up a GCD, the last tic crits easy for 2500, follow up into Annihilate for 3k, into Retaliation that again doesn't use a GCD, into force shout. So on 2 GCDs your stacking the dammage of 4 abilities on top of your 2 DoTs, so you can throw down near 10k spike dammage on 2 gcds in the lowbie bracket, can't possibly imagine what a BM marauder pulling this trick off on a unstuffed 50 would yield, the guy will be dead, that much is sure, since it would take near enough 4-6k just to build up to the spike :D



[EDIT] just to clarify the number of skills:


As annilation I have:


10 skills are directly linked to my DPS cycle depending on the target and available CDs

5 Defensive skills.

3 Buffs to be used depending on the situation

4 Utility skills that generally enter the DPS cycle

1 skill to spam out of cambat to buid rage

2 other skills that I would love to bind but I ain't got enough fingers (Vicious Slash and Shockwave)


So 23 skills binded that really I use depending on the target and the situation, none I could eliminate. If I didn't use a Razer Naga + Razer Nostromo, I don't know how I'd cope because I hate binding with modifier (Ctrl+ / Alt+)

Edited by SicNNasty
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I don't think it was stated previously, but they are also, by far, the most gear dependent class in the game. If you don't have your stats at the right percent for your level (not to mention knowing which stats to prioritize to maximize bleed damage), your effectiveness as a marauder will be horrendous. This discrepancy is far more apparent for them than any of the other classes I've played (Powertech, Sorc and Operative, though Operative comes closest in gear dependency).


So if you're doing everything correctly, got the right build and still find you're not particularly effective in a WZ, it's likely due to a much-needed equipment update.


That said, I can't help but laugh at a lot of the posters here. Best PvP class in the game? Deserving of a nerf? You're out of your minds. Great marauders can be incredibly effective, true, but the skill necessary for that class over the others in order to be effective in a WZ is ridiculous.


The fact is you can get the same numbers and be just as effective in a WZ as a top marauder using only half or even a quarter of your available abilities when playing any other class. Obviously you shouldn't purposely hamstring yourself, but you can match a top tier marauder using just the best abilities in your rotation and nothing else. Marauders have to use everything available to them in every fight to match the other classes. I would instead argue they are the worst PvP class because they have such little utility and very unintuitive gameplay comparatively.


I like my marauder and I play him well, but it is humorous how little I have to work to get to the top of the WZ charts as my other characters compared to when I play on the marauder. Any marauder who has leveled other classes to 50 will tell you the same. They're just not comparable.


EDIT: SicNNasty, thank you for providing further clarification on the number of abilities we use. 23 bindings that all have to be used throughout warzones often. I too have a Razer Naga and being able to use those 9 of the extra 12 buttons on that mouse (with Shift as the occasional modifier) makes moving and quickly utilizing any number of our needed abilities far more manageable. I don't have even have to get past the third extra button on any other character.

Edited by lJustAlexl
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The image above is how my Marauder feels.


Maybe it's my gear level or experience level but when compared to my Mercenary, my Marauder is just bad. It takes so little to kill it and it has such a hard time killing anything else. One way to get within range of players, no hard stun, one slow, low damage output and low damage resistance.


It's the only class in the game that no one calls OP.


Yeah...maras are so weak, lol. Oh yeah, and Sorcs need a buff too!


Today on Swtor forum: l2p impersonated.

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The image above is how my Marauder feels.


Maybe it's my gear level or experience level but when compared to my Mercenary, my Marauder is just bad. It takes so little to kill it and it has such a hard time killing anything else. One way to get within range of players, no hard stun, one slow, low damage output and low damage resistance.


It's the only class in the game that no one calls OP.


Nobody calls sniper OP as far as i know, we dont have a stealth nor a saber ward.... your just bad.

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EDIT: SicNNasty, thank you for providing further clarification on the number of abilities we use. 23 bindings that all have to be used throughout warzones often. I too have a Razer Naga and being able to use those 9 of the extra 12 buttons on that mouse (with Shift as the occasional modifier) makes moving and quickly utilizing any number of our needed abilities far more manageable. I don't have even have to get past the third extra button on any other character.


Yeah I forgot the AoE stun, so 24 that HAVE to be used... And that's getting rid of Vicious Slash our spammable rage spender and Shockwave that's practically our only AoE dammage, sweeping slash is just good for build fury OOC.


[EDIT] Jesus christ all mighty, forgot Frenzy and our Trinket, man that's two full bars and an extra slot of skill that ze can not not use... :eek:


Yeah, I'll almost agree with a few post higher and say that this alone makes he class pretty poor. Just because some can handle it, doesn't make it all right. But then, this also means we have a very specific skill set against each oponent... Views and opinions I'll say :D

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Yeah I forgot the AoE stun, so 24 that HAVE to be used... And that's getting rid of Vicious Slash our spammable rage spender and Shockwave that's practically our only AoE dammage, sweeping slash is just good for build fury OOC.


[EDIT] Jesus christ all mighty, forgot Frenzy and our Trinket, man that's two full bars and an extra slot of skill that ze can not not use...


Yeah, 2 full bars of stuff you will use and use often.

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You're clueless then. Marauder takes the most skill out of any class in this game, but it's hands down the best 1v1 class in the game and it's amazing for groups as well. Here's a pro tip though... if you're using any less than 20 skills in your average fight, then you're doing it wrong.






These are what your average games as a Marauder should look like....


Practice More.

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