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When will this game be playable?


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And they're still different entities ^_^ Do you think that if bioware falls EA goes with it?



You seem to be a bit mixed up on what own means, if bioware go under it will be because ea lets it, if EA go under then bioware will most likly follow unless they go into administartion and someone else buys them or they buy themselves out of the contracts.


You see how that works, ea own bioware, bioware dont own ea.


So yet again what are you comparing swtor to in your claims that is shall thus be f2p by jan 2013.


For someone who knows it all you dont seem to know alot. the red bit is really ironic :D

Edited by Shingara
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i might be fishing here, but if someone plays one game for two years, i think thats plenty to bring to the table.


yes, but by that time the game had what, 4 years to work out bugs? after the devs had time to iron out the problems exc. i wasnt trying to say "you only played an mmo for 2 years your a noob" i was saying "if youve never been there for a launch, from the begining, then you wouldnt know that this is what to expect"


Its like being drafted for WW2 two weeks before the end, spending a week in europe siting in some town, and going "This isnt so bad", then expecting ever other war to be just like that.


No MMO will ever be 100% perfect out of the gate.

Edited by XplaguesX
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well haveign been ehre for beta and having played other MMO's i woudl say this game was in a playable state on December 13 when early access started.


i agree to this.

however, leveling up a toon is not near exploring what this game (should) have to offer, with balance issues, ability delay, or big scale pvp. where the most issues are atm.

is something you experience from level50

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yes, but by that time the game had what, 4 years to work out bugs? after the devs had time to iron out the problems exc.


Its like being drafted for WW2 two weeks before the end, spending a week in europe siting in some town, and going "This isnt so bad"


Lets use rift as an example then, because i played that the day it was released and was far more playable for me than this is now. The only real complaint with rift was the performance issue which I didn't suffer.

Edited by Khemizt
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I think this game is terrific, a little buggy but nothing terrible imo. But I think it's funny how people who say how terrible the game is like to say how it will go f2p. I highly doubt it will anytime soon but f2p isn't necessarily a bad thing, some people sonsider it to be the "mark" of a dying game, but if they have other ways to make money, why does it matter? I am a huge fan of the game, but I don't see how going f2p is a bad thing. I'd rather not have to pay a monthly subscription even if I'm willing to.
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Hello, I purchased SWTOR a month or so ago, thinking the game was finished and playable (like many others), but it soon became apparent that the game is not yet finished and still in a Beta like state. I would just like an estimation of when the game will be finished? By finished I mean when will the game be playable for a full hour with no significant bugs or glitches.


Basically I'm wondering when the game will be up a state where a normal/competent company would release the game.


Might want to buy a new Computer!

Edited by SStephan
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Hello, I purchased SWTOR a month or so ago, thinking the game was finished and playable (like many others), but it soon became apparent that the game is not yet finished and still in a Beta like state. I would just like an estimation of when the game will be finished? By finished I mean when will the game be playable for a full hour with no significant bugs or glitches.


Basically I'm wondering when the game will be up a state where a normal/competent company would release the game.


Judging by the way BW are going.... January 2010?

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LoL! I played SWG when it was just tattooine, no mounts or anything. Just a ball of dirt and you run around and you LOVE YOUR STAR WARS. Then they gave us mounts and OMG we were so glad when they made it where the shuttles that take you from place to place were put on a 10 minute cycle instead of the 15 minutes wait cycle you had for planet-to-planet travel. NOW THAT WAS SWEET. And when I did get my mount, I put up with having to stare at the ground in order to move anywhere for six months. QUESTS? Who needs 'em? Get a random generated block of text from a static mission terminal that tells you to kill a certain amount of somethings and then DO IT AGAIN UNTIL THE DAY THE UNIVERSE COLLAPSES IN UPON ITSELF. Don't worry Bioware, I'll stick around. This game is friggin' sweet, sorry EA's greedy *** made you release it early.


PS: I'd tell you to ignore the whiny little kids who don't know what steaming piles the games of yesteryear were and what we had to put up with but it seems like you know how to do that already.

Edited by wesmarshall
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yes, but by that time the game had what, 4 years to work out bugs? after the devs had time to iron out the problems exc. i wasnt trying to say "you only played an mmo for 2 years your a noob" i was saying "if youve never been there for a launch, from the begining, then you wouldnt know that this is what to expect"


Its like being drafted for WW2 two weeks before the end, spending a week in europe siting in some town, and going "This isnt so bad"


to some extent you are correct, but not entirely.

there are too much dung in this game, that should have been fixed in the beta.

and saying that the game is merely two months old isnt a valid argument. A game have to compare to current standards, not 10 year old ones.


I do still enjoy raids in this game, but thats it. Im playing on a month-to-month basis. really hoping for them to fix it. Staying because of friends.

The game itself does not keep me as entertained as i wish a mmo would do.

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GW2 will be release bug free.


I mean, Anet is on top of fixing glaring bugs.


Like that time there was a build that could solo top end dungeons all the while being untouchable by any damage- it got fixed right away... some time that year, maybe.


I'm sure though their ability to keep a single player game with MP hubs bug free will prove they came keep a persistent world bugfree.


GW2 definitely isn't another overhyped failure.

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These games pose a HUGE threat atm, especially if this game is not fixed by the time they release. If the game was at an acceptable state they wouldn't have to patch it 2x+ per week.


I don't think that any other game out there is a threat as such, because, as far as I can see, no other game is set up like this one (story lines etc).


I also realise that there are only a finite number of available players, but we have a long way to go before everyone that would like to play an MMO is actually online and playing.


If you want to do more zapping, then there are other games out/in development that will let you - I'm not of that ilk, so I'm happy with this, thanks all the same.


Anyhow - got off topic there (all the threads on here seem to degenerate into this topic).


As to the function delay.....


As a non-PvPer, it's really no hit me - I did experience function delay, but that was fixed (at least for me) - I'd assumed that, because of that, it had been fixed for the PvPers too.


Is it a game breaking problem for you?

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And they're still different entities ^_^ Do you think that if bioware falls EA goes with it?



I own my house. If my house falls down while I'm at work do I drop dead?


Bw and ea are not separate entities, they are a division of the other. If ea invested enough into bw to bankrupt them then, yes, bw falling would take ea with it. To my knowledge they invested about $200 million. That wouldn't take down ea, but the premise is sound.

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These games pose a HUGE threat atm, especially if this game is not fixed by the time they release. If the game was at an acceptable state they wouldn't have to patch it 2x+ per week.


Let me explain better... Diablo 3 is a hack & slash game - not an RPG (different beast, different crowd). GW2 is an MMO but the RPG part (which TOR has in bundles) seems lacking from where i stand. Also, its combat style is not faithful to the RPG genre. I for one dont want an action-MMO with rpg elements ...i want an mmoRPG. If GW2 doesnt have the RPG elements that TOR brought to the table (real story - voice overs are a nice bonus here, companions, choices, rpg style combat - see BG I&II, NWN, KOTOR I&II etc etc etc) personally i will find it lacking. Some of the customer base of these games will overlap but not as much as you would think.


...also... patching 2x per week might be inconvenient but from where i stand its mostly promising since they are constantly working to improve the product. People just need to learn patience...and honestly, barring the occasional forum whiner, most people accept this process and are having fun with the game.

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-Preformance Issues

-Some quests are bugged and cannot be completed.

-Bugged quests cannot be deleted.

-Hacks in WZ

-Slow loading screens ( running hexacore @ 3.84 ghz)

-Ability delay (claims it was fixed, still slow)

-And much much more.


But you can turn it on an play, which makes it playable...


Loading screens have more to do with a SSD (or lack there of) than the speed of your CPU. And clock speed is not the only determining factor of a CPU's speed. And the number of cores beyond 4 is near irrelevant in games for the most part.

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But you can turn it on an play, which makes it playable...


Loading screens have more to do with a SSD (or lack there of) than the speed of your CPU. And clock speed is not the only determining factor of a CPU's speed. And the number of cores beyond 4 is near irrelevant in games for the most part.


What's weird is that you say its about the SSD, another dude says its CPU, another one says it has to do with the RAM and yet another one says its about the GPU.



But there isnt any official posts telling "ok people, you need an XX processor, an XX GPU and a SSD to play the game".

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What's weird is that you say its about the SSD, another dude says its CPU, another one says it has to do with the RAM and yet another one says its about the GPU.



But there isnt any official posts telling "ok people, you need an XX processor, an XX GPU and a SSD to play the game".


Minimum Specs


Operating System


Star Wars ™: The Old Republic ™ can be played on Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista, or Windows 7.




Your computer should have an AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core 4000+ or better, and an Intel Core 2 Duo Processor 2.0GHz or better.




Your computer's RAM should be as follows: for Windows XP: 1.5GB, and for Windows Vista and Windows 7: 2GB. For PCs using a built-in graphical chipset, 2GB RAM recommended.




Your computer's graphics card should be ATI X1800 or better, nVidia 7800 or better, or Intel 4100 Integrated Graphics or better.

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What's weird is that you say its about the SSD, another dude says its CPU, another one says it has to do with the RAM and yet another one says its about the GPU.



But there isnt any official posts telling "ok people, you need an XX processor, an XX GPU and a SSD to play the game".


Well there are many factors for load times, but usually the most significant upgrade to reduce them will be an SSD.




And you dont need them to play, i play without an SSD and the load times are very bearable.


And minimum specs have been posted.

Edited by Culveren
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What's weird is that you say its about the SSD, another dude says its CPU, another one says it has to do with the RAM and yet another one says its about the GPU.



But there isnt any official posts telling "ok people, you need an XX processor, an XX GPU and a SSD to play the game".


Because you don't NEED them to play the game. You might to get a faster loading time during loading screens. If it bothers you, read a book while it loads, or if that's not your fancy, turn on the TV and watch for a few minutes. I have an incredibly low end computer and sometimes my loading screens can take more than 10 minutes, but I can still play.

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Hello, I purchased SWTOR a month or so ago, thinking the game was finished and playable (like many others), but it soon became apparent that the game is not yet finished and still in a Beta like state. I would just like an estimation of when the game will be finished? By finished I mean when will the game be playable for a full hour with no significant bugs or glitches.


Basically I'm wondering when the game will be up a state where a normal/competent company would release the game.


I'm playing it right now, and it's fantastic. :D

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What's weird is that you say its about the SSD, another dude says its CPU, another one says it has to do with the RAM and yet another one says its about the GPU.



But there isnt any official posts telling "ok people, you need an XX processor, an XX GPU and a SSD to play the game".


Anyone who says the gpu affects loading times is an idiot.


As for the other things, they might all be right depending on each users particular bottleneck.

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What's weird is that you say its about the SSD, another dude says its CPU, another one says it has to do with the RAM and yet another one says its about the GPU.



But there isnt any official posts telling "ok people, you need an XX processor, an XX GPU and a SSD to play the game".


Nope - he's right - the loading screens are just that - the game loading the new area... from disk.


FPS could be memory or a slow processor or slow GPU or out of date drivers or any combination of those (and more besides).


Going back to WoW, they used to have it much worse, I remember coming around the corner into the commons in Ironforge and stopping dead - whilst my machine loaded all the graphics for the PCs crowded around there. When I added more memory, it fixed the problem because all of the game resided in memory - TOR doesn't do that (and I think that it should be able to - but, as I haven't totted up the size of all the graphics, I'm not acually certain whether it's possible).




A SSD will only speed up the loading because it's faster than a mechanical HD - a RAM drive should be faster still (and I did read that people were experimenting with that - not seen the outcome though).

Edited by Colow_Leper
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Anyone who says the gpu affects loading times is an idiot.


As for the other things, they might all be right depending on each users particular bottleneck.


Yeah its just that on a modern PC the thing that is usually bottle-necking load times is a HDD. Unless you have a crazy slow CPU/ no memory, in which case you are most likely going to complain more about the horrid FPS than the loads lol.

Edited by Culveren
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Yeah its just that on a modern PC the thing that is usually bottle-necking load times is a HDD. Unless you have a crazy slow CPU/ no memory, in which case you are most likely going to complain more about the horrid FPS than the loads lol.


yup could be anything from your bio drivers or dx drivers even to if your pc is full of dust.

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