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Where does Bioware go from here


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No, apparently that is our responsiblility, and if we fail to test their product then it is our own fault.


Not like they are the "experts" or anything.


Serious comment?


Obviously they and we tested their product. Why is this even a discussion?

Edited by djsmileey
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If I was in charge of expansions and such I would surely tone down the dialog stuff for future content.. Its way to time consuming to develop and at the end of the day I don't think its worth it.


I think they should focus on MMO stuff.. and with expansions just focus on the main characters story line rather than trying to make every boring little fetch quest an event. IMO putting so much dialog in the game no matter how good or not good it is waters down that aspect of the game. I like the Dialog stuff from 1-50 but from here on out they should tone it down and really put attention on the actual game mechanics.


I really like the game and its the first MMO since WOW that I have put this much time into a game. With that said where do you want Bioware to take future content and why?


I agree they need to add more MMO stuff. This game deffinitely needs more to do at the endgame.


Right now I think it's number 1 priority should be to include an effective LFG tool however, so players can more-easily access the little bit of endgame content the game does have.

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If I was in charge of expansions and such I would surely tone down the dialog stuff for future content.. Its way to time consuming to develop and at the end of the day I don't think its worth it.


I think they should focus on MMO stuff.. and with expansions just focus on the main characters story line rather than trying to make every boring little fetch quest an event. IMO putting so much dialog in the game no matter how good or not good it is waters down that aspect of the game. I like the Dialog stuff from 1-50 but from here on out they should tone it down and really put attention on the actual game mechanics.


I really like the game and its the first MMO since WOW that I have put this much time into a game. With that said where do you want Bioware to take future content and why?


I don't understand why people want them to reduce or take out dialogue/voice acting from this game.......it's the point of the game.


BW will have its footing by expansion time so the dialogue time-consumption will be fine. You don't take anything way from the core experience of the game when developing expansions.


Without the dialogue/VO this game literally is WoW in space. Nothing differentiates it at that point.


But as far as what I'm hoping for in the future...


I want my ship to be really amped up. Space combat should be improved though off the top of my head I don't have any suggestions at the moment. I want my ship to be customizable, have an AI that can talk, make use of the rooms inside, things like that.


I also want class stories expanded obviously. New planets.


And yes......an LFD tool (leaps behind couch)

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I don't understand why people want them to reduce or take out dialogue/voice acting from this game.......it's the point of the game.


Yeah exactly.. because without it there is nothing to play this game for. The voice overs are about the only thing not broken in the game, I completly agree.

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Yeah exactly.. because without it there is nothing to play this game for. The voice overs are about the only thing not broken in the game, I completly agree.


These seems a bit dramatic.


Personally, I don't spend my entire night listening to voice acting.


There are lots of things to do. If you choose to not participate in them, it's your own choice.

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If I was in charge of expansions and such I would surely tone down the dialog stuff for future content.
Kind of like Apple should tone down the good user experience for the next iPhone. Take the one thing that makes your product stand out from the dozens of others, and shoot it in the leg. Brilliant business sense, lol.
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If I was in charge of expansions and such I would surely tone down the dialog stuff for future content.. Its way to time consuming to develop and at the end of the day I don't think its worth it.


It takes no time from anyone who has anything else to do. The writers aren't going to be doing anything else, and LucasArts is doing the recording.


It literally takes no time from the dev schedule.

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It takes no time from anyone who has anything else to do. The writers aren't going to be doing anything else, and LucasArts is doing the recording.


It literally takes no time from the dev schedule.




Not to mention they already said they have almost a full years worth expansion content already finished.

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Not to mention they already said they have almost a full years worth expansion content already finished.


Didn't see that - got a link?


Did see them say they've got 10 years planned out - they already know where they're going from here, and where to go once the get there, and so on.

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If I was in charge of expansions and such I would surely tone down the dialog stuff for future content.. Its way to time consuming to develop and at the end of the day I don't think its worth it.


I think they should focus on MMO stuff.. and with expansions just focus on the main characters story line rather than trying to make every boring little fetch quest an event. IMO putting so much dialog in the game no matter how good or not good it is waters down that aspect of the game. I like the Dialog stuff from 1-50 but from here on out they should tone it down and really put attention on the actual game mechanics.


I really like the game and its the first MMO since WOW that I have put this much time into a game. With that said where do you want Bioware to take future content and why?





If you don't want story and dialogue, go play something else. That's the entire premise of this game. If they do more MMO stuff, I hope it's all like The Black Talon/Esseles where your group goes through an actual story line during the content. If I wanted to play WOW, I'd still be playing wow.

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If I was in charge of expansions and such I would surely tone down the dialog stuff for future content.. Its way to time consuming to develop and at the end of the day I don't think its worth it.


I disagree. I want more story lines at end game, actually. I would like more story-heavy Flashpoints and Operations, as well as more story-driven questing.

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Didn't see that - got a link?


Did see them say they've got 10 years planned out - they already know where they're going from here, and where to go once the get there, and so on.


Oh It might not be a full years content, but it was that video posted back towards release. I'll have to do some digging to find it. But basically they mentioned they had been developing post-release content waaaaaay ahead of the curve. mentioned some period of months, so I rounded up. Either way, they are ahead of the game.

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Yeah exactly.. because without it there is nothing to play this game for. The voice overs are about the only thing not broken in the game, I completly agree.


Even the voice acting/animations are broken in a lot of the cut-scenes. Graphic glitches, sync issues, etc.

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Yeah exactly.. because without it there is nothing to play this game for. The voice overs are about the only thing not broken in the game, I completly agree.


That's odd. I seem to remember logging in and questing fine, doing some group content fine, pvping fine, etc.


I actually experienced my first really noticeable glitch last night with one of my IA class quests. But that's about it.


I can log in and do whatever I want to do fine.

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That's odd. I seem to remember logging in and questing fine, doing some group content fine, pvping fine, etc.


I actually experienced my first really noticeable glitch last night with one of my IA class quests. But that's about it.


I can log in and do whatever I want to do fine.


I've encountered sveral glitches in quests and class quests which resulted me in having to abandon several hours work to start that portion over. But like any good paying beta player I reported every single one to BW.

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Even the voice acting/animations are broken in a lot of the cut-scenes. Graphic glitches, sync issues, etc.


lol yeaiknow rite... you wouldn't believe the world of hurt I bring on myself everytime I mention all the game's short-comings, on this occassion I was prepared to give them some ground :cool:

Edited by Caspian_Rho
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The storyline, voice acting and FPs like Essels and Black Talon are without a doubt strong points of this game. I describe this game as a RP/MMO hybrid and that's fine with me. I'd love to see expanded storylines, class quests and more Flashpoints like Essels/Black Talon. Space combat is a nice diversion right now, but they could do so much more with it by integrating it into quests or Flashpoints etc.


Also, while we're on these subjects, I have something I would go crazy to see in the game at some point... two words... Pod Racing.:eek::)


I think they are on the right track "generally" but only time will tell.

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I think they should focus on MMO stuff..



and that is?


group quests? check.


small/large instances? check.


server economy? check.


pvp warzones? check.


ummm, what do you want them to work on?


Funny you should mention those, those are the exact things they need to be working on.......

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If I was in charge of expansions and such I would surely tone down the dialog stuff for future content.. Its way to time consuming to develop and at the end of the day I don't think its worth it.


I think they should focus on MMO stuff.. and with expansions just focus on the main characters story line rather than trying to make every boring little fetch quest an event. IMO putting so much dialog in the game no matter how good or not good it is waters down that aspect of the game. I like the Dialog stuff from 1-50 but from here on out they should tone it down and really put attention on the actual game mechanics.


I really like the game and its the first MMO since WOW that I have put this much time into a game. With that said where do you want Bioware to take future content and why?


Completely disagree


Dialog is the only strong positive this game has going for it!


Its to late to fix the main main so what Bioware needs to do is create a end game that does it right!


-Bring in levels 51-60 and make them have a very slow (3-4 months at 25h/week played time frame) leveling curve


-Start to reduce the xp gains across the boards


-add in more character defining aspects that need to be earned so every player isnt identical and players start to develop characteristics and acheivements their own.


-More companions


-interactive storylines on companions so you not just listening to their backstory play out, you take part in it beyond affection gaining. (think of the side quests for campions in ME2 but then expand the scope of said quest by 1000000 so its not a 5-15 minute side mission but a ongoing storyline of its own)


-Housing is a must. It was almost unforgiveable TOR didnt have housing (and all it entails) at release but whats done is done, not to bring it in by first expansion though would be a COSTLY MISTAKE. Many players like house decorating in MMORPGs and star Wars offers a unique oppertunity to design outside the normal fantasy venue.


- more 4 man flashpoints (quite possibly the greatest part of current TOR design)


-Cantina Games (personally if I was EA head honcho, Id go to Bioware, ask who made the call not to have paazaak and swoop racing in game for launch and then FIRE THAT PERSON ON THE SPOT as they clearly dont get it. And if they dont get something that obvious, they never will get it.


-DAoC (pre RAs) RVR with Star Wars conceptual relics and relic keeps and boardland keeps for defence and seigeing (but all in Star wars flavour)


-and much much much more (and if their current design teams cant make a full list upon demand on the spot, they should be removed and people that can replacing them).


But behind all that it needs to remain FULLY VOICED, fully detailed out design.


You lose the voice work or deminish the voice work now and you admitting defeat.

Giving more the same of other MMORPGs while losing what seperates you would be the final nail in coffin for this game.


The hardcore PVPers might not care about voice work but the other 80% - 90% of players that play all aspects of game DO CARE ABOUT IT!

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Full voice acting is the future of MMOs, I hope you realize this.


I doubt it, it takes too long, costs a lot, players tend to skip it after hearing it once, and all other aspects of the game are sacrificed to bring you VO as this game likes to point out.

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Look it's quite simple, what does WoW have and what will Blizzard do in the future?


Look at that and you'll know what they'll add to the game, it's obvious that SWTOR will have the same features as WoW 1 year from now, and you'll be doing the exact same thing, queue for instanced dungeons and pvp, on a cross-server LFG tool from the fleet.



Came here hoping for something else than the WoW gameplay? guess you might aswell stick with the character you spent 3 years on in wow, Blizzardare far better at what they do, than Bioware are.

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