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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why Your Ticket is Not Resolved (My Guess)


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"Blah blah it takes 5 weeks for them to respond to a bug report blah blah..."


It's quite simple really:


Just last week there were 2 million active subscribers. MANY of us post in game bug reports, often, SEVERAL times a day. If only one (1)% of subscribers use the bug reports on a given day, that's still 20,000 bug reports/day. Let's assume half of that 1% make 2 bug reports. That's now 30,000 bug reports/day.


If you double that to, 2% of subscribers make 1 bug report, that's 40,000 bug reports/day. 10% of subscribers = 200,000 bug reports/day.


Do the math. Bioware would need a legion of CS and game developers to address all of the bug reports (many of which are likely to be BS and just user error) filed each day.


Compound this with poor descriptions, poor grammar, vagueness, and need to follow up on the bug reports, you can imagine the load.


Given this is the most successful launch in MMO history, not surprised that Bioware may have been caught a bit understaffed or overwhelemed.

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Not to mention...


people often exaggerate the truth to try and get their point across.


Not to mention some people open silly tickets, like when they get a hang nail while playing the game. And they wonder why they don't get a personal response to said silly tickt

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Not to mention some people open silly tickets, like when they get a hang nail while playing the game. And they wonder why they don't get a personal response to said silly tickt


And some also just keep submitting tickets for the same problem over and over and over, thinking that their problem is the single most important problem on the Earth at the moment!


It's interesting and something I noticed a few years ago in another MMO.....


...the people who complain the most about CS will also say something about submitting a bunch of tickets. It's a weird phenomenon.


Me? I've only had to submit 2 tickets so far, and both were resolved in a few days.

Edited by Skoobie
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"Blah blah it takes 5 weeks for them to respond to a bug report blah blah..."


It's quite simple really:


Just last week there were 2 million active subscribers. MANY of us post in game bug reports, often, SEVERAL times a day. If only one (1)% of subscribers use the bug reports on a given day, that's still 20,000 bug reports/day. Let's assume half of that 1% make 2 bug reports. That's now 30,000 bug reports/day.


If you double that to, 2% of subscribers make 1 bug report, that's 40,000 bug reports/day. 10% of subscribers = 200,000 bug reports/day.


Do the math. Bioware would need a legion of CS and game developers to address all of the bug reports (many of which are likely to be BS and just user error) filed each day.


Compound this with poor descriptions, poor grammar, vagueness, and need to follow up on the bug reports, you can imagine the load.


Given this is the most successful launch in MMO history, not surprised that Bioware may have been caught a bit understaffed or overwhelemed.


Have you seen anything get 'resolve'd around here?

Edited by Opapanax
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Sweet I have a ticket open since the 23rd and they haven't resolved it. They escalate it for more info and now it just sits, been over a week and nothing.


Could be something that's not easily resolved, even if you think it is. I've had tickets resolved within an hour, and some that took a couple of weeks.

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Could be something that's not easily resolved, even if you think it is. I've had tickets resolved within an hour, and some that took a couple of weeks.


I didn't get quest credit for any of my Weekly raid quests. I gave exact times and date of the kills like they asked. It's not hard to go in with that information and give me the quest rewards for it.


They go in and look at the logs at that time, and confirm it, 5 times, not a hard thing to do. Not something that should take 3 weeks.

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I didn't get quest credit for any of my Weekly raid quests. I gave exact times and date of the kills like they asked. It's not hard to go in with that information and give me the quest rewards for it.


They go in and look at the logs at that time, and confirm it, 5 times, not a hard thing to do. Not something that should take 3 weeks.


Again, what you think isn't a hard thing to do just may be.

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Given this is the most successful launch in MMO history, not surprised that Bioware may have been caught a bit understaffed or overwhelemed.


It may have launched well, but it didn't stay airborne very long.


This game , imo, is simultaneously the most succesfully launched mmo of all time and also the fastest sinking mmo the world has ever seen.


It would be impressive if it wasn't so pathetic.

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Err that is literally what they have to do. Open the log, use the time I gave them, find my instance, read, and then add X quest rewards to my character.


For how many people?


Are you sure you are the only one who had this issue, and maybe not 10,000 others?

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Have you seen anything get 'resolve'd around here?


They've made countless changes due to customer reports- changing sprint on death, how Ilum works, took down Ilum hours after the turret farming and made it impossible to farm rez points.


Fixed up Taris mem leaks, fixed most treasure chest bugs in ops, made champ bags less about RNG, nerfed biochem...



There's so many changes they've made so far due to bug reports. They haven't fixed every bug yet- but they've been consistently working at it. I'm patient because every week a scare on the forums pops up 'oh, this bug will never get fixed by BW and will ruin the game!' before it gets fixed next week, and the same people have a new bug to hail as the 'unfixable bug' that'll bring destruction.



Most sensationalized and short sighted forum ever.

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It's funny because WoW CS has always been good and timely... which means this thread is pointless.




yea like when people spent 3 hours on hold because their account was closed, with no warning, no explanation.


Yea WoW sets the standard for CS.

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This game , imo, is simultaneously the most succesfully launched mmo of all time and also the fastest sinking mmo the world has ever seen.



Stats or be quiet. I have stats regarding fastest growing/most successful launch. Do you have anything?

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