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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Battlemaster Bags, BW partnership with Jimmy Kimmel


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So I'm convinced below is a script of the secret meeting BW had with Kimmel.


Kimmel - ok devs I want you to make bags that day after day don't give anything and it will be hilarious when they open the bags and that small glint of hope they had of getting a token is crushed and suffocated our of their soul repeatedly day after day. Muahahaha.



Devs - oh yes that is a great idea. Then we can hack their webcams and show their suffering on your show and all laugh.


25+ bags, 1 token, Everyday i feel like a kid opening an xmas gift with a lump of coal inside. :(

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they buffed the token drop #'s

It's okay now


They didn't change the battlemaster gear commendations. They said they are left them at a 25% drop rate. Personally I'm 1 for 16 which is a 6.25% drop rate but that's the problem with percentage based drops.


I also take issue with the fact that after the daily quests are done there is now no reward for pvping since I already have champion gear. Playing for an hour or two a day then having no reason for playing more is really boring on my battlemaster and it's killing this game for me. Getting no gear for the little play they do incentivize is just twisting the knife.

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maybe he saved some?


Can't have more than 1 BM bag in your inventory even after rank 60.


They should implement a system where every time you don't receive a BM com your chance to receive one next bag increases 5/10% and resets after receiving one.


Or just put 1 in every bag and increase the cost per item a bit.

Edited by Huntingez
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I am on 32 BM bags now, I have a log kept in a notebook.


I am 3/32 for BM Tokens.




Now I only average one per day, because Illum is broken.


1. Republic is rarer than a fat man running.

2. They lowered the spawn rate of Armament Boxes.


=3 warzones per day, then I log.


I was a nice person before Ilum and the terrible drop rate from bags.

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I am on 32 BM bags now, I have a log kept in a notebook.


I am 3/32 for BM Tokens.




Now I only average one per day, because Illum is broken.


1. Republic is rarer than a fat man running.

2. They lowered the spawn rate of Armament Boxes.


=3 warzones per day, then I log.


I was a nice person before Ilum and the terrible drop rate from bags.


They didn't lower the spawn rate of Armament Boxes, they lowered the spawn rate of item chest. :)

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