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What else can I do with all these commendations??


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So looking for some advice on what else I can spend my PVP commendations on. I am currently lvl 43 and I have 1000 of each. I have already bought every lvl 40 piece of PVP armor and the level 42 light saber. I am a sorcerer. I don't want to stop PVPing until I get to 50 but I also don't want to earn a bunch of comms that are going to waste.... What can I be purchasing while I make my way up to 50? I know I will want to be maxed when I get to 50 for the bags but I already maxed at 43. Any help would be appreciated.
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Well... the obvious thing to do is: Exchange your Warzone Commendations to Mercenary Ones, get 1k of each, or just 200 of each, buy Champion Bag. Rinse and repeat untill you're 50. Than open all the bags you accumulated and hope for some lucky gear token, + all the champion/centurion commendations to buy yourself pvp gear :o
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Well... the obvious thing to do is: Exchange your Warzone Commendations to Mercenary Ones, get 1k of each, or just 200 of each, buy Champion Bag. Rinse and repeat untill you're 50. Than open all the bags you accumulated and hope for some lucky gear token, + all the champion/centurion commendations to buy yourself pvp gear :o


you can't. the commendation champion bags are unique. The non-unique ones are the daily/weekly bags.

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Get used to it, for some reason Bioware seems to think we want all sorts of useless commendations. Like getting 15 champion commendations in battlemaster bags. What battlemaster wants god damn worthless champion commendations?
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save up 1000 of each commendations but buy 1 bag too before level 50. then at 50 buy another 5 bags.


you can only hold one bag at a time so when your level 50 you will be able to open 6 bags.


i done this on both my characteers

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Just buy anything, like stack up on expertise or health pots, or buy the boxes so you can sell some useless greens as well. You won't want to spend comms at lvl 50 for those. Also buy the 46 weapon beforehand. You really can't do anything properly useful with your comms until 50, so might as well. No point stopping pvp though, as you'll always get the valor anyway. Edited by Boissi
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you can't. the commendation champion bags are unique. The non-unique ones are the daily/weekly bags.

True, totally forgot about that ><



Well, you can buy the modable pvp weapons (if i recall right you can take out expertise mod off them) and mod into your armor/weapon etc. So that way you will have some starting expertise, than add to that things you can buy for cent/champ comendations, and for a fresh 50 you will proly sit at around 300expertise. Not bad imo.

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I already bought one bag and already have 1000 of each saved so looking for other ideas besides saving for champ bags at 50 cause that is already in the "bag."


Gear you companions. You can also get some better weapons at 46th level if I remember correct.

Edited by adectus
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Get used to it, for some reason Bioware seems to think we want all sorts of useless commendations. Like getting 15 champion commendations in battlemaster bags. What battlemaster wants gosh darn worthless champion commendations?


Ilum spammers who have BM and are wearing 45 greens...

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There are lvl 46 PvP weapons which come with +25 expertise mods on them. If you really have nothing else to spend your commendations on, buy these and slot them into your armor to boost your expertise pre-50 gear.


However, I would first suggest gearing out at least 1 companion with lvl 40 PvP gear.

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Get the level 46 weapons with the power/expertise enhancement (or the crit/surge if that floats your boat) and then take them out to put in your orange gear.


After you have done everything you can think of then just keep buying weapons and vendoring them for 3K+ creds a pop or keep stocking up on the healing/expertise adrenals.

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Get used to it, for some reason Bioware seems to think we want all sorts of useless commendations. Like getting 15 champion commendations in battlemaster bags. What battlemaster wants gosh darn worthless champion commendations?


So unlucky people don't need help...?


I know of at least three people in our guild who got to valor 60 before 1.1, and some even to valor 64, who were still using Centurion or Daily-modded oranges. On the flip side, I have guildies who are not even valor 45 and have complete Champion sets for both specs and some leftovers for their companions.


As for the wz and mercs. Buy PvP consumables if you aren't a biochem. If you are, then buy lockboxes.

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