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Upcoming Patch Tomorrow, February 9th, 2012


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you sure are just rude and on this occasion, you do not deserve my attention other than letting you know this. Thank You and good day.


No, you just don't understand.

That's all what i wrote and its the reality.

If you don't like it that's your thing, but don't bend/decline the facts so they fit to your point.

I wouldn't mind, but the devs don't deserve that.


This MMO is new, so there is a lot of patching going on.

If they put all the patches of last week together, the servers would've been down a whole day. I bet you wouldve started a thread if this happened.


Take a look at the bigger picture. The Problem is the rushed release.

We are playing a late beta.

Don't blame BW for that, EA has a history regarding rushed releases.


And i DO think that we deserve a compensation for that, like ~10 free game days or so.

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And i DO think that we deserve a compensation for that, like ~10 free game days or so.




LOL. You must have never played WoW. Sometimes they'd take a whole day or even more to patch and fix crap. Bioware-EA's patching has been smooth compared to most all other MMOs' I've played.

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sadly, ilum is important at 50. its one of the few things to do. not having it work IS a problem. and SHOULD be fixed asap. if thats 4 hours downtime out of a week, then so be it.


imagine WZs stopped giving valor, or comms. of FPs stoped droping loot... meh just fix it next week?

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If they put all the patches of last week together, the servers would've been down a whole day. I bet you wouldve started a thread if this happened.


Id rather this than not being able to play AT ALL every two days !



sadly, ilum is important at 50. its one of the few things to do. not having it work IS a problem. and SHOULD be fixed asap. if thats 4 hours downtime out of a week, then so be it.


But Ilum PVP is a joke, why the rush to fix it when 9 out 10 servers have an empty Ilum ???



imagine WZs stopped giving valor, or comms. of FPs stoped droping loot... meh just fix it next week?


Half the wins from WZ'a dont count for people, and they are full of glitches and exploits and still some hacks.. yet that hasnt been fixed at all ? so your example is flawed.


And yes, fix it next week, its better than not at all or 2 or 3 days down time in a week, you forget that the down time in the main playing time for us in Aus and a lot in EU.

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Problem is it's not 4 hours per week... it is rapidly becoming 4 hours on any given night, to the point I can't plan on ever getting a toon to 50, to ever have to deal with a hundred Sith wanting me to try to play on Ilum...


Really 4 hours to do a 10 minute patch... seriously... /rolling restart.

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I just got off the phone with a Dev. They are tossing around the idea of renaming this game. I think there will be a vote off, in forums soon. Here are the two potentials:


World of Patches

Star Wars: The Patchy Republic


He said they are open to ideas though.

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No, you just don't understand.

That's all what i wrote and its the reality.

If you don't like it that's your thing, but don't bend/decline the facts so they fit to your point.

I wouldn't mind, but the devs don't deserve that.


This MMO is new, so there is a lot of patching going on.

If they put all the patches of last week together, the servers would've been down a whole day. I bet you wouldve started a thread if this happened.


Take a look at the bigger picture. The Problem is the rushed release.

We are playing a late beta.

Don't blame BW for that, EA has a history regarding rushed releases.


And i DO think that we deserve a compensation for that, like ~10 free game days or so.


no clearly you are the one who does not understand, do you really think they spend a whole 8hrs of maintenance? do they even tell you what they do during maintenance periods? generally no. so your point of 4hrs + 8hrs just does not compute. and If you truly understood me, you would know I am not asking for compensation, I am only wanting more people to be aware of my opinion, you can like it or lump it. just be nice about it and give proof where proof is deserved. I do not appreciate rants that do not explain themselves, my opinions are "generally" based with atleast "some" factual evidence.


being a new MMO does not give EA/BW the right and nor should it give any company the right to flounder those words. this is why we have beta and release.


sadly, ilum is important at 50. its one of the few things to do. not having it work IS a problem. and SHOULD be fixed asap. if thats 4 hours downtime out of a week, then so be it.


imagine WZs stopped giving valor, or comms. of FPs stoped droping loot... meh just fix it next week?


You like so many other PVPers only see the smaller less insignificant picture. Ilum is not the only end game you can play. and no I'm pretty sure that when they do fix Ilum, there will be more bugs that you will complain about and ask an entire server shutdown over. learn to deal with the bugs and wait till scheduled maintenance. if you just did maintenance everyday, this server would be havoc and nobody would be playing a single thing. that means you can forget Ilum because the server will be down for 100's of other KNOWN issues.



You should be glad they actually fix the major things ASAP instead of waiting for tuesday. I am sure alot of PvP'ers agree with me on this.


But come on. Its only 4 hours.


clearly yet again, people forget Ilum is by far no means of a "MAJOR" bug, a major bug and I know because I program, is something that would not allow people to actually play the game.

If you are one of those people that think not being able to play in Ilum is as good as not playing the game. then so be it, I will not try and change your minds. But please do not be close minded when someone tells you there is more to life than PVP.

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I played my humble share of MMOs over the years, but you don't need to be a veteran to think about this: this MMO is Big... has a lot of gaming content compared to a lot of others; plus it is new. It is very new (started off in December). A lot of downtimes and patches are expected - if you did not expect it, you have not played too many other MMOs at start, I believe...


Sure you can argue that there were beta tests - why did they not correct issues there? Yeah - don't all MMOs have beta tests? Don't all of these end up with contiuous downtimes and patching at start? You bet they all do.


I give you a few points though:


> patches should be batched, so that a lot of things are done at once as is usual

> Downtime/maintenance window should be a regial thing, that should be esy to forsee and schedule (like in EVE; every day; same time 10-30 minutes)

> Patches should be prioritized

> Emergency patches should be really focused on things that have high impact on the majority of players


In these I agree with all of you. In the other whining-points brought up by people who expect this to be an offline, 100% finished game - I do not agree.



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Aren't hotfixes done while the servers are still live? Or am I wrong? Why can't Bioware do the same thing if that's the case?


Obviously my understanding of how things work is severely limited, but as a customer I'm a little confused (and irritated).

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Firstly I would like to congratulate the game developers for creating a beautiful game.


On every Tue you bring down the servers for maintenance. I can understand this is a requirement as the company must uphold their agreement for bringing us fixes for the content they make available to their paying customers. What I disagree with is their late notice to "patch" dates.


let me draw your attention to this and if the link is not working, go to the forums and on the main forum page you will notice under community news, the upcoming patch for ... TODAY!


let me remind you that a patch is to be delivered on the Tuesday as per server maintenance agreement. and not on a weekday as per your waste of time method. in my opinion and in my opinion only, you are bringing down servers to apply 1 patch to fix a bug that can wait till the scheduled patch date/time. if I am incorrect and you are applying more than 1 patch, please specify this on your news update. this is not the first time I have noticed this, in-fact this is my very first post, which should highlight my utmost regard for this issue.


Please do not sweep this under the rug and forget, I know I am just 1 person, however if this is affecting more people, please respond. constructive critism only please.


I am not asking to be re-imbursed and I am not asking for trolls to tell me to ****. I believe as a paying customer I have a right to my opinions and that my opinions much like everyone elses, deserves to be heard.


in closing; if you are going to bring down a server for 1 patch that can wait. do it on the sched maintenance days. if it is urgent, do not bring down "all" servers for 4hrs, im sure an urgent patch requires urgent attention, but you could micro manage the servers a bit better and apply them 1 by 1. and if you are applying patches and you want to inform us, please do so with as much detail as possible, it is sometimes very difficult to trudge through countless forums to find a list of the upcomming bug fixes.


Thank You for your time in reading this rant.


P.S. love the game



take a ticket and stand in line

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I'd accept a downtime in the middle of the night every night if they got some of these bugs fixed. In fact I request it.


It affects as few people as possible and improves the game.


You do understand that its "in the middle of the night" for you US folks only right? For me its a few hours after i get back from work...


And i do agree that those extended maintenance should be scheduled for 1 day only. Its annoying to not be able to play when i actually have the time to do it 2 times a week.


I can understand emergency quick fixes... But 4 hours? C'mon. Just for some Ilum pvp that everyone in his right mind gave up on long ago?

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This "little" patch may not effect you, but IMO it should have been emergency patched ASAP, and not sometime tonight. A lot of us want to get our Ilum daily done, and we cannot do it properly without this fix.


THAT'S my issue with these downtimes. It's not 'scheduled maintenance', it's an 'emergency patch' to fix what they screwed up during the 'scheduled maintenance' again.



ASAP = Ask Sleeping America's Permission?

Edited by Demorgoth
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Simply because they only choose to tell you one thing they are fixing doesn't mean there aren't other more critical issues being addressed in the same patch. There could be any number of stability and game issues being corrected and addressed they aren't talking about because they have no need or desire to bring attention to them. They could be things no one was even aware of. Telling people that the pvp on Illum is getting fixed matters to people who pvp on Illum.


I'm sure someone else probably already quoted this, but this is important too:


We do not guarantee that any Content or Entitlement will be available at all times, in all countries and/or geographic locations, or at any given time or that we will continue to offer particular Content or Entitlements for any particular length of time. We reserve the right to change and update Content and Entitlements without notice to you. Once you have redeemed your Entitlements, that content is not returnable, exchangeable, or refundable for other Entitlements or for cash, or other goods or services.
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I'd accept a downtime in the middle of the night every night if they got some of these bugs fixed. In fact I request it.


It affects as few people as possible and improves the game.


How about you and your work buddies start to do your work at the middle of the night? Does that sounds reasonable? Oh wait when is the good time, because there is a night all the time in some places... hard choices ;)


Time is fine since its working hours and majority is in school or at work.


PS: Regarding one by one server updates: If you know IT you know why not...

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Half the wins from WZ'a dont count for people, and they are full of glitches and exploits and still some hacks.. yet that hasnt been fixed at all ? so your example is flawed.


And yes, fix it next week, its better than not at all or 2 or 3 days down time in a week, you forget that the down time in the main playing time for us in Aus and a lot in EU.


I'm quite sure they are working on that. But as it comes down to massive programs like MMO, there isn't always a easy solution. Finding problem from millions of lines of code isn't easy, programming logic might have some unexpected logical outcome that isn't easily noticed by human mind. Heck it might take many hours to notice that you misplaced ; as : and that causes your program not to work.


At least this is not WoWish like when they had to shut down servers for weeks or AoC like where patches totaly broke every other thing...


TBH it has been easy/good time for launch MMO.

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Its pretty simple, people must be unsubscribing at alarming rate because of the Ilum issue, enough for them to want to emergency patch before they lose even more subscriptions.


What they don't realize is every time they do this patch the patch they piss off the entire player base.


This game was nowhere near ready for release, I felt that way in the final beta, and now more than ever. There was no way they could fix all the bugs in a month for the final release. But corporate greed obviously won out, or they ran out of money and time.


Only time will tell if SWTOR can survive, but at this rate and the way they are treating there player base I really don't know.


Its a pretty simple concept, listen to what your customers are telling you, they are the ones paying for your product. If you refuse to start listening then people will buy another product.


If I had a few hundred million to make an MMO, I'd take every subscription with this very simple concept, listen to what the majority of your customers want and release a highly polished and bug free product.

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To have their troubled world PvP area Ilum go down for even a day is not good for SWToR. This is the Flagship of their MMO...it must work...SWToR's competition WoW has some very smooth battleground and Arena PvP, even the WoW world PvP on PvP servers is pretty darn smooth...having about 2 hours downtime for Bioware Devs to "Pull their pants up" over this is good for everyone. Now some advice...not getting credited for Warzone wins affects everyone...this has been a known issue since launch...that should have been top priority...this demonstrates a lack of caring or lack of ability to fix the problem...both are bad for everyone...but I understand why Ilum got the fix...I suggest fixing the Warzone win quest credits ASAP, even bring it down during the day for a couple hours...everyone is getting frustrated with this...


However, Bioware...remember that Gamers can be fickle consumers...I know a guy who said he would never play WoW again went back and they still had his account, he was bored because the server was down last night when he wanted to play...all his old toons were there...so he ran a new dungeon he hadn't seen before...and...he paid his subscription fee...be careful SWTOR...you need to take this stuff seriously and hire some better customer service...on WoW if I send a ticket saying I accidentally bought this item, or this weapon was accidentally given to the wrong party member within 24 hours usually the change is made and the right person gets the weapon...or a refund is given...I've put in a couple such tickets and nothing was done about it...you guys need to step up to the plate if you want to play ball.

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