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Do not get a mobile security key!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Good to know, but just get the dongle, it's like $4 + shipping...


And the only people who cycle their phones regularly are drug dealers ;p


(Would definitely explain why certain people that order pizza from me from the ghetto call with a new phone number every few weeks. I swear some of them order 2-3x a week and I've taken at least 8-9 different numbers from them over the last 6 months.)


yeah getting a new phones once every 3 years is way too often...

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because if you are planing to upgrade your phone or have an issue with your current one you are screwed.



the app works great, but being a one shot deal i wish i was told knowing i was gonna get a new phone. It was very crappy on Biowares end to tell people you can only ever have one or pay them money to get a new one.


But the app still works and provides the security it's meant to. Yes if you upgrade, replace or have to reset your phone to factory default you can't put on a new app. But that's not a reason to advise people not to get the app in the first place.


It's a reason to advise people that there's currently a problem that's being investigated and if they're planning on upgrading soon they should consider this when choosing which app to get.

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Has anyone tried using TitaniumBackup on the security key app and then restoring it on a new or reinstalled phone with success?


did that, worked, problem solved.

(moved from HTC HERO to HTC SENSATION XL.. 0 probs)

Edited by Guarrand
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THey screwed the pooch massivly on them. If you any reason you have to remove the key from your smartphone you CANNOT GET ANOTHER ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!



But they never bothered to tell you this when you got your first one. I only found out when i tried to remove mine since i am getting a new cell phone. Once you remove your security key its gone and they have no clue when you can get another one UNLESS you pay for their physical one.



Sorry but that is a MASSIVE fook up. There is no reason what so ever to keep people in the dark about such a thing. Now it is impossible for me or anyone else who has to replace their cell phone to ever get a new security key UNLESS YOU PAY SWTOR.



Seriously no reason for this not to be stated when you first DL the key.


I have an idea! DONT USE THE *********** POINTLESS SECURITY KEY!

Whining about **** that isnt even relevant, and complaining about something that doesnt matter! The only reason you would ever even need one is if you go on to many **** sites, download to many viruses, and get a key-logger. Or you are buying Powerleveling. SO ****! :mad:

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Typical BW, producing and endorsing bug ridden crap, BTW why isn't Kingdoms of Amalur as terrible and buggy as this game, everyone said that it was because the game was new, but KA is new and working with only a few very minor bugs... WHats the deal?
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I tried to switch from the physical key to the app. They said sorry, no.


Really.. That is strange because they let me do this very thing. I had bought the physical key as soon as I saw it available on their sales site.. Installed it, and then two days later they had released the Android app. I called into customer service and all they had to do was remove the physical key from my account, and then I had to go through the process of adding the Android one.


@OP, good to know that I'll possibly have to be calling into customer service when it is time to upgrade to a new phone.

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THey screwed the pooch massivly on them. If you any reason you have to remove the key from your smartphone you CANNOT GET ANOTHER ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!



But they never bothered to tell you this when you got your first one. I only found out when i tried to remove mine since i am getting a new cell phone. Once you remove your security key its gone and they have no clue when you can get another one UNLESS you pay for their physical one.



Sorry but that is a MASSIVE fook up. There is no reason what so ever to keep people in the dark about such a thing. Now it is impossible for me or anyone else who has to replace their cell phone to ever get a new security key UNLESS YOU PAY SWTOR.



Seriously no reason for this not to be stated when you first DL the key.


Heh that totally sounds like an EA decision... I knew I couldn't trust EA enough to get their security key, I figured they'd probably sell my personal information to make an extra 10 cents or something.

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No such luck. The fresh install WILL NOT work with your account. The most they can do is remove the key from your account.


Ok, maybe I'm thinking outside the box, or maybe this was already suggested, but...


If they remove the key from your account, can't you just "add" a new key, being the new App key's "serial number?"

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Ok, maybe I'm thinking outside the box, or maybe this was already suggested, but...


If they remove the key from your account, can't you just "add" a new key, being the new App key's "serial number?"



But you can backup the application, and restore it to the new device just fine.

So much for 'secure application'.

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My brother was able to call and get it transferred to his new Droid Bionic so he didn't have to buy a new one. He had to be on the phone for over an hour though, and I do get the impression that the majority of the CS reps are pretty uninformed on these kinds of things.


This....some know what the hell they are doing...others are a waste of space in this universe. If they can't do it, call back until you get someone who knows how or at least admits it can be done, but just doesn't know how (and in that case ask for the case to be escalated).


I tried to switch from the physical key to the app. They said sorry, no.


They were flat out wrong. I got a physical key when I found out the android app was delayed. Then when the Android app came out I called in and had the physical key removed from my account. My phone has been less than reliable (not due to the key app though) so I decided to go back to my physical key. I called in and though the first guy didn't know how to do it, he knew he had to escalate to get it done, and my the android key app was removed from my account so I could add the physical key back again.

Edited by Thunder-God
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You said so yourself that they will remove the security key from your acount completely if you ask them to, so just have them take it off for now until they get their act together, then you can put it back on. As long as you have a decently secure password and arent computer retarded you should be fine I would think.
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I got a security fob with my collectors box which I set up a few days after I got it. I have since then changed my account to use the Mobil App I have installed in my new iPhone. No problems here. I did everything online.


You currently wont be able to go from that mobile app to a newly installed mobile app - at all.

The CSR can assist with removing the mobile app from the account. You can setup a new token. I am not sure if you could use the old token again.

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So what happens is somebody....lets say a friend....spills Dr. Pepper all over their security key that came with the Collector Edition, and it is slowly fading out.


Anyone know if I.....um....this person can get a replacement, or just use the iPhone app at the same time.


Can you use the mobile app as well as the small keychain thing?

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