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How can bioware spend 6-7 years developing a mmo... and not be able to fix quests.... how long have people been complaining that warzones are still not counting for dailies?


I still cant drop some quests from my log.


I still run into unfarmable nodes they are there, they are on the map i just cant gather them...


To me this shows how lacking the developers are for this game. I mean really these seem like pretty basic things. Yet we are going on month two and they still aren't fixed even though patch notes say other wise.


I am quickly losing faith that bioware even have the know how to fix the things broken in this game. I honestly think they dont know how to fix many of the issues we are seeing and asking to be fixed. Its not a matter of them not caring its a matter of they just cant.

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Provide them the code for those fixes and they can get them done quicker.


You are not asking for them to be fixed but fixed in an unrealistic time-frame. The developers do not want to leave these issues unresolved. They not only prioritize bugs, but even high priorty bugs must be recreated, fixed (not easy), and tested.


The more game systems affected (and I would think a warzone affects a lot) the more careful they have to be even if they can find a fix quickly to make sure there are not any unforseen side effects.

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Provide them the code for those fixes and they can get them done quicker.


You are not asking for them to be fixed but fixed in an unrealistic time-frame. The developers do not want to leave these issues unresolved. They not only prioritize bugs, but even high priorty bugs must be recreated, fixed (not easy), and tested.


The more game systems affected (and I would think a warzone affects a lot) the more careful they have to be even if they can find a fix quickly to make sure there are not any unforseen side effects.


How does it feel to be an apologist?

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If you only had a fraction of an idea how complicated bug fixing can be you wouldn't be asking such silly questions.


I know you posted something similar before. You seem very hung up on bugged nodes... Haven't seen a bugged node period since they fixed them in Dec.


Just try and grasp it isn't as easy as you make it out to be.

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Provide them the code for those fixes and they can get them done quicker.


You are not asking for them to be fixed but fixed in an unrealistic time-frame. The developers do not want to leave these issues unresolved. They not only prioritize bugs, but even high priorty bugs must be recreated, fixed (not easy), and tested.


The more game systems affected (and I would think a warzone affects a lot) the more careful they have to be even if they can find a fix quickly to make sure there are not any unforseen side effects.


Okay but that has nothing to do with what I said. Your making excuses for them.


They are the experts on the game and the engine not me not you.


If you spent 7 years writing a piece of software would you consider yourself the expert and able to fix something in a timely matter?


What do you consider a timely manner? A year? two years?


What if in 6 months quests still dont function properly? What if nodes still are broken in areas? What if all these basic features that work in 90% of the mmo's ive played at launch still dont work in swtor after half a year?


What will your defense be then? will you still be like ya must be a super complicated bit to fix.... I mean really how many mmo's have you played where BASIC things just dont work? I have not seen many, I have played many mmo's at launch I have run into quest problems before but heres where the difference lies.


When we found a broken quest or nodes unfarmable they were hotfixed with no server down time or anything just a quick restart.... and it was never a problem again.


This is where I am doubting biowares ability to manage their games code and understand it to the point where they can be like oh xxxx quests aren't counting when they win lets get that hot fixed asap.... its more like damn okay think we found the issue.... 8 hour downtime... bam issue not fixed... ummm okay that wasn't it lets try this... new patch... hmmm still not fixed.... okay guys lets try this... lol


i mean comon at what point do you sit back and seriously look at their patching pattern and what they supposedly fix and wonder if they even know what the problem is and how to fix it.

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If you only had a fraction of an idea how complicated bug fixing can be you wouldn't be asking such silly questions.


I know you posted something similar before. You seem very hung up on bugged nodes... Haven't seen a bugged node period since they fixed them in Dec.


Just try and grasp it isn't as easy as you make it out to be.


So why are other coders able to fix things, but ToR's seem not able to.


Oh yeah because the QA isn't in house. It is in Romania with translating programs translating emails back and forth.


QA is your most useful tool as a developer. Having them in another country, asleep when you are awake, and they don't speak English 100%. It is setup for disaster.

Edited by KipMalice
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If you only had a fraction of an idea how complicated bug fixing can be you wouldn't be asking such silly questions.


I know you posted something similar before. You seem very hung up on bugged nodes... Haven't seen a bugged node period since they fixed them in Dec.


Just try and grasp it isn't as easy as you make it out to be.


I code in python and write plugins for 3d software.... i know how coding works. I know my code structure very well and if theres a bug with a certain function generally know where bad code is since I wrote every single line of it. And my most recent plugin is over 50k lines of code split into several different functions I can manage it by myself no problem.


Should I fraps all the bugged nodes I see just to show you they exist i run into them very often.

Edited by Barracudastr
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If you only had a fraction of an idea how complicated bug fixing can be you wouldn't be asking such silly questions.


I know you posted something similar before. You seem very hung up on bugged nodes... Haven't seen a bugged node period since they fixed them in Dec.


Just try and grasp it isn't as easy as you make it out to be.


Would you feel the same way if we were talking about your Dr rather than a programmer?


They are professionals. As professionals, they should be able to do their job efficiently and competently. If they tell us they have fixed x, y, and z, then x, y, and z better be fixed.


I have run across broken nodes. There are fewer of them, but they are still there.

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If you only had a fraction of an idea how complicated bug fixing can be you wouldn't be asking such silly questions.


I know you posted something similar before. You seem very hung up on bugged nodes... Haven't seen a bugged node period since they fixed them in Dec.


Just try and grasp it isn't as easy as you make it out to be.


I counted at least a dozen bugged arch and slicing nodes in the justicar area of coruscant last night alone, in less than an hour. Not fixed.

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What's a bugged node? I haven't even noticed this problem yet.


A gathering node, that shows up on the mini map, yet is either unclickable, or has spawned in an inaccessible location.


I see them occasionally, then shrug and move on. They're not uncommon, but it's not like I've run into places where every node was bugged, either.

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Hello everyone!


In order to keep our discussions more orderly, If you have suggestions for the game, we have a fantastic threads for suggestions and bugs and encourage you to continue your discussion there. You can also report bugs in-game by typing /bug into your chat window.


We also have an ongoing thread regarding the issue in Ilum in this thread. We are closing this thread. Thank you for understanding and helping us make sure that the forums are as constructive and helpful as possible!

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