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Thanks for ruining pvp...


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Bioware didn't ruin PvP. Kittens with lightsabers ruined PvP.


Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew Mew


I'm a kitteh.


No lie...LMFAO!! +Rep

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Its about expertise rating and it makes a hell of a difference. Thats why level 50 is so one sided. Its not the champion stats that makes it good, its expertiese rating and thats all. If you dont get that then you have no idea what the problems in pvp are all about.


Expertise also has diminishing returns, pretty early. Having 400 expertise isn't that far off from 800 expertise, it's like 8% compared to 10%.


And if you have +8% crit chance, +15% critical damage, +5% power, and +1000 health it's hard to argue that that's worse than 4-5% less damage taken and done. Especially when PvP gear has ACCURACY on it when you could be using power, crit or surge.


People wear half-PvE gear because after a little bit of Expertise gear it doesn't really matter anymore.

Edited by savionen
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Thanks for ruining gear grinding..



Is what your thread should have been OP since it had nothing to do with ruining pvp, but with making a grind easier and making new 50s able to get starting gear easier.


If pvp is about gear grinding to you, meh, you'll unsub once you get BM anyway- and the people who pvp for the sake of killing the other team will keep playing.

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Making Champion Commendations drop from Champion Bags was a bad idea.


I think it was fine as it was, but now, now its just like WoW. PvP gear is waay to easy to get.


A friend of mine had 0 pvp gear, and now he has 6 peices just after one day.


Now its all about skills. no more fun owning people without pvp gear. Now it all depends on skill, which is fine, but i would rather have rated warzones and arenas for that...


Now its hard to see if people are good or not, cos everybody has good gear in pvp.


Why did you change it? Why would people complain about changing it?


What ? this gives me a good laugh


It is hard now because everyone has the same gear, which means everything is based on skill and class balance ?


Well thats how it should be....giving people who are better than others better gear and let others rot is not unfair for you ?

Edited by BobaFurz
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What ? this gives me a good laugh


It is hard now because everyone has the same gear, which means everything is based on skill and class balance ?


Well thats how it should be....giving people who are better than others better gear and let others rot is not unfair for you ?


If this gave you a good laugh which it did not, then your a pretty wierd guy.


It doesnt have anything to do with being against other people with good gear, you are always facing people in wz's. the biggest problem it is too easy to get. which makes unskilled players get pvp gear in no time. Which first of all makes it hard to spot the good pvp'ers from the bad.

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If this gave you a good laugh which it did not, then your a pretty wierd guy.


It doesnt have anything to do with being against other people with good gear, you are always facing people in wz's. the biggest problem it is too easy to get. which makes unskilled players get pvp gear in no time. Which first of all makes it hard to spot the good pvp'ers from the bad.


It's a very nice joking thread. Because you're just joking to provoke others, aren't you? Because you couldn't seriously write such things. No sane person would expect to tell who's good and who's bad just by the gear.


Now it'll be easier to distinguish bad and good players. Good will perform well in competitive environment and bad will whine on forums about the gear.

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If this gave you a good laugh which it did not, then your a pretty wierd guy.


It doesnt have anything to do with being against other people with good gear, you are always facing people in wz's. the biggest problem it is too easy to get. which makes unskilled players get pvp gear in no time. Which first of all makes it hard to spot the good pvp'ers from the bad.


It's pretty easy to spot a bad pvpers regardless of gear. I have my BM chest and usually wear a level 11 orange chest modded with 50 purple mods- mostly because it fools bads into thinking I'm not a good player and thus underestimating me.


BAD players are the only ones who judge solely on gear. Good players can tell quickly who gained their gear through time, and who is actually good at what they do.


If you need gear to tell you who's good and who's bad... lol, just lol.

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The whole thing about the system change is that, people with bad luck open up bags after bags with no gear got frustrated, and start to complain that the system is broken.


To me.... math is math, if the system say you have 25% to have one, then you have 25%. It is not broken, but people cannot stand the losing streak. Life is a b*tch sometimes.

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What i dont get is why everybody is complaining about being unlucky with gear in bags...


If you want easy pvp gear go play WoW...


I hope Bioware only did this because theres a new tier comming real soon.


Let's see, how can we make it easy for you to understand...


How is LUCK in any way, shape or form a way to differentiate between good and bad players, or easy and hard to get gear exactly? Time spent != difficulty, kiddo.


Why is it alright for you to open 10 bags and be full Champion and another person opened 40 and still only has 2 pieces?


RNG made it much easier on lucky people and much worse on unlucky people. Now, it's slower for lucky ones and faster for unlucky. It's equal for everyone unless you are beyond lucky and you shouldn't play this game, but the lottery instead.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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I dont see why you are complaining - you only get 7 champ coms per bag - Heck this slows down champion progression a ton - I have only been 50 for a week and a half and I have almost full champion gear thanks to the old RNG system (I was already VR 50 when I dinged so I was glad I got lucky :) ) - all this does is give new 50s a way to get some starter PvP gear that no one was really using anyways - I couldnt care less if more people are running around in Centurion gear....whoopy dooo Edited by Torn
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Let's see, how can we make it easy for you to understand...


How is LUCK in any way, shape or form a way to differentiate between good and bad players, or easy and hard to get gear exactly? Time spent != difficulty, kiddo.


Why is it alright for you to open 10 bags and be full Champion and another person opened 40 and still only has 2 pieces?


RNG made it much easier on lucky people and much worse on unlucky people. Now, it's slower for lucky ones and faster for unlucky. It's equal for everyone.


Let's see, how can i make it easy for you to understand...


Daily + Weekly = 20 bags. + the bags you buy yourself, lets say thats 1 each day. thats 27bags.



15 centurion commendations x 27 bags is 405 commendations

7 champion commendations x 27 bags is 189 commendations.


An avarage centurion item costs about 40 commendations. So you can get about 4 centurion items.


an avarage champion items costs 70 commendations. so you can get about 2 items. thats 6 items. maybe u even get an item from a bag if your lucky. and if you buy the cheap stuff first you can have more than 6items.


You have 14 slots to fill out, and after one week youve already filled almost half your gear.

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