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Are you, Have you been, getting what you paid for?


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The game has been out almost 2 months. Yes not even 2 months yet.


When you look at what you have been doing in the game, do you feel you have gotten what you paid for?


Have you gotten what they told us you would be getting, at release, and with the various patches?


Did you feel the amount you paid for the game, $60US-$150US was money well spent for your enjoyment? Did you get what you feel the cost was worth?

Is the game living up to the $15US a month you have to pay to play?


Has the game become less fun over the past few weeks because of bugs, unenjoyable glitches that make you upset and wonder why am I here?


Do you see yourself playing much longer through all the problems the game still has after months of testing and the past 2 of release?


Is your money worth your continued subscription to a flawed game that while is very very enjoyable to play in many regards yet very very frustrating to play in many regards?


Do not bother with posting bugs and issues , just how you feel you are feeling about the price vs satisfaction of SWTOR.

Edited by Kerraii
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The game has been out almost 2 months. Yes not even 2 months yet.


When you look at what you have been doing in the game, do you feel you have gotten what you paid for?


Have you gotten what they told us you would be getting, at release, and with the various patches?


Did you feel the amount you paid for the game, $60US-$150US was money well spent for your enjoyment? Did you get what you feel the cost was worth?

Is the game living up to the $15US a month you have to pay to play?


Has the game become less fun over the past few weeks because of bugs, unenjoyable glitches that make you upset and wonder why am I here?


Do you see yourself playing much longer through all the problems the game still has after months of testing and the past 2 of release?


Is your money worth your continued subscription to a flawed game that while is very very enjoyable to play in many regards yet very very frustrating to play in many regards?


Do not bother with posting bugs and issues , just how you feel you are feeling about the price vs satisfaction of SWTOR.


7 questions designed to elicit whining and complaining that leads to flame wars. Thanks. Super constructive. Now, queue the QQ......

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The game has been out almost 2 months. Yes not even 2 months yet.


When you look at what you have been doing in the game, do you feel you have gotten what you paid for?


Have you gotten what they told us you would be getting, at release, and with the various patches?


Did you feel the amount you paid for the game, $60US-$150US was money well spent for your enjoyment? Did you get what you feel the cost was worth?

Is the game living up to the $15US a month you have to pay to play?


Has the game become less fun over the past few weeks because of bugs, unenjoyable glitches that make you upset and wonder why am I here?


Do you see yourself playing much longer through all the problems the game still has after months of testing and the past 2 of release?


Is your money worth your continued subscription to a flawed game that while is very very enjoyable to play in many regards yet very very frustrating to play in many regards?




I do looking foward for a more dynamic world and more sandbox features, but those things take time, atm im enjoying rerolling with friend and I have a lot of fun.

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The game has been out almost 2 months. Yes not even 2 months yet.


When you look at what you have been doing in the game, do you feel you have gotten what you paid for?


Have you gotten what they told us you would be getting, at release, and with the various patches?


Did you feel the amount you paid for the game, $60US-$150US was money well spent for your enjoyment? Did you get what you feel the cost was worth?

Is the game living up to the $15US a month you have to pay to play?


Has the game become less fun over the past few weeks because of bugs, unenjoyable glitches that make you upset and wonder why am I here?


Do you see yourself playing much longer through all the problems the game still has after months of testing and the past 2 of release?


Is your money worth your continued subscription to a flawed game that while is very very enjoyable to play in many regards yet very very frustrating to play in many regards?


Do not bother with posting bugs and issues , just how you feel you are feeling about the price vs satisfaction of SWTOR.


There is really one 1 question need be asked, is the game fun enough to justify the money spent. So far the answer is yes. That's as far as I take it.

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Absolutely I do. Been playing at a steady, regualr rate. I'm griding up 4 toons, one of each of the base classes for Republic, and I still have plenty of work to do there, before I even begin to think about serious PvP.


I was ready to hate this game, having come from SWG and seen that close down in the same week that SWTOR was released, but I can't really fault the game.


There are niggles; minor ones only. Nothing game breaking, no major issues with lag, probably had 4, maybe 5 DC's since I started on 17th December and I play pretty much every day for at least an hour.


Queues have been an issue, but that's because our guild was deployed to the busiest EU server and we decided to ride it out instead of trying to reloacte the guild.


In shoprt; I am over the moon with SWTOR and I envisage playing this game for as long, if not longer than the 7 years I put into SWG.

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Considering I lost an entire separate account to some error with customer service corrupting my info so I can never log on that account and see those characters again and they REFUSE to fix it?


Considering the headaches from new UI?


+11ty other things...


No. I am not.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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$150 for initial purchase + a long sub on top of that


I can't play at all now due to eyestrain and headaches that were not present prior to this latest patch. My two 50s are languishing in disuse. I'm losing time on my dailies and crafting. My friends in game are wondering why I'm not there to play with them.


So today my answer is "wasted money, time and effort"


I do love this game. Once the headache inducing flashes are gone I'll be happy to say that my money was well spent.



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I would be willing to pay 12.99 a month, my game time is usually diminished every week due to a patch or a patch fixing a patch.


Ive been playing mmorpgs for close to 10 years now, and havent had to reschedule my social life for them ever, not going to start now.

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The game has been out almost 2 months. Yes not even 2 months yet.


When you look at what you have been doing in the game, do you feel you have gotten what you paid for?


Have you gotten what they told us you would be getting, at release, and with the various patches?


Did you feel the amount you paid for the game, $60US-$150US was money well spent for your enjoyment? Did you get what you feel the cost was worth?

Is the game living up to the $15US a month you have to pay to play?


Has the game become less fun over the past few weeks because of bugs, unenjoyable glitches that make you upset and wonder why am I here?


Do you see yourself playing much longer through all the problems the game still has after months of testing and the past 2 of release?


Is your money worth your continued subscription to a flawed game that while is very very enjoyable to play in many regards yet very very frustrating to play in many regards?


Do not bother with posting bugs and issues , just how you feel you are feeling about the price vs satisfaction of SWTOR.


Let me think........Yes.

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No complaints here, I like the game, my highest avatar is only lvl 28, so I have not rushed to 50, I quest, do flashpoints, PVP and craft. The game itself is pretty much like any other MMO except we use the Force instead of Mana, light sabers instead of swords, Blasters instead of bows, we ride speeders in stead of horses.


Overall, the game is 8/10 on release, despite the bugs which I have not been affected by, Slow frame rate in which I don't seem to have a problem with. Maybe my expectations are low. But I got what I paid for.

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I bought this game for two reasons.


1) I thought it would be a good game to play as a co-op. It isn't, and I've been very disappointed by that.


2) Bioware RPG storylines. This has been delivered to my satisfaction.


So I didn't quite get everything I wanted, but 2# is enjoyable enough that I don't feel ripped off.

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I'm pretty happy so far. Instead of complaining about what I personally feel should be in the game (like the self-entitlement generation that seemingly makes up most of the playerbase) I'm stoked to see how they iron out the kinks and whats in store for the future.
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The game has been out almost 2 months. Yes not even 2 months yet.


When you look at what you have been doing in the game, do you feel you have gotten what you paid for?


Have you gotten what they told us you would be getting, at release, and with the various patches?


Did you feel the amount you paid for the game, $60US-$150US was money well spent for your enjoyment? Did you get what you feel the cost was worth?

Is the game living up to the $15US a month you have to pay to play?


Has the game become less fun over the past few weeks because of bugs, unenjoyable glitches that make you upset and wonder why am I here?


Do you see yourself playing much longer through all the problems the game still has after months of testing and the past 2 of release?


Is your money worth your continued subscription to a flawed game that while is very very enjoyable to play in many regards yet very very frustrating to play in many regards?


Do not bother with posting bugs and issues , just how you feel you are feeling about the price vs satisfaction of SWTOR.


the way you have phrased every questions is in a negative context, all this is going to become is a giant QQ/Whine thread ... Good work ...


Why not just make a post of "I am not satisfied" because that is what you are wanting everyone that responds to this post to also say which is obvious from your questions ...

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More than my money's worth especially considering the bright future promised by the devs as they evolve the crafting, economy, obviously future story content, etc. Bioware deserves every penny we gave them for the game purchase and subscription. If anything I feel like I am the one receiving a bonus for such an awesome gaming experience.


Very crappy poorly acted, poorly written movies such as Cowboys and Aliens or Revenge of the Fallen to name just a couple shallow creations had a budget over 150 million and we only get a 2 or 3 hr experience for the price of admission. SW TOR had a similar budget and delivers many more hours of quality gaming for a paltry price compared to the price of movie admission.

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