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Please fix companions interupting EVERYTHING!!


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Agreed. C2-NFail is the worst. He has the longest "I suck at everything" verbal statement. On top of getting my windows repeatedly closed, I have to listen to his incessant brown nosing. I can't tell you the number of times I have wanted to push him out the airlock. :mad:


If I ever run into that voice actor at a convention, I might just add extra padding to his seat cushion with my boot.

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Um....how is it interrupting anything? Last I checked I could still do combat and other things while they completed the mission task and came back with rewards.


Wow....did you even read the post? The problem is when they are done with their crew task...the window with the results comes up no matter what you are doing. If you have 2 windows already open...it'll close them. If you are in combat...guess what? The window will pop up on your screen and interrupt your combat. This needs to be fixed.....my faith in Bioware is quickly eroding when they can't implement common sense fixes such as this in a timely manner. The game has been out for almost 2 months now...this should have been caught in beta............

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Um....how is it interrupting anything? Last I checked I could still do combat and other things while they completed the mission task and came back with rewards.


You might want to do some more checking.


  • If you're sending mail when the companion returns, you'll be kicked out so you can see what they brought you.
  • If you're reading mail when the companion returns, you'll be kicked out so you can see what they brought you.
  • If you're at the exchange browsing listings when the companion returns, you'll be kicked out so you can see what they brought you.
  • If you're at the exchange posting things you want to sell when the companion returns, you'll be kicked out so you can see what they brought you.
  • If you're attempting to send another companion off on a crew skill mission when the companion returns, you'll be kicked out so you can see what they brought you.
  • If you're attempting to craft something with another companion when the companion returns, you'll be kicked out so you can see what they brought you.
  • If you're at a vendor buying, selling and/or repairing things when the companion returns, you'll be kicked out so you can see what they brought you.
  • If you're at a trainer picking up new skills when the companion returns, you'll be kicked out so you can see what they brought you.


There are several more examples I could give you, but you should see from those above that the OP and others have a valid point. This 'functionality' is highly annoying, disruptive and very likely broken. It needs attention.

Edited by Valethar
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A couple of days ago, I was browsing the GTN when my companion came back from a mission.


It did not close the GTN window. It closed the other window I had open (my inventory bag, I think?).


But... the kicker was it didn't close the GTN window.


I jumped up out of my chair. I ran into the living room bouncing up and down and shouting to my husband "THEY FIXED IT, THEY FIXED IT, OH MY GOD THEY FIXED IT!! THE GTN WINDOW DIDN'T CLOSE!!"


He instantly knew what I was talking about.


There was much glee.



...but we were sadly disappointed to find out that they hadn't stealth-fixed this issue. I had only encountered a fluke bug. I would love to bug myself out that way again. While it would be VASTLY preferable for the companion's items to go in the PENDING window, a lot of my own personal vitriol would be lowered by not slamming shut the GTN window. But, seriously- we already get visual (via chat window) and audio (via sometimes excessively long commentaries) that the companions have returned. Having a flashing 'Pending' in the upper right on top of that is MORE than enough.

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You might want to do some more checking.


  • If you're sending mail when the companion returns, you'll be kicked out so you can see what they brought you.
  • If you're reading mail when the companion returns, you'll be kicked out so you can see what they brought you.
  • If you're at the exchange browsing listings when the companion returns, you'll be kicked out so you can see what they brought you.
  • If you're at the exchange posting things you want to sell when the companion returns, you'll be kicked out so you can see what they brought you.
  • If you're attempting to send another companion off on a crew skill mission when the companion returns, you'll be kicked out so you can see what they brought you.
  • If you're attempting to craft something with another companion when the companion returns, you'll be kicked out so you can see what they brought you.
  • If you're at a vendor buying, selling and/or repairing things when the companion returns, you'll be kicked out so you can see what they brought you.
  • If you're at a trainer picking up new skills when the companion returns, you'll be kicked out so you can see what they brought you.


There are several more examples I could give you, but you should see from those above that the OP and others have a valid point. This 'functionality' is highly annoying, disruptive and very likely broken. It needs attention.


You forgot one.



- If you are in the middle of reporting a bug on how the companion mission rewards clears all windows and you have written quite bit of text AND the companion returns, you'll be kicked out so you can see what they brought you and all your text is gone.

Edited by saybut
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Agreed, the mission-completed popups should not appear and instead go into the 'pending' state if


1, the player is in combat

2, the player is in a warzone

3, the player has other windows open and the pop-up would cause them to be closed.

Edited by Sharee
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I agree. Its rather frustrating when you're in the middle of 3-5 mobs from a heroic or 5-10 players in a hectic warzone when suddenly half your screen is covered by "yo, 2v-r8 here sorry I totally failed you master there were complications" (even though he actually managed to get you 8x that one stupid blue gemstone you needed). Or if you're posting things onto the GTN, looking at what mods/armor/enhancements you should get to upgrade your stuff, writing a letter and all that stuff just goes bye bye because one of my companions came back from a mission :/... It would be nice if it would just go to the pending situation if the player has other menus open or is in combat...
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It is totally annoying when this happens. Why we can't have more than two windows open at once, I have no clue. But to have your companions come back from their missions and -close- the windows you're working on, that's just downright annoying!
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