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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

People BAD in pvp


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90% of players are laughably bad at PVP.


90% of those bad players do not realise they are bad.


The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which the unskilled suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly rating their ability much higher than average. This bias is attributed to a metacognitive inability of the unskilled to recognize their mistakes.


Im Bad! I admit it! without a tank or dps with me (im an uber healer) im doomed 1 vs. 1 but with someone else than CAN actually fight.... I can win.... a lot.

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You have to realise that it's not just that some people are bad, it's that they don't give a ****. Some people couldn't care less about some ridiculous American-style football game. They just want to slay the enemy.


You think huttball is like American football? Where do you live, the Congo?

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What bothers me with alderaan is when I'll keep 5 people occupied at mid and get complained at for soloing or 'doing whatever i want' while they worry about 2 people on right. First of all, they shouldnt be going right and second, if theres 5 in mid why are you complaining!


Many people don't understand advanced tactics and to be fair sometimes they can be confused with someone being bad. I think you have to pressure enemy turrets to keep their defenders there. If you attack just often enough you can keep an extra person or two on defense instead of attacking you.

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Reason is, because your all fixated on farming BG's so when you run into actual pvpers in the world,you treat them same as battleground farmers. We arnt. A great many players think their shinys can play for them, I cant count the number of BG farmers an afkers who run up to me in their silly champion gear or whtever its called, get punted into a group or mobs or over a cliff then start abusing me for it...



Lol wut? You claim the reason you suck at Warzone pvp and play horribly is because you dominate world pvp by attacking people at half health? I bet you love to show level 20s how good you are too.

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People ignore objectives for many reasons such as:


1) It gets old and we are forced to play objective maps if we want to PvP. No where in the definition of Player vs Player are objectives included. Warzones are designed as Player vs Objective vs Player. We have no warzone maps where the objective is just to kill players, which is what many of us want to do when we PvP.


2) Extending from number 1, killing players is fun. I don't level a character to cap to stand on a node all day. I don't master 30 keybinds and lightning reflexes to stand on a node all day. I don't get a better understanding of my class mechanics by standing on a node all day.


3) Killing players is more rewarding than winning. I get more valor/commendations by killing players all game than I do if I would stand on a node all game.


4) Back to #1, I have no choice when I want to PvP. Ilum is just a zerg fest, so warzones are all we have to get a small group of players in an area to fight.


5) I am better than 99.9% of the population in this game. It is very entertaining to run around and slaughter people, many times 1v3 or more. So those kids who spent their whole time in warzones learning how to stand on a node will die in 5 seconds to me, then I will take their node anyway.


6) I PvP because I want to PvP. Objectives and dailies just put PvE into PvP. I will be much more satisfied if I kill 80 players in Alderaan and lose than if I sat on a node all match and got a win for my daily quest. I am also always the best DPS on my team, so me sitting on a node all game would be a waste anyway. I'm a killing machine, and I'm gonna go kill. I will let the scrubs sit on nodes and twiddle their thumbs.

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title of the thread should be why are there so many pretentious chodes in this game that think being good at a video game is "cool"


im terrible at this game, terrible at pvp, terrible at pve. the worst part about this game isnt the PVP, or the lack of end game content, or the bugs, or the patches that break the game, its the countless number of elitest epeen flexers that infest it.


people are going to be bad in pvp. get over it. if youre sooooooooo awesome and leet, you dont need to worry about the people that are bad. your massive epeen and leet BM gear will get you through.


im terrible, and i know it. no suprise here.




What you don't understand is that the only thing that makes someone bad at pvp is not trying and not paying attention. So rightfully people get mad at really poor play. People don't expect everyone to be superstars but just not intentionally be an anchor. If you are bad at pvp it is because you don't try / care. If you think you or anyone else who does that deserves consideration of understanding you are wrong.


People who make mistakes while learning a Warzone is not what people are complaining about. We complain about people who don't care / try. Pvp is not that hard so there are no excuses.

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Lol wut? You claim the reason you suck at Warzone pvp and play horribly is because you dominate world pvp by attacking people at half health? I bet you love to show level 20s how good you are too.


This ladies an gentleman is exactly what I am talking about.... The mentality of the exploiting BG farmer...

None dominates in world pvp, you simply survive till the next fight, its as easy as that. Show me exactly where I said I suck at battlegrounds ?.... last I new I have never set foot in one in tor an never will. They are nothing more than a pve farm-a-thon. an Beneath my attention.


See, I'll educate you just a little here since you seem to need it.... World pvpers dont need shinys, yes we want progression but shinys dont need to be it. Sadly though because tor is just another rift shinys are central to the game so we have no choice when all you farmers hit up tatt an kill baby's in your shiny new pvp sillys, we have to fight back in quest gear.


I have never met a world pvper who says pvp is about gathering shinys so you can gain more shinys. Personally I kill to take from you, or run you off, or make you made. PvP is about winning the fight. No such thing as a fair fight, just the fight you win by any means. (no not hacks an exploits)

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There is nothing in this game that encourages GOOD pvp.


Ilum is a "Red Rover Red Rover, send Imp right over" game.


Warzones give nearly the same rewards in terms of commendations and XP to losers that it does winners.


So no one actually has to learn how to fight.


TOR rewards laziness way too much.

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no need to win more than 3 warzones a day m8. after that u can skip the roleplay objective ******** and actually pvp. it seems alot of these newschool "pvpers" have a twisted wrong view of how pvp should be. give back the oldschool way of pvp like daoc had where u made a group of 8 with the only objective to run out and kill other grps of 8 for the sake of fighting each other in long epic battles instead of sitting on some retarded cannon half the game cos the ******** warzone roleplay crap wants u to hold that cannon for the republic/empire/WHATEVER. **** that **** and go back to the roots when pvp was actually pvp and not some lame mechanic that only got introduced so bads can still win every now and then despite beeing perma farmed.



You understand you are bad at pvp right?

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Most "pvpers" in this game behave exactly like mobs.


First red nameplate = attack, no matter what he's doing or what class he is.


Red nameplate attacking me or watching at me funny = aggro him and NEVER EVER change target again until he is dead (or I'm dead). Who cares if I have to run througn an entire enemy group 1 km away from any objective to kill the mother****er.


Haha. I get that a lot when healing. They will never stop trying to kill you if you heal.

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You understand you are bad at pvp right?


You understand your abusive, obviously quite young, an seem to have declared yourself everyone's better.....in all your posts you put people down an try to insult anyone you decide is... what do you call it ??.. oh yer... "a badz"...

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90% of players are laughably bad at PVP.


90% of those bad players do not realise they are bad.


The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which the unskilled suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly rating their ability much higher than average. This bias is attributed to a metacognitive inability of the unskilled to recognize their mistakes.


9/10 chance you dont your bad then? :)

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Funniest thing happened to me in chat once.


I was the Ops Leader in the Alderaan Civil War for the first time. I was hyped, so I wanted things to go right. So this is exactly what I said:


Me: Alright guys, take center turrent since it does slightly more damage than the two smaller turrents, but at the same time go to the right and take that turrent since no one will be there and it's a guarantee cap.


Everyone: k


So everything goes smoothly until we lose one of the turrents on the side. I was defending mid and I had three stealthers at mid already so I figured I should help the side turrents. So me and a team charge forward and fight in a 3 v 5 match. The fight is going rather even for both sides until I look back and noticed my teammates LEFT ME TO DIE.


Me: *** where did you guys go?! We have to take the side turrent the mid is OK.


Some Random Guy: **** you talk too much just play the game.


OK, I can't lie. At first I LMAOed because it was NOT the response I expected, but as I talked to him I came to realize that he didn't give two ***** about the objective and only wanted to, in his terms, "have fun."


I can't argue that, but at the same time, isn't winning fun? I can tell you that losing isn't any fun at all.


Oh, and we lost the match btw. My first chance as an Ops Leader and my mission was a failure....

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on my server ive noticed that the 50 bracket knows what they are doing an actively works towards objectives. the 1-49 bracket think that pvp is tdm and pretty much sit in the middle of the map circle jerking themselves


Its the complete opposite on fatman. Feel like im in the 2k+ area for rated warzones in the sub 50 bracket now an then while 50 brings back thoughts of barrens chat.

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Maybe they need to throw in a team death match WZ for those that like to stand in a group and and mash buttons to see big numbers.


Variety is nice, but I like the objective element in the Warzones - adds another element of strategy to the game. Also allows a group of inferior toons a chance at winning with superior strat. Defending a node can be a bit boring at times, but you often get good 1v1, 1v2, 2v2 fights there.


I would describe myself as competitive and could care less about medals/rewards as long as my team wins. The majority of the community's insatiable appetite to be farming something/anything is in part a cause of playstyles. For a joke they should put some flower boxes in the WZ corners that you can pick for medals - I bet we'd see 7/8 WZ toons standing in the corner and clicking on a flower for "pvp". I almost wonder if we'd be better off with the rewards being small/insignificant - maybe just cosmetic?- to curb the farming/tourist population.....prolly not though as the remaining pvp pop would be very small../shrug Just have to grin and bear it, and/or premade it.

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I have played many mmo's and i have to say this game has some of the worst pvpers i have ever seen in any game. They have no clue how to play their char, spec or the WZ. You could put them in the best gear and they would still suck......


BUT.... they sure know how to use the forums and ask for nerfs!!!!!

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I have played many mmo's and i have to say this game has some of the worst pvpers i have ever seen in any game. They have no clue how to play their char, spec or the WZ. You could put them in the best gear and they would still suck......


BUT.... they sure know how to use the forums and ask for nerfs!!!!!


Nerf this guy ^^








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Untill Last year, i avoided PvP, in MMOs -Wasent intrested in it, Did some in WoW, and was Not great, But also Not bad at it,


here, Im Doing a great deal of PvP, And While i seem to Quite Good At it, - (Im Not the greatest PvP At all)


in the Right group, of PPl im Getting 0 deaths and Unstoppable status, and once or twice immortal,


So must be Doing something Right:rolleyes::D;):p

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After you get the daily, it don't matter who wins or loses...it's all about racking badges.


And therein lies the fatal flaw of TOR WZ PvP.


You want teamplay...go with a premade or play FPS, imo. Not going to get that here, ever.

Edited by fixit
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Are ppl so bad on every server? or is it only on my server?


I have never seen so many ppl in one place over and over again not having a clue what to do.


In HB they are not focusing on the ball in at all,not defending it or attacking the carrier.They are running around fighting random ppl far away from the ball and they dont care if you loose or win.


In Voidstar NONE are focusing on the doors. They are fighting far away from the door or in the middle. No one are typing on the chat and if someone do type "HELP L/R" no one reads it.


In CW ppl are not defending stations, they fight out in the open with randoms the same as in HB. Same goes here for the chat, NO ONE is reading or typing.


If you are trying to give ppl some help they tell you to **** and stop trolling. They are there to have fun, not to read and work :S I know its not always about winning, but when u que for pvp you are there to win,are you not??


I have a 50 on both sides so this goes for both factions, and i usually run in pre-mades and then its not a prob cause we can pretty much steer the wz to a win, but its the solo ques. I know i can just stop going pvp solo, but im just wondering if this is world wide, and not special to my server. This is the biggest frustrating thing ever and i know i cant do anything about it, but at least i can migrate to a better server.



PS: Sorry for the unreadable english, not my strongest side.



I think a lot of it has to do with once people get their daily and weekly done they really don't care about winning anymore. There really isn't that much incentive to win and more incentive to get medals for valor.

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After you get the daily, it don't matter who wins or loses...it's all about racking badges.


And therein lies the fatal flaw of TOR WZ PvP.


You want teamplay...go with a premade or play FPS, imo. Not going to get that here, ever.


Win = Daily/Weekly PVP Credit (most of the time)

Stats = WZ Comms


3 Win = 1 Champ bag

8 Wins = 3 Champ bags

Stats = 1 champ bag per 8 to 20 games depending on how good/bad you are


Win > Stats


When you have no more wins needed...then it's stat time.


I can't imagine the above sentence being true for the Republic very often....




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