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Poll: What do you think about the new changes made to global cooldown UI in 1.1.2?


What do you think about the new changes made to the global cooldown UI in Patch 1.1.2  

3,457 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think about the new changes made to the global cooldown UI in Patch 1.1.2

    • They're good!
    • They're terrible!
    • I don't care either way.

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It was on the PTR. Try testing things out if you want to complain after the fact


Their getting paid to build and test. We shouldnt have to pay them to tell them how to do their job right. I dont hire a plumber to tell him how to use a snake on my toilet bowl do I?

Edited by JacienOrdo
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I'm a bit worried when it looks like the vocal forum minority is going to design the UI or other aspects of the game.


They're not. If they were - we'd have mods, like other reputable MMOs.


And really, given the output of Bioware's own designers got us to this point, I'd trust anyone else over them.

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The main problem with it that everything gets greyed out for the GCD, preventing you from seeing which abilities are ready to be used next until the GCD finishes. This makes it difficult to time your next attack, especially for a class with proc/conditional based attacks.


While in combat, everything is greyed out 99% of the time as a player should be using abilities fairly constantly.


If abilities went grey only because they were on CD, not the GCD, it would be fine.

Edited by YeknomStun
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I would like the GCD reverted back to the original or a numerical/spherical system put in place. The current colour of the cool down and flashing are seriously over bright.


I can't when the powers are ready on my character, I roughly know when they are ready for use but that defeats the purpose of having the hotbars at all.


First time I've written a negative response in the forums about the game but I know bioware will sort it.


I would like to see in the near future a choice where we can change the GCD effects.

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They could solve everything and not have to do any work by allowing UI customization addons. The addon guys would do all the work for them and everyone could have a UI they are happy with :D


Designing, building, testing, and bullet-proofing an exposed API would probably be a lot more work than building a reasonably functional UI. Well, assuiming they could get the UI right on the first few tries.


Long term it's probably a good investment though to create the ability to have some external mods.

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Changes are definitely going to be made to the UI in response to initial feedback we received after the patch was deployed. (Very little feedback was received on the PTS Forum before the patch was deployed to the live servers, otherwise changes may have been made before the patch's deployment.)


The primary purpose of this poll is to get more accurate numbers on player sentiment. Threads are very helpful for us to get an immediate idea of areas that need attention, but accurate numbers as opposed to post counts help us present a more accurate picture of those affected (threads/post counts can easily be inflated by multiple posts from the same person, opposing points of view, and so on).


If you'd like to give us constructive feedback on changes to the UI and the global cooldown animations, we'd welcome that in this thread. Discussions about the poll or other aspects of development aren't appropriate.

Mr Reid, I'm one of those folks that once I hit end game with my main toon, I'll start testing patches before they hit on the patch server to see how it affects things. I'm riding a long rather slowly though, even on my main. The ride is awesome. Are there any plans to implement a copy character to test server feature? That might net you more <end game> testers. Thanks as always for the hard work from you and everyone at BW.

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I don't particularly like the flashing bit. It makes me wonder "*** IS GOING ON?!?" when it's just the GCD coming up. The way it was earlier wasn't bad, it just took getting used to, and I liked it just fine prior to this patch. The original way you had it wasn't bad either. If I had to choose between the 3, I would say how it was prior to 1.1.2 was the best, since it provided feedback on whether you had the resources/range/conditions to use any given ability, but still informed you that it was affected by GCD.


My Ideal Bar Animation would behave this way, though:

  • If I don't have the resources for it the ability is tinted red
  • If the requisite conditions for an ability are not met (range, health requirement, resources, etc.) it is dark
  • If I can use the ability, but it is on Cooldown (including the GCD) it is split between darkened/lightened at the cooldown monitor line
  • If I try to use an ability that cannot be currently used, it should flash red on keydown and return to the darkened/darkened-with-red-tint state on keyup

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Gonna stop after this post.


Only fools argue with .... you.


People have said to shut the servers down and return to a state where everyone could play. This does serve a purpose. Nobody is saying to just shut them down for no reason. Stop trying to manipulate words to suit your purpose.


Keeping the servers on, or shutting them down and doing a rollback hurts one group one way or another.


Rather hilarious you say only fools argue with me then continue to argue with me. But I digress...


Rolling back a patch in only a specific portion isn't just a quick switch of the flip. It takes time, probably more-so than just implementing a hotfix to solve the specific UI problem. People have been asking to shut down the servers and fix the problem immediately. Unfortunately it's not that easy and is going to take some time to change the current implementation. How much time? I don't know, but it won't be immediate.

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Out of curiosity, how many actionbars do you have open on your screen? Is it all 4? Do you get motion sickness in other titles with lots of screen movement, or are you prone to ill effects from strobe lights?



Personally I have between 2 and 4 action bars open. If I have all 4 open 3 are flashing rather frequently and this is the only game that makes me physically ill. No other MMO ever has. TOR is in a category by itself and that's not a good thing.

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Rather hilarious you say only fools argue with me then continue to argue with me. But I digress...


Rolling back a patch in only a specific portion isn't just a quick switch of the flip. It takes time, probably more-so than just implementing a hotfix to solve the specific UI problem. People have been asking to shut down the servers and fix the problem immediately. Unfortunately it's not that easy and is going to take some time to change the current implementation. How much time? I don't know, but it won't be immediate.


But that point is mute anyways in this case because they are wasting time with this ****** poll, meaning they probably haven't even STARTED working on anything.

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Please don't put these polls in the forums.. if you want *real* feedback, put them in-game - perhaps in the launcher. You, BioWare, of all people, should know that the majority of people in your forums are whiny little troll brats and the results will be tremendously skewed.
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Hey gang,


Just curious, but what are your thoughts around a numbered second timer on your abilities? I can't remember the mod that I utilized in WoW for it, but it was simple and provided a visual number of what time (in seconds) is remaining on each of my CD's. By doing this, it reduced the amount of time I had to look at my UI and increased my time focusing on other items (such as raid movement when needed).


I have been caught a couple of times in Operations where I'm so focused on the UI, that I end up missing something such as a being targeted by a boss and moving away from the group (Such as G4-B3 Heavy Fabricator) and thus being nuked around my teammates. Feel free to call me a baddie about it.


Just a thought.



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It was on the PTR. Try testing things out if you want to complain after the fact





Keep in mind, Bioware, that the forums represent a part of the community that comes here almost specifically to voice their issues, and there's probably a larger portion of people in game who actually like it. Maybe try running a poll in game when people log out, on how they feel about it, instead of in the forums where people tend to come and express mostly negative criticism.


That being said, I like the changes.


Hey, I barely have time to play my character on my normal server, I'm supposed to play on test too?? Don't they EMPLOY people to test their games?? I mean seriously, pay a couple of teenagers 8$ an hour to test their game for them.... they'll have kids lining up around the block just to apply for the positions.


And its not like they make it really obvious to people who are just PLAYING THE GAME what kind of things are coming up for testing on PTS. I don't even have time in my day to check the forums, except for in this case when I am not playing the game because the change is so horrible and killing my eyes.


I'll play on test server when they make it so that I can easily transfer progress made on that server back to my original server. I'm not testing this stuff for free

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Rather hilarious you say only fools argue with me then continue to argue with me. But I digress...


Rolling back a patch in only a specific portion isn't just a quick switch of the flip. It takes time, probably more-so than just implementing a hotfix to solve the specific UI problem. People have been asking to shut down the servers and fix the problem immediately. Unfortunately it's not that easy and is going to take some time to change the current implementation. How much time? I don't know, but it won't be immediate.


Okay you have successfully goaded me into another post. I must be a fool.


Stop flipflopping.


Unless you are clarifying your argument now... it was never uniquely that the rollback would take time. You implied that even if it is possible it shouldn't be done because those that find the game unplayable are a minority. I can't argue with you if you keep changing your tone.

Edited by Thesseract
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Please don't put these polls in the forums.. if you want *real* feedback, put them in-game - perhaps in the launcher. You, BioWare, of all people, should know that the majority of people in your forums are whiny little troll brats and the results will be tremendously skewed.


Those are offset by the white knights who would defend pretty much anything Bioware does though.

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Please give players the option to have either have the new GCD or revert to the old. Unfortunately I am one of the odd people to be getting headaches from the flashing bars and I am certainly unable to distinguish what skill I cannot use or can especially on classes like the BH.


I have not chosen to comment on any other bug/fix issue before and its poor that I have had to do so on this, but this just affects my gameplay too much.

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But that point is mute anyways in this case because they are wasting time with this ****** poll, meaning they probably haven't even STARTED working on anything.


More conspiracy theory. It took them about 30 seconds to make this poll. Stephen already said they are making changes based upon initial feedback already provided. This poll is to cement how the forum population feels about it. That's it.

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i could honestly care less about the cooldown UI changes. Sure some are better than others but they can be overlooked. if possible could you give us choices, from current and previous cooldown UIs, so we can choose which cooldown UI we use instead of giving us one that some people like and some hate?
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DO SOME RESEARCH. Look at the most widely used mods in other games and borrow their features. Stop trying to make something new and just use what people like. It can't be that hard. No you can't please everyone, but a little research and you can please most. Yes you could release addons by it really isn't needed to make a great UI. Just look at what works and copy it. Simple!
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It's a step in the right direction but it could be WAY better.


Leave the old graphic of the cooldown but change the borders instead of the whole thing. Use a spark to denote something off cooldown.

I'm sure I'll get flamed to hell for this but WoW got the cooldowns right and Mod Authors had it right WAY before Blizzard ever did. It's such a simple thing, how can you guys mess it up the way you did. :p


Please look at their example and be inspired.

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