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Face it, the game isn't bad.


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I'm sorry what, this game isn't bad?


1.5 months into release, over 3 months since reported, lied to TWICE in the patch notes, and still i cannot do the daily quest in less than 6 wins because of a bug Bioware seemingly "cant be botherd" to fix.


Why dont you open your eyes? How much did you pay for the product its-self? Have you ever paid so much for an MMO? How much do you pay subscription? Same as all the currently running sucsessful well-oiled MMO's?


I dont care about the lack of content, ive BETA tested and played many MMO's im a realist, the game will take years to become what it could be.


What do i care about? Bioware/EAs total lack of care, support, or even acknowledgement of the community and its problems.


That quest bug, mentioned above, is un-defendable, no MMO in the history of MMO's would leave a bug that affects 10's of thousands of people per day, in the game for THIS long, thats just a fact. Today i've won 6, im still on 2/3.


Personally, i find it disgraceful, and insulting at this stage as a paying customer that mine and thousands of other peoples complaints have fallen on deaf ears, that Bioware are making no effort to fix it, that they claimed it to be fixed twice.


Its my opinion that Bioware have shown there true colours, they might have seem'd amazing back in there single player base games which are well renowned, but they have shown they couldent care less about the community, and have no idea how to prioritize.


This isnt the only bug, im not going to write about the many many game-breaking bugs this game has to offer, because frankly i'd get RSI, im merely using an example of un-defendable actions by Bioware, that cannot be denied.


Anyone who denies my logic, really needs to wake up and smell the coffee.

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Aye the forums consist of two types of people. The complainers who come to the forums to do just that, and the people at work, who are stuck surfing the forums and sifting through the pile of crap that are complaint threads.


If you are bored at work (or school) and are tired of the drivel you should help me develop a constructive thread about PvP in SWTOR with no complaints.



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What you're leaving out is how much more content Vanilla WoW had than any other MMO at the time. WoW was the king of MMO's the day it launched.


This game should've been on par with WoW on release, or close to it. The only reason I'm still playing is because I love the gameplay(different resource management for healers) but I was really expecting more improvements by now. The amount of game-breaking bugs, especially in PvP, is just astounding. It's ok though, they're holding a guild summit! That'll fix the game's problems!


WoW had a decent amount of *PVE* content when it was launched. DAoC had PvP lakes, fortress keeps that factions could take over, different PvP hotspots for lower levels, etc. What did WoW have for PvP (Because you know, this is PvP subforum)? Uh...they had 2 factions that could attack each other? Yep, that's about it.


SWTOR and WoW are both PvE centric games, but at least SWTOR started off with things for PvPers to do. WoW had Hillsbrad and Blackrock Mountain, one a lowbie zone that became a PvP hotspot via community, and the other a PvP hotspot due to LBRS, UBRS and MC..


From your post right here, you pretty much proved that you are a Blizz fanboy if anything..

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Somone really needs to do a true point for point comparison of Swtor at launch and WoW at launch..


WoW had so much more going on in so many ways even at launch...

Even Lineage 2 had more.. More areas, More different kinds of monsters, More kinds of armor, more races, more classes...


I still find it extremely annoying that people don't think an MMO should be better then this even at launch.


That being said... It's 2012 people... We can expect a hell of a lot more then this from a game that was developed for that long and had that much money poured into it.


Batman Arkham City has more content and replayability then this MMO.....

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op just shut up if you havent reached 50 yet


Lol, gee if I did EV and Ilum, I wonder what level I must be..


This is what I'm talking about. I see a correlation with the amount of imbeciles and the amount of complaints in this forum.

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Just remember less than 3% of the population posts on these boards and half them were never serious about this game anyways and it's just another stop on their game hopping marathon looking for the utopia of MMOs (which they'll never find).


So don't let the trolls affect you... yes there are issues, yes there are things I wish were better developed. But overall it's a solid game with good content that will only get better.

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Somone really needs to do a true point for point comparison of Swtor at launch and WoW at launch..


WoW had so much more going on in so many ways even at launch...

Even Lineage 2 had more.. More areas, More different kinds of monsters, More kinds of armor, more races, more classes...


I still find it extremely annoying that people don't think an MMO should be better then this even at launch.


That being said... It's 2012 people... We can expect a hell of a lot more then this from a game that was developed for that long and had that much money poured into it.


Batman Arkham City has more content and replayability then this MMO.....


Have you explored every planet? Have you gotten every datacron? Have you done every flashpoint and operation, and on hardmode?


No? Then what are you babbling about.


Given the legacy system and different class quest lines all the way to 50, I don't see how you are spewing that any MMO had more replayability.


IMO this game has too much content

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Somone really needs to do a true point for point comparison of Swtor at launch and WoW at launch..


WoW had so much more going on in so many ways even at launch...

Even Lineage 2 had more.. More areas, More different kinds of monsters, More kinds of armor, more races, more classes...


I still find it extremely annoying that people don't think an MMO should be better then this even at launch.


That being said... It's 2012 people... We can expect a hell of a lot more then this from a game that was developed for that long and had that much money poured into it.


Batman Arkham City has more content and replayability then this MMO.....


Have you ever seriously played WoW? They recycle more mob skins and armor skins than any game I've ever played.


And again, you must have forgotten this post is in the PvP subforum, and when WoW was launched it had NOTHING for PvP. Jeez, as my memory serves I believe the honor system and battlegrounds came out a year after launch. A WHOLE YEAR!


But of course, WoW had story driven quests that increased leveling replayability right? Oh wait, no it didn't. If you liked leveling more than one character in WoW I sure hope you were obsessed with reading text quests..because they were dreadful.

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I'm sorry what, this game isn't bad?


Anyone who denies my logic, really needs to wake up and smell the coffee.


My friend, you are the one that needs to wake up...


Why dont you open your eyes? How much did you pay for the product its-self? Have you ever paid so much for an MMO? How much do you pay subscription? Same as all the currently running sucsessful well-oiled MMO's?


Define all these successful well-oiled MMO's!? Please ... then let's compare how long they've been out. I assume WoW is in there somewhere and let me help you remember that when WoW was 1.5 months old it was COMPLETE TRASH littered with bugs...


Bioware/EAs total lack of care, support, or even acknowledgement of the community and its problems.


This is just flat out incorrect, as a matter of fact they do a really good job at listening to us and trying to fix / implement things we would like to see. Sorry it's not on your time table, but they've done a lot in a short amount of time.


Personally, i find it disgraceful, and insulting at this stage as a paying customer that mine and thousands of other peoples complaints have fallen on deaf ears, that Bioware are making no effort to fix it, that they claimed it to be fixed twice.


You just contradicted yourself, if it has fallen on deaf ears then why was it attempted to be fixed?! I can say I personally have not had a win issue since the patch, all accounted for.


The fact is this game IS GOOD. It doesn't live up to those who expect perfection at launch and shortly after ... and to them I say good luck in your hunt. It's going to be a LONG one.


I'm sure this isn't your first post like this on a MMO's forum.

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MMO's are in a constant state of evolution. I think the proper groundwork has been set for this game to go far. No MMO reaches its potential on release. It's when the dev team starts focusing on end game and not 1-50 (like they do after launch) that the game tends to improve. Personally, I am having a blast doing pvp and pve.
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This game was not bad, it was awesome. Why not say the best mmorpg ever made.


But after kill trading start happening and worst, been alowed by BW.. not anymore! Why every mmorpg that you think its great have to have some pvp dev idiots to do stupid things to ruin the game?

Edited by thiagorib
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Have you ever seriously played WoW? They recycle more mob skins and armor skins than any game I've ever played.


And again, you must have forgotten this post is in the PvP subforum, and when WoW was launched it had NOTHING for PvP. Jeez, as my memory serves I believe the honor system and battlegrounds came out a year after launch. A WHOLE YEAR!


But of course, WoW had story driven quests that increased leveling replayability right? Oh wait, no it didn't. If you liked leveling more than one character in WoW I sure hope you were obsessed with reading text quests..because they were dreadful.


When WoW was launched... World PVP was the only PVP...

That was more then enough for people because we knew nothing better...


Same way I thought the original Doom was amazing.


And it was extremely awsome, I had never seen anything like that.


I didn't even talk specifically about pvp... I mean CONTENT PERIOD.


More world, More Gear, More races, More everything....


WoW also came out when I was in High school... a long time ago... and yes had a lot more going on.


I never said anything about a pvp system at all tard.

Edited by KurleyKilla
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My friend, you are the one that needs to wake up...




Define all these successful well-oiled MMO's!? Please ... then let's compare how long they've been out. I assume WoW is in there somewhere and let me help you remember that when WoW was 1.5 months old it was COMPLETE TRASH littered with bugs...




This is just flat out incorrect, as a matter of fact they do a really good job at listening to us and trying to fix / implement things we would like to see. Sorry it's not on your time table, but they've done a lot in a short amount of time.




You just contradicted yourself, if it has fallen on deaf ears then why was it attempted to be fixed?! I can say I personally have not had a win issue since the patch, all accounted for.


The fact is this game IS GOOD. It doesn't live up to those who expect perfection at launch and shortly after ... and to them I say good luck in your hunt. It's going to be a LONG one.


I'm sure this isn't your first post like this on a MMO's forum.



Nope its not my first post like this.


My hunt wont be long, my first MMO was EVE, played it loved it from day 1.


My 2nd MMO was WoW, played it loved it from day 1.


My 3rd MMO was Rift, played it, really liked it, devs listened, bugs quickly squashed, customer support actually listened to the community.


Love how you glazed over and neglected to mentioned the huge, 3 month old bug affecting thousands of people that isn't fixed yet, probably because even fanboys like yourself cannot defend such things, not unless you have something substantial missing between your ears.

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Have you ever seriously played WoW? They recycle more mob skins and armor skins than any game I've ever played.


And again, you must have forgotten this post is in the PvP subforum, and when WoW was launched it had NOTHING for PvP. Jeez, as my memory serves I believe the honor system and battlegrounds came out a year after launch. A WHOLE YEAR!


But of course, WoW had story driven quests that increased leveling replayability right? Oh wait, no it didn't. If you liked leveling more than one character in WoW I sure hope you were obsessed with reading text quests..because they were dreadful.


and yet I had much more fun levelling and world pvping in vanilla wow. Not gonna bother explaining why.


I stopped levelling my alt in this game, balmorra is a hideous travesty of a planet.


I love the classes in this game. I hate the environments in which I can play those classes in (warzones are ok, I guess)

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Have you explored every planet? Have you gotten every datacron? Have you done every flashpoint and operation, and on hardmode?


No? Then what are you babbling about.


Given the legacy system and different class quest lines all the way to 50, I don't see how you are spewing that any MMO had more replayability.


IMO this game has too much content


The game needs to be fun enough for me to want to do all these things...


The fact that they exist doesn't mean anything.





What is your point exactly? Regardless of whether or not I have done all these things in the game... There isn't as much as WoW at launch.. and Lineage 2 at launch... and City of Heroes at launch... etc etc etc etc

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BWs incarnation of World PvP is awful. Huttball is awful.


Their claims of things being fixed and not being fixed is awful (warzones wins not counting still an issue). This seems to be a very minor counting issue. You win, it counts. You don't win, it doesn't count.


In Ilum, GET 150 KILLS. Doesn't say get 150 kills that give valor. Doesn't say every kill should give you valor.


Kill 150 people, tell me how many of those counted. At this point, I couldn't give a rats *** about valor. I want my weekly and my daily kills to count. You're punishing someone that WASN'T kill trading in order to stop kill trading. That alone is stupid. Some of us are standing in our base pulling people in slowly, every 45 seconds for a kill. Not counting really puts a damper on even doing that for Ilum.

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Here is the fact:


You enjoy the game until about level 40 to 45. Then you force yourself to 50.


I do agree with this,in my experience of the game anyway.Though I don't necessarily blame Bioware or the game I think it's more about my expectations.This game has basically made me realise I'm burnt out on theme park mmos,after years of playing wow I came to eventually hate it and rather than this game being the breath of fresh air I hoped it would be its turned out to be more of the same.Hopefully one of the other new mmos coming will be the game I want to play for years or maybe 6 mnths down the line this game may be.

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When WoW was launched... World PVP was the only PVP...

That was more then enough for people because we knew nothing better...


Same way I thought the original Doom was amazing.


And it was extremely awsome, I had never seen anything like that.


I didn't even talk specifically about pvp... I mean CONTENT PERIOD.


More world, More Gear, More races, More everything....


WoW also came out when I was in High school... a long time ago... and yes at a lot more going on.


I never said anything about a pvp system at all tard.


Wrong again, kid. There was World PvP with incentive, (a step up from regular World PvP that enticed more people to partcipate in it). There were fortresses up for grabs for factions to battle over, there were specific zones dedicated to World PvP.


You were obviously too young for DAoC though, or Ultima Online. THOSE games introduced awesome World PVP, not WoW. WoW didn't introduce World PvP, buddy, it just introduced World PvP to you.


Also, SWTOR has WAYY more to explore than WoW does. Alderaan alone is like 5 WoW zones in one planet. WoW had more races, sure, but they ruined that by introducing racials that made a certain race better for certain things instead of letting the player choose. I remember a hardcore PvE guild kicked me out because I rolled a Blood Elf rogue..


And finally, THIS POST IS IN A PVP FORUM. I don't care about PvE content, I play the game for PvP. Go slay dragons elsewhere.

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Aye the forums consist of two types of people. The complainers who come to the forums to do just that, and the people at work, who are stuck surfing the forums and sifting through the pile of crap that are complaint threads.


The game is great, it's not perfect, but no game is. Overall I like the direction this game is heading. They need to get some better QA testing going but overall the content is a blast, the pvp is class-balanced very well, and stories make leveling alts enjoyable. I can't wait to see what their plans are for the future.


Tsu makes sense, all though the bugs that i would shrug off are now starting to get to me at this point. Besides everyone complaining is usually rushing to get on as soon as they can.. I mean if you are that angry over something it means you really care about that something. If you really didnt like it you would be gone by now right?

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