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Jedi Knights are underpowered **Spoilers**


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The problem is you get a healing companion WAY WAY to late, my sith marauder got hers at lvl 21 and i've blended everything since then strong/elite/whatever.


So i think that is pretty much the main reason. change it around so you get a healing comp. like sith warr and there will be np


If you think you're underpowered, you doing something wrong imo :eek:

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I think we are actually underpowered, in the sense that we don't do as much damage as a trooper tank when we are tanks. Most of the DPS Knights easy to kill, particularly sentinels, unless you do a major balancing act with the gear to boost stats.


1. I think our armor (heavy armor) needs some boosting (and I mean the PvE lvl armor), I think currently trooper armor is superior to Jedi Knight heavy armor by a significant margin.

-- I am a lvl 50 with all blue or purple guardian armor upgrades (at my lvl 50 lvl or the daily mission upgrades) on my DPS Guardian), yet a lvl 42 in my guild (Vanguard) was claiming to have about 1k more total armor than me.


2. Consulars have double the base defense that we do. We start off at a deflection of 5%, theirs is 10%.


3. We are more vulnerable to elemental attacks it seems and force attacks.



I think our Blaster deflection should actually do something other than blocking bolts, like actually do damage to random enemies.


Btw, before people start claiming I have too much defense for a DPS, I often end up having to play distraction or sudden off-tank when the real tank needs time to recoup or has been killed).

Edited by GarfieldJL
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The problem is you get a healing companion WAY WAY to late, my sith marauder got hers at lvl 21 and i've blended everything since then strong/elite/whatever.


So i think that is pretty much the main reason. change it around so you get a healing comp. like sith warr and there will be np


That's the thing. I'm not levelling my JK Guardian much, and what little I do is in the context of flashpoints and team content. I'd like to be able to run my storyline, but if you have any other character it quickly becomes obvious how tedious it is to solo a JK.

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Sentinel was my first character. I left her to rot for a month, recently came back.


I leveled a sorc and played numerous alts. I learned to play--some.


Got the hang of sentinel again, got upgraded orange gear, and fully upgraded T7 to be my DPS's tank. I'm using all my abilities now, and am fairly competent. I attack weak enemies first.


T7 nonetheless dies on literally 2/3 of my pulls (on-level at Alderaan, 32 now.) My gear is pretty good (all oranges with recent upgrades, T7 has the quest reward greens.) Almost every fight takes me to the brink of death. The only ability I could use more is "Pacify," maybe.


Interrupts and defensive buffs are now mandatory (as opposed to casual, as with other classes.) Defenders of sentinel take note: interrupts are not necessary with other classes. At all. You are "learning to play" to make up for the fact the class sucks, and is "hard mode." Defensive buffs are typically only used on bosses and elites, as opposed to "every fight."


I admit none of my gear is purple, but I can't remember Khem, Kaliyo or the Trooper's robot dying every single pull. In fact I remember I didn't even buy Khem gear (like implants or an earpiece) til level 38 or so.


I'm on D. Angral's ship now, level 32 (on-level,) and everything's taking me to the brink of death or killing me. I finally just logged out in despair, right before the climactic battle, after another lone, non-boss elite destroyed me twice in a row.


It's notable. I could level up 3 levels and the content would be easier, but that's kind of the point--the class does suck compared to the other classes.


Playing through sorcerer, trooper, and agent content (guess they're all "over"powered?), I had no comparable difficulty experience (every pull is like a boss fight.)

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Interrupts and defensive buffs are now mandatory (as opposed to casual, as with other classes.) Defenders of sentinel take note: interrupts are not necessary with other classes. At all. You are "learning to play" to make up for the fact the class sucks, and is "hard mode." Defensive buffs are typically only used on bosses and elites, as opposed to "every fight."


Umnnn as a Guardian I can tell you RIGHT NOW... we can't miss any interupts either.

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I just finished leveling my Sentinel to 50. I am having fun and trying to gear up by modding my armor for running harder things. It is definitely night and day compared to my sage. The sage gets their healing companion way early which is odd compared to the knight which has no healing ability apart from in combat healing returns which are un-reliable yet the sage has innate healing and gets a healing companion some 10-15 levels before the Knight.


I will admit going without the healing caused me to play more conservative and sure it was slow but if I can do it anyone with more patience than a A.D.D. hummingbird could do it.

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I have a level 30 sentinel on Ald. I am have no issues what so ever killing things. In fact I am mowing through things a lot faster then my same level shadow.


I do notice a drastic difference in kill speed if you don't use strategy and just spam some abilities.

If you go in there and just build focus, spam slash it takes forever but once you overload saber, cauterize then spam slash things go down so fast.


The only issue I am having now is with that last sith who jumps all over the place.

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1. I think our armor (heavy armor) needs some boosting (and I mean the PvE lvl armor), I think currently trooper armor is superior to Jedi Knight heavy armor by a significant margin.

-- I am a lvl 50 with all blue or purple guardian armor upgrades (at my lvl 50 lvl or the daily mission upgrades) on my DPS Guardian), yet a lvl 42 in my guild (Vanguard) was claiming to have about 1k more total armor than me.



I don't think this is a gear issue; Armor takes the armor rating of the Armoring and multiplies it by a fixed value based on the type of armor. Rather, this is a skill tree issue. Vanguards get a few skills that give a percentage increase to their armor. Because of the bonuses in the trees, a Vanguard in equivalent gear will have more Armor, Shield Change, and Shield Absorption.

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I've not had any real problems leveling my sentinel at all and i never even use a healing companion S U P.


Get biochem, level it as you go. The medpacks are awesome.


Get shockfrozen water asap


Abuse dismissing and summoning companions between pulls. Dismissing and calling comps puts their health at 100%


I have breezed through everything. I do, however, do like every quest + bonus on a planet. Staying ahead of the content makes most fights trivial.


Use comms to upgrade your hilts, armorings, mods/enhancements...in that order.


I'm at level 46 and I completely melt elites and can even pull off elite + 2 silvers with lord scourge of all companions.


I really think most of you hurry along class quests and then wonder why you can't kill class quest elites. Either that or you are REALLY REALLY bad and can't interrupt, don't know when to you CDs or don't use them at all, don't upgrade your gear regularly.


I've died more than I would like to admit just because I made a mistake or wasn't paying attention. ....but I've never been killed by the same guy twice lol. And I forgot I even had "call on the force" or whatever that 20m CD is...

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Well i agree with you guys about the jk being underpowered.

My experience using a jk is that their survivability is a joke, i mean come on they are jedi's they should be able to take care of some punks with blasters.


For example when i hit nar shadaa with my lvl 19 gunslinger i attacked the elite mob you have to fight at the end of the swoop bike quest. and i defeated him without any problem at all (I did'nt pop any cooldowns and I did'nt take the fight seriusly)


When i try to defeat him with my lvl 20 senti (well geared i might add) i get defeated all the time no matter what tactic or companion i use.


Sure there might be some L2P issues on my part but when there is such a clear difference between the survivability of a gunslinger and i jk i think that there need to be some tweaking to be done on the jk.

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I see a lot of people cite the fight against Kira's "brother" for why knights are weak(particularly guardians). I'm not seeing it, at least with that fight. I fought that guy before I heard the complaints about him, so I didn't do any special preparations.


I killed him on my first try. I just treated him like I do all elite mobs. Have Kira attack him solo and when she hits about half health, I leap in, taunt and throw up saber ward. Kira can usually take off a quarter of an elite's health by herself before she hits half health. With my added dps as vigilance plus tanking via a cooldown, I can almost always burn the mob down before I need to use a medpack. It only gets easier once you get force stasis and push.


I don't think I'm some uber player, but I'm not seeing how people can die 20+ times a row to that guy unless they're just underleveled/geared.


I've played against Kira's brother and as a Jedi Sent. I had no heavy armor for dmg mitigation and no tank with me because I had no choice but to bring Kira and she isn't a tank. I think that particular fight isn't as hard to do it as a Guard. but he wooped my *** everytime and that's with transcedence, force kick, saber ward, rebuke, etc. and med packs. I thought it was a miracle when I beat him lol


But I figure sent. are challenging but towards 50 i think all the deaths and hard work will be worth it. Knights are a challenging class to play.

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I have a low level bank alt who is a combat sent. I pulled her out last night for a couple pvp rounds and was amazed at how quickly she sliced through people. I really don't know how to play her well but she survived ok especially in relation to how much pain she dealt out.


I didn't notice a big balance problem on her and I would think it would stand out particularly in pvp.

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First of all I gotta know whether you're Guardian or Sentinel.

I have a sentinell and I gotta be honest. I haven't had problems killing anything. I just took out 2 elites, 1 strong and 5 standard/weak just 1 hour ago on Voss (All of them around my lvl (yellow)). Granted I popped nearly all CD's I had (forgot to use Awe and Pacify though).


On my lvl 46 SA (my JK was 45) I have problems dealing with half of what my JK can take out (especially if I don't get the luxury of jumping from stealth).


An example: A quest on Voss, 2 strong mobs spawn when activating some shrine. My assassin was totally overwhelmed by them (even using medpacs and all CD's). My JK took them out using rebuke as the only CD over 30 sec. Meaning I had: Awe, Saber ward, Pacify, Guarded by the force, force camo (watchman), force stasis, relics, adrenals and medpacs, left for use.


Btw after failing with my SA, I stealthed and had a laugh as a powertech lvl 48 died 3 times in a row to said 2 strongs.


My point is: I stopped my SA around 45-46 and started my JK. I haven't look back and they're now both lvl 46. I kill stuff faster on my JK and I usually end up with 100% hp (no downtime) unless it's several strongs or elites with 3+ adds.

Edited by svennie
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Being a sentinel, i die so much and its not even funny. I always seem to be undergeared along with Doc. For example theres a class quest where you take a shuttle to some badguys and there are these sith with double bladed lightsabers that slaughter me; this is bs.
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We have been asking for a real response about our issues for weeks. It seems Operatives have it worse off than us though as they are being addressed by the devs multiple times right now in their forum. I have kind of given up on it.

This is one of the problems…

Not all of us see there as being that many issues.

Yep I notice that Opportune Strike balks most of the time but a lot of the stutter issues are gone.

We put out some of the Best PvE DPS In the game, we have 3 Interrupts, 3 Defence Buffs, the Best CC in the game (Yes limited to droids) Yes life is a little difficult in some areas before we get Doc, but hey I played Combat with Kira as my companion all the way up until getting Doc and still got through comfortably

Other classes whinge just as much about their class quests so we are not alone in that.

What exactly is it that you want the devs to respond to?

I see a post above about someone having issues with an elite at L20 Seriously the game is still in easy mode at that stage. No one should die to that mob I tore him apart without consideration at that stage of the game.

I also see posts saying You don’t need to use Defensive cooldowns and interrupts on other classes so why on this one… People do you want them to put in cheat codes that make you invulnerable as well? So you have to remember to use an ability or two, that is half the fun, that is making it a game that is making it worth playing.

I seriously hope that if the other classes are as powerful as you are suggesting that they nerf them Not nerf them to hell or make them unplayable or any of that, just bring them to a point where players actually are put in a position where they use that thing on top of their neck for something other than eating

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This is one of the problems…

Not all of us see there as being that many issues.

Yep I notice that Opportune Strike balks most of the time but a lot of the stutter issues are gone.

We put out some of the Best PvE DPS In the game, we have 3 Interrupts, 3 Defence Buffs, the Best CC in the game (Yes limited to droids) Yes life is a little difficult in some areas before we get Doc, but hey I played Combat with Kira as my companion all the way up until getting Doc and still got through comfortably

Other classes whinge just as much about their class quests so we are not alone in that.

What exactly is it that you want the devs to respond to?

I see a post above about someone having issues with an elite at L20 Seriously the game is still in easy mode at that stage. No one should die to that mob I tore him apart without consideration at that stage of the game.

I also see posts saying You don’t need to use Defensive cooldowns and interrupts on other classes so why on this one… People do you want them to put in cheat codes that make you invulnerable as well? So you have to remember to use an ability or two, that is half the fun, that is making it a game that is making it worth playing.

I seriously hope that if the other classes are as powerful as you are suggesting that they nerf them Not nerf them to hell or make them unplayable or any of that, just bring them to a point where players actually are put in a position where they use that thing on top of their neck for something other than eating


No sir you are incorrect Disable Droid is not crowd control. The definition of Crowd Control is multiple apponents not a single target in a crowd...crowd being plural and not singular. Disable Droid only works on a single droid target = BS single target control crowd control.

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Jedi knights are really underpowered and stinky. Everyone else should stop playing them and transfer all your class specific gear to me for safe keeping until Bioware tweaks the class to perfection.


I'll take good care of your stuff, I promise. ;)


no sir...gedi knights are not under powered, jedi night "Sentinals" are under powered.


Jedi knight guardians arent supposed to be in the same DPS catagory as DPS Sentinals. Jedi night gaurdians survive by attrition not by dealing out large DPS numbers

Edited by dapixelassassin
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I've just gotta reply to this... I have a 50 sentinal, and a 35 guardian... and I've never had any of the issues mentioned in the OP, I found that with my Sent, I can pretty much run anything over far quicker than they can bring me down...


Golds of same level, I will typically finish with 60% - 70% health, with my Guardian a little less only because I'm not killing them quite as quick, although I'm sure that will be changing as he gets higher levels as well...


But, as another poster mentioned, I took my Sent into a bunch of Heroic 2+'s and solo'd them... now if BW want's to make the Knights more powerful, that's fine with me, just saying that I've never felt underpowered, or had any trouble completing any PVE of the same level, and usually 2 or 3 levels above...


Oh and BTW, Sent was combat spec from lev 10, and Guradian is Tank spec

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This is one of the problems…

Not all of us see there as being that many issues.

Yep I notice that Opportune Strike balks most of the time but a lot of the stutter issues are gone.

We put out some of the Best PvE DPS In the game, we have 3 Interrupts, 3 Defence Buffs, the Best CC in the game (Yes limited to droids) Yes life is a little difficult in some areas before we get Doc, but hey I played Combat with Kira as my companion all the way up until getting Doc and still got through comfortably

Other classes whinge just as much about their class quests so we are not alone in that.

What exactly is it that you want the devs to respond to?

I see a post above about someone having issues with an elite at L20 Seriously the game is still in easy mode at that stage. No one should die to that mob I tore him apart without consideration at that stage of the game.

I also see posts saying You don’t need to use Defensive cooldowns and interrupts on other classes so why on this one… People do you want them to put in cheat codes that make you invulnerable as well? So you have to remember to use an ability or two, that is half the fun, that is making it a game that is making it worth playing.

I seriously hope that if the other classes are as powerful as you are suggesting that they nerf them Not nerf them to hell or make them unplayable or any of that, just bring them to a point where players actually are put in a position where they use that thing on top of their neck for something other than eating


We want our class to be able to perform at the level of other classes with a similar difficulty curve. We want our class to have synergy in all of our specs not simply Watchman.


We want a dev to come in here and, like they have done with the Operative (three posts over there today by a dev) and say, "Here are your issues, here is what we are looking at."


Yet no.


Operative, a class that doesn't need Dev attention right now, is so important that they are warranting multiple dev posts on multiple threads.


The devs have said, "Just because we don't reply doesn't mean we aren't working on you." But we haven't seen hide nor hair of any love for the Sentinel and every Sentinel spec but Watchman got nerfed last patch.


Sentinel is the lowest played class in the game and we still get no response. I am starting to feel like we simply aren't cared about.


I'm already leveling a Trooper alt, maybe I should go level an Operative. :(

Edited by ProfessorWalsh
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Sentinel is definitely an uphill climb compared to the other classes, but I don't see them as being underpowered. They could use some tweaks but they are hardly weak. As for the OP's comment about force sweep...uhh...force sweep is literally one of my heaviest hitting attacks. My crits hit between 3-5k on average. Theres nothing better than jumping in the middle of a group in a WZ and force sweep several of them and hitting them all for 2k+
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No sir you are incorrect Disable Droid is not crowd control. The definition of Crowd Control is multiple apponents not a single target in a crowd...crowd being plural and not singular. Disable Droid only works on a single droid target = BS single target control crowd control.


And force lift works on… 1 Mob, and The Shadow Sap (Not sure of its name) works on 1 Mob… And so on and so on.

That is the nature of CC in TOR, So as I said, we have the best CC in the game (BTW No cool down is the reason I make this statement)

no sir...gedi knights are not under powered, jedi night "Sentinals" are under powered.


Jedi knight guardians arent supposed to be in the same DPS catagory as DPS Sentinals. Jedi night gaurdians survive by attrition not by dealing out large DPS numbers

And once again You are incorrect.

Sentinels are fine, We have the Highest Single target PVE DPS in the game, as well as 3 Defensive buffs, 2 – 4 Interrupts (Spec & Situation dependent) and if you know how to play we can chew through content at an alarming rate.

Edited by Venator-Falco
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