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Typical day in SW:TOR (PvP Video trailer) HD VIDEO


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It's showing how boring the game is at 50. You just prance around on the planets, worrying about nothing until you get instanced into a warzone that has nothing to do with the rest of the game.


that :) and after a while u get bored even with warzones..

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Nice vid and I like the idea, but I thought the frame/scene/mood switching was a bit too much :p


Also, it makes me wonder why they only nerf Operatives in this game with so many overpowered classes out there lol So much hypocrisy .. bleh


Anyway, let them do whatever they want. I am done with it anyway, with only a few days left on the sub.

Edited by Treplos
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Nice vid and I like the idea, but I thought the frame/scene/mood switching was a bit too much :p


Also, it makes me wonder why they only nerf Operatives in this game with so many overpowered classes out there lol So much hypocrisy .. bleh


Anyway, let them do whatever they want. I am done with it anyway, with only a few days left on the sub.


well if not rated wzs will come by the end of the month much more ppl will un-sub imo..

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This was a well done video. Keep it up and make more.


I don't necessarily agree with the sentiment, as we have great Ilum battles on our server, but that isn't the point. The video was great entertainment and had more polish then most.


ty man !


if only we had some good fps perfomance in illum it would have been great for us aslo but 10 fps with high end pc it's just bad.. :((( and sad

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