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Everything posted by Renvious

  1. I hold left and right-click down to move. WSAD are bound to adrenals / consumables.
  2. Don't make me roll an alt and complain to Exitius or Wraithwarr!
  3. If making mediocre PVP videos wins the hearts of millions, then by all means continue.
  4. Do you even know what you're talking about?
  5. I'm not impressed. The video proves that: Assassins and Shadows, along with every other class in the game, have an extremely low skill floor and skill ceiling; the players you fought were either asleep, brain dead, blinded by your awesome power®, or were in the process of calling 911 because their house was being attacked by ninjas. You're not even outplaying many of your opponents. You're spamming damage and they're falling over in their chair from having a heart attack. You play pretty well (a lot better than Powerr), but that's not saying a whole lot in a game like SWTOR. I'd also release videos in strong bursts. Take your time and gather your best clips and edit them. Releasing new videos week after week just makes your entire series look like a drawn out Neo-crying-like-a-*****-over-Trinity's-death scene from The Matrix. Good luck.
  6. No. This game was built with PVE in mind from top to bottom, with PVP as an afterthought. If you honestly believe class balance is even above average, then you Matchless morons are even bigger morons than you were 10 seconds ago. Let's not forget that adding a rated arena system will force every casual to look at themselves in the mirror every morning and go, "I'm bad at SWTOR. :("
  7. Deception Assassins are awesome. I just wouldn't want one on my team if I had the choice, though.
  8. You can't. This is a gear-based game. And even with gear, you're still useless vs. six healers and two tanks.
  9. Introduce a school lockout for 4 seconds. It's just way too difficult to punish a bad healer, especially when there's multiple healers behind him.
  10. I had a 75 BRD and WHM. I experienced everything up to the 15th mission of the TOAU expansion. If I didn't have as many friends as I did in that game, I would have quit so long ago.
  11. lolwut, FFXI's PVE was abysmal. WOW's PVE (early on) had bad class and game design, but at least it was enjoyable.
  12. Rated warzones are a great idea, but not everyone will have access to eight good players. As a result, many people are asking for a smaller form of rated PVP, i.e. arena. Do you have any plans to acquiesce or, perhaps, alleviate this for players? Thank you.
  13. Why does the character on the right look like a female Joker?
  14. When are you going to add arena? Doing warzones with seven backpedaling, keyboard turning ******* is not fun. Finding seven good players for rated warzones is worse.
  15. Deception is mediocre. It has no direction. You're just a terrible mix of damage and control. You rely on gear, procs, relics, spells and Biochem to do any kind of worthwhile damage (you're not good for anything else). You have no strong gap closers and Force Slow / Speed don't count because they are negligible to every other class in the game. A "Shadowstep" ability in the Deception tree would go a long way into improving the class for both PVE and PVP. Increase the CD on Force Speed while keeping it the same for the other two specs (move the talent up in the Darkness tree). You're just deluding yourself if you believe you're doing any better than Darkness or Madness for PVE and PVP.
  16. The picture doesn't make any sense. I've got every single ability bound around WSAD and I still have some empty slots.
  17. lol, cinematic music to Linkin Park? Really? Even wubwubwubwubwubwubwub would have been better to listen to than this. Also, stop clicking.
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