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WHY so many tokens at bags?what about the ppl that worked hard for their gear?


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I didn’t read all of the original post, but then why would I?


The updated bags are a great idea, cause grinding for gear was terrible and I don't wish that experience on anyone else, regardless of how long it took myself or not. Adding the 'comms' will just make pvp more challenging as people get better gear. Also it will even help me too as I have been waiting for weeks for another champ relic token, now I can still 'grind' one through actual grind and not rng.


So pretty much best of luck in Wz, cause the geared out terrabad will be qq'ing again like before they exploited Ilum for BM.


Edited by Mjinhisprime
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The only thing that means anything in this thread.


On topic:


The only people that wanted to maintain the RNG system are the people that got lucky. I happen to be one of those (6 non-dupe champ in < 12 bags in my first 24hrs @50), but I'm also okay with the new system.


Exactly. I got a guildie, who is still not battlemaster(Valor 59 as of today). He has fully equipped Lord Scoourge in War Leader and Vindicator, while being in a full set of Weaponmaster...and I mean all Champion, zero Centurion.


To this day, my Lord Scourge holds my six pieces of Centurion Weaponmaster(cuz I never geared him up)...I have one duplicate earpiece, one pants, one glove, four relics.


The old system was terrible for people who didn't get the average...even now I don't get the "25% BM drop rate" that Gabe quoted. I'm at 16%...and yes I know how probability works-If I opened infinite bags, I would indeed get 25%...while another guildie of mine has pulled 75% BM tokens...so the system is garbage. It rewards nothing. It's just pure randomness.

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so sick of the tug of war threads between the nancies that couldn't figure out how to max up their oranges before entering 50s brackets, and the just as bad leets that cry about having earned their stuff.


Here is the answer to both of you types.


Nancies: Learn to upgrade your oranges and quit your sissy whining about how hard it is because you were too stupid to upgrade your stuff.


Leets: You aren't elite, you didn't work hard for anything, you didn't fight fierce competition and earn your stuff by the sweat of your brow, you got it because you hit 50 fast and farmed lowbies in the warzones, which was so ridiculous thats why they put the 50s bracket in in the first place.



Edited by Kelticfury
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My Shadow had 4-5 champion items day 2 of 50 pvp. He never bought anything Centurion. My Sage JUST hit 50 and his gearing is going very slowly. This system is slower than the random chance. The "gamble" may've screwed some people, but most people I know geared WAY faster than the new system allows using the gambling system.
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so sick of the tug of war threads between the nancies that couldn't figure out how to max up their oranges before entering 50s brackets, and the just as bad leets that cry about having earned their stuff.


Here is the answer to both of you types.


Nancies: Learn to upgrade your oranges and quit your sissy whining about how hard it is because you were to stupid to upgrade your stuff.


Leets: You aren't elite, you didn't work hard for anything, you didn't fight fierce competition and earn your stuff by the sweat of your brow, you got it because you hit 50 fast and farmed lowbies in the warzones, which was so ridiculous thats why they put the 50s bracket in in the first place.




The 50 ladder bracket was a good idea, making gear easier to get isn't because it shortens the lifespan of the game. All it did was shut up the cry babies and QQ'ers and piss of anyone who invested any sort of time into gearing up.


I'm in about half Champ and half Centi gear right now about to hit Valor sixty. I've been playing since launch, while I don't think I 'worked hard' I do think Champ and BM gear should be hard to get, especially since PVP is optional, you can go run Flash points with your friends and get raid gear, you don't need to make pvp gear easier to get.


All this does is cause a segway to pvp while people are raiding. My level 50 pvp gear is better than the orange gear I was pimping in at 49, and I could use that, now easy to get gear, to pad my gear level to help me out in PVE.


In short, this change trivialized pvp gear and it's a bad idea. You’re ‘end thread’ comment shows you think of yourself as some kind of authority, well you’re not and you really don’t know what the hell you are talking about.

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My Shadow had 4-5 champion items day 2 of 50 pvp. He never bought anything Centurion. My Sage JUST hit 50 and his gearing is going very slowly. This system is slower than the random chance. The "gamble" may've screwed some people, but most people I know geared WAY faster than the new system allows using the gambling system.


It's the carrot.


Random chance: carrot may be there, carrot might not be there. "I may not get a doggone thing except for 3 pretty useless cent comms for winning these 3 matches today, or any for winning 9 this week." Not so great of a motivator to queue up for that next set of WZ's.


Linear progression: carrot always there. "Doing maybe 3-5 dailies and the weekly will get me two pieces of armor this week, and maybe three of the cheaper trinkets the next." If you get close enough to another piece, you're likely to queue up and burn out the 800 WZ comms it takes to pop the next bag and go shopping. This increases players available for PvP matches.


Showing players that the carrot is always really there is probably a good business decision for the longevity of a subscription-based game. I lucked out on the champ bags--45-10-1 duplicate. Others in my guild have been frustrated to the point of rolling alts/not PvP'ing as much. I would also point out that with the likelihood of getting duplicates, your chances for a full set of champ gear become astronomically poor over time...just in time for Battlemaster bags to give you a bit better chance at a specific item upgrade.


Now with the current system, if you PvP a lot, you get a very respectable, complete tier 2 (champ) SET a lot faster, on average. If you PvP a little, you go much more slowly, but don't waste the time you spend on duplicate pieces.


This is all win and no lose imho, both for keeping people interested and motivated for some (at least now) fairly limited PvP and for the long-term health of the game.

Edited by OldSwab
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You're hilarious. You didn't have to work hard for your gear! If you're already fully geared then you must have had an easy time of it. Being that you were most likely one of the first ppl to be geared then your Exp. was higher than most ppls and you should have been facerolling peeps in WZs.


Also, it doesn't really take that long. I've been 50 for about a week now and I've almost got a full set of PVP purples. I'm pretty sure you're just upset that people will be harder to kill.


I lol at your huge QQ.

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Leets: You aren't elite, you didn't work hard for anything, you didn't fight fierce competition and earn your stuff by the sweat of your brow, you got it because you hit 50 fast and farmed lowbies in the warzones, which was so ridiculous thats why they put the 50s bracket in in the first place.




This argument is so cliche and overplayed. 50 brackets were likely a guarantee from the start. They needed to wait until there was a large enough population of 50s across all servers before they could implement it. The beatdown that insued until then was inevitable. You guys always fail to realize that both sides of the match had an equal chance to be teamed up with a premade of 50s.

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Allow me to make this make sense for you...


# of hardcore players < # of casuals

Hardcore subscription price = Casual subscription price

Money earned from hardcore kids < Money made from casuals

Pandering to hardcore players < Pandering to casuals


This all = Casuals are more important. If facebook was all DOS and code based text docs all the hardcore computer nerds would love it but they other 100,000,000 subscribers would be gone. Understand? This is a business not a game.


Sure... it's a business not a game.


But if you actually think any business would look at hardcore customers the same as casual customers... you have a lot to learn.

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YOU, my friend, opened this can of worms and continue to respond with invalid arguments.


YOU, my friend, continue to post with the worst sense of grammar and spelling I've seen in a long time. You acknowledge it, but continue to do it. You're either trolling, have no sense of self-worth, or no desire to make the details of your posts worth reading.


Let me try to explain this to you:


1. Champion gear is now harder to get on average. Instead of buying lottery scratch-off's, you're on a fixed income. That forces a gradual progression, with a rare chance to get a gear token here and there. The new patch did the exact opposite of equalizing. Someone with 10 valor will have a very limited amount of Champion commendations (7/800 WZ, 7/daily and 21/weekly). It is statistically impossible to get full Champion gear that early. I haven't done any math, but I would venture a guess that (from rank 1) you couldn't get full Champ by rank 25-30 now. If I'm wrong, I apologize...I'm simply trying to make a point.


2. If you're V60+, Champion tokens should come faster. Either you're already full champ, or close to it. You put in a lot of time to get V60+ and you should be rewarded, not to mention the fact that you probably don't give a **** about Champ and are already going for BM gear. Make sense?


From the looks of it, you're 12 years old and a C- student, at best. You really should just uninstall and rethink your priorities for your future.


u wont tell me about my priorities of my future im far from that age my future is done and im happy about it.

i was born in the early 70s..judge yourself 1st and then judge me.


i did it and said that i already know ,i dont use english so good.

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I'm valor rank 59 now, I don't have full champion. Earlier today in a warzone I saw a lvl 36 who did. PHEW! He must've worked so much harder!


+1 for dumbest thread ever -.-


i was 65 and had 3 champs.learn to read 1st what i said during this thread and then comment.

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u wont tell me about my priorities of my future im far from that age my future is done and im happy about it.

i was born in the early 70s..judge yourself 1st and then judge me.


i did it and said that i already know ,i dont use english so good.


If english isn't your native language, then at least preface your OP with that. At least that way, you might have a chance to be taken seriously.


If it is your native language...


The effort it takes to type a properly structured sentence is minimal. Worst-case scenario...copy/paste it into a word processor and let the red squiggles show you the path to enlightenment.

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what about all the people that worked hard for their gear? you all do know that SWTOR is a business right? a game put in place for one thing, to make money from your subscriptions. they could care less if things are fair or if you spent 300 hours to do what some who spends less then 3 to get the same gear. they only care about keeping the subs going. another question is "if things are so bad why do you still play?" well, some like me expected more from a game that was in developement this long as well as being Star Wars. so for me for example I am here hoping it will change without impacting what I spent time to achieve. bottom line is Bioware could care less about any of you or your comments. unsubscribing is the way to make your point, something I think I am close to myself.



level 50 Sorc, Valor Rank 73. lots of time invested most likely for nothing.

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what about all the people that worked hard for their gear? you all do know that SWTOR is a business right? a game put in place for one thing, to make money from your subscriptions. they could care less if things are fair or if you spent 300 hours to do what some who spends less then 3 to get the same gear. they only care about keeping the subs going. another question is "if things are so bad why do you still play?" well, some like me expected more from a game that was in developement this long as well as being Star Wars. so for me for example I am here hoping it will change without impacting what I spent time to achieve. bottom line is Bioware could care less about any of you or your comments. unsubscribing is the way to make your point, something I think I am close to myself.



level 50 Sorc, Valor Rank 73. lots of time invested most likely for nothing.


You're incorrect.


The company does want to make money, yes, but the way to do that isn't by pissing off thier customers. That's just stupid. Also, this is a clasasic case of a truly negative outlook. You played a game by a set of guidelines and aquired items. Those guideline have been adjusted. Be happy for those ppl that benefit. Why wouldn't you be?


It took you 300 hours to gear your PVP gear? 12.5 solid days? Let's say you played 5 hours every single day. It'd take you 60 days to get in that much play time. Cmon...


If you'd like to unsubscribe then DO IT! (I hate the hollow unsub threats)


Don't kid yourself. You're not going anywhere.

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you're incorrect.


The company does want to make money, yes, but the way to do that isn't by pissing off thier customers. That's just stupid. Also, this is a clasasic case of a truly negative outlook. You played a game by a set of guidelines and aquired items. Those guideline have been adjusted. Be happy for those ppl that benefit. Why wouldn't you be?


It took you 300 hours to gear your pvp gear? 12.5 solid days? Let's say you played 5 hours every single day. It'd take you 60 days to get in that much play time. Cmon...


If you'd like to unsubscribe then do it! (i hate the hollow unsub threats)


don't kid yourself. You're not going anywhere.



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gotta love the kids, first they were saying "pvp gear makes no difference just l2p", now they're saying "we had to work for our pvp gear it's not fair".


sounds like y'all are scared that the playing field is being leveled and you won't be able to faceroll new 50's now.

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The so called 'dedicated pvpers', geared up entirely by stomping on level 10s. Nobody got gear easier and faster than they do- so no, I don't feel any sympathy that their 2 month stomping spree has come to an end and they'll soon have to figure out how to play against people with similar gear.


I imagine yes, those dedicated pvpers will ragequit the game because competition will happen.

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This is pretty funny.




Hey guys I farmed all of you while you were levelling up to gain my champ gear then I farmed your spawn point when Ilum was broken...



You guys should have to work like I did to get my gear!


I know right? Well, he won't ragequit yet- not til BW fixes the 14v8 WZ. No doubt he'll start whining then about how hard he worked to learn that exploit and how unfair 8v8 is for 'real pvpers'.

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