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WHY so many tokens at bags?what about the ppl that worked hard for their gear?


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well nice once more ppl cried so much that ANOTHER challenging to gear up game had to nerf their system so the majority of casual players can gear UP almost EQUAL with hardcore ones.




so now as customer i would like to ask BIO and EA some QS:


before u did this crap havent u considered that at WOW ppl quiited game when gear became so easy?and not only there.


when will companies realize thats its not ALWAYS good to listen to hello kitty online players thats wants to gear up in 2 weeks?

CAUSE i can tell u that after that 100% they will quit the game.


DEDICATED players were always the semi-core to hardcore ones... ALWAYS. at PVP or PVE doesnt change the result.


casual players are casual players they come and go..


thank u so much that u made me open hundreds of bags to have 10 BM items when im lvl 70(valor)...and now ppl can take almost same gear in 1 day(weekly QS)


i wouldnt mind it if there were war hero items out there ,so centurion and champion would be easier BUT with some VALOR rank requirment.


but no its free for ppl with 10 valor rank to get it. or even with 1.


now that u will loose dedicated pvp players(already i saw hardcore pvp guild from REPS quitting their guilds and leaving the game) lets see what u will do.


ILLUM doesnt YET offer us nothing cause of the unballanced of our server.


PS: i dont care for posts like "QQ no lifer now we can play and BIO did well etc etc"


im used of this.BUT i will ask u something.IF they give pvp players the chance to gear up with TOP PVE gear ,doing normal instances..HOW U WILL FEEL?


ask yourselfs this Q.i bet my *** u will ragequit the game and search for a new one.


BIO and EA must get that PVP AND PVE are 2 seperate things with 2 SEPERATE kind of ppl and needs 2 SEPERATE treatment.


ps:2 easy pvp gears with 2 hard ones i can understand.but 2 easy ones with 1 normal one SORRY i dont get it.how u will keep me in this game if i dont do PVE at all ?with illum??


fix the damn OPEN pvp with objectives or copy paste WH i dont care cause now we are quitting cause of boredom and zero challenge AND MOST OF US cause u mixed casula players with hardcore ones at PVP.


over and out.

Edited by Tzou
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If you actually care at all about competitive PvP, you should be happy that everyone will be geared - because when you kill somebody, it means you might actually possess skill - not just a higher % of expertise.


Can we lock this and move on?

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no one worked hard for their gear, you may or may not have worked long for it, but not hard.


working hard would be at the very least losing valor on death in world pvp and gaining no valor for warzone losses.

Edited by Roak
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i must be happy?no my frienf im not.i want to know what kind of game i play.an easy one to gear up or a hard one,from day1.


yes i might enjoy now that ppl are harder to kill but who told u that its fair for me to gear up so hard and from now on ppl wil lgear up so easily?and its now after 1 -2-3-4 years of the game.its after 2 months.

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So you mean Hard Core player runing around in full champ with valor betwen 24 and 30´s Vs player like me Valor 58 by only doing Warzones with only 3 drops in more than 100 bags?


For you this kinda of rating based only in pure randomly events its the way to go :)?


Just an example guild of mine valor 24 in 8 bags got 5 Champ pieces.


Me more than 100 to get 3 lol....how do you think I feel?

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well nice once more ppl cried so much that ANOTHER challenging to gear up game had to nerf their system so the majority of casual players can gear UP almost EQUAL with hardcore ones.




so now as customer i would like to ask BIO and EA some QS:


before u did this crap havent u considered that at WOW ppl quiited game when gear became so easy?and not only there.


when will companies realize thats its not ALWAYS good to listen to hello kitty online players thats wants to gear up in 2 weeks?

CAUSE i can tell u that after that 100% they will quit the game.


DEDICATED players were always the semi-core to hardcore ones... ALWAYS. at PVP or PVE doesnt change the result.


casual players are casual players they come and go..


thank u so much that u made me open hundreds of bags to have 10 BM items when im lvl 70(valor)...and now ppl can take almost same gear in 1 day(weekly QS)


i wouldnt mind it if there were war hero items out there ,so centurion and champion would be easier BUT with some VALOR rank requirment.


but no its free for ppl with 10 valor rank to get it. or even with 1.


now that u will loose dedicated pvp players(already i saw hardcore pvp guild from REPS quitting their guilds and leaving the game) lets see what u will do.


ILLUM doesnt YET offer us nothing cause of the unballanced of our server.


PS: i dont care for posts like "QQ no lifer now we can play and BIO did well etc etc"


im used of this.BUT i will ask u something.IF they give pvp players the chance to gear up with TOP PVE gear ,doing normal instances..HOW U WILL FEEL?


ask yourselfs this Q.i bet my *** u will ragequit the game and search for a new one.


BIO and EA must get that PVP AND PVE are 2 seperate things with 2 SEPERATE kind of ppl and needs 2 SEPERATE treatment.


ps:2 easy pvp gears with 2 hard ones i can understand.but 2 easy ones with 1 normal one SORRY i dont get it.how u will keep me in this game if i dont do PVE at all ?with illum??


fix the damn OPEN pvp with objectives or copy paste WH i dont care cause now we are quitting cause of boredom and zero challenge AND MOST OF US cause u mixed casula players with hardcore ones at PVP.


over and out.


Allow me to make this make sense for you...


# of hardcore players < # of casuals

Hardcore subscription price = Casual subscription price

Money earned from hardcore kids < Money made from casuals

Pandering to hardcore players < Pandering to casuals


This all = Casuals are more important. If facebook was all DOS and code based text docs all the hardcore computer nerds would love it but they other 100,000,000 subscribers would be gone. Understand? This is a business not a game.

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Are you actually complaining that RNG was more fair to "Dedicated/Hardcore" players than having a set grind from bag tokens?


no ofc no.im rng i didnt aproove but somehow it made gear hard to get.


im complaing for this new patch that even my grandmothr can gear up now.


WHY always a nerf must go from one side to the opposite one ?isnt there a mid choise?


15 tokens with 1 bag is silly..

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So you mean Hard Core player runing around in full champ with valor betwen 24 and 30´s Vs player like me Valor 58 by only doing Warzones with only 3 drops in more than 100 bags?


For you this kinda of rating based only in pure randomly events its the way to go :)?


Just an example guild of mine valor 24 in 8 bags got 5 Champ pieces.


Me more than 100 to get 3 lol....how do you think I feel?


i tottaly feel u.


maybe u all didnt get my point.


my point IS the nw patch made it worst that it was.


it was bad and now its even worst.

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Allow me to make this make sense for you...


# of hardcore players < # of casuals

Hardcore subscription price = Casual subscription price

Money earned from hardcore kids < Money made from casuals

Pandering to hardcore players < Pandering to casuals


This all = Casuals are more important. If facebook was all DOS and code based text docs all the hardcore computer nerds would love it but they other 100,000,000 subscribers would be gone. Understand? This is a business not a game.



money comes through time.


and this game from now on im pretty sure will have less subscribers cause with so easy pvp gearing ,in one month ppl will have nothing to do.


who cares about war hero items in one month?all will have FULL BM and will be happy.


boredom will win and their money will drop.


if thats how u do business they deserve to fail like WOW after wotlk-like WH-like RIFT-like aion.

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Actually, it is harder now than before because there are larger number of well-geared people that the poorly geared must fight.


You shouldn't be differentially rewarded because you did first. A system that dramatically favors the first isn't sustainable--you won't motivate newer players who hit 50 to progress.

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Actually, it is harder now than before because there are larger number of well-geared people that the poorly geared must fight.


You shouldn't be differentially rewarded because you did first. A system that dramatically favors the first isn't sustainable--you won't motivate newer players who hit 50 to progress.


u can get full centurion in one day.a guildie of mine did it yesterday on his alt.


soon there will be ZERO no-geared ppl.


i prefer some effort on that that this..and i believe most of u will agree.


15 tokens is silly.5-6 would be ok.

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CvC (there is no PvP in this game) is not about grinding gear, it is about playing Warzones in top end gear.


The gear grind is included because it keeps you playing longer which keeps you paying longer. Your gear is not made any less valuable simply because it is easier to get that gear now. It still has the same stats as it did before which means the only time this type of change would have an effect is if you just suck at CvC and need the statistical advantage to compensate for your lack of skill.


So, are you really upset (and therefore incompetent) or are you just trolling?

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O so does this mean that people that aren't in grade school and whom have lives can pvp?

I thought SWTOR pvp was only going to be for 10 year olds like the OP who abused mechanics on Illium to get their gear.



Edited by VoidJustice
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CvC (there is no PvP in this game) is not about grinding gear, it is about playing Warzones in top end gear.


The gear grind is included because it keeps you playing longer which keeps you paying longer. Your gear is not made any less valuable simply because it is easier to get that gear now. It still has the same stats as it did before which means the only time this type of change would have an effect is if you just suck at CvC and need the statistical advantage to compensate for your lack of skill.


So, are you really upset (and therefore incompetent) or are you just trolling?


u also didnt get it.


i like that now i have more ppl to compete.


what i dont like is that u can do it in one day.

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Actually, it is harder now than before because there are larger number of well-geared people that the poorly geared must fight.


You shouldn't be differentially rewarded because you did first. A system that dramatically favors the first isn't sustainable--you won't motivate newer players who hit 50 to progress.


I don't know about that. EVE uses that very system. New players can and will never be on the same level playing field as players who joined days, weeks, months, or even years before them.


And that game has been a success longer than WoW and was even out before SWG.

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I don't know about that. EVE uses that very system. New players can and will never be on the same level playing field as players who joined days, weeks, months, or even years before them.


And that game has been a success longer than WoW and was even out before SWG.


finally someone that understands something.


i want to know what kind of game i play from day one...

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I can't even understand your comments. The lack of basic grammar is painful.



The bag change is perfect. I'm a lvl 50 and can now at least get the Centurion gear for set bonuses while I wait to finish off my champ set. Meanwhile, we get to do it all over again at 60 valor (currently at 54).


Your complaint makes no sense since the bags were all RNG and literally ANYONE could get ANYTHING during a bag open. So you power leveled to 50. Opened 200 bags, have a full champ set and some noob comes up with 10 valor and has the exact same gear as you. It's all an RNG....



Your point is lost and just has no validity.




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@OP: You might want to take a close look at your caps lock key. It seems to be not working as intended.


And, guess what, the people that are helped most are the people that have close to full champion gear. Because now they can buy the stuff they want for about 10 Bags, instead of hoping to get just the right item.


For PvP noobs it is worse than before, because new 50s are happy about every pvp item they get, since they have none. (EDIT: Sorry, forgot the commendations. This statement is false)

Edited by _Flin_
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If you actually care at all about competitive PvP, you should be happy that everyone will be geared - because when you kill somebody, it means you might actually possess skill - not just a higher % of expertise.


Can we lock this and move on?


But there is some debate as to which is better. Expertise or higher primary stats. Because the higher stats is what you get with PVE gear.


From the numbers I am seeing posted by others, it all seems to work out about the same once it is all thrown into the wash.


But the whole point of killing other players in SWTOR isn't about the glory of the kill. In fact the only reason to do it is to get valor or to increase your kill count for your daily / weekly quests.


And with the latest changes, you seldom even get that.


I was on Ilum yesterday after the patch kicked in. I solo killed a player and got nothing. No valor, no credit, and no message stating why I didn't get either. I then joined an OPS group some time later and got credit for about 1 out of ever 4 kills - for about 15 mins. Then I got nothing. Didn't matter who died. No valor, no credit, no promised messages about why I wasn't getting it. After about 10 mins I posted in OPS chat that I had stopped getting credit for the kills. A number of people in the OPS group also commented on the same thing. It was at that point that the OPS group dissolved.


It wasn't because people in two full OPS groups got tired of duking it out, it was because no body was getting credit and it was pointless to continue to kill other players.


To me, that is a sign of a completely broken PVP system. These massive warfronts don't happen very often on my server and now thanks to the changes they will happen even less.


You now are forced to run warzones to get your bags. And of course warzones are still broken. Wins don't always count and many people see exceptionally high loss to win ratios.


So getting gear becomes a very long and difficult road due to changes, bugs, and even some player exploits.

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no ofc no.im rng i didnt aproove but somehow it made gear hard to get.


im complaing for this new patch that even my grandmothr can gear up now.


WHY always a nerf must go from one side to the opposite one ?isnt there a mid choise?


15 tokens with 1 bag is silly..


Ok - right - Now the 'Harcore' can farm for their loot instead of farming for bags and HOPING they get the loot they want. A guild mate - casual as he still plays WoW - Hit 50 about 3 weeks ago - was lucky enough to have near enough a full set of gear in the first 10 bags (which he complained about as he loves farming) I **** you not, 10 bags and 9 different epics. He aint a hardcore player and at the time will probably have had much more gear than a lot who consider themselves 'hardcore'


If you yourself are 'hardcore' youd be VR60+ and not care about the easy to get farmable pre-VR60 gear


Also, complaining about loot being easier to get for casuals over hardcore I present you with this:


The needs of many > the needs of few

((Number of Casuals > Number of hardcore))

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