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Is there a way to stop ppl from leaving wz's?


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I mean I see the same ppl again and again. "you guys suck" "horrible team" and dropping. Then us solo q'ers get shoved into a game that basicly takes longer to load into than to finish.


I know it's to much to ask for ppl to just simply suck it up. Or find a frigin pre-made so they can quit crying. But surely there is something that could make it less desierable to ragequit a game than to lose? A comunity black list or something. lol


I don't know, just thought maybe someone more inventive had an idea that could make the game better for those of us who q solo alot!

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Ya, I suck. I should have anticipated where my question would go. I guess I should have started with my epeen. 5 peices of bmaster the rest cham, lvled on pvp with two char's, generaly get 9-12 medals on my sin, even while loseing....assumeing I'm in a full game. This question is about the rage quiters, not how bad pub groups can be.

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Yes, two things.


- Get rid of the current rotation of maps and let players chose which one they want to play.

- Above option just leaves the quitters that look for specific group setups and quit if they dont like the composition. You dont want that in random groups because it only frustrates other players. I think that there should be a timeout penalty for prematurely leaving a wz.

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I really hope for at least 20-30min deserter CD that prevents you from entering another Warzone to come asap. No way this will continue long and all know it. No one can force you (nor me) to stay in WZ but you must suffer the consequences for being deserter. Now current (lack of) system stimulates deserters that don't contribute to the team in all possible ways and just wait to see how things will turn out in the beginning to decide will they stay. I don't remember how long since more than half of my or the opposite team stayed the whole match (depending on who's winning).
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They should bring in a deserter buff...I understand the temptation to quit if you are a Battlemaster and are just trying to get wins for your daily but if you join a WZ then you should commit the time to play it.


We have all seen ppl quit as soon as their teams goes 1-0 down or the other faction gets ahead early on in a match, normally leading to a whitewash


This is selfish, you leave your team down a man for a while and you ruin someone else's que pop.


Of course you cant stop players being selfish, they just want their gear as soon as possible but you can and in my mind should try to discourage this attitude.


If you enter a battle from the start and leave before the end you should not be able to enter another WZ for 15 mins.


If you leave before the battle starts or you come in because someone left and you leave then there should be no penalty.

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easy fix:


remove medals and actually give comendations for capping points, passing the ball and scoring.


it seems every match im in people are more worried about farming medals than actually scoring, defending or attacking the ball carrier.


also, add a scaredy cat or chicken buff that locks you out of wz for a period of time if you quit out.

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easy fix:


remove medals and actually give comendations for capping points, passing the ball and scoring.


it seems every match im in people are more worried about farming medals than actually scoring, defending or attacking the ball carrier.


also, add a scaredy cat or chicken buff that locks you out of wz for a period of time if you quit out.



this is win ^

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Chimming in again.


Sometimes the match is just unwinable.


They have people running around in level 40 pvp gear.


You have level tens.


They have a plan.


You have a team content to run around with their ****s flapping in the air.


Why force people to sit through something that won't be enjoyable?


You may be a masochist, but some of us don't find being tortured and frustrated all that fun.

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Posted this is another thread



The entire medal system is flawed, It dosn't encourage you to play to win, we have all seen the dps having no interest in the ball in Hutball but ends up with the most medals which in turn leads to the most mvp votes.


Some healers are just as bad...causing themselves dmg just to heal it...lol


I have capped every door in Voidstar as a healer and ended up with 4 medals while dps just kill stuff and get loads.


Its been said before but ill happily repeat it..medals need to be awarded for helping to win...




Passing that leads to a goal,


Intercepting a pass


Defending a node (fighting at a node not standing afk at one)


Capping door/nodes,


Killing ball carriers,


Interupting someone capping a door/node


These are the kinds of thing that lead to wins so should be rewarded.


As for healing in pvp, apart from the difficulty in healers getting medals which you covered well in your post, over all I think its fine...most dps cant solo me and I cant kill a decent geared dps very quickly.


Buff healing Operatives

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Chimming in again.


Sometimes the match is just unwinable.


They have people running around in level 40 pvp gear.


You have level tens.


They have a plan.


You have a team content to run around with their ****s flapping in the air.


Why force people to sit through something that won't be enjoyable?


You may be a masochist, but some of us don't find being tortured and frustrated all that fun.



bwahahahahaha! masochists debuff for leaving...

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easy fix:


remove medals and actually give comendations for capping points, passing the ball and scoring.


it seems every match im in people are more worried about farming medals than actually scoring, defending or attacking the ball carrier.


also, add a scaredy cat or chicken buff that locks you out of wz for a period of time if you quit out.


I usually win my Huttball WZs because I stay stealthed up on the enemy platform waiting for the ball. I usually end the game with zero medals, zero votes but I have scored at least half the touch downs if not more.


I do this for my daily then I say screw it and just go after medals which award me more points win or lose.

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If it's huttball I'm gone.


I really, really, really hate huttball.


Fullly agree.


Huttball stopped me bothering to PvP. Its not fun, half the time people have no idea whats going on and the other half of the time the sides are so unbalanced its not worth playing. Huttball is a cheap attempted at fight clubbing and dumbing PvP down. Not BW's finest hour.

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If you see someone quit the Warzone then add them to your ignore list, it's what I do. Eventually they wont be able to get any groups and will quit.


^ This, I add them to ignore on my tank and healer both geared up and lvl 50.


I do this not to the guys who leave instantly if they don't like the composistion but to those who say, play for 5 minutes of huttball and leave the second the other team gets ahead by 1 point.


The way I see it, if somebody isn't going to put in a little effort to win and will instead ragequit if things aren't going smoothly isn't somebody I want in any Hard Mode or Ops group.


Although I must say the Hard Mode Flashpoints are all to easy right now to.

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