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Bioware what are you going to do about the POPULATION IMBALANCE


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Add my logic. After awhile Imps are going to want to see the story from the Repub side's class(es), so they alt Repub. Then they will have lvl 50 toons for both factions, and can play PvP with the faction that needs more players. Be patient my young Padiwan, it will all balance out over time.

Game wont last long enough for that to happen. yes the game will EXIST but a huge chunk will be gone because it will not have been fun anymore. MMO's historically have a very short time to fix glaring issues before a huge number or players jump ship and the game tanks....see AION RIFT CONAN WARHAMMER etc.

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You think a lot of people play this game by seeing how many people are on each side? Keep in mind this is a PvE game first. The gameplay issue you're describing is only affected by those who primarily PvP. Do we know exactly how many PvP vs PvE'ers are in this game? No. So to believe that it should all revolve around PvP play is a little off-base.


A lot of Star Wars fans come here for the PvE content, the lore, the storyline, etc. The Star Wars franchise has always had an abundance of Imperial fans. Fans of Darth Vader, Storm Troopers, Boba Fett, Sith, etc. How many fans do you see for Luke, or Rebel Pilots, in comparison?


People play this game because of what the characters/factions represent, and it already has an established fanbase way before BW even touched this MMO.


Sorry but faction imbalance impacts PvE as much as it impacts PvP. Republic numbers are so low on Fleet and most planets that people can't find groups for heroics or instances. Low numbers leads to low low volume and high prices on the AH. On PvP servers ganking while questing is common, especially multiple imps on pubs. How do you honestly say that faction imbalance doesn't impact PvE? Sounds like just another Imp defending the status quo to me.

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Buddy you wandered into this thread talking about pve this pve that. If you can't understand that "the game will die" pertains to the pvp aspect in THIS PVP THREAD IN THE PVP FORUM then you have a serious serious mental disability. I really dont care because we're over here discussing cookies and you wander in spoutin' off about cake and pie.


Just go be not smart somewhere else.


Speaking of mental disabilities, you continue to have reading comprehension issues. It's ok, not my problem though. If changing the context of the posts, and being oblivious to your hypocrisy and forgoing logic, is the only way you think you can win an argument, then by all means keep going.


Apparently to you, when a person says "This game", it must only mean a part of the game relative to the forum category. You should try that logic out on real people and see how that works for ya.


"When I say this Building, I only mean the Cafeteria in which I'm currently standing... duh, don't you people get it?".


Sorry, that's just a desperate attempt on a failed rebuttal. Silly kids, lol.

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Apparently to you, when a person says "This game", it must only mean a part of the game relative to the forum category.



Yes, this is exactly what it means.


For all your talk of reading comprehension you certainly need to try some yourself. You still havent even tried to argue my point on how PVP dying will lead to the game dying. Numerous games have proven this. You're doing a good job of falling further and further down the stupid-hole though, and i for one think it's HILAR!

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these threads always confuse me. what exactly should they do about it? force certain ppl to re-roll republic?


There's not much they CAN do about it now, these controls should've existed since launch. The argument is more about the extent to which imbalance will damage the health of the game. And by the game i men the PVP side of the game which is all that matters obviously.

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They won't do anything, because they're amateurs as far as MMOs are concerned. They caused the whole situation, they had no tools in case it happens, no ideas how to counter that problem. Now the problem has grown like a cancer and is feasting on the very flesh of the game and they do nothing, because, clearly, they have absolutely no clue, what to do.







well, it needs to be addressed. it however does not "feast on the very flesh of the game" most especially because pvp is just one side activity, it is not the whole game. In fact, while I hope the issues do get addressed, and Id like to see a new WZ or 2 in the future, I certainly hope the devs dont turn this into a pvp-centric game. The ones whining the loudest about pvp have also vowed to flock off into GW2 when it comes out, so why should we bother to cater to them? remember who your core audience is.

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well, it needs to be addressed. it however does not "feast on the very flesh of the game" most especially because pvp is just one side activity, it is not the whole game. In fact, while I hope the issues do get addressed, and Id like to see a new WZ or 2 in the future, I certainly hope the devs dont turn this into a pvp-centric game. The ones whining the loudest about pvp have also vowed to flock off into GW2 when it comes out, so why should we bother to cater to them? remember who your core audience is.


Both game devs and PvE'ers seriously underestimate how many players play these for pvp.


At their own peril i might add.

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You'd think the Republic faction, with its bedtime caliber class stories and their earth tone robes + princess of Naboo/8-bit Samurai PvP gear would have drawn in more people. Edited by AJMTL
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these threads always confuse me. what exactly should they do about it? force certain ppl to re-roll republic?


They can't force anyone to do anything but they can surely incent people to roll pub. For example they could increase leveling experience for pubs (or the lower faction population) that scales with population imbalance on each server or they can apply buffs to the lower pop faction in Ilum.


I just gave you two ideas off the top of my head and I'm not even paid to think about this game from a design point of view. BW has an obligation to subscribers to do a better job.

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You'd think the Republic faction, with its bedtime caliber class stories and their earth tone robes + princess of Naboo/8-bit Samurai PvP gear would have drawn in more people.


To be far the only the Imp agent's story really excels. Also the Sith PvP gear looks like Rita from Power Rangers.


Kids just like being evil.

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There's not much they CAN do about it now, these controls should've existed since launch. The argument is more about the extent to which imbalance will damage the health of the game. And by the game i men the PVP side of the game which is all that matters obviously.


haha obviously PvP is the only thing that matters. seeing you post that, i know your credibility must be through the roof..... lol

sarcasm aside, again, what could they have done to prevent people from choosing the side they wanted? cap the number of imps per server? thats all well and good until you realize that people will still pick what they want, and in the end youll just have servers full of the leftover imps that got locked out of other servers due to the population cap.


do you have a constructive, realistic way they could have forced people to choose a side they didnt want to play? and dont say that they marketed the sith more than the republic, i always intended to play imperial, but watching the trooper class videos made me totally excited to try trooper

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What they do about it now is add an incentive system for the side with less people to a certain percentage of imbalance and have it clearly displayed on the server screen.


Lower population side players get a 10% exp, money, commendations, valor or whatever until the population imbalance is within 10% or so of each side. How they determine the imbalance is up to them, maybe weekly totals of how many are logged in on each side.


If nothing changed it would be less painful with some bonus at least.


And that is just me thinking about it for 10 seconds, I'm not even getting paid like they are.


Make it more or less enticing based on the imbalance.


Too late to do anything else.

Edited by Jalal
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Yes, this is exactly what it means.


Wow, nothing more to say to you here. This is just pure delusion and a completely lack of knowledge on the English language. I already gave you an example of how absurd your logic is if applied in a RL situation. Ignorance is bliss for you, I get that.


For all your talk of reading comprehension you certainly need to try some yourself. You still havent even tried to argue my point on how PVP dying will lead to the game dying. Numerous games have proven this. You're doing a good job of falling further and further down the stupid-hole though, and i for one think it's HILAR!


So you just read one line of my response? Did you ignore the fact about this game being built on a strong franchise, which is different than other MMOs, and therefore different formulas? And what about WoW? What defines their PVP, is it good? Why are they so successful of a lot of ppl believe their PVP is bad? How about you re-read my post and argue my points first, since you obviously skipped them to avoid looking bad.


It's alright, you've offered enough amusement for the day. Try not to get so butthurt on the internetz. It's clear you're so desperate to find a rebuttal that any form of rational thought is gone. GG mate. :rolleyes:;)

Edited by Lazorous
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What they do about it now is add an incentive system for the side with less people to a certain percentage of imbalance and have it clearly displayed on the server screen.


Republic players get a 10% exp, money, commendations, valor or whatever until the population imbalance is within 10% or so of each side. How they determine the imbalance is up to them, maybe weekly totals of how many are logged in on each side.


If nothing changed it would be less painful with some bonus at least.


And that is just me thinking about it for 10 seconds, I'm not even getting paid like they are.


Make it more or less enticing based on the imbalance.


Too late to do anything else.



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Seriously, Ilum is a joke, in wz's imperials completely outgear us and really its embarassing. I hit 50 2 weeks ago and I'm bored, my gear is crap compared to imps and we are outnumbered. I play on infinity gate. What is your response to this imbalance? Does every single republic player have to quit or reroll imp for you to do something?


on my server it's the contrary Imps have like a few pvp geared out people and republic

well every single one of them are decked out. There's no more point of pvping.

My score right now in pvp is 0 wins 37 losses and losses just keeps growing, I haven't

been able to complete one pvp daily!! It's getting !@!!@REDONCULUS!@!!@!

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It's clear you're so desperate to find a rebuttal that any form of rational thought is gone. GG mate. :rolleyes:;)


Sweet looks like i win! I already rebutted all your points that had any bearing on the discussion. I'm not wasting my time responding to nonsense that have nothing to do with the thread.



And the game being star wars is the only reason it isn't dead ALREADY. Tick tock!

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To many Fan Boys for me... I grew up watching Star Wars and etc... I like Star Wars the story, characters for the most part, races for the most part, and style of fighting. I <3 SWG before NGE I am so sick of the WoW model. EQ, AC, DaoC, and SWG were all better games then WoW.


The mechanics are what really have irritated me to no end. The FPS issue since release of 1.1, Melee Lag, Buggy Animations, Pure DPS working a lot more harder and bringing a lot less to group pvp and pve. This in my gut feeling is why there is no combat log and or parser. Yeah, I read they are adding it in later on. I would prefer everything else fixed mechanic wise before this.


Since 2008, I have asked if Bothan, Wookie, Ewok, or even Yoda's race would be added or playable. No answers then and I hate to say it WoW proved adding a good looking race to the Horde help attract more Anime Lovers, Children, and Women to play on the Horde side.


Also, I would have preferred to of played a pet class. Yea, we all get pets but anywho has done Necromancer, SK, Hunter, Creature handler, and etc. Knows it is not the same.


Anywho fix the mechanics first.


Fail *** Game



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I don't always agree with Lazorus, but logically speaking he is a superior communicator to his adversary.


As for imbalance in the factions-- my personal experience in picking a faction had nothing to do with PVP. I picked because the idea of an agent in the Empire seemed awesome. Seemed like it would have been a compelling story.


I don't really know how often people like me become pvp'ers, but I do more pvp now than missions. Even when I make alts it seems like I land in the Sith faction, and I am forced to ask why.




I think because when I think of the "republic" I think of a bunch of Jedi and politicians running around talking about serenity and peace.


Conversely when I think of the Sith and the Empire I imagine a much more vioent, treacherous, and conflict-ridden story.


I think a third faction focusing on the fringe elements of Star Wars would have been perfect for me. The nitty-gritty of Hutts, smugglers, bounty hunters, and blasters-for-hire. I bet this would have made republic players non existent though.


I would be a republic player if I felt like I was being oppressed by a tyrannical super power (ala original films), but I just don't get that from the republic storyline.

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