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Tracer Spam


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It actually couldn't be more relevant considering this is a thread about Tracer Missile spam, and that is a video of a guy doing a warzone only spamming Tracer Missile.


its not relevant because he is gimping his damage. he would have done twice that amount if he would play the class the way it is suppose to do. Not one person on the opposing team was any good at all. And as I said I can do same thing with a Sorcerer only using forced Lightning/Chain Lightning. Plus that video was made before the nerfs to biochem & 50 Brackets

Edited by Ssfbistimg
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im sorry but I dont have a blind. and the best way to kill us is with melee all over us.


i dont know what the effect is actually called but is is a soft cc with 6s or 8s duration, an activation time of more than 1,5s and 30m range.



the best wasy to kill a commando is a sorc, the second best way is melee but it takes at least two melees to kill one healed merc whereas the dmg one merc inflicts ist harldly healable at all.

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It is relevant because it's exactly what this thread is about. Doesn't matter if it's gimping damage or not.


He also did a new one with Biochem nerfs and 50 brackets with only Tracer Missile.


no this thread is about bads who can't seem to get it that 99% of Troopers/BH use more then 1 skill, and that Grav Round isn't what is killing you or doing most of our damage. and Grav Round / TM is very easily countered by LOS. Interupts & of course any decently skilled melee class. If you suck and let me stand 30M away from you without moving for me to unload my rotation on you then again the problem is with you sucking at pvp. I can spam you with Forced Lightning/Chain Lightning and theres nothing you can really do as you are continuously slowed. At least if you are being spammed with Grav Round you have full mobility and can get away from me as I will have to either give chase which means I'm not doing any real damage or just tab target next enemy.

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i dont know what the effect is actually called but is is a soft cc with 6s or 8s duration, an activation time of more than 1,5s and 30m range.



the best wasy to kill a commando is a sorc, the second best way is melee but it takes at least two melees to kill one healed merc whereas the dmg one merc inflicts ist harldly healable at all.


It's Concussive round and its a Mezz which breaks on damage so its basically useless, since 90% of the time we use it someone else will attack and break it

sorcerers are not killing me better then a good marauder.

Edited by Ssfbistimg
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Level 50 Gunnery Spec Commando

Level 52 Valor

Complete Tier 2 Champion Set & Champion gear( Every Slot)

Server: The Shadowlands

Over 300 PvP matches & 3 weeks of Ilum Dailies/Weekly PvP.



I don't even know where to begin with it comes to Tracer/Grav round. Do you players of other classes even realize how god awful we are in PvP to begin with? Everything we do falls on those two abilities hitting. One good interrupt or stun & we are pretty much screwed. Nerf that & we are nothing more than a meat shield around classes with 100% absorb shields, multiple stuns/snares/knockbacks, multiple escapes, force leaps, force speed, etc. Simply put, the gunnery commando & arsenal bounty hunter are by far two of the worse specs for PvP. We are beast in PvE though & that is what the spec is meant for.


It is so painfully simple to put a halt to grav round/tracer missile spam. Interrupt, they are both charge abilities with long charge times. It gives opposing players more than enough time to pretty much their way with us. Stun, we only have ONE breakout ability so once we pop that, we are pretty much vulnerable to everything else. Use the environment & hide behind objects. Not that hard to do in every Warzone. Use your knockback ability. Most have short cool downs & are very useful against grav round/tecer missle.


So to sum up, will tracer missle or grav round get nerfed? I wouldn't think so but if it does, I expect a whole lot of boost for many other abilities since the spec blows in PvP.



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i would love a 15 sec cd for my tracer if it gives 20% penetration than stacking 4% debuff 5 times.


imo u do not see other skill they use coz merc always combo tracer with insta skill. since gcd is over while casting tracer, both skill hit almost at the same time.


the only thing tracer needs is an ammo cost increase. snipers cant spam snipe due to energy cost, you shouldnt be able to spam tracer. it should cost 20 heat per application and the talents that reduce it's cost removed

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It is relevant because it's exactly what this thread is about. Doesn't matter if it's gimping damage or not.


He also did a new one with Biochem nerfs and 50 brackets with only Tracer Missile.


and look at how little heat it generates for it's damage. that is the real issue

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Level 50 Gunnery Spec Commando

Level 52 Valor

Complete Tier 2 Champion Set & Champion gear( Every Slot)

Server: The Shadowlands

Over 300 PvP matches & 3 weeks of Ilum Dailies/Weekly PvP.



I don't even know where to begin with it comes to Tracer/Grav round. Do you players of other classes even realize how god awful we are in PvP to begin with? Everything we do falls on those two abilities hitting. One good interrupt or stun & we are pretty much screwed. Nerf that & we are nothing more than a meat shield around classes with 100% absorb shields, multiple stuns/snares/knockbacks, multiple escapes, force leaps, force speed, etc. Simply put, the gunnery commando & arsenal bounty hunter are by far two of the worse specs for PvP. We are beast in PvE though & that is what the spec is meant for.


It is so painfully simple to put a halt to grav round/tracer missile spam. Interrupt, they are both charge abilities with long charge times. It gives opposing players more than enough time to pretty much their way with us. Stun, we only have ONE breakout ability so once we pop that, we are pretty much vulnerable to everything else. Use the environment & hide behind objects. Not that hard to do in every Warzone. Use your knockback ability. Most have short cool downs & are very useful against grav round/tecer missle.


So to sum up, will tracer missle or grav round get nerfed? I wouldn't think so but if it does, I expect a whole lot of boost for many other abilities since the spec blows in PvP.




with your gear it's tiem to swap to assault

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Level 50 Gunnery Spec Commando

Level 52 Valor

Complete Tier 2 Champion Set & Champion gear( Every Slot)

Server: The Shadowlands

Over 300 PvP matches & 3 weeks of Ilum Dailies/Weekly PvP.



I don't even know where to begin with it comes to Tracer/Grav round. Do you players of other classes even realize how god awful we are in PvP to begin with? Everything we do falls on those two abilities hitting. One good interrupt or stun & we are pretty much screwed. Nerf that & we are nothing more than a meat shield around classes with 100% absorb shields, multiple stuns/snares/knockbacks, multiple escapes, force leaps, force speed, etc. Simply put, the gunnery commando & arsenal bounty hunter are by far two of the worse specs for PvP. We are beast in PvE though & that is what the spec is meant for.


It is so painfully simple to put a halt to grav round/tracer missile spam. Interrupt, they are both charge abilities with long charge times. It gives opposing players more than enough time to pretty much their way with us. Stun, we only have ONE breakout ability so once we pop that, we are pretty much vulnerable to everything else. Use the environment & hide behind objects. Not that hard to do in every Warzone. Use your knockback ability. Most have short cool downs & are very useful against grav round/tecer missle.


So to sum up, will tracer missle or grav round get nerfed? I wouldn't think so but if it does, I expect a whole lot of boost for many other abilities since the spec blows in PvP.




I wouldn't say we suck at PVP. We are great at what we are meant to be used for. High DPS Ranged Support. 1 Vs 1 on a melee who knows what interrupt is for and yes we are pretty much toast. But seriously I do as little 1 vs 1 as I possibly can. I never chase when a target runs from me as it weakens my damage and brings me closer to the fight (except in Huttball, as I will chase the Ball Carrier when he is on my Side of map)

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and look at how little heat it generates for it's damage. that is the real issue


forced lighting is free (when specced) and cause it is channeled it gives back force why it is being shot at you. So again I don't see the relevance to it only costing Troopers 2 ammo (not sure how much for BH)

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It is relevant because it's exactly what this thread is about. Doesn't matter if it's gimping damage or not.


He also did a new one with Biochem nerfs and 50 brackets with only Tracer Missile.


wow well doesnt that just perfectly sum up what makes pvp so pathetic in this game

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People make such a big deal about Tracer because of the unique sound. As Pyro, if I'm left alone I'll cast Power Shots all up on your healer. I can do it just as long as an Arsenal Merc can, thanks to Muzzle Fluting, but I get the added bonus of keeping your entire team from capping an objective with a no CD long duration DoT.


Arsenal is the least of your concerns. It'll get nerfed and everyone will go Pyro and you'll really hate life.

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the only thing tracer needs is an ammo cost increase. snipers cant spam snipe due to energy cost, you shouldnt be able to spam tracer. it should cost 20 heat per application and the talents that reduce it's cost removed


Tracer costs 16 heat out of a pool of 100 (untalented it costs 25 heat) or 16% of overall heat

Snipe costs 20 heat out of a pool of 110 (untalented pool of 100) or 18% of overall energy

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Just because tracer is the most noticeable animation doesn't mean that's all they are spamming. They shot tracer off the most to keep up buffs/debuffs and to trigger barrage. Heatseaker is shot every time it's off cooldown and unload every timer barrage is triggered. Railshot if you're on the move.


It's funny because nobody complains about pryo spamming powershot. They use the same number of abilities at 50 and are stronger on the move. Is it because it's not a noticeable of an animation?


It's why I went Pyro a while ago. I do sooooo much more damage simply because I don't get gang piled as soon as I start with tracer. I can sit their and machine gun RS and PS and nobody seems to notice. People die just as quick.

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id say people make a lot of trouble around tracer missile because it hits for 1300 noncrit an 2500 crit without having a cooldwon or costing a lot.


i play sentinel and i often win 1vs1 against mercs but thats because they dont use their cc correctly. most of them stun me right away which is a great mistake. sinsce i know how this class works i never lose a 1vs1 against marauders with my lvl25 commando. or any other melee accept operatives maybe. its not because i so very skilled, its because commandos deal too much dmg. an enemy has about 12k hp in low lvl wz, i often deal 5k in 1,5s with grav round and high impact bolt.


you just need to cast the grav round after you knockbacked the enemy and use your instant abilities (high impact bolt, sticky grenade, demo round, stockstrike) when you are in melee range.


my cc rotaton:



concussion charge

cryo nade


when playing commando i feel totally imba in warzones.

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The thing you don't understand about Mercs is they deal a lot of damage but they are glass cannons, Yea Heavy Armour helps for about .5 seconds and isn't likely to save anyone really.


As a Glass Cannon Shadow, who only gets light armor, I'll take your heavy heavy armor if don't think it helps. :D

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I can live with the way things are now, but I would like the Commando/Vanguard abilities to be as noticeable as the BH ones.. Grav Round is not as noticeable as Tracer.. and Death From Above is way more flashy than their equivalent. Fun in PvE, but paints a huge sign on your head in PvP.


Similar to pebbles vs lightning.

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I don't mind people that sit around and tracer missle spam, and my server has a good number of them. Most of them are totally clueless and just sit on one spot and get destroyed.


In addition to that, none of them ever do anything objective based in matches, so its an easy W. Majority of them just want to farm the dmg and kills medals.

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all the people who complain about tracer missle just suck at los. Adding a cool down would also just break the entire tree. Each tracer missle stacks armor pen AND stacks a rail shot damage increase buff AND procs unload. Would just break the spec... All the good mercs know pyro is much more viable in pvp and more fun anyway it just sucks pve.
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I have never seen any BH or Commando use full auto in pvp. And I didn't just write this post after playing a few matches. This is after weeks of watching several individuals in pvp literally spam tracer missile/grav round. Sure, maybe they also use instant casts in between, but I don't see how they are using too many other abilities, because not a second goes by when they are fighting that they aren't channeling it.


And they end up with 500k+ damage in matches. Every match. Compared with an average of 200k-300k for other classes, it just doesn't seem balanced. Maybe I'm wrong, and it will all balance out in a few weeks.

I'm shocked you've literally never seen a BH or Commando use full auto, it sounds like hyperbole to me but who knows maybe in your situation this is correct. One thing I would like to point out though specifically for Commandos is that the current risk/reward of using Full Auto is bugged. If you hit a Commando at any point during his cast of Full Auto he loses 1/3 of his damage (or at least one of the 3 damage tics) it is really. I still see people use this ability constantly and still do so regularly myself but only when not engaged by anyone. I understand that Commando hate is the current trend, and that Tracer/Grav will probably end up nerfed, but seriously at times the stuff people come up with on the forums is amazing.


I suspect this is all booty chatter but if d00dz are ending up with 500k+ every match from only tracer missile/grav rounds lets get your server name, a decent BH/Commando could apparently destroy the whole server.


Purple lightning you're next!


It's why I went Pyro a while ago. I do sooooo much more damage simply because I don't get gang piled as soon as I start with tracer. I can sit their and machine gun RS and PS and nobody seems to notice. People die just as quick.

Good call, the "underdog" builds in new MMOs are always a good way to go for a long time, it'll probably be quite a few months before people start zomging about pyro 6k powaa shots!!!1!

Edited by SWImara
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