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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Healers = Alpha Class


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People talk about Biochem being out of balance, but to be frank I don't see it, I'm 400 Biochem, my perma-medpack is a nice thing to have, but its literally a hail mary pass in regards to facing any geared class that heals.



So what your saying is any class that heals needs a nerf? Perhaps they are your anti-class. You should not be able to beat everyone or your class is OP.

Edited by Dwarfy
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I don't know what to say. I play a commando healer and after awhile I can't keep myself up against marauders. They're the strongest PvP class. I could see if you were a missile spammer or something.


Maybe you are having an issue because they are sprinting away and healing themselves while you are snared? I don't know man, but it is apparent that marauders were designed to wreck healers and most of them do.


Well alot of the problems I've had with healers don't have anything to do with 1v1 encounters. I said in another post that on keller's void a 1v1 encounter with a healer is very, very rare. Normally the repub premades come with 3 minimum plus a tank to protect the healers.


I get bitter because I constantly feel like I'm the only one who even cares about stopping healers from doing their job.

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1v1 a healer should be able to heal 100% of incoming damage. Working as intended. :rolleyes:


Edit for clarification: A heals that is only healing himself should not be at risk of dying, since, you are not at risk of dying either. If the heals starts to DPS they risk wasting their resources and not being able to keep their heals up to match your damage output. They can try to cheese you down slowly, in which case you should definitely be able to avoid a death, but going all out will definitely end up in a loss due to lack of resources. A heals that can stand 1v1 against you by out-healing your solo DPS is no better and no worse than you are. Teamplay, mate.




A Healer healing himself should NOT be able to heal himself (or herself) indefinitely 1v1. The objective in any scenario is to win. How do you win? By killing the other person. How do you kill the other person? By applying damage.


A Healer's strength is not to have the capacity to keep someone alive. Their strength is in keep that person afloat long enough for someone else to kill the person attacking the thing being healed.


Look - if this were a game where the focus revolved around the patterns of 1v1 combat, then it would be different. But it's not. Every AC in the game had more than 1 function - except for two (which I will get to in a moment.) It revolves around a team scenario. A Healer's job is to keep people alive long enough to score/win.... long enough to keep the upper hand in their favor. If they could keep heals up indefinitely... then no one would ever achieve the objective.


This is precisely why they can do other things too - like Attack. If they were 100% guaranteed to be able to sustain life indefinitely, then they wouldn't need to attack - and they shouldn't. But, most games make this error: give them Godly heals, and then decent attacks (because they have to be able to kill stuff in order to win) and then you have what is called a Tank Mage. Because of what 1.1.1 did to Scoundrels/Ops... this game is now soaked with them.


Now, back to those people who didn't have more than one function: Scoundrels/Ops. Have you ever heard the "myth" that we only do one thing? "If you take this away, you have to give us something else, because we HAVE nothing else." We said this because it was 100% true. It wasn't a myth. The Main PvP spec was Scrapper/Concealment. We had one job - one: kill the healer. Why? Because once we did that, our team could capture the objective. We couldn't do it on our own - we were just a cog in the wheel. And you know what? We needed them too - because once we did our job... we were immediately focus fired. Without help... it were dead.. period. And rightly so - we died easily, because it directly mirrored our ability to kill easily.


Ever wonder why the Healer Scoundrel/Ops were the worst healers in the game? It's because we also had the potential to produce some of the best DPS in the game amongst healers. Sure, we were still Melee... but even without the nifty tricks of the Scrapper Line - we were still able to put some hurt on someone in quick fashion. This is why our healing (by measure) sort of sucks.


Scoundrels/Ops don't have closers and very reliable escapes, because we killed so efficiently. It was quick - professional - clean. Get in, get out.


Healers that are very good at what they do, have to have defficiencies in their design too.... and they did - they were weak against us. But no longer. And now... those Tank Mages do not have a counter-weight to keep them in balance.


Man... this game pisses me off....

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I'm not really hating healers I'm just noticing that yes there is something out of joint here. Whatever class that was supposed to be their trump card is no longer capable of doing its job.


Its that you are actually right Ops and Scoundrels, when we have one that is concealment spec can drop a healer, in the right situation, long enough for everyone to gang pile the healer and get rid of it, but Ops and Scoundrels alone can't get the job done.


And maybe thats why there is a sudden rise in prominence in regards to how much effect healers are having in PvP in general. Because I will admit its something that only just recently seemed to come into prominence. Previous to the Op/Scoundrel nerf, healers were there and even previous to that there were a few that knew how to really get their money's worth from the Salvation bug, but healers seemed a lot less problematic.


And it is probably a case of exactly what you are saying. Operatives and Scoundrel's were probably the predator in the circular food chain that were explicitly effective at taking down healers, thus breaking cross healing chains more effectively and making it easier for teams to take down groups of healers.


Now with the predator missing, groups of healers in PvP are nearly impossible to stop. Because the chain of healing cannot be interrupted without as previously stated, consistently focusing each healer with 2x people, which cannot be effectively done in an 8 vs 8 scenario without losing complete operational capability.


As per usual as I sleep seems there have been the mix of OMGL2P posts, posts from people who are seeing this issue too, healers who are admitting they're impossible to kill....and this post here which I feel actually hits the issue on the head.


It is a team game in PvP, and team PvP means each class has a position in the food chain and a predator that is especially dangerous to it, and the healing AC's have lost their primary predator and are now require mini-zerging to even get them out of the equation.


And the problem is, killing healers really only gives you a few seconds of respite, before they're right back doing the same thing.


So I think the quoted post is actually right, its not so much that healers are god classes, its that they don't have any class that is specifically designed to keep them in line any more....so they just seem alpha cause of that.


This is exactly right on.


(Not directed to you Ashes)


Look - people. You have to realize, a very important piece to this flow of PvP has been castrated.




Sawbones - Okay Heals, Okay DPS


These guys are the "Bards" of the game. They aren't there to devastate anything. They are there to accompany another player who has a more defined Role. If someone needs a little more HP because of some random Burst - they are there to relieve the main Healer so they don't burn through their juice so fast. If someone is having a hard time taking a dude out... here comes Sawbones to give you that little bit of extra umph to get the job done. These guys sacrifice specific strengths and particular focus so they can weave in and out of any situation.


Dirty Fighting - DoT Damage DPS variable Range


These guys were there to take on the Heavies if needed, but Primarily the Nukes. You'll notice that they use DoTs... it's what the tree is all about - it's because it bypasses everything. It's internal damage. The problem is, it's too slow to affect a Healer.


Scrapper - VERY High DPS minimal Defense


You can always tell what your target is by looking at what your strengths and weaknesses are. Who on the battlefield has minimal offense and LOTS of HP - so much HP, they can pass it around like candy? HEALERS! You'll notice... Healers now run rampant. Why? Because we can't do our job.


1.1.1 threw everything completely out of whack. And it was all because of a simple little ol' 3s Stun and a reduction in Armor Penetration (which by the way... was so we could deal with the Heavy Armor Healers. You know... those guys who spam Tracer Missile? Funny... they can't spam those on people they can't see.)


Oh... I KNOW we made you mad. I know it! It's because you were always being killed by us. Always, always, always. It's because we were doing our job. The reason it became such a problem was because there were a lot of people who played those very specific AC's.


I rest my case people. There is nothing anyone can say that can refute this. It's written all over the wall. Not that it matters... it will never be fixed. It will forever stay in this perpetual motion of nerf. As soon as Healers get nerfed (and they will)... the very next thing that will get nerfed is the Nukes, and then the Tanks right after.

Edited by Raice
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A Healer healing himself should NOT be able to heal himself (or herself) indefinitely 1v1.


Yes. They should.


Also, LOL at your giant Scoundrel/Ops nerf QQ post. Our class needed the nerf. Yes, I said *our* class.

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So what your saying is any class that heals needs a nerf? Perhaps they are your anti-class. You should not be able to beat everyone or your class is OP.


Its an anti-class that makes every other class my anti-class which makes it sort of a "super villain" class, in my books.

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There should be a way to interrupt all the heals available to a healer, then it would be fine.


Right now you interrupt innervate, they use dark heal, you stun them, they use bubble, cast Dark Infusion, you interrupt, and they're back to using innervate (or resurgence / revivification) and when you stun them again they now have full resolve and are probably only at about 60% health.


Only serious burst can take down a healer solo, that's how it should be, but it should be a tad easier for other classes to lock them down for just a little bit longer.


They should also give out more medals for healing however.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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Look - if this were a game where the focus revolved around the patterns of 1v1 combat, then it would be different. But it's not. Every AC in the game had more than 1 function - except for two (which I will get to in a moment.) It revolves around a team scenario. A Healer's job is to keep people alive long enough to score/win.... long enough to keep the upper hand in their favor. If they could keep heals up indefinitely... then no one would ever achieve the objective.


That actually makes very little sense when you think about it.


According to what you've just said, I, as a healer, am supposed to be able to keep one person alive while he kills someone else. That's grand, but you're effectively saying that as part of a 2v1 scenario, we should always win. I would suggest that if we didn't always win a 2v1, it would be truly ridiculous.


However, if (as you're suggesting) a healer shouldn't be able to compete with the DPS of ONE DPS role character, then a numerically balanced fight of 2 (Healer + DPS) v 2 (2 x DPS) would NEVER be a win for the side with the healer, given both sides are equally geared and skilled. Hell, it would be most efficient to actually kill the DPS first and ignore the healer, because the healer is contributing less. And if that was the case, would there be any point in having healers at all?


Personally, healers are fine as they are. Given their lack of Utility and resource deficiencies, I'd say Scoundrel/Op healers are a tad underwhelming.


Any DPS specced player who knows what he's doing and has a sensible spec can at the very least shut down a healer specced player, and if left to their own devices, will probably eventually drain the healer to having no resources to cast with, and so will die.


Unless the DPS is playing badly, a healer cannot stand still and out-heal the incoming damage from a DPS using his interrupts and stuns well while hitting on them. And if they stop healing to fight back, they will have both stopped healing AND be doing less than optimal DPS in retaliation. So they can try to Kite for a while, but decent DPS can usually handle that. While kiting, my retaliatory DPS or healing drop even further, so I'm never actually going to WIN the encounter, just survive it.


I fail to see how it is unbalanced when the best case scenario for a healer is that neither party kills the other.

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Right thank you for being the first person to completely assume things about someone you don't even know.


I'm not terrible, Healers are the alpha class in PvP, the only healers that aren't are terribads that don't understand their class at all.


Not all Consular's have bubble mate. Just sayin'.


You can work the rest of this out for yourself.

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Wrong, you can't balance the game based on a rare occourance. It is not very often that a team has 2+ healers.


The devs cant account for every possible scenario and balance based on a whole team of healers or a whole team of merc, etc.


The other thing you have to keep in mind is thier team's damage is very gimped if there are 4 healers in the WZ. I have lost some matches where we had 3+ healers as we could not kill any of them either.


Wrong. You completely missed the point, or you aren't very familiar with typical pvp.


First, it's the second time I've had this happen to just me.


Second, as most pvp players know, as soon as a strategy, tactic, or class becomes an "I win" button, it will be adopted by the masses. In this case, it will probably be limited to premades. Which helps.


Lastly, I still stand by my argument that if 4 of the same type (tank, dps, healer) results in victory, there is a balance problem. You won't achieve victory regularly with 4 tanks or 4 dps's, but the 4 healer combo was devestating.

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Healers in general are far tougher than they really should be.


Operative: Squishiest with the worst heals (In my experience), low utility, low survivability


sorc: Light armor. Use high energy and kenetic damage. My sniper decimates them all day


Merc: Heavy armor in healers ???? PROFIT. These guys are much harder than the predictable "TRACER MISSILE TRACER MISSILE TRACER MISSILE TRACER MISSILE TRACER MISSILE "

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Shield Rating and Absorption have absolutely nothing to do with Tech Abilities. But Armor does, because they are still considered energy/kinetic damage, which has nothing to do with Absorption and Shield.


Heavies wear Heavy Armor which protects against our Base Damage. Pre-nerf, a Scrap/Conceal had an ability (Flechette Round/Acid Blade) which allowed us to penetrate 50% of their armor. This was important, because it allowed our Base Damage to be effective against their armor.


Critical Hits are an entirely different matter. None of the Critical Damage falls under any sort of energy/kinetic/force descriptive. All Critical Damage is exactly the same from all Classes and Specs. This is what Absorption and Shield Rating was for.


This is how it worked: Suppose the following - I am a Scrapper fighting a Powertech -


My Accuracy rolls against their Defense which is a combination of different things: Their Level, Armor Rating, and a few other things.


If I lose the Roll, I apply Base Damage and nothing else. Because Heavies have such a high Armor Value (maximum in the game is 75%, achievable only by Heavy Armor), it directly influences and negates a particular amount of my Base Damage. If unchecked, it could be quite large - most of my Burst Rotation can produce about 1.5k Damage per hit, which is roughly 4-6 attacks. That alone is a lot, I agree. When you reduce that damage with the Armor Value (a reasonable number would be about 50%) then we suddenly have produced nothing. This is why we needed 50% Armor Penetration.


The Armor Penetration did not mean that they received 50% more damage from me. It meant that their Armor Value was reduced by 50%. So their 50% Armor Value, which cut my Base Damage by 50%, was reduced to 25%, which meant that 75% of my Base Damage was directly affecting their HP total. This is always happening against everyone, unless the Attack Specifically says it is Internal Damage (a DoT) or bypasses armor completely. Our Opener (Shoot First, and I forget the Op equivilant) was important, because when conjoined with Flechette Round/Acid Blade, it applied an Internal DoT which was not mitigated. The actual attack itself was - it was nothing. The DoT is what made our Rotation work in conjunction with our 3 Point Skill in the 4th Tier which gives us 3% Extra Damage to ALL Attacks when the target is Bleeding. Nothing else in our Rotation was a DoT - it was all standard Base Attack Stuff.


You'll notice, none of that had anything to do with Critical Hits. That's because we lost the Acc vs Def Roll. If we WIN the Acc vs Def roll, it goes into phase 2.


In Phase 2, a second roll is made; one between our Critical Chance (or Critical Rating if you prefer) and their Shield Rating. If the Shield Rating wins the roll, then how much ever Critical Damage we produce (which is Base + (Base * .5) + Surge%) is automatically reduced by their Absorption Rating. Effectively, it's an entirely different system that works exactly like Armor Value... except specifically for Critical Damage. This same system augments ALL Critical Damage, regardless of who it comes from. Even Attacks that bypass armor altogether - if they produce Critical Damage (which they do) then the Critical Damage is mitigated in this manner.


If we WIN the Critical Rating vs Shield Rating roll... then we apply 100% of our Critical Damage - again, this is ALL Critical Damage, regardless of the AC.



Shield Rating is the most important thing for a Tank against Concealment/Scrapper. When they were specced correctly, it was the very reason they were harder for us to kill. In the later levels, with equal geared opponents, the Tanks who were properly Specced and wore the proper equipment, were the bane of the Concealers. You can ask any of them and they'll tell you. We simply did not mess with them, because they would ruin us every day, and twice on Fridays.


The reason the Tanks could do this, was for one simple item that every single one of the Heavy Armor Specs are allowed to wear: The Shield Generator. If they did not wear it (which Troopers and BH's could opt to wear a Power Generator instead) then they effectively were cut off to this very vital piece of equipment that literally stopped us in our footsteps.


Healers/Squishies... were different. Why? Simple - they didn't have Shield Generators. They had Magic Bubbles which... well... they didn't do much against us, but they did a LOT against everyone else.


The only people left are the other concealers. And usually... concealers just did not worry about other concealers. Why? Because we never ran into one another. It's just that simple. We're all Stealthed - we don't see one another but for a split second on the off-chance we pass one another by. We certainly weren't looking for one another... it's just a waste of time. And even then, the fight usually boiled down to who got the first hit.


Look... this is how the game was designed. It was actually one of the most well thought out designs ever. And now... it's all borked, because the people responsible for keeping the healers/nukers in check are no longer able to do that.


It shouldn't take 2-3 people to take out one guy. That was MY job. I specialized in 1v1 combat for that very reason alone - to take out 1 dude at a time that could wreck and disable an entire team. My function is lost, and now these guys are running amok. This is not balance.


See! Proof that the "Text Crit" ability is way overpowerd. NERF THIS

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I'm constantly interrupting when working a healer, anyone in the 50 bracket should be. Its still not enough.


And I don't think it should require two people to take down every healer on a team.


That makes every WZ match a simple equation. X/2 where X = Healers, so each healer on a team is the equal of two players, so where X Team 1 > X Team 2 = Team 2 - X amount of players.


Or more simply put, if a team has 4 healers, and I have 2 healers, I lose by default because I don't have enough people to deal with the enemy healers.


U logicis abit broken cause if 4 healers are all full heal spec that side will lack dps. Add 2 fail fresh 50 and no dps at all.


Now if the other team has 2 solid healers wich is enough, they will have more dps and therefore most likely win.

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U logicis abit broken cause if 4 healers are all full heal spec that side will lack dps. Add 2 fail fresh 50 and no dps at all.


Now if the other team has 2 solid healers wich is enough, they will have more dps and therefore most likely win.


They don't need to have DPS they just need to stay alive and hold/take/complete objectives.


I don't think you understand you don't have to kill people all that much to succeed in a WZ, you just have to survive long enough to complete objectives, whether its scoring goals, taking gun towers, or blowing up doors, survival > *.* in PvP and healers = survival.


For clarity, you put an Operative Medicine and a Sorc Corruption behind me, I will NEVER die, I will literally be announced as immortal within the first five minutes of a WZ in this situation.


And since nobody can kill my healers without serious concentrated effort, I'm suddenly an unholy wrecking machine that you don't want to be anywhere near.


Guess what, that applies to anyone else that healers get behind. And since the healers cannot be dropped, simply forced to run away or try to get away from the person harassing them, all they have to do is get back in range, get a heal off, and it continues.

Edited by Ashes_Arizona
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All the people that disagree with this thread are clearly healers themselves and they do not want to be nerfed for something they know is true.


and all the just stun/ interrupt them people have never tried to kill a Merc/Commando healer, probably because you are a healer. But when you run and heal yourself with no chance of interrupting thats OP. I'm sorry.


Example: A Commando and I are the same level and around same expertise. I'm an Assassin. I stun and work my damage; she cc breaks. I force slow and wail on her. She begins to kite me. While running she can heal without a channel time. So you cannot interrupt it. Her heal amount is enough that if i lose her for a second i have to start all over. I chased this chick for a good 2-3 mins in a circle. constantly having to start over. She kites me long enough for her team to jump me and **** me. Not OP? Put anyone against me 1v1 and there is a equal chance for both of us to win. Put anyone 1v1 merc/commando healer. stalemate..never taking him down.


now people say thats how its supposed to be. okay... what about when that healer and a dps on their team face off against 2 of my DPS. That Healing is enough to keep 2 DPS from killing either the healer or the enemy DPS. No problem. That is usually how it is. normally you target the healer first.. they are supposed to be squishy. Nope. Not here.

no matter which you decide to go after you will always lose.


You shouldnt have to full team jump a healer just to take it down.. when one person is = to 2-3 people.. I hate to break it to you. but thats OP. Plain and simple.


Now there are going to be the ignorant children that are going to comment on this with the usual "you are just bad". I expect it. But remember you are probably the one trying to defend yourself from a well deserved nerf.

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My guildie is a WAr hero and he is very good healing merc he was pvping in the open world and with his companion torian he managed to kill 3 other players. I suspect they werent battlemaster gear but thats still 3 lv 50s vs 1. I still havent managed to kill him assasin with full champ stims and adrenals and interrupting. I think the healers are very good in this game but im not sure whether op is the right word for it. Like in Warhammer online healing was extremely strong too but that game has more skills to deal with that causing silence kd etc this game doesnt have as much as you need.



I think as the game moves forward other classes might get new skills talents or they might just get nerfed so i wouldnt worry too much.

Edited by Xerkics
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In pretty much every MMO ever made the players that control pvp are the HEALERS. Healers do this thing called healing which is to keep people alive. Are you saying that they shouldn't even be able to survive against 1 dps? If they can't defend themselves how are they going to be useful at all? If you go against a team with healers and you don't have any on yours you will lose because this is a MMO. If you want to win against teams you will need healers to counter theirs. Make some healer friends to insure that you get some heals in warzones. Healers already have a 30% reduction in warzones what else do you want? Welcome to MMO pvp where you fight a team of people with different roles and not npcs. Edited by Ellvaan
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All the people that disagree with this thread are clearly healers themselves and they do not want to be nerfed for something they know is true.


and all the just stun/ interrupt them people have never tried to kill a Merc/Commando healer, probably because you are a healer. But when you run and heal yourself with no chance of interrupting thats OP. I'm sorry.


Example: A Commando and I are the same level and around same expertise. I'm an Assassin. I stun and work my damage; she cc breaks. I force slow and wail on her. She begins to kite me. While running she can heal without a channel time. So you cannot interrupt it. Her heal amount is enough that if i lose her for a second i have to start all over. I chased this chick for a good 2-3 mins in a circle. constantly having to start over. She kites me long enough for her team to jump me and **** me. Not OP? Put anyone against me 1v1 and there is a equal chance for both of us to win. Put anyone 1v1 merc/commando healer. stalemate..never taking him down.


now people say thats how its supposed to be. okay... what about when that healer and a dps on their team face off against 2 of my DPS. That Healing is enough to keep 2 DPS from killing either the healer or the enemy DPS. No problem. That is usually how it is. normally you target the healer first.. they are supposed to be squishy. Nope. Not here.

no matter which you decide to go after you will always lose.


You shouldnt have to full team jump a healer just to take it down.. when one person is = to 2-3 people.. I hate to break it to you. but thats OP. Plain and simple.


Now there are going to be the ignorant children that are going to comment on this with the usual "you are just bad". I expect it. But remember you are probably the one trying to defend yourself from a well deserved nerf.


All the people who say "All the people that disagree with this thread are clearly healers themselves and they do not want to be nerfed for something they know is true" are clearly DPSer's who have inappropriate PvP specs or are bad players who can't do what is a relatively simple affair of taking down a healer and want everything to be easy mode.


See what I did there. I made up some arbitrary assignment because it suits me. That must mean it's true... /facepalm


EVEN if it were true (which it clearly isn't) that all healers were immortal in 1v1 fights, they are hard to kill because they can heal. Do you know what they're not doing when they're healing. They're not DPSing. If they're not DPSing then nobody is going to die, so it's a stalemate. That means they're not over-powered in 1v1.


Even if you ignore that (as so many people have a want to do), for the goodness-knows-how-manyeth-time in this thread, let it be said AGAIN that beating a healer does not necessarily mean killing them. Being a team game, it just mean preventing them from healing the rest of their group. If one person can do that while their team's healers remain active, They win. It's as simple as that.

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Healers are very strong, however you cannot achieve anything without dps.


You cannot compare dps to heals when the absence of a dps means a cap is near impossible.


I had 4 healers in a civil war, we lost because while we couldn't die we didn't have sufficient dps to kill them before reinforcements or simply kill their guarded single healer.


Healing only becomes overpowered when in all or most circumstances a healer is preferred over a dps, which is simply not the case.

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I see all these messages about sorc/sage healer and op/scoudrel healer. I don't understand why most of you forget about merc healer?


I play a merc healer and IMO it is by far the best healer out there. We don't have an in combat revive and we don't have a giant AoE heal but our single target heals are literally unstoppable.


I can easily do a 1vs4 1vs5 and even 1vs6 and survive because when I pop my shield I become uninteruptible for the duration which I then pop my relics/adrenals and then begin healing myself for 6k without end and in the time that no amount of DPS can really kill me my team then destroys the people who were attempting to kill me.


Most PvP matches I'm in end with "nerf Beleka" "nerf merc" and I constantly have people raging in general chat that I didn't die to their entire team. I often run with a tank friend and when he puts his guard on me he and I normally go into alderaan and destract 7 of the other team for a good 1-3 minutes while our team takes he other two bases no problem.


I walk through the fire and over the acid and don't even care. PvE is even more of a joke because all of my heals hit for 4-7k without end.


Most of my server always sends me tells and tells me they don't even bother targeting me because they know I'm not going to die. When I do die people in general chat often yell WE KILLED HER! OMG WE GOT HER!!!.


I don't understand this obession with the other healers and the lack of love we get. People always say "target the sorc!" while the commando on the other team is keeping everyone alive.


Merc healer>all.


Get at me bro!


As for ontopic IDK I'd say we should be nerfed if it wasn't for the fact that we get 4 medals tops and every match ends with my damage and kills being 0 so that I'm just keeping my team alive. Which is what I was under the impression we were suppose to do. I can't attack and heal at the sametime or I lose too much heat and then die. So any 1vs1 is just a stalemate for me.

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