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It's not even healthy anymore


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And here is the typical fanboi response. No this is how it should work not how I wished it worked. This will be one of the many reasons why you will see this game fail. Just like warhammer because they waited until the end to fix the cc problems in the game


I'll let you in on a secret. Whenever you start off a post be calling someone a "fanboi" it doesn't matter what the rest of your post says. Your post could provide the cure for cancer and it wouldn't matter because you've proved you have no argument just in that first phrase alone, since you have to resort to insults.

Edited by YanksfanJP
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being CC'd and killed isn't fun. fun combat is made up of attacks and counters.


you don't see 2 boxers go in the ring, and one pulls out a stun gun and then proceeds to wail on the other guy until he passes out. get a clue!


Wait where is this boxing mmo? I want to play it.






Looks to me like that guy got stunned then got the sh*t kicked out of him

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I'll add my 2 cents even though I admittedly suck at PVP. The resolve system for me is that white bar I see count down as I wait for the gate to come down in Huttball. Every time I get cc'd and my freedom ability is not available, I die. It doesn't matter if there is one person fighting me or more.
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I didn't read this entire thread so I'm sure its been discussed but the biggest issue with Resolve right now, especially for melee classes, is the following:


Roots/Snares are not affected by Resolve.


This is extremely frustrating as a melee class considering being rooted/snared is practically the exact same thing as being stunned/CC'd.


While rooted/snared as a Juggernaut, I only have 3 ranged abilities: Force Scream, Vicious Throw, and Saber Throw. Force Scream and Vicious Throw both have very small ranges so the only thing I can do while rooted/snared is use Saber Throw if it's not on CD. Other than that, I'm forced to sit there while the Sorc/Sage spams Force Lightning on me further snaring me for when my root expires. Don't forget that while I'm sitting there in the root eating the Force Lightning that my Resolve bar is emptying and that by the time I reach the Sorc/Sage, he can just CC me again.


They either need to create a diminishing returns system for snares/roots while still keeping the Resolve system or simply add roots/snares to the Resolve system so when your bar is full, you cannot be snared/rooted. Both of these changes would force players to choose their CCs more wisely, especially against melee classes, instead of simply spamming them when their up.

Edited by copasetic
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It just translates to 'I literally can't beat people without them being frozen in place and not able to fight back'.


That just about sums it up -- before the nuts and bolts were even chosen, whoever is responsible for the current state of PvP already had these people in mind.


When facing opponents, the following has become a rather general rule. Can't land a hit on me? CC me. Starting to panic? Blow all your cooldowns. Looking for help? They're dying -- snare me again. Running out of options? Jump around, slow yourself to a crawl while hoping to make contact with one of your instants. It actually irks me when I see melee opponents do this. IT TAKES THE FUN OUT OF THE ENCOUNTER!


Oh and also... even having an option to become immune to not just pushback (which I can understand for casters) BUT INTERRUPTS IN PVP COMBAT? :eek: Seriously though, this game presents so many crutches that perhaps most people will find no legitimate reason to improve! :(


The pinnacle of just how ridiculous the CC is in this game is try healing in a WZ. I actually lol at the amount of time I spend white-barred. I had a 1v2 on my sage (heal spec) verses an sin and sorc. In 40 seconds I was white-barred 3 times. Two classes with enough CC to fill the resolve bar 3 times in 40 seconds is stupid and they aren't alone in that club.


Right on, though from my observations cover classes have it just as bad if not worse. One way to look at it is at least friendlies are more inclined to aid their healers.


Roots/Snares are not affected by Resolve.


QFT. Apparently Bioware/EA thinks melee PvP needs to be even slower than it already is.

Edited by Akabeth
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CC in WH wasnt the issue.


IN WH it was the stacking insta death AoE, and the fact that nobody bothered to check if the servers could handle the kind of numbers that wanted to attack citadels.


The knock backs and CC in WH were ok, and in general the class design was very good.



My worst memories of CC in Warhammer were this. Magus uses an AOE 150 ft pull to suck in our entire warband at once. That's 24 players. Then Dok uses his morale 3 to AOE stun everyone of us for fifteen seconds. Then Sorcs, and Choppa's, and anyone else with an AOE bomb kill all 24 of us within 3 seconds. Warhammer CC was out of control. KOS 6 man could destroy absolutely everything we threw at them everytime we crossed them for months because of this set up. Most dangerous player on our server was a Magus all because of this AOE pull with unlimited targets.


Do not talk about Warhammer Online as doing CC right. They were the original culprits of how to do it wrong.

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Yeah the CC in this game is out of control. There is no intelligence behind it 90% of the time, its just spam spam spam spam...there is no drawback to using it, so just spam it out there. It needs to be toned down.


I don’t care if its a stun/root/snare/knockback/mind trap or kick in the nuts, its all CC and causes characters to be chain CC'd easily for 15 seconds plus straight all while getting beat on by multiple people.


The system needs a rework.

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My worst memories of CC in Warhammer were this. Magus uses an AOE 150 ft pull to suck in our entire warband at once. That's 24 players. Then Dok uses his morale 3 to AOE stun everyone of us for fifteen seconds. Then Sorcs, and Choppa's, and anyone else with an AOE bomb kill all 24 of us within 3 seconds. Warhammer CC was out of control. KOS 6 man could destroy absolutely everything we threw at them everytime we crossed them for months because of this set up. Most dangerous player on our server was a Magus all because of this AOE pull with unlimited targets.


Do not talk about Warhammer Online as doing CC right. They were the original culprits of how to do it wrong.


Great and now Mythic and BioWare have created SWTOR. Get ready to relive this kind of stuff all over again.

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If your resolve bar has gone white, you're immune to CC (but not snares or roots) until it runs out 8-12 seconds later. If it hasn't gone white, you can still be CCed.


Very untrue. Resolve is broken, I've been stunlocked while having a white resolve bar. Though to its credit it does work sometimes, just not most of the time. CC isn't the problem its the bugged out resolve system.

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Very untrue. Resolve is broken, I've been stunlocked while having a white resolve bar. Though to its credit it does work sometimes, just not most of the time. CC isn't the problem its the bugged out resolve system.


They can't code to get a BG win counted correctly on a quest, so I wouldnt expect them to get Resolve working bug free. Heck, My 1st Snipe is supposed to be 100% chance of instant when taking cover and isn't always instant. Heck, they can't even put a friendly message like "You cannot take cover here." instead of a program error message... I could go on for days. Its pretty sad actually.

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I COMPLETELY agree with you OP. I was playing last night and during my 10millionth game of huttball I sat there and said to myself "this is NOT fun" I mean seriously, how long do we ACTUALLY get to control our characters with all the stuns, roots, knockbacks, freezes, slowdowns, etc?


Any PVP that allows your character to not be able to be controlled for even half your PVP time is just plain bad design. I was annoyed with this at first when I started playing PVP in this game, but last night everything just came to a head and I got so frustrated I just logged off and started playing Kingdoms of Amalur. I think an even bigger problem for me is a i play a sith jugg and we can not only be kited all day long, we hardly have ANY form of knockback, ensnare, or root effect. Sure we have back hand, but this doesn't work half the time because of players with shields or bubbles up, so the stun effect is mute.


All we have is force choke and force push, and again, will not work under certain conditions. Play a sorcerer though, you can win all day long. Bubble, speed burst, long range DPS, healing, CC, they have it all. This game is more infested with sorcerers right now then rats during the black plaque.


I am definately at my breaking point right now...with Bioware making the CD effect even worse then before and exploits in WZ's still not being fixed, to countless other bugs they haven't even touched yet, I am just about through with this game at the moment.

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I think an even bigger problem for me is a i play a sith jugg and we can not only be kited all day long, we hardly have ANY form of knockback, ensnare, or root effect.


I have seen juggernauts flat out dominate huttball with their mobility and knockback. I think you're doing it wrong

Edited by SLRPSJ
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I COMPLETELY agree with you OP. I was playing last night and during my 10millionth game of huttball I sat there and said to myself "this is NOT fun" I mean seriously, how long do we ACTUALLY get to control our characters with all the stuns, roots, knockbacks, freezes, slowdowns, etc?


Any PVP that allows your character to not be able to be controlled for even half your PVP time is just plain bad design. I was annoyed with this at first when I started playing PVP in this game, but last night everything just came to a head and I got so frustrated I just logged off and started playing Kingdoms of Amalur. I think an even bigger problem for me is a i play a sith jugg and we can not only be kited all day long, we hardly have ANY form of knockback, ensnare, or root effect. Sure we have back hand, but this doesn't work half the time because of players with shields or bubbles up, so the stun effect is mute.


All we have is force choke and force push, and again, will not work under certain conditions. Play a sorcerer though, you can win all day long. Bubble, speed burst, long range DPS, healing, CC, they have it all. This game is more infested with sorcerers right now then rats during the black plaque.


I am definately at my breaking point right now...with Bioware making the CD effect even worse then before and exploits in WZ's still not being fixed, to countless other bugs they haven't even touched yet, I am just about through with this game at the moment.


I play a Jugg and dont have the same issues. In fact I am rarely CCed to the point that i feel it is out of control. I think the problem may be the way you approach PVP. I dont mean to be a jerk, but if you are just randomly attacking people you can force charge to and getting soloed you are doing it wrong. Hang back, find the enemy with the lowest HP bar that is actively getting attacked by at least one of your teamates, taunt the enemy and GUARD whoever that enemy is attacking and then jump in and help kill him. Nothing good can come of a solo Juggernaut chaarging in on a lone Trooper or Smuggler that is hanging back away from the action. You will get knocked back, snared, kicked in the nads, and DPsed down with none of your friends around to help and Im sure that is very frustrating.

Edited by sithkllr
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Players use CC abilities to CC... News at 11.


You ever think that YOUR fun (running up to and mauling people) isn't fun for them?


The fact that snares aren't affected by resolves is dumb.


The fact that there are immobilizes that ignore resolve is dumb.


The fact resolve doesn't break current CC, even an 8 second one is flat out nonsensical.


The fact that Snipers complain about having to be in cover, but are immune to charge, can knock me back and root me in place, and even if I can get back in range they can stun me for 6 seconds all while unloading the highest burst damage in the game post Operative nerf is dumb. I wouldn't care if I had some say over the course of the battle, but I don't, if they have their CC< I lose, I die, there is nothing I can do, not being in control, not having an affect on the course of any battle is stupid in PvP.


The fact that there is no DR, which in this game could even be proportional to the resolve bar and be visual is dumb.


The fact that 25% of the classes have a 20 second CD AoE knockback is dumb.


The fact damage doesn't break CC is archaic.


People don't like dying? So? They should learn to play their class.


Not having any control over your character for sometimes up to 20 seconds, and looking a full resolve bar for 8 of those is gamebreaking.


The fact that 2/3 Warzones are nothing but CC/AoE knockback spamfests doesn't interest me.


The PvP isn't bad in SW:TOR, its just broken. It isn't fun. There should never be a point, where being afk would be just as effective as playing at ANY point during PvP.


It just isn't fun anymore, its frustration, the only fun Warzone is Alderaan, Huttball isn't even that fun, if one side knows what it is doing, its 6-0, if both sides do, its just a massive knockback/AoE/CC fest with no actual skill, half the time you die before being able to properly target something because targeting is janky and tab target doesn't work properly, and you are slowed and were knockbacked out of range of anything.


I hate to say it, but I had more fun as a Rogue vs a Frost Mage in WoW (a game I haven't played in over a year, and which I will not play again regardless, it sucks, and has for a long time, and Panda won't make it better but I still have a point to make), because even with all of their control, all of their CC, if I was better, if I played properly I could win. THAT is what PvP should be.


SW:TOR PvP isn't "slower" like they said it would be, I can unleash stupidly high AoE smash crits. Burst is stupid in this game. Healing is stupid in this game (for those of you who think healing is weak, you're doing it wrong).


My friend who plays a Sniper doesn't want to play anymore because he isn't having fun facerolling in PvP, and being able to kill a Tank who never gets to move.


My friend who heals doesn't want to play anymore because he has so few abilities to use, but they keep him above 90% the whole time (Operative).


My friend who plays a Sorc is bored because he hits AoE knockback on CD and then stuns/kills him. If he is in any remote danger, he can just pop bubble and sprint. Its what 30 seconds for sprint? And 20 seconds for knockback? I've never understood how bad Sorcs complain about dying too easily, neither does my friend, who doesn't.


On my Sentinel it was boring because I was the most overpowered thing in the game, and yet I can come on forums and see 99% of Sentinel players QQing that they are weak. On my Juggernaut the only difference is not having Force Camo to actually get on top of a Sniper or ranged without being rooted forever, but when I do get on top of them 5k AoE smash crits are balanced how?


And finally my friend who plays an Operative DPS already quit because he got pissed off when everyone rerolled Operative as FotM, and he would open on something kill it in 3 seconds (which pissed him off, he prefers skill based classes) and then have some terribad reroll open on him and kill him regardless of whether he pops stun break or not because Ops are also squishy.


Too much CC, too much burst, minimal skill, and no strategy. Thats what PvP boils down too right now.


I still subbed for 3 months, because it isn't un-salvageable and I want the game to succeed. But after playing TERA in the sneak peak this last weekend, its apparent that even with all that games faults, it has far more engaging skill based PvP. SW:TOR has until May 1st to figure out how to fix it or I'm gone.


I don't even care if people want to accuse me of whining, or QQ. Because I've been accused of being a blind fanboy in the past, people are just going to call me whatever they want if I don't agree with them, and honestly, the irony would make me smile, so please, in place of a n argument call me names because it'll be amusing to be simultaneously a hating QQ baby, and a hopeless fanboy blind from all negatives about the game.


At least Skyrim released the Creation Kit, and Mass Effect 3 is coming out soon, because half the time I can't even be bothered to log in anymore.


With everything wrong about the PvP its bad that all I can partake in is 3 Warzones, and Ilum which is broken and doesn't even give credit for kills now.

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Do you have any suggestions on how it should work? Or anyone for that matter... I hear a whole lot of complaining but no one offering any suggestions..


Yes its pretty simple. You take the resolve bar out completely. Add in a mechanic where it gives you a five second auto immunity after breaking or being released from the first cc event. Add in cc abilities that do not damage while being cc'ed. Add in a mez system that works better than the current one.


Take it from warhammer, the system they had at the start of the game was just like it is in this game. It was one of the major reasons why people left in droves. There were other problems with that game however when they fixed the cc it became a very fun and playable game.

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In Starcraft, if you're 1v2, you're done. Just quit.

In Counterstrike, if you're 1v2 (and players are of equal skill), you're usually dead.

In Modern Warfare, same as Counterstrike (assuming equal skill).

In BF3, same as Counterstrike.


There is no decent PvP game out there, where one player can easily defeat two equally skilled players. None. And there shouldn't be.


LOL this is where your idea of game play fails. I have on many occasions beat people 1v2 in both WOW, Warhammer, Counterstrike, Mohaa, Gears, hell pretty much every game I have had several instances of taking on 2 people and winning. That is part of being a skilled player. However the difference is all these games do not have the same BS cc system as this one does. From level 20 on I knew this was going to be a problem, it was failed testing or it was just people like you who want to cc someone for 3 minutes. Your argument sucks

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I think any wannabe serious MMO PvPer needs to take a course in 2v2 Starcraft and Counterstrike.


LOL 2v2 starcraft, man we are back to this argument? Starcraft is not a MMO, its not gear based and its in no way pvp orientated. You are building troops to attack other troops. If one side builds faster than the other then they win. Or if one side builds better troops they win. How can you compare a real mmo to starcraft?

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