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Bioware, Your New UI Is Causing Me To Be Sick. Literally.


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Honestly this change was not needed, and I have NEVER had such issues in any other games, but the flashyness is making me feel ill aswell.


Its just extremly poor design by bioware, its not needed, and it does far more harm then good.


Also my guild liked at early on, now almost every single one dislikes it.

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Turn the gamma down, you must be playing with the game far to bright for it to have such a effect on you.


It really isn't all that bright on my monitor. Which surprised me when I started having problems and figured out the link between the UI and my headache.


I've been wondering if it is more of a "death by 1000 cuts" kind of thing. So many little flashes so many times building up and causing strain.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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Turn the gamma down, you must be playing with the game far to bright for it to have such a effect on you.


I have an overall sensitivity to bright flashy lights, so for every game I play I turn the gamma way the crap down to begin with, and that pretty much solves my issue with every other game.

If I do that to this game I may as well just stop playing.

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I have an overall sensitivity to bright flashy lights, so for every game I play I turn the gamma way the crap down to begin with, and that pretty much solves my issue with every other game.

If I do that to this game I may as well just stop playing.


This is what I do too. I prefer a mellower shade of lighting in my room, even. My gamma was a few shades lower than norm to begin with.


I have a MILD sensitivity to lights as well, but I usually never have a problem ever. Not like THIS, anyways.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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This is what I do too. I prefer a mellower shade of lighting in my room, even.


I have a mild sensitivity to lights as well, but I usually never have a problem ever. Not like THIS, anyways.


I played Wow religiously for years, own every console ever (I am a total nerd and damned proud of it!), but I never had a game cause my head to just try exploding like this game does.


I even have my monitors brightness turned way down. Always the first thing I do when I get a new one.

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Anyone else getting migraines from the flashes in new UI?


Last two times I tried to play, the flashes hurt my eyes, gave me a headache, and caused minor nausea. Went away after logging and watching TV on laptop.


Here is my log of how I felt when I tried a third time:




T+ 0:00:01- Booted up game. Started playing normally.


T+ 0:10:00- Minutes in, noticed slight headache. Thought it might be placebo.


T+ 0:15:00- Headache worsens. Nope, wasn't placebo after all, was it?


T+ 0:25:00- I feel the need to take Tylenol but resist to try to do my little "experiment" here.


T+ 0:45:00- Headache is moderately bad. Noticed my left eyelid twitching every now and then around this point. Very obvious migraine.


T+ 0:55:00- Slight nausea noticed, headache remains moderate.


T+ 1:20:00- Nausea increasing somewhat. Headache the same.


T+ 1:30:00- I quit the experiment. Obvious enough that something besides the game wasn't causing this. It was the game.







I gain a similar effect to what I went through above by being under bad florescent lighting for any length of time greater than 15 minutes. And YES I was FINE before this patch.


And it makes sense, at least to me, because I have heard that lighting from a peripheral vision angle can start, aggravate, and make migraines and even seizures worse. The UI flashes just so happen to sit in the peripheral vision for me on both my gaming laptop and desktop computer.


Your UI LITERALLY makes me ill. Call me a troll. Call me whatever. I Don't care.


Here is a Screen-Capture of the log I kept where I would alt-tab out and write down how I felt.


http://i.imgur.com/4x4r4.jpg (Date is a day early by typo, did this today on the 7th).


For the group of other people feeling like this and getting similar headaches, dizziness, and nausea that I've seen on the forums: I'm going to try this experiment again soon, and I'm going to mess with the brightness settings and turn it down to see if I can make it better. I'll also experiment with smaller/larger resolutions and moving away and towards the computers. Hopefully they get rid of this. I don't want to use a gosh darned binocular to have to play this game.


Also, turning the lights on in the room help, for those looking to feel better and feeling similar to how I did, try this.


Bioware this is how you fix the problem:


Reduce the flashing. That is probably at the root of this. Perhaps some kind of mellow glow around the action ready to use would be nice? You guys use that elsewhere in the game, right?


Purely for game reasons, please make the GCD blacking-out effect more transparent. Better yet, scrap the effect you have, and go with counters or a "clock/pie" effect. I can't see who is in range and who isn't. Healing is hard. Neither can I see when certain cooldowns go off when they do.


OR allow us to have an option to revert to previous pre-patch settings. I never had any problems I was aware of with those.


Needless to say I'm pissed. You also owe me a few Tylenol. :mad:


You hate the game. Just uninstall it and move on to something you like.

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I played Wow religiously for years, own every console ever (I am a total nerd and damned proud of it!), but I never had a game cause my head to just try exploding like this game does.


I even have my monitors brightness turned way down. Always the first thing I do when I get a new one.


In all honesty and truth:


I would have preferred an arm reaching through my computer screen viciously slapping me across my face to the headaches and nausea that SWTOR causes. At least the slap would wear off in a few minutes.


I never thought a patch could physically hurt me. Now I know better.

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You hate the game. Just uninstall it and move on to something you like.




I hate having migraines, I hate dealing with bugs, and I hate the new UI in general for many reasons.


I do NOT hate SWTOR. I WANT it to succeed. Therefore, I am hoping the developers start writing some notes down and make the game better.


If they can get the UI fixed, and make a few more nice changes, and the "fun" level goes up IMO, I will re-sub.

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I thought you were friendly to me. :(


My feelings towards people alter as I read their posts :)


My post wasn't negative towards you. It was pointing out the other posters option and the reality of things. He doesn't have to read what you write. You have time to continue to voice your opinion.


Personally, I think the fact that you continue to voice your opinion means that you liked the game but there were things wrong with it that ruined your fun so you don't feel like funding BioWare for the nonce until these things are improved.

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A lot of players like the new GCD, but alot don't.


Personally, it doesn't really bother me it's just going to take a bit to get used to, but they can silence all this whining if they they add an option to switch the GCD from its new format to its launch format.


Then again you can never silence the trolls. :jawa_smile:

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It sucks they're going to need warning labels like on prescription medicine.


May cause dizziness, vomiting, headaches, and mild rectal bleeding.


I agree with your post but it did make me laugh. Just the way you laid it out reminded me of a movie. The Fly.


Day 1:


Having strange new hairs growing from hands.


Day 2:


My appetite for sugar has increased at an alarming rate.


Day 3:


I am now able to climb the walls.

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I noticed something earlier tonight which looked like a bad problem for this. Bioware ppl should look into this one.


Sometimes I see the horizontal-line-cooldown-thingie flicker rapidly, in various horizontal positions on the applicable hotbar button, in a malfunctioning sort of way. I at least saw it on my Quickdraw ability when it was on cooldown. I think I may have seen it on another one of my abilities as well.


That malfunction should be found and fixed, I do think it's the rapid sort of flickering that messes with epileptics/migrane-ppl/etc. I don't have this problem personally but yeah it can't be allowed to do that.

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Take two excedrin migraine. Not a troll. Take them. If this was suggest I apologize. I'm responding directly to the op. You might also want to talk to your doctor about a promethazine prescription, its an anti nauseatic (sp). It makes the nausea go away, in a nutshell. I take it, and it works wonders. Edited by Prolapse
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