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New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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This 1.1.2 version is even worse than previous, now its completely unreal to "read" the bars and effectively manage abilities.Please, just return the very first version, that was from the launch(or at least the 2nd/previous version) or make an option to change them.You are triying to invent the bicycle, but it is getting only worse, for the 2nd time allready, there's allready the fine solution, the very first version(that was from the launch) was nearly perfect and intuitive compairing to this two, just needed some polishing, and thats all.
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Originally Posted by Vessla

Such whining. The GCD effect is awesome. It helps my periphery vision i im now able to hit all my abiltys on CD. I play both PVE and PVP as a jedi knight and this effect has not affected my playstyle in a negative way.

Though i do not click on a single abilty, have all binded.


I can understand that clickers and ppl who havent learned their class has a problem with this.



^^^^The only way this makes sense, is if you sucked so bad you could not possibly have gotten worse. Just sayin.

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Of all the things I like about the game and the mostly non-issues I've had w/it, the new cooldown affect is really irritating. I didn't have ANY issues b4 knowing what skills were on CD or now and now I find myself squinting at my hotbar wondering if my skill are going to work. I've keybound all my most important skills so I wouldn't have to be staring at the key board all the time and now I find myself not being able to look away due to all the flashy lights. Its highly irritating. Please go back to one of the earlier builds of the bar. It was so much better than this abortion!






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Only just started playing so can't comment on the previous bar, but I actually can't work out which bar icon is active. They tend to all look grey to me. Can't they be brighter and just rotate like a clock face from dark to bright.


The interface is pretty bad really I have to say, sadly. One of the worst I've seen. The maps are confusing and they really can't handle levels properly for both terrain and buildings.


Dunno if you can change that menu from the top but whats up with having it in the bottom corner. And for goodness sake can we have the menu lock well out of the way of a clickable icon.


Other than that, good fun so far.

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Its really not that difficult. I play a JK, so i have to worry about CDs and Focus. I always pay attention to how much focus I have, and now can easily see what abilities are on CD. Seeing as how I know where each ability is on my bar (keybound), I can see which ones are available each GCD, or will be up soon, and plan ahead.



TL;DR: I pay attention to what's going on.

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I'm adding my voice to the negative. I can't tell whats on cooldown, available easly.. its definetly a step backwards. I would rather see them back to what they where or changed to something actually good.



this is exactly how we can expect them to deal with every single issue currently affecting this game. they'll make everything worse 2 or 3 times before reverting back to a version that people didn't complain (as much) about. if they ever actually deliver a new or improved feature that people approve of, i'll be shocked... after someone tells me about it because i sure as hell won't know as this is the last straw for me.

Edited by Bazouk
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this is exactly how we can expect them to deal with every single issue currently affecting this game. they'll make everything worse 2 or 3 times before reverting back to a version that people didn't complain (as much) about. if they ever actually deliver a new or improved feature that people approve of, i'll be shocked... after someone tells me about it because i sure as hell won't know or care.


It's so genius. They're trying to purposely make it worse so we appreciate what we had before. Finally it makes sense.

Edited by Thesseract
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I like the changes. While having OPTIONS is always a good thing, I like the changes to the UI.


That said, PLEASE give players choices regarding their UI. I believe this more than anything is something most all players can agree on.

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Guys read dev trackers , it makes me furious !!!!!! Two days and nothing no timeline seriously ?? So tommorow patch is just for one thing ?? they closed also the pool where is 53% negative answers lol not a big deal rofl !!!!

If there is no UI correction tomorow I hope lot of ppl will cancel subscription

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Guys read dev trackers , it makes me furious !!!!!! Two days and nothing no timeline seriously ?? So tommorow patch is just for one thing ?? they closed also the pool where is 53% negative answers lol not a big deal rofl !!!!

If there is no UI correction tomorow I hope lot of ppl will cancel subscription


already canceled.

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So you can sit and stare at spell effects going off on your screens all day long but a little light on your hot bars causes epileptic seizures?


Do some of you even read what you write before you hit Submit Reply?


I generally refuse to rise to a person doing nothing but spouting off at people, offering nothing on the topic, and generally just being ....heads but in this case I genuinely would like to know what you wanted for this comment?

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One would think that Bioware could create a client-side patch that killed the strobe flashing in the game that could be downloaded by users like me who can't play now due to ill effects caused by it.


We could download it and apply it without messing with other players game time.


I am seriously upset at the handling of this whole issue by Bioware.


This new effect is so radically different than what I saw in beta and at launch, and indeed in any other game I've ever played I feel like the victim of a bait and switch.


I can no longer physically play this game when I could up until the latest patch. It causes me great pain. I have many months left on my subscription unfortunately. I now must wait until march for 1.2 to be released in hopes of being able to play again (If the changes they make in 1.2 even fix this strobe issue).


All around this is a totally unsatisfactory situation.

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Guys read dev trackers , it makes me furious !!!!!! Two days and nothing no timeline seriously ?? So tommorow patch is just for one thing ?? they closed also the pool where is 53% negative answers lol not a big deal rofl !!!!

If there is no UI correction tomorow I hope lot of ppl will cancel subscription


Cancelled already. But to be honest I enjoyed the game prior to the change and I am an addict so if they fix it tonight or offer other incentives I'd probably come back.


If they keep up their current pace of ignoring the problem, dealing with Ilum instead, not updating us, posting stupid polls when anybody could tell from the forums just hours after release that it was going to be an issue, then I'll stay canceled and basically try to convince all of my guildies and friends who I play LOL and skype to quit as well. I will make it known to the world (actually just anybody I know and whoever asks) how incompetent Bioware has been. This whole debacle makes me feel bad that I convinced one friend to buy the game and now I'm quitting.

Edited by Thesseract
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Cancelled already. But to be honest I enjoyed the game prior to the change and I am an addict so if they fix it tonight or offer other incentives I'd probably come back.


If they keep up their current pace of ignoring the problem, dealing with Ilum instead, not updating us, posting stupid polls when anybody could tell from the forums just hours after release that it was going to be an issue, then I'll stay canceled and basically try to convince all of my guildies and friends who I play LOL and skype to quit as well. I will make it known to the world (actually just anybody I know and whoever asks) how incompetent Bioware has been. This whole debacle makes me feel bad that I convinced one friend to buy the game and now I'm quitting.


They knew five days in advance but ignored the poster... They knew a week in advanced and went with the positive only not the neg. posting of the few testers...


The person who wrote the code needs a beating, the person who oked it needs a beating and fired.

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Seriously.......Who in the even retarded mind would go....hey, I got an idea, lets make the cooldown graphic sooo horrible that it will be awesome! Yeah!....and then....they have to go through someone else for approval....then you wonder, who the hell was THAT person who approved it. I am betting they didn't even look at it, just said, hey, ya sounds good...wait what color did you say? Never mind, just go ahead with it, I'm sure it's fine.


............that is really the only way I can think how things happened at their office. Because SOMEONE thinking straight would have obviously put the kabosh on something this bad before it even got past test server....assuming they did test it, which appearently they didn't.

Edited by KOS_MOS
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Seriously.......Who in the even retarded mind would go....hey, I got an idea, lets make the cooldown graphic sooo horrible that it will be awesome! Yeah!....and then....they have to go through someone else for approval....then you wonder, who the hell was THAT person who approved it. I am betting they didn't even look at it, just said, hey, ya sounds good...wait what color did you say? Never mind, just go ahead with it, I'm sure it's fine.


............that is really the only way I can think how things happened at their office. Because SOMEONE thinking straight would have obviously put the kabosh on something this bad before it even got past test server....assuming they did test it, which appearently they didn't.


Truly brings about the actual quality, of the quality assurance - eh? :)

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